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Fat Men, Small Thai Women.


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If you think it is bad that people try to judge what class of woman you deserve based on your appearance. Try taking her back to your country and see what happens. Not only will they blatantly show there disapproval but always try to get involved in your relationship as well. From my personal experience being a fat man married to an attractive Asian Americans are the worst. Women who had never met me would approach my first wife and ask her,” What are you doing with him?” They would always invite her places with the understanding that it was a ladies night out and then when she got there would be some single dude there that seemed to only be there for the reason of introducing her him. Worst 6 years of my life. If I was ever forced to go back to the U.S I would divorce my Thai wife leaving her in Thailand before going through that again.

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You must take more notice of other posts.....

Thanks for the tip but nah, i waste enough time on here as it is.

I know of a few members who have openly admitted to shall we say meeting girls at the beaches

By "beaches" do you mean bars or go-gos? Why not just say that - no need to flower it up. :)

Clearly you have not bothered to read the forum rules either..... :D

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If you think it is bad that people try to judge what class of woman you deserve based on your appearance. Try taking her back to your country and see what happens. Not only will they blatantly show there disapproval but always try to get involved in your relationship as well. From my personal experience being a fat man married to an attractive Asian Americans are the worst. Women who had never met me would approach my first wife and ask her," What are you doing with him?" They would always invite her places with the understanding that it was a ladies night out and then when she got there would be some single dude there that seemed to only be there for the reason of introducing her him. Worst 6 years of my life. If I was ever forced to go back to the U.S I would divorce my Thai wife leaving her in Thailand before going through that again.

That sounds really rough going Bernie. I agree that the stigma that you get here for being with a younger (or thinner) wife is a lot milder than the stigma in the west.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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It is part of the incredible phenomenon that many of us very average (at best) looking, older, overweight farang are so desirable to Thai women, even young girls.

What is it that attracts them though?

Would they still be attracted by that sort of package if the man were a Thai?

I know all you fat old men won't appreciate me saying this, but all the young Thai women i know would shudder at the thought of having a relationship with a man who was twice their age and overweight - much as i would shudder at the thought of having one with an overweight woman twice my age. Sorry if that makes me shallow.

I sincerely wish that weren't the case because sometime i too will be an old man hankering after all these lovely young ladies!

Your opinion dosent make you shallow, it makes you western, thais dont think the same way as we do, ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet, but there are plenty of farang on here with those qualities , get my drift ? :) .nothing personal,.
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The level of disillusion is staggering.

The majority of Thai women do not find old fat men (Thai or farang) attractive. what they find attractive is the prospect of having a house, a car and 10 times their expected national salary every year.

If you have ever been poor, it makes sense to shack up with one with money who is fat or slim. Old or young. Handsome, or ugly. It's a survival technque in a country that has no welfare system. Sounds cynical. I know. But lets face it; Generally Thai women do not find old fat men attractive, but the money is nice..

I don't suppose many Thai women find drunks attractive, of any nationality, but they seem to end up with them also!!!!! Love?? or money??

From what you have said above, the farang (whatever shape or size) who is able to provide for his partner is then much more beneficial to the females of Thailand than the one who comes looking for true love, and insist the Thai females pay their way to prove their love.

Can't disagree with that comment... :)

I believe it is important for a modern woman to have a sense of respect for herself. Working and contributing to the family income gives a feeling of self worth and futhermore puts her in a position where she can move out of the relationship if it is not working out. I think eduication and employment opportunites would be "benefical to the females of Thailand", and not marrying a meal ticket. But hey, thats just my thoughts.

Again I agree......but the current population is surely suffering for the lack of foresight from previous generations........perhaps they are only dealing with the issue given current circumstances........when your utopia is achieved in Thailand and all females are working and have self respect, then perhaps there will be a reduction in the overseas marriages.........or perhaps the Thai males will be heading for the third world newbies of Europe and the USA....... :D

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The level of disillusion is staggering.

The majority of Thai women do not find old fat men (Thai or farang) attractive. what they find attractive is the prospect of having a house, a car and 10 times their expected national salary every year.

If you have ever been poor, it makes sense to shack up with one with money who is fat or slim. Old or young. Handsome, or ugly. It's a survival technque in a country that has no welfare system. Sounds cynical. I know. But lets face it; Generally Thai women do not find old fat men attractive, but the money is nice..

I don't suppose many Thai women find drunks attractive, of any nationality, but they seem to end up with them also!!!!! Love?? or money??

From what you have said above, the farang (whatever shape or size) who is able to provide for his partner is then much more beneficial to the females of Thailand than the one who comes looking for true love, and insist the Thai females pay their way to prove their love.

Can't disagree with that comment... :D

I believe it is important for a modern woman to have a sense of respect for herself. Working and contributing to the family income gives a feeling of self worth and futhermore puts her in a position where she can move out of the relationship if it is not working out. I think eduication and employment opportunites would be "benefical to the females of Thailand", and not marrying a meal ticket. But hey, thats just my thoughts.

Again I agree......but the current population is surely suffering for the lack of foresight from previous generations........perhaps they are only dealing with the issue given current circumstances........when your utopia is achieved in Thailand and all females are working and have self respect, then perhaps there will be a reduction in the overseas marriages.........or perhaps the Thai males will be heading for the third world newbies of Europe and the USA....... :D

Now there's a thought. Evoluotion evolves in circles. Hundreds of Thai sex tourists arriving in Ibiza or Crete to find impressionalbe European women to bank roll them

You may be on to something there :)

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Your opinion dosent make you shallow, it makes you western, thais dont think the same way as we do, ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet, but there are plenty of farang on here with those qualities , get my drift ? :) .nothing personal,.

Not sure i do. Can you spell it out? Do you mean that because i wouldn't consider a relationship of a sexual nature with an overweight woman who was much older than me, that makes me bigoted and opinionated?

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Clearly you have not bothered to read the forum rules either..... :)

No indeed i haven't. I just use my common sense.

As you are obviously abreast of all the rules and regulations, perhaps you can tell me if i'm wrong in my assumption that simply mentioning the words "bar" and "go-go" is not in breach, whereas starting a discussion of these ladies and their work is. That would seem sensible to me.

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I think one of many reasons might also be the fact that for many people here, many foreigners are still considered as something exotic.

Back home I was always aware of the fact my nose was slightly bigger than the average. It didnt concern me, but I was aware of it.

During the summers I could be teased for not having a nice tan by some of my sun whorshipping friends.

Then I fast forward some years and I am In Thailand.

Suddenly I start to receive a lot of wonderful compliments about my big nose, eyebrows (regular farang ones), and white skin.

In the beginning I was very surprised.

But then it hit me how much I appreciated dark eyes (I have blue), tan skin, high cheek bones, and so on.

I found all the various Asian women to be so beautiful, and exotic. Regardless of hight or weight.

I remember how I just loved how they looked like.

So I am not surprised at all that a lot of women on this continent genuinly like how foreigners look like.

I guess being exotic goes both ways, right?

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Believe me Alex, anybody reading my posts in the past know how cynical I am about the Thai gals looking for walking ATMs to the extent of even quickly selling out their young lives for financial security with somebody they don't even know.

However, I often feel what I believe to be genuine attraction. Perhaps somewhat because we are intriguing and so different appearing, kinda like them striving to have whiter skin, or buying blue contact lenses. I don't know.

Or maybe I am selling myself short, and that I am actually much better looking than I give myself credit for? HAHAHA, I don't think so! :):D Or I wouldn't be selecting Raymond Burr as my avatar! :D

Anyway, this thread is entertaining. Works for me. Thanks!

I do read your posts Lopburi99 and find you to be a rational and well-balanced member of the forum - so if you tell me that these young girls genuinely seem to be attracted to your "package" (oo err missus), i have no reason to disbelieve you. Indeed your words give me comfort and encouragement because it won't be long before i'm an old geezer myself!


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Clearly you have not bothered to read the forum rules either..... :)

No indeed i haven't. I just use my common sense.

As you are obviously abreast of all the rules and regulations, perhaps you can tell me if i'm wrong in my assumption that simply mentioning the words "bar" and "go-go" is not in breach, whereas starting a discussion of these ladies and their work is. That would seem sensible to me.

Post #58 - you say you waste enough time on here as it is........

I can see why that would be......don't try to waste mine too eh.

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I think one of many reasons might also be the fact that for many people here, many foreigners are still considered as something exotic.

Back home I was always aware of the fact my nose was slightly bigger than the average. It didnt concern me, but I was aware of it.

During the summers I could be teased for not having a nice tan by some of my sun whorshipping friends.

Then I fast forward some years and I am In Thailand.

Suddenly I start to receive a lot of wonderful compliments about my big nose, eyebrows (regular farang ones), and white skin.

In the beginning I was very surprised.

But then it hit me how much I appreciated dark eyes (I have blue), tan skin, high cheek bones, and so on.

I found all the various Asian women to be so beautiful, and exotic. Regardless of hight or weight.

I remember how I just loved how they looked like.

So I am not surprised at all that a lot of women on this continent genuinly like how foreigners look like.

I guess being exotic goes both ways, right?

That's a good point.

But have you ever found yourself attracted to an Asian woman double your age and size?

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Clearly you have not bothered to read the forum rules either..... :)

No indeed i haven't. I just use my common sense.

As you are obviously abreast of all the rules and regulations, perhaps you can tell me if i'm wrong in my assumption that simply mentioning the words "bar" and "go-go" is not in breach, whereas starting a discussion of these ladies and their work is. That would seem sensible to me.

Post #58 - you say you waste enough time on here as it is........

I can see why that would be......don't try to waste mine too eh.

You implied to me that simply using the word "bar girl" or "go-go girl" was breaking the rules, and that we should use code words like "beach girl". That to me sounds like nonsense. I'm sorry if simply responding to that is too much trouble for you.

(As for wasting my time - yes, i would say this is a case-in-point)

Edited by rixalex
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Some of you guys are delusional if you think Thais generally prefer fat old men, or that appearance is unimportant. Most are simply not very interested in them whether they are Thai or farang, even if they are more polite than in the West. Thais gossip about Thai couples paired up like that too, and plenty of men will be trying to take her. I find Thais are more disapproving of being overweight than back home, obese Thais can suffer from some pretty horrible comments. If a Thai thinks you are getting fat, they aren't shy about publicly pointing it out to you.

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As you all can see I don't post much on here, but I do a lot of reading. I find something hard to understand that seems to be a "big" subject of discussion. Why do people make the assumption that because a man is fat he should not be with a Thai woman or that the Thai woman would not want to be with a fat guy unless it is for of money??? You know, this is not just Thai women either. When people anywhere around the world see a beautiful woman with an over weight man they assume she is only in it for money. So, I guess men who do not fit the "average" should not be with any woman? Or, should we only be with fat women? I would also guess that because we do not fit the "average", we have no personality or no charm or intelligence or.....what is it, really? So people are only supposed to fall in love based on physical appearance? I'm just looking for a little help in understanding some people's posts. It's not just on this site I read over on Bangkok Post as well and it just blows my mind the things I read. Regardless of what some of yall think, people CAN connect in other ways than just physically. My wife has explained to me time and time again that she has been with the "sexy" man type, and they all are SHIT! Ego's bigger than Texas, don't treat their women with any kind of respect. At any rate, like I said before, I'm just looking for a little help in understanding other people's posts..........

fat or slim farang? both have money. fat farang are easier to manage by thai women. since both fat and slim farang meets the financial criteria.. thai sexy young lady will go with the fat farang.

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I think one of many reasons might also be the fact that for many people here, many foreigners are still considered as something exotic.

Back home I was always aware of the fact my nose was slightly bigger than the average. It didnt concern me, but I was aware of it.

During the summers I could be teased for not having a nice tan by some of my sun whorshipping friends.

Then I fast forward some years and I am In Thailand.

Suddenly I start to receive a lot of wonderful compliments about my big nose, eyebrows (regular farang ones), and white skin.

In the beginning I was very surprised.

But then it hit me how much I appreciated dark eyes (I have blue), tan skin, high cheek bones, and so on.

I found all the various Asian women to be so beautiful, and exotic. Regardless of hight or weight.

I remember how I just loved how they looked like.

So I am not surprised at all that a lot of women on this continent genuinly like how foreigners look like.

I guess being exotic goes both ways, right?

That's a good point.

But have you ever found yourself attracted to an Asian woman double your age and size?

Older and bigger, yes absolutely.

Double? No. The reason because I was already mid 30s and 70+ Kg, when I decided to try to live here.


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He's not 'fat', he's overweight, obese or morbidly obese. :D

And on that note, I saw an obese man today sitting down with five attractive ladies for dinner, all less than half his age and all wearing black looking very much like a dear in the headlights (what the hel_l am I doing here kind of look). I'm sure it was pure love! :)

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I hope I dont step on any of the members toes now.

I apologize if I do.

The other day, my brother and I was sitting and enjoying a beer in a bar/restaurant on Sukhumvit.

Just before we are heading home, in comes a rather big gentleman with a quite younger and very pretty lady.

Nobody reacts at all, as this is a very common sight here.

They sit at the bar and chat and have a drink.

He obviously was hungry so food arrives.

A huge plate with something that looked like about 20 drum sticks.

Suddenly everything changes.

All the staff giggles, pointing fingers, and commenting all the food he has infront of him.

One of the waitresses mentioning it to me as well.

I tell my brother, because he only notice all the commotion, as the gentleman and his lady friend sit behind him.

Both of us start to giggle.

And why did we giggle?

Of the fact that nobody at all even noticed this, kind of mismatched couple, if I can use this phrase, until he ordered all the food.

Back home if a big gentleman orders a huge plate of food, nobody takes any notice anymore.

But if a young beautiful lady suddenly pops up and sit next to him, then they get everybodys attention

Weird stuff.

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Your opinion dosent make you shallow, it makes you western, thais dont think the same way as we do, ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet, but there are plenty of farang on here with those qualities , get my drift ? :) .nothing personal,.

Ok, either this has to be sarcasm, or you have not met very many Thai people! :D I am not saying that Thai people are especially bigoted or opinionated, but they are human, and have the same flaws as humans from any other place.

To turn it around, have you ever met a Thai man who married a Thai woman significantly older and/or overweight than he is?

Edited by oevna
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Your opinion dosent make you shallow, it makes you western, thais dont think the same way as we do, ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet, but there are plenty of farang on here with those qualities , get my drift ? :) .nothing personal,.

Ok, either this has to be sarcasm, or you have not met very many Thai people! :D I am not saying that Thai people are especially bigoted or opinionated, but they are human, and have the same flaws as humans from any other place.

To turn it around, have you ever met a Thai man who married a Thai woman significantly older and/or overweight than he is?

I was at the wedding of a Thai guy to a well off female neighbour.......she was a young 50, he was thirty.........

He moved back home after a few months..........complaint was she wanted sex every day!!!!


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Your opinion dosent make you shallow, it makes you western, thais dont think the same way as we do, ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet, but there are plenty of farang on here with those qualities , get my drift ? :D .nothing personal,.

Ok, either this has to be sarcasm, or you have not met very many Thai people! :D I am not saying that Thai people are especially bigoted or opinionated, but they are human, and have the same flaws as humans from any other place.

To turn it around, have you ever met a Thai man who married a Thai woman significantly older and/or overweight than he is?

"ive never met a bigoted opinionated thai yet"

I guess you never met my ex-boss then. Maybe I should introduce you. :)

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I am old, fat,bald and ugly, my girlfriend is with me only for the money, so what.

I like this reply, made me giggle - more power to you sir.

I'm not as young as I once was and am carrying more pound than I should - my wife is half my weight - with me for my money????? - No - we have been married 12 years and met 3 years before that - then my hair was thicker and my waist trimmer - I tell her its her fault, she should cook worse tasting food! I was once twice her age too - but then I was only 14 and we had another dozen years before we met :)

Edited by wolf5370
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And why did we giggle?

Of the fact that nobody at all even noticed this, kind of mismatched couple, if I can use this phrase, until he ordered all the food.

Pretty infantile behavior. So what if he'd ordered a salad, would everyone still be laffing? Somehow I don't find the scenario that amusing.... indeed bizarre. :)

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