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Thai Gun Shops Selling Automatic Assault Rifles

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Fair point. As already posted, UK has extremely strict laws and punishment for illegal possession of fire arms, yet gun crime is rising.

Not sure if this is the result of the laws becoming stricter, or if the laws have become stricter because of the rise in gun crime.

It is usually the result of backwards thinking.

Gun laws limit the lawful ownership & use of guns.

Criminals never bothered with laws, gun laws or any others.

Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Also the reason why Admiral Yamamoto was once quoted as saying....

Japan would never invade the United States. We would find a rifle behind every blade of grass.
Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

But inline with the original statement you do not see them rise like they do after gun control :D

PS your wrong about crime rates too.............. In the last 2 years the US has recorded record high gun & ammo purchases yet crime rates have dropped :D Also note it has been dropping for 7 years all while population rises


Can teach somebody to fire one in about 10 minutes

I lol'd heartily.

He didnt say fire it well..


Yeah, it took me about 7 seconds to learn how to empty the magazine of an AK the first time I tried too. I don't recall actually hitting the target! :)

That's hilarious! Where were you?

  • 5 weeks later...

Correct me if I am wrong, the "AK-47's" availible in the US are not real AK's....the US "version" is a 5.56mm cal, while a "pukka" Russian/Chinese AK-47 is a 7.62mm Cal. And also believe they are all semi-auto, and it is illegal to modify these assault rifles to fully automatic, license or not....

All versions are available & legal in the US

Crappy firearms though & you can do much better.

The only good thing about a crappy AK is the tolerances are so sloppy they fire

in all conditions.

Just to correct some statements by this contributor.

I live in the USA

Hold a federal transfer permit

Hold a concealed weapon permit

Teach gun safety and laws that apply

Assault rifes, ie. full auto, of any kind are not legal in the USA but thier sporterized verisions are,as simi-auto single trigger pull fire one shot.

Exceptions apply as in law enforcement, etc

Federal lic to own is not $100 for an auto and near impossible to obtain

As for crap AK47, He is full of it. Maybe the best killing machine ever. Kicked our ass in Nam.

Russian version a fine piece

China, poland, others, quality sucks but still does the job.

Go to a range, rent one, put in a 50 round clip and get out of the way. hang on.


Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

Washington DC was called the murder capital, and they have some of the nations hardest weapon laws (also refusing to issue CC licenses, which now thankfully has been overturned).

Going state by state, often the states with hardest weapon control laws are the ones having the biggest issues.

I don't know where you're from, and I'm not a gun expert either, but I'm pretty sure AK47s are still legal in the US... and some of us are still alive, so it's nothing to be too shocked about. :)

All assault weapons are legal in the USA but only semi-automatic models unless you have a license for full automatic. All you need to buy an AK-47 or AR-15 (M-16) is to be 18 years old, have valid ID and no criminal record, you have to be 21 to buy a hand gun because it is easily concealed.

I agree what the OP saw had to be a BB gun you can only buy the real version of this type of weapon on the black market in Thailand.

Correct me if I am wrong, the "AK-47's" availible in the US are not real AK's....the US "version" is a 5.56mm cal, while a "pukka" Russian/Chinese AK-47 is a 7.62mm Cal. And also believe they are all semi-auto, and it is illegal to modify these assault rifles to fully automatic, license or not....


AK47 fire 7.62x39 comm bloc ammo.

AK74 fires a 5.54mm round. ( Also comm bloc )

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

And here I thought this had something to do with walking around in an undershirt.



just to add to this... i have not read this post, but just gonna add my 2pence..

There are alot of gun shops that i have seen, (not these stupid bb gun places)

take a trip down China town area, just like the steets full of gold shops, there are streets selling guns..

Totally Legal,

ask around, there are plenty of shooting clubs, and if your near a police station that has an inhouse range, ask to have a go.. (maybe they will have fun taking the piss out of the farang) - make sure your legal first!!

But.. on the other side, yes its very easy to buy "illegal" guns from guys who are hiding them "holes in the ground".. out in the sticks..

its a sad state to be in, same as any country i guess...

Which would beg this question...What h*ll would a non-military person want with a 7.62mm AK-47 for ??...

Small penis syndrome. :)

That about sums it up.

But.. on the other side, yes its very easy to buy "illegal" guns from guys who are hiding them "holes in the ground".. out in the sticks..

Yes, out in the sticks, both rifles and handguns are everywhere........ not so sure about automatics.

Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

Washington DC was called the murder capital, and they have some of the nations hardest weapon laws (also refusing to issue CC licenses, which now thankfully has been overturned).

Going state by state, often the states with hardest weapon control laws are the ones having the biggest issues.

Which camed first in any particular state? Rise in crime or crackdown on gun laws? It would be reasonable to assume that the only reason to make gun laws more restrictive would be as a reaction to a rise in firearms offences.

Therefore, there certainly would be some correlation between high crime and tougher laws.

You are implying that the rise in crime results from tougher laws. This could be true for the fact that what was once legal has become illegal and therefore there is now a statistical rise in overall crime, simply because there are more laws to be broken.

Disregarding crimes against the new policies, ie looking only at, say, murder by shooting, is there a rise also?


A REAL man has to get some respect someway. :)

To heck with all those whimpy guns. I want to mount THIS in the back of my pickup



All versions are available & legal in the US

Crappy firearms though & you can do much better.

The only good thing about a crappy AK is the tolerances are so sloppy they fire

in all conditions.

Assault rifes, ie. full auto, of any kind are not legal in the USA but thier sporterized verisions are,as simi-auto single trigger pull fire one shot.

Exceptions apply as in law enforcement, etc

Federal lic to own is not $100 for an auto and near impossible to obtain

As for crap AK47, He is full of it. Maybe the best killing machine ever.


My quote said all versions are legal & allowed in the US

I meant caliber & conversion types in semi auto but.....

Yes not all states allow full auto transfers but some states such as Arizona, Kentucky are not hard at all. Even for class 3 full auto, suppressors & rifle & shotguns with barrels under 16"

While the FOPA made it so no NEW machine guns can be registered after may 1986

You can still transfer & purchase pre exisiting models.

Fill out the form 4 , pay your $200 tax and wait for ATF approval

Then again they easily converted to full auto same as many other rifles.

Not that I would be interested in full auto weapons. I do all my own reloading of ammunition & just could not bring myself to waste ammo. I am not in a war :D

As for the AK kicking butt & taking numbers......bwahahahahah :) Maybe that is the one weapon you need a full auto for since it is crap

That must be why so many dont turn up at camp Perry shoots or why they are so cheap that they are the choice of so many wannabes

Pray & spray does not = accurate or fine quality.

I stand by my original statement that the only good thing about them is they have such sloppy tolerances they fire in just about any state of neglect.

PS: if you think a full auto AK is rare in the US just go to You Tube & type in full auto AK-47


Washington DC was called the murder capital, and they have some of the nations hardest weapon laws (also refusing to issue CC licenses, which now thankfully has been overturned).

Going state by state, often the states with hardest weapon control laws are the ones having the biggest issues.

The reason for all the guns in DC is that it is right next to Virginia which, for all practical purposes,

has no gun laws.[/size]

A REAL man has to get some respect someway. :)

To heck with all those whimpy guns. I want to mount THIS in the back of my pickup


And you'll spend all your time reloading or clearing jams...

You'll need to udate to the latest version.. but I'd doubt your pick up truck bed would or could handle it..

MK-38 25 mm


And you'll spend all your time reloading or clearing jams...

You'll need to udate to the latest version.. but I'd doubt your pick up truck bed would or could handle it..

MK-38 25 mm

Yah, that's the baby I need. If it doesn't impress the ladies on Sukhumvit it sure will impress the boys in brown. :)

I HAD thought of something like this, but it's too long for the 8 foot box in my GMC one ton.


And you'll spend all your time reloading or clearing jams...

You'll need to udate to the latest version.. but I'd doubt your pick up truck bed would or could handle it..

MK-38 25 mm

Yah, that's the baby I need. If it doesn't impress the ladies on Sukhumvit it sure will impress the boys in brown. :D

I HAD thought of something like this, but it's too long for the 8 foot box in my GMC one ton.


yeah, that'll do it :) ...but enlarge your 1 ton bed cuz you'll need a whole helluva lotta extra space for the amount of ammo to insure you can fire it for more than about 2 minutes

But, you could opt for 400Px hand held 7.62 version..just as impressive, but still the ammo requirement will force you to hire the folks in your ice & water shop to double as ammo bearers.


I don't know where you're from, and I'm not a gun expert either, but I'm pretty sure AK47s are still legal in the US... and some of us are still alive, so it's nothing to be too shocked about. :)

All assault weapons are legal in the USA but only semi-automatic models unless you have a license for full automatic. All you need to buy an AK-47 or AR-15 (M-16) is to be 18 years old, have valid ID and no criminal record, you have to be 21 to buy a hand gun because it is easily concealed.

I agree what the OP saw had to be a BB gun you can only buy the real version of this type of weapon on the black market in Thailand.

Correct me if I am wrong, the "AK-47's" availible in the US are not real AK's....the US "version" is a 5.56mm cal, while a "pukka" Russian/Chinese AK-47 is a 7.62mm Cal. And also believe they are all semi-auto, and it is illegal to modify these assault rifles to fully automatic, license or not....

AK-47 is a 7.62 the real deal however it is not full automatic for public sale unless you have an FFL (federal firearms license) for about $100 you can buy the kit to convert the semi-auto to full-auto but don't get caught.

Thank so much for posting and I am a gun owner. Wow?? the state of california banned AK-47 long time ago but, I know from my friends that his peers have them but, they will not reveal who own them. ( gun collectors ) I can spend the night in jail to modify or buying this baby. ( mostly in the gun show ) It is very hard to have a license for carrying gun in my state unless I have a reason. Well it is facinated machine but deadly weapon. In 1980, 5-6 kids got short and dead in Sacramento playground because, the racist teenager took others lives as I recalled.. Senator Feinstein 's law, my take and opinion.

yeah, that'll do it :) ...but enlarge your 1 ton bed cuz you'll need a whole helluva lotta extra space for the amount of ammo to insure you can fire it for more than about 2 minutes

But, you could opt for 400Px hand held 7.62 version..just as impressive, but still the ammo requirement will force you to hire the folks in your ice & water shop to double as ammo bearers.

Yah, but after two minutes there shouldn't be anything left worth shooting. :D:D:D

Those babies will take down buildings.

Im quite hard to get angry and i would not use a gun when im angry.. the thing is there will always be people who will. I just don't believe people should own guns. Maybe if they are evaluated once i a while or so.

Fortunately the forefathers of the USA scribed the right to bear arms.

I am also very hard to anger but,

I have owned various firearms most of my life for competition use. I am glad that our right to own is not determined by folks that have a unrealistic view of life.

Study after study has shown that increasing gun control laws leads to increase in crime rates not decreases like the gun control folks thought. Nuff said as I have strayed off topic :)

That is totally untrue regarding gun control laws lead to to increased crime rate, there are a lot of factors that lead up to the increaed crime rate and has nothing to do with gun control laws. Poverty, lack of jobs and urban decay is the reason for the increased crime rate and then add guns which are so easily obtainable to the picture and it increases the death toll. I am not opposed to responsbnile people owning guns but problem in America is that there are more guns then people and a good many of these people purchase weapons for the wrong reasons the biggest being motivasted out of fear.

That is totally untrue regarding gun control laws lead to to increased crime rate, there are a lot of factors that lead up to the increaed crime rate and has nothing to do with gun control laws. Poverty, lack of jobs and urban decay is the reason for the increased crime rate and then add guns which are so easily obtainable to the picture and it increases the death toll. I am not opposed to responsbnile people owning guns but problem in America is that there are more guns then people and a good many of these people purchase weapons for the wrong reasons the biggest being motivasted out of fear.

Well statistics & studies show it is true...

Many to pick from here is just one.


The problems core remains..........Gun control denies Law Abiding Folks the right

It does zilch to control violent unlawful gun use.

That is totally untrue regarding gun control laws lead to to increased crime rate, there are a lot of factors that lead up to the increaed crime rate and has nothing to do with gun control laws. Poverty, lack of jobs and urban decay is the reason for the increased crime rate and then add guns which are so easily obtainable to the picture and it increases the death toll. I am not opposed to responsbnile people owning guns but problem in America is that there are more guns then people and a good many of these people purchase weapons for the wrong reasons the biggest being motivasted out of fear.

Well statistics & studies show it is true...

Many to pick from here is just one.


The problems core remains..........Gun control denies Law Abiding Folks the right

It does zilch to control violent unlawful gun use.

I am not sure about Europe but in the US things are different

I have read many articles the NRA has put out stating that gun control does not prevent crime(like asking Limbuagh about health care), and they are somewhat right because in the United States gun control does not tackle the real problem, and that is gun control only works when it is regulated at all levels, including manafacturing.

Law abidding folks do not have anything to worry about gun control in the first place, anyone without a criminal record can purchase a gun, the real problem is their is no gun control or accountibility for gun manafacturers in the US. Anyone can buy a gun, just go to downtown and ask anyone on the street in any major city with cash in pocket . Problem is with manafacturers, they sell guns in masse across the US border to disitributors in Central and South America, as well as shady distributors in the US, most of these guns end up back in the US into the gray and black markets, you can go to any gun show and purchase a brand new gun without even being asked for an ID, just cash in pocket, where do you think these guns come from. So the question is how can you have viable gun control when they are so readily available, it is not law abidding citizens that we have to worry about, its about the fact that anyone at any time can purchase a weapon that is the problem and thats what gun control is supposed to address.

First off, I'm no expert on guns and I don't want to be either, but I know what a modern AK-47 looks like. I've seen plenty of them in Cambodia!

Tonight, on my way home, my taxi driver took me down a soi I almost never go down and definately not at night. It was a narrow one with a few shops scattered here and there. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until I saw one shop with the gate about half-way shut, dim lights and a guy sitting down behind a large glass display case full of guns. I decided to take a good look and sure enough he had an AK47 sitting right there in the case. Behind him were cases of what looked like traditional military style weapons. It freaked me out because it's not far from my house and I don't think this sort of thing is legal here. Or is it legal for them to sell weapons like this? Has anyone else ever seen anything like that here? I know people say that Bangkok is awash with guns, and we see them on TV, but it's different seeing them in person like that. It was incredibly disturbing to say the least.

Get a grip man, this is asia and not some sanitised health club country like back home.

hel_l, even in the UK you can purchase (with a firearms license) a Barrett 50 cal rifle (bolt action)!

On the borders guns are often displayed openly, usually hunting rifles and the like...

And you'll spend all your time reloading or clearing jams...

You'll need to udate to the latest version.. but I'd doubt your pick up truck bed would or could handle it..

MK-38 25 mm

Yah, that's the baby I need. If it doesn't impress the ladies on Sukhumvit it sure will impress the boys in brown. :)

I HAD thought of something like this, but it's too long for the 8 foot box in my GMC one ton.


I believe this is THE GUN they built the A-10 Warthog around. So big the nose landing gear is offset. If you seesomething like this outside a military installation then "Sh_t has hit the fan"


"Just to correct some statements by this contributor.

I live in the USA

Hold a federal transfer permit

Hold a concealed weapon permit

Teach gun safety and laws that apply

Assault rifes, ie. full auto, of any kind are not legal in the USA but thier sporterized verisions are,as simi-auto single trigger pull fire one shot.

Exceptions apply as in law enforcement, etc

Federal lic to own is not $100 for an auto and near impossible to obtain"

I'm not a gun expert, but I was a Class 3 dealer which allowed me to purchase and sell fully automatic weapons, and silencers.

The ownership of firearms is controlled by both the federal and local governments, and making blanket statements that "automatic weapons are illegal", or "automatic weapons are legal" are wrong. FEDERAL law allows, with very few exceptions, the ownership of fully automatic weapons and silencers. Local governments alter the federal law, as they see fit. When I was a dealer - the local laws might have changed since then - for example, in Texas you could own a Class 3 product. In Illinois, if you lived in Cook county - outside of Chicago - you could own a Class 3 product. Chicago did not allow any of those products. California law prohibits the private ownership of any automatic weapons, and even the police were not allowed to use silencers. Some jurisdictions tried to ban assault rifles using specific manufacturers and model numbers. Almost immediately, many manufacturers changed their names, and model numbers. When California banned assault weapons, it used the specific characteristics deemed to identify assault rifles - for example: the placement of the magazine (in front of, versus behind the trigger assembly).

I stand by my original statement that the only good thing about them is they have such sloppy tolerances they fire in just about any state of neglect.

What...... as opposed to the early M-16 which often refused to fire??

In his book "ABOUT FACE" Col. David H Hackworth (US Army Ret.) wrote a rather informative piece relating to the M-16/AK-47 .

One of the bulldozers uncovered the decomposing body of an enemy soldier, complete with AK-47. I happened to be standing right there, looking down into the hole and pulled the AK out of the bog. "Watch this, guys," I said, "and I'll show you how a real infantry weapon works." I pulled the bolt back and fired 30 rounds — the AK could have been cleaned that day rather than buried in glug for a year or so. That was the kind of weapon our soldiers needed, not the confidence-sapping M16.

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