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Thai Gun Shops Selling Automatic Assault Rifles

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When California banned assault weapons, it used the specific characteristics deemed to identify assault rifles - for example: the placement of the magazine (in front of, versus behind the trigger assembly).

The Steyr Stg.77 AUG is an assault rifle that has the magazine being the trigger. :)


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Hence the rise in crime... since the gun law advocates in countries that disarmed the lawful population of the right to defense have made the pickings that much easier for the criminals. :)

Dont see the crime rate coming down in the US either because everyone has the right to "bear arms"... :D

Washington DC was called the murder capital, and they have some of the nations hardest weapon laws (also refusing to issue CC licenses, which now thankfully has been overturned).

Going state by state, often the states with hardest weapon control laws are the ones having the biggest issues.

Which camed first in any particular state? Rise in crime or crackdown on gun laws? It would be reasonable to assume that the only reason to make gun laws more restrictive would be as a reaction to a rise in firearms offences.

Therefore, there certainly would be some correlation between high crime and tougher laws.

You are implying that the rise in crime results from tougher laws. This could be true for the fact that what was once legal has become illegal and therefore there is now a statistical rise in overall crime, simply because there are more laws to be broken.

Disregarding crimes against the new policies, ie looking only at, say, murder by shooting, is there a rise also?

Well, since the outlawing of all handguns in the UK, the number of gun-crimes has risen up steadily. So what do you think?


Definitely civilian ownership of AKs and other assault rifles is not permitted in Thailand. Technically ownership of sporting rifles is allowed but the police don't like civilians getting hold of rifles and I doubt it is possible at all these days without massive connections. There isn't any game you can legally shoot with a rifle anyway, as far as I know. It used to easy to buy .22 rifles for target shooting (for Thais and foreign permanent residents) but I am not sure if these are still easy. Since Thaksin tightened up enforcement of the gun laws I think it is now only easy to get a licence for a shotgun or a pistol no larger than .38 or 9mm and not more than one or two per person, whereas there used to be no limit and some Thai collectors acquired complete arsenals at home (no change to existing licences which are for life). Any one have more up-to-date information about how they enforce the laws now?

  • 2 weeks later...

To be fast...

-Full auto is only uses in military weapons because it is there to help you kill people

-7.62 is a very good all-around bullet for hunting small and medium game (anything from cat-sized to medium-sized deer)

-rifle calibers do not magically change depending on what country the rifle is in

-every rifle only fires one single type of round (there may be different categories of that same round, including but not limited to: quieter versions that work with silencers, versions with heavier or lighter bullets, versions with longer or shorter bullets or other changes in bullet shape and geometry, and versions which have different casings-- better quality casings mean better accuracy, etc)

-using a gun does not make you violent in the same way that cutting up a steak does not train you to butcher your fellow man. opportunity must be matched by intent to commit whatever atrocity.

-depending on where you are, police in Thailand will either a) not care about you owning, carrying, and shooting a rifle or :) not care but demand money anyway

-buying legally is a pointless endeavor. because if anything happens where you use the gun, legal or not, you're still going to be blamed because thats the only thing foreigners are good for. maybe if you repel a terrorist attack, they'll let you off, and hey, good for you if you do, but if you accidentally hit (and God forbid, kill) a thai person with a stray bullet, game over.

-buying legally funds state-sponsored criminals. everybody here complains about corruption. you do the math.

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