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300 years on from the birth of Dr Samuel Johnson, author of the first mass-produced dictionary, the MSN website is looking at words that have not been used for a while. These ones made me smile.........

Buffleheaded: a man with a large head, or someone who is dull and stupid.

Jobbernowl: an idiot

Kakistocracy: a form of government whose rulers are the least competent, least qualified or most unprincipled of all citizens.

Snudge: a verb, meaning to be idle. For example: "She snudged around the house until teatime."

So, a bufflehead or jobbernowl in the kakistocracy to save face can be moved to an inactive post and snudge in the PM's Office :)


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300 years on from the birth of Dr Samuel Johnson, author of the first mass-produced dictionary, the MSN website is looking at words that have not been used for a while. These ones made me smile.........

Buffleheaded: a man with a large head, or someone who is dull and stupid.

Jobbernowl: an idiot

Kakistocracy: a form of government whose rulers are the least competent, least qualified or most unprincipled of all citizens.

Snudge: a verb, meaning to be idle. For example: "She snudged around the house until teatime."

So, a bufflehead or jobbernowl in the kakistocracy to save face can be moved to an inactive post and snudge in the PM's Office :)


I really enjoyed the old comedy from way back.

"Bootsy & Snudge"

Always wondered where "Snudge" came from.

Ta matey.

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