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Why Do Farangs Like Thai Girls With Dark Skin ?

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Thais ask me this question all the time and i am unable to give any satisfactory answer.

I say, "why don't thais like darker shades of skin ?" they say it looks dirty, and are amazed at why farangs are attracted to dark skinned females. truly amazed. and they seem to think or expect me to have the answers.

does anyone have an explanation for this (perhaps false) perception ? BTW this sterotype that farangs love dark skin is huge, up there with the walking ATM stereotype.

Is it because they cannot get fairskinned girls?

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I don't think they particularly prefer dark skin, most don't care one way or the other, it's just that the women available to them usually have dark skin.

+1. And the farangs are not biased against dark skin as are Thais.

Opposites attract maybe? Why do asians go to extreme lenghs to stay out of the sun -and even use whitening lotions- while fair skinned westerners engage in equal extremes by baking them selves in the broiling sun "to get a tan."

Yeah, I've been asked the same question and I really don't have the magic answer. Heck, I avoid the sun as well :)

I am sure you avoid the sun for health reason, (as opposed to appearance) and rightly so, since exposure can result into major problems in particular heat stroke and skin cancer, let alone general skin condition, Thai woman, on the other hand, although aware of the health implications do prevent sun exposure chiefly for their appearance, Thai culture does not favour dark skinned women and the female aim is to look beautiful as in any society, in the Western world women do the opposite, looking for a nice tan for the same purpose "appearance"

In the past Western women used sunbeds either in health clubs, or in their own homes in order to get a tan but this craze did not last long due to the then declared health negatives.

I do not think that farangs when looking for a Thai wife or gf are firstly looking at their skin colour, before they decide the next step.


I fell for my wife because of these reasons:

1) She is extremely beautiful.

2) Very polite.

3) Very kind.

4) Extremely well educated.

5) Comes from a warm,kind and caring family

6) We have married until our days of death, this we promised to each others families.

7) She has adapted extremely well to the western culture and, lastly, Yes she is dark skinned which I find so sexy and appealing.

Unlike my ex-wife from the UK who turned out to be nothing more than an hateful, greedy gold digger with spite, which she will carry until the days of her death.

May I make note that I wasn't the one to commit adultery, but she was! But who cares I am with a far better person now, and can continue to live the rest of my life in peace.

I rest my case............................


For me, it's not a matter of being attracted to dark skin, but being attracted to asian women, especially Thai women. How dark or light their skin doesn't really matter.


It's not that farangs like dark skinned girls, it's these girls are the ones who like (more- don't mind) the fat, ugly, bold and old farang. These farang sometimes end up with these girls because nobody else wants to date them. The dark skinned girls are often rejected by Thai men, so they also have no choice but to date the farang. Well, for these girls to date farang is certainly better than to break their backs on the rice fields, and for farang it's better than to sit in cold England (oh, also Australia) and be rejected. So it's mutually beneficial relationship, where money plays of course a very important role. :)

Again, the conspiracy theory about the Chinese I do not buy.

I never mentioned anything about a conspiracy. Simply that the Thai-Chinese have long dominated the media, and have presented their ideals of beauty onto both the big screen, the little screen, and in advertising. Watch the Thai soaps and it is light skinned, usually Sino-Thai women in the leading "glamor" roles and darker skinned ethnics, often Isaan actresses playing the hired help. There was no conspiracy, the people paying for the production placed their ideas of "beauty" onto the screen, and those ideals are then adopted by the masses who watch the programming and see the advertising. Everyone wants to be like and look like the movie stars. My wife still thinks that Jintara, the #1 actress of her younger years, was the most beautiful Thai woman to ever walk the planet. The masses are just so malleable.

The funny footnote is that years ago Thai Airways noticed that western travelers responded well to a darker skin tone on their stewardesses and sought out ethnic Thai women for those positions rather than lighter skinned Sino-Thais.


The problem with this discussion is its too generalised. Not all farrangs here are old, fat or even ugly. Many have wives who have good jobs and/or have their own money. To just consider one extreme is blinkered and gives a blinkered response. Out of all my friends in mixed marriages (Thai/Western) most of them have very similar ages (i,e, the age difference between partners) and more than half the women have/had good jobs. They are a sliding scale skin-colour-wise from very pale to quite dark.

I might also add that of the two that I know used to be bargirls in their former lives, both are light skinned. One of which could only be summed up by the terms 'Gold Digger' (when her husband is sway and he works overseas contracts so it is often - she goes back on the game or goes from gik to gik).

One of the darkest skin one is married to a 'much' older male (I think about 20 years gap), but she is in her late forties too and they have been married over 15 years.

A very good friend of mine is 39, his wife 35, she has dark skin - he does adhok jobs for cash in the UK. She owned a successful bar in Thailand (family owned and run - and no not a brothel, its a live music bar and still going strong). She left that to go to the UK with him, where now she has two jobs - and I dare say still earns more than him.

When I asked my wife, she simply says "Thai men can't be trusted and do not treat their wives well" (I drilled down on the last bit and she meant both that they have to do everything with no help and that the husbands beat them and get drunk). This is also a blinkered view of course, but according to my wife a view held by a lot of Thai women - ESPECIALLY the educated one.

Of course, this is from a small set of friends compared top the 40 million woman in Thailand or the however million of tourists and expats in LoS at any one time; and my wife's view is a mind meld of one, but it shows its not all to do with money and because they can't get someone else.

I could also say that she turned down two suitors before me - via her family who were approached - both where Thai Chinese (as she is) and one was from a fairly wealthy family. She could only say she didn't like Thai men in response to why (accept she also said the second one, the wealthy guy, was thick - she was at school with him). If I there was any discrimination it would have based on my astrological chart rather than skin colour - I had to have my hands read and well as various numerology and birthday/time analysis before it was deemed we were suitable for each other!

You can see from this thread how farangs think they are not reacism and Thais do.

They just can't accept the fact that all people are the same. :)


I will not flame...I will not flame...I will not flame (God this is hard!)


You really believe lighter skinned people are more intelligent than darker skinned? Educated I can possibly give you (though that's not as true as you seem to believe either) as its related to being sent to good schools which are expensive, but intelligence is a genetic trait and is there in any person based on their own DNA regardless of whether they use it or not. Some very evil people in the earth's past (and some in the present) have used such sentiments to allow the so-called lesser dark skinned people to be oppressed simply on the belief that if they were not of "human" intelligence that they are rightly animals. I take it you typed that by mistake? :)

Is it because they cannot get fairskinned girls?

There's a lot of words to be said about people who judge a person's worth by the colour of their skin.




are not among these words :)

It's one thing to feel an attraction to dark or fair features, everyone has different tastes, but to judge one colour as superior to another is just plain racist and unacceptable. Most people are smarter than that.

Is it because they cannot get fairskinned girls?

There's a lot of words to be said about people who judge a person's worth by the colour of their skin.




are not among these words :)

It's one thing to feel an attraction to dark or fair features, everyone has different tastes, but to judge one colour as superior to another is just plain racist and unacceptable. Most people are smarter than that.

You obviously haven't taken the time to read my post as I have outlined these factors together with other factors why I fell for my wife. We have been together for 9 years now with no reason(s) to split up........................... :D


I'll refrain from posting any references to Black and White by Michael Jackson (RIP).

I don't however think it is fair that beauty companies promote all these skin whitening creams that blatantly never work. Although I do not which is worse. The companies that promote them or the people who fall for it and buy it?


Is it because they cannot get fairskinned girls?

There's a lot of words to be said about people who judge a person's worth by the colour of their skin.




are not among these words :D

It's one thing to feel an attraction to dark or fair features, everyone has different tastes, but to judge one colour as superior to another is just plain racist and unacceptable. Most people are smarter than that.

most people ?

not most thai people in thailand.

whiter skinned people are considered superior to their darker toned brethren.

sad but true.

want to take a guess what thais think of negros and indians ? :)

The companies that promote them or the people who fall for it and buy it?

Certainly the companies that managed to convince people that white is beautiful (or that Africans should have straight hair). I shudder to think of what long-term damage these products do :D .

Getting back to the original topic: I have seen some pretty generalizations here, generalizations that are common in Vietnam (where I lived previously) as well: Dark/black is countryside/uneducated/stupid whereas white is all the opposite. This is changing a lot now though, as more and more Vietnamese hit the beaches. My wife is pretty dark-skinned for a Vietnamese (we hike and bird-watch a lot) and she is a university graduate from a good family that is a lot smarter than me :)


suggestions for related topics

Why do farang like Thai girls with white skin

Why farang don't like Thai girls

Why do farang like Thai boys with dark skin

Why do farang like Thai boys with white skin

Why farang don't like Thai boys

Why do farang like Thai ladyboys with dark skin

Why do farang like Thai ladyboys with white skin

Why farang don't like Thai ladyboys

Why do Thai girls like farang men (hey that's an easy one!)


Here's one reason:

Pretty much all Thai females have black hair, including body hair. On pale skin the black body hair really shows up like a sore thumb. I'm talking female mustache, arm hair, leg hair etc...

At least on dark skin such body hair is not immediately apparent. I've lost count of the number of times i've seen what looks to be a beautiful fair skinned girl from a distant, as i get closer she looks more like grizzly adams.

ah... the old good from far,

but far from good



If the legs are long and the arms are wicked, pretty face, not fat, a bit stacked; I don't care if they white, black, coffee, cinnamon colored.


I met a light skinned girl when I studied at Thammasat some years ago. She had studied in both the US and Europe so her family must have been loaded. She was intelligent, cultured and educated, and very pretty, much more than me on all four. Maybe that was why it didn't work out?


First, you should remove the word “Thai” in all of these replies and replace it with “Asian”. This is absolutely a universal Asian (not just Chinese) thing.

To most Asian men, the color of a woman’s skin is an important part, if not the most important part of that woman’s beauty. That is just how it is. Asian women (and men – not only Chinese - even Indians and Indons, and etc) can get very sensitive and caught up in self pity over this. Trust me, all of the “skin whitening” creams used in Thailand are used elsewhere in Asia. In Japan, it even takes on aspects of cleanliness and purity (white = clean and clean = beauty so white = beauty). I have been to Indian weddings where very heavy makeup renders the couple white (once it seemed to go wrong and they looked a bit bluish – but everyone was pleased). Want to complement an Asian woman? Don’t call her pretty, call her fair (Warning – if she IS dark, and self-conscious about, she will think you are tormenting her).

When I was working in Thailand, I was the only western expatiate - all the other expatriates being Asian. When involved in Asian “man talk” (discussing which girls in the office were attractive), if I suggested a girl even “slightly” dark was pretty, it was always: “she is nice, but it is a shame she is not fair” to a very dismissive “ugh, too dark”. Now that I work in Malaysia (as well as our operations in China, Singapore and Indonesia), I can absolutely confirm this. Asian men are just hard wired this way. I fully understand the “fair skin means they do not work in the field argument” – and maybe it started that way, but now it is deeper than that. It is not racist or discriminatory, it is just how their culture is and what their culture sees as attractive (reminds me of a discover channel program where in some African tribe, obesity in woman was attractive to men. Women fattened themselves to get a good husband – imagine the husband’s horror if she lost weight after marriage!). I have seen plenty of male Asian coworkers very very happy when they landed their fair skinned princess although in my opinion a few looked like they fell out of the ugly tree (…face first…..and hit every branch on the way down).

Westerners tend to look (though it is automatic) at the facial structure, eyes, smile, overall build (and other things related to our hard wired evolutional survival preferences) when assessing beauty and skin color is generally not a big part of the equation. I do not think that “westerners prefer dark skin”, it is just that there are a lot of darker skinned girls, that westerners find attractive and the locals do not find as attractive.

There are a lot of fair skinned Thai girls with classically “beautiful” features that westerners would find very pretty, but frankly, the typical westerner does not have a chance with them without having time, effort and good social status (involving variables of reputation, manners/politeness - critical in some so called good Asian families - class is not necessarily a financial matter, job title, income, education and family background).

This even holds for the bar scene, the girls with light skin end up gravitating toward the part of the market that serves Thai/Asian men (much more lucrative actually) and darker skinned girls gravitate to the Farang part of the market as they are not as valued in the in the Asian oriented sector.

Granted, all things being equal, most westerners may prefer their ladies a bit more tan, and there is the occasional dark skin enthusiast, but generally it has more to do with the far larger supply of available darker skinned girls who are pretty to western taste. As for the Thai belief westerners like dark skin, it seems to come from the fact that to them a typical western man will be (happily) seen in public with ladies that are just too dark for local tastes. I know this sounds harsh.


I think in a sense, asking why farangs in Thailand like dark-skinned women is a bit like asking the customers in an ice cream shop if they like ice cream. It kind of selects for people who are looking for that. In other words, if a person doesn't like dark-skinned women, why would they look for a woman in Thailand? I know there are plenty of light-skinned women in Thailand, but why go all the way there when there are plenty of light-skinned ladies in "Farangland?"

Although I suspect it has less to do with liking dark skin, and more to do with a preference for personality features that are stereotypically associated with poorer Thai people (fun-loving, easygoing, etc.), and the correlation of dark skin color with poverty in Thailand.


The reason why Thai don't like dark skin is that it looks dirty and poor! As all people who have to work outside in the sun, example farmers are seen as poor people. There is even some thinking included that dark skin people have not the necessary intelligence to do a better job, so dark skinned people are seen as stupid. Thais and not only Thais all Asian like white skin as it is a mark for being noble, rich and intelligent. As as unacceptable it is for me, but for many Asians farmers are seen in a way as stupid as they couldn't reach a so called better job! So dark stands for poor, dirty and stupid!!!?

Of course there is also but minor the health issue behind this thinking - to much sun is not healthy.

The reason why falang guys like dark skin ladies is is in my opinion to find in our, Westerner culture, as in our countries people who have brown skin are the rich and nice ones, as they have the cash to be on holiday and on the beach. So in our society the beauty profile had been focused since modern times on dark skin, even in the model scene. Westerners, in special the young like to go to places to relax at some beach or pool, to show off, male and female, so already in this area the habit is towards "look at this nice brown lady". Westerners even enjoy to sleep long time in the sun, just for the reason to catch brown color as brown is beautiful! Asians would never do such!

Some of the like for black skin of the falangs is also to find in a very human habit, that some always like what some not have and therefore make this to their ideal. So all of this issues together may be have some influence on westerners to like for dark skin ladies.

Just a few thoughts of me.....


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Farang women wannit.

Thai women gottit.

Your Hollywood Tans associate will guide you every step of the way to being more beautiful, more confident and more self-assured. Right now, you can get a jump on the process by trying the HT Tan Advisor — and see the customized plan that awaits you.

Farang women wannit.

Thai women gottit.



Every Thai I have ever met has darker skin than I do so they are all 'dark' and it is just a matter of degree and i tend not to notice unless one of those ridiculous adverts for skin cream is under my nose.

I have no doubt that this question regarding 'dark' Thai girls tells you a great deal about Thai attitudes to the different ethnic groups and classes within their society.

Undoubtedly there is a perception that whiter is better, an obvious nonsense but such prejudices are common the world over, it is an unfortunate human trait.

Undoubtedly there is a perception that whiter is better, an obvious nonsense but such prejudices are common the world over, it is an unfortunate human trait.

Almost all regions have the conception that white is better. It's like that in South America as well and in the Middle East. Even in African-American communities. It has to do imo. with the simple fact that the dominant people of the last 1000 years have had pale skin (Europeans. Japanese, Chinese).

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