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Life In Thailand


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So why did I move to Thailand for? Back in my home country I was very happy with my wife she lived there for 5 years never ever had a problem apart from the high phone bills back to Thailand. Now I am here

I get threated like I don't exsist. Her behaviour changed a lot she only talks to family members all day and

night and friends to. She never talks to me apart from did you have a nice dinner? ( which I cook every day by my self anyway ) I do the washing for 4 people every day ( since I am the only one who has a washing mashine) i clean the dishes for every body and so on. And I can list many other things which would be to

time comsuming. And she has changed her religious things. In my country she just meditate at night time

here she spends at least one hour in the morning and at night time praying to all about 1000 buddhas and kings and queens or what ever which she has upstairs in the house. So what can I do?

just ignore it?

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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?

ignore it. celibacy is a healthy lifestyle. sex weakens your body and mind. thinking of sex distracts your mind and you might not be able to do the cooking and washing properly. :)

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Family and friends are at the top of the list. Farang, husband or not, is at the bottom. When you were in the UK she only had the phone.... now its easy .
I guess you got me wrong it is more important to talk to your family but never have sex with your husband ?
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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?

ignore it. celibacy is a healthy lifestyle. sex weakens your body and mind. thinking of sex distracts your mind and you might not be able to do the cooking and washing properly. :)

Thanks naam you are a great help
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Am I in the joke section by mistake? This is a joke, right?

If not...stop being the bloody maid and stand up for yourself. They will either do their own washing or wear dirty clothes - period. See how quick they learn to press that button rather than scrub their clothes in a bowl when you are not doing it for them. If you cook for yourself, then wash your own dishes and utensiles, let them do their own.

As to why she's not putting out - tell her you have needs and 5 years is not reasonable (and a valid reason for divorce or enullment). Then sign on to ThaiLoveLinks or something and let her see you do it!

Edited by wolf5370
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Am I in the joke section by mistake? This is a joke, right?

If not...stop being the bloody maid and stand up for yourself. They will either do their own washing or wear dirty clothes - period. See how quick they learn to press that button rather than scrub their clothes in a bowl when you are not doing it for them. If you cook for yourself, then wash your own dishes and utensiles, let them do their own.

As to why she's not putting out - tell her you have needs and 5 years is not reasonable (and a valid reason for divorce or enullment). Then sign on to ThaiLoveLinks or something and let her see you do it!

No I will never do this, singn in to to some stupid websites because I am in love with my wife

even so she does not show it I am just getting pissed of I am not the person she married, yes I am but she is not

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G'day Fred.

It sounds like you've morphed into a doormat.

Time to reverse the process and lay down the law.

I hope the house is a rental!

Sex? You know where to get that, surely. :)

Sorry GD but I never would have sex with anybody, as you know I am married but now I will open a nice tin of royal stout which I brought back from Malaysia( can not buy it here) and let you guys think about my problems :D
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hi fred i think you will not be alone i am sure there are many farang's not happy with there situation albiet for different reasons than yours. i think you need to speak with your wife and tell her how you feel and what is bothering you. ps 5 years is to long get that sorted out. my pet hate with my wife (1 of many) is when we go to her parents home and i can sit there for 2 hours without someone asking me a single question. no i dont speak thai well enough for conversation but my wife can speak good english. best of luck fred it can be a lonely place at times :)

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hi fred i think you will not be alone i am sure there are many farang's not happy with there situation albiet for different reasons than yours. i think you need to speak with your wife and tell her how you feel and what is bothering you. ps 5 years is to long get that sorted out. my pet hate with my wife (1 of many) is when we go to her parents home and i can sit there for 2 hours without someone asking me a single question. no i dont speak thai well enough for conversation but my wife can speak good english. best of luck fred it can be a lonely place at times :)
Language is not a problem at all my wife speaks english very well she teaches english. Just me being ignored but never mind
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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?

Why are you putting up with this crap. Damp everyone and start new with a nice gal., there are lots of them over here and they luv to be with farang. Oh yeah start having sex asap

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Thats a crap situation to be in. but to start you should stop doing the chores yourself. then speak with her about how you feel. if she does not change then I guess the only other option is to move out if that is possible, not for good, just to make her see sense. if she does not try to get you back then you know what to do. also stop paying the rent and bills. move and stop the money, then they will miss you.

but try to talk first.

good luck.

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So things have not improved since last year when you posted a similar topic.

if that is the case I would pack my bags and just walk out. and set my self up in a new appartment and stop paying any bills for the lady. that will wake her up.

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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?


You are extremely open about your marriage here.

So I will dare to ask you, why is it she has denied your cravings for 5 years?

Unless of course, you are the one that has lost the mojo.

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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?


You are extremely open about your marriage here.

So I will dare to ask you, why is it she has denied your cravings for 5 years?

Unless of course, you are the one that has lost the mojo.

yes I am open about it maybe I should not be, yes she has denied my cravings and always has a different excuse but I trhink I said to much just leave it as that
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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?


You are extremely open about your marriage here.

So I will dare to ask you, why is it she has denied your cravings for 5 years?

Unless of course, you are the one that has lost the mojo.

yes I am open about it maybe I should not be, yes she has denied my cravings and always has a different excuse but I trhink I said to much just leave it as that

5 years with various excuses?

Please do understand me when I say I kind of find that a little bit hard to believe.

I dont want to offend you by saying you lie, but put yourself in another person's place, and you might see why it is hard to believe.

Also hard to understand why you are still married.

Yes you love here and all that, and I understand that, but at the same time you seem to know that the situation is not what it is suppose to be.


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Well onother thing is I have not had sex in 5 years ignore that too?

So you still dont have sex

you saved money on telephone bills

your wife talks face to face to family instead of on the phone

you help more with the family

I would keep things the same but get a young bird to bonk for a couple of hours,as a good orgasm can relieve stress as you obviously have.

Good luck and watch your back up country,as i am assumiong all this is happening in Issan.

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