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Arrest Warrant


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This may come across as a strange one. My ex-wife is from Thailand. We are now divorced. Things got a bit nasty towards the end. When I was in the UK I sent a few txt messages to her mobile saying nasty things about [ a certain subject that is against Thai law]. This all happened over a year ago.

Im wanting to go back to Thailand for a holiday, but whats the chances I might get arrested for these txt messages to my ex??? Is it insufficient evidence to get arrested, especially with it being so long ago? (As I could just deny I never sent those txts)

I hope someone can advise me??????

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This may come across as a strange one. My ex-wife is from Thailand. We are now divorced. Things got a bit nasty towards the end. When I was in the UK I sent a few txt messages to her mobile saying nasty things about [ a certain subject that is against Thai law].. This all happened over a year ago.

Im wanting to go back to Thailand for a holiday, but whats the chances I might get arrested for these txt messages to my ex??? Is it insufficient evidence to get arrested, especially with it being so long ago? (As I could just deny I never sent those txts)

I hope someone can advise me??????

wow not so smart, who knows it depends on how much she dislikes you.... you can always try and come back,, if you get carted away well then youll know she didnt forget... :)

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The thing is mate you dont know the full story in depth. So you cant refer to anyone as stupid. Maybe if Thailand wasnt so corrupt and the people of it wasnt so 'obsessed' with money, and thai women trying to rip people off so much. Then foreigners might not get their back up so much.

All Im wanting to know is there a procedure / official way of finding out if there has been an arrest warrant issued for me??

Why do you want to come back, if Thailand is so bad?

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COme back and while you are at it send me your name so and flight details so I can send them to the police. You will find out if you have a problem when you arrive.

By the way it it is an idea to respect a country when you want to come here.

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Like I have already said, and will say for the 2nd time. YOU DONT KNOW THE FULL STORY IN DEPTH!!!!

The reason why I want to go back to thailand is irrelevant. What is relevant, is for someone who can help me with my 'forum post'

It makes no difference to me. If no-one can help Ill just go to Angleles City in Phillipines. Ive heard the women out there are even better!

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COme back and while you are at it send me your name so and flight details so I can send them to the police. You will find out if you have a problem when you arrive.

By the way it it is an idea to respect a country when you want to come here.


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This should do the trick. Get a criminal background check done before you leave your home country. Any arrest warrants will show up.

Criminal Record Check

Non-Thai Citizen

For non-Thai passport holders please contact the Royal Thai Police in Thailand at the address and telephone number below to receive information to process your application:

The Police Clearance Service Center

Building 24, Royal Thai Police

Rama I, Pathumwan

Bangkok, Thailand 10330

Phone: 66-2-205-2168-9

Fax: 66-2-205-1295

E-mail: [email protected]

For more information please visit: http://pcscenter.sb.police.go.th -Royal Consulate General Vancouver. Canada

And some friendly advice Tommy don't let other TV members get under your skin. There are many who troll the threads to flame other members, especially newbies. The Mods and Admins stay on top of thing pretty well. All caps is considered bad form and can get you a warning.

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Years ago a neighbor of mine got in a fight with his girlfriend about money and he ripped up a 500b note...She called the police they were there in 15 min and they arrested him......He payed a ton of money to get out.

As for you it would be best if the ex does not know you are here. But I really doubt you would have a problem.

She could never prove it was you.

You do sound really down on this place and it's people and this is only natural it would set some of the posters off.

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Thankyou very much for your information. I dont know how people can make comments about something they dont know the full story about. They must live a very sad life.

But thankyou mate.

No prob. As they say "hel_l hath no fury like a woman scorned."

It's easy to make asinine comments instead of answering an honest question. And it doesn't have to be an either/or choice. You can add a stop off in Angeles in your itinerary and still return to LOS.

Happy Trails.

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Also not very smart as your comments are now part of the public record. And now she have a lot more leverage over you than she did before.

Having said all that, let me also say that we all do stupid things in Unger, “ let he who is with out sin throw the first stone” You don’t need to explain your self to anyone but an apology to the Thai people and anyone else you might have offended might be in order.

As far as the warrant is concerned, what I would do is, to call your embassy in the UK , explain your concern, and ask for advised. Best of luck, and more restrain in the future.

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I'm pretty sure the law says that anyone can charge you with Les Majeste at any time. If I were you, I'd certainly pick another country for your holiday. You enter Thailand with no problems, your ex-wife knows it and files the charges. You are in the soup big time.

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Well thanks for telling me something I already know. There must be a way of finding out if there has been an arrest warrant issued for me?????? (I know its highly unlikely but Id like to know before I travel)

Well if your seriously worried its pretty easy contact a lawyer in Thailand and have them take a look, pretty much common sense....You respect the country when your here?? :D Hmm im not so sure it works that way, either you do or you dont regardless where you are on the planet. :)

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I do it all the time, whenever I am angry I start insulting royalty or presidents, it just depends where I am..

After that I start asking stupid trollish questions and SHOUT ON FORUMS, also I start calling people on forums idiots when they think something is wrong or funny with my strange question.. :)

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I do it all the time, whenever I am angry I start insulting royalty or presidents, it just depends where I am..

After that I start asking stupid trollish questions and SHOUT ON FORUMS, also I start calling people on forums idiots when they think something is wrong or funny with my strange question.. :D


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The thing is mate you dont know the full story in depth. So you cant refer to anyone as stupid. Maybe if Thailand wasnt so corrupt and the people of it wasnt so 'obsessed' with money, and thai women trying to rip people off so much. Then foreigners might not get their back up so much.

All Im wanting to know is there a procedure / official way of finding out if there has been an arrest warrant issued for me??

It takes two - one who takes - but one who gives -

it's only a "rip off" if things don't turn out after all - isn't it?

Contact a lawyer to be 100% sure and what if she finds out -

or you contact her and she turns against you?

Wouldn't be the first and certainly not the last - seems some are queuing to find out...

Edited by Samuian
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Posts have been deleted, some edited

I appreciate the OP would like to find out if there is a warrant out for him. In that regard Im leaving all comments that relate to the practicality of trying to find that out.

however, due to the nature of some remarks, Ive opted to delete the specific reference as to what nasty remark that broke the law.

please focus your discussion on how to find out if there is a warrant issued.

please do NOT turn this into a discussion of the merits of that law.

and certainly DO NOT turn this into a flame /insult throwing thread at each other. any further such remarks and warnings will be issued, possibly suspensions awarded

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you messed up and I guess you know what a silly boy you were by now. if I were you I would forego the Thai trip and go elsewhere just to be sure. you do not want to end up in a Thai prison waiting for a court date do you.

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Ask yourself this...........If the Thai's are looking for you, do you think they'd let you know....or say nothing and wait for you to go to Thailand?

If you talk to a thai lawyer about a warrant, would he/she not be in some way breaking this law too??

There's been case's where people wanted for a crime have fled the country.....BIB say no we already have someone for this crime or say we're not interested in this person.........well i think you know what happens when they go back!

But i do think its very dangerous the way anyone can accuse another of this crime,true or not,with little or no evidence,someone with a grudge could get you into a lot of trouble!

Can she prove it was you,(your phone?)

If your going back,you better think of a good story or better still deny everything!

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3 sides to every story, his side, her side and the truth. I am sure that HM never did anything to you so why abuse him? If you get locked up it's your fault. Besides if you think Thai women can be firey you will have even more fun at Angleles City in Phillipines

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I would only worry if it you are referring to r-----y ? .and even then is she likely to have informed the police ? did she tell you that ?,.one thing i wouldnt do is tell her you intend to visit,stay under the radar, ill bet you will be fine,. after all didnt you have your phone stolen a while back ! :)

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All these English language forums are monitored. So your not helping your cause by bringing it up on an open forum! :)

Now if you had of started off with - I heard this funny story the other day about a bloke married to a Thai girl...................

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