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How To Find Consultant For Mac & Internet?


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How do you go about finding a consultant for Macintosh & Internet in Thailand?

I'm tired of beating my head against the wall about using my Mac on the Internet here. :)

So I'll pay someone to beat his head against the wall, for a change.

I have a MacBook.

Want to set up OpenVPN, maybe PPTP, and, also PGP, but I don't know how.

How to find someone already familiar with those?

Not someone who will learn at my expense, but someone who already knows what to do.

Please don't bother suggesting computer stores.

They're are fine for refilling ink cartridges, but this requires a higher level of expertise.

Expertise which I don't have either.

Here's the key: he wouldn't have to be where I am. (I live in Chiangmai.)

With the Internet, a consultant could be in California, or maybe in India -- doesn't matter to me.

But how do you go about finding someone who has the expertise?

I'm at a loss.

Thank you for any suggestions.

-- Oneman



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try sites like
- On Elance for example you can navigate to administration or unix and see many professionals offering their services and a listing of their skills and prices.

While I am always grateful for suggestions, maybe my original post wasn't clear enough.

That "Elance" site is clearly aimed at big companies, doing big projects, with big software.

Macintosh OpenVPN PGP ...
Sorry, Elance could not find matching professionals.

I am just one man, with one MacBook, trying to connect to the Internet, in Thailand.

Where can I find one consultant who would be a good fit to solve my small problems about that?

I already know about the computer club here in Chiangmai.

Their meetings are pleasant, but that sort of casual chatter is not what I need.

I am seeking someone who knows Mac and Internet, and can set up OpenVPN and PGP here in Thailand.

The part about "in Thailand" seems to be the joker in the deck.

Of course, I expect to pay professional rates.

I would pay airfare to Chiangmai (from elsewhere in Thailand), and a weekend in a nice hotel here, for someone who really, really, knows what they are doing.

Thank you for any recommendations on how to go about finding someone like that.

-- Oneman



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You might want to try

"This" is merely Google, and that search resulted in 1,680,000 replies.

Maybe "Surface" dreams I will pay him to sift through 1,680,000 replies.

I hope it doesn't look like I am so ignorant as to need advice to use Google, or Craig's List, or other search engines.

I do need a way -- a method -- on how to find a consultant to solve problems already described above.

Many people here on Thai Visa have computer problems, but not computer expertise.

It would be very useful to know how to find this kind of help.

-- Oneman


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Well, I cannot believe you cannot find a Mac Support person in a city the size of CM...

I'd agree that some computer stores can be pretty bad.(Tesco, big C if you can call them computer stores?) but even here on Koh Samui, I managed to find a PC guy, from one of the local stores, who was able to set up my Mac to the internet. He made a few calls to some contacts he had in BKK... & to CATCDMA (my provider) within an hour or two we were up & running.

I think that cost me 300 baht.

Now, & only in the last few weeks we have a BananaIT store on Samui, with a Mac Tech...


Are there no BananaIT stores in CM? They say they have over a hundred stores in Thailand, if they are all selling Macs, then they should have a Mac tech who should be able to help you out here?

I'd be amazed if you need to fly someone in!

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Well, I cannot believe you cannot find a Mac Support person in a city the size of CM... if they are all selling Macs, then they should have a Mac tech who should be able to help you out here? I'd be amazed if you need to fly someone in!

Maybe I should fly to Samui instead. :)

Yes, Chiangmai has a Mac store, but, as you can read in the original post, these are not standard, tech support problems.

It is not just a simple project of connect to Internet.

These are specific software tools.

It requires some expertise, along with fluent English, to understand the setup and to solve the problems.

This I have not yet seen among the staff at any Mac store in Chiangmai (or in Bangkok), where I have already been.

There must be a lot of people here on Thai Visa who have computer problems above the elementary level.

How can we find a more advanced level of support than is available in computer stores?

-- Oneman



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Oneman. I don't think your likely to find anyone who lives in CM that has already done it and wants to be a consultant. It's a rare one to be that concerned about security when the internet is already so slow. Why add more overhead?

Myself as well more advanced users could probably figure it out but why take on new software. Most techies like myself are interested in working on projects they have a personal interest in... Speaking for myself I am not that paranoid or interested.

What happened to your original post about the consultant being from California or India? You need to find someone who works for security sensitive corporations who has something ready to deploy. Do you even have your destination servers selected for these secure networks? If so they would have recommendations for exactly what software to use and how to configure it.

Thailand and Internet are hardly synonomous. You need to find a consultant that works in a place with bandwidth. Once you set all that up its going to be a cluster F and then you will whine like a stuck animal about how badly it works. Why would a consultant want to deal with you?

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Thailand and Internet are hardly synonomous. ... Why would a consultant want to deal with you?

I always appreciate well-meaning advice, even if that advice comes down to, "It can't be done."

Now, please, back to the original topic.

-- Oneman


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You don't have clearly delineated specs.

What networks or users do you want to connect to? What software are they using? Where are the networks/users located? What are their servers? Linux? MS? OSX servers?

What is you budget? in my experience in the past clients with with vague objectives tend to be up to something like illegal behavior or just very difficult and unrealistic in their expectations.

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...in my experience in the past clients with with vague objectives tend to be up to something like illegal behavior or just very difficult and unrealistic in their expectations.
Let's stay on topic and keep from personal attacks.

Thank you, Scott, for being "on watch" here.

"CobraSnakeNecktie" has qualified for my "Ignore User" list.

I won't see any more of his posts.

Back to the original topic: How to find computer consultant for problems which are above an elementary level.

-- Oneman


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okay so Oneman is blocking me. I guess that is not such a surprise because according to his profile he has already blocked 400 users. Someone can draw their own objective conclusions.

Maybe another user can ask him his spec's and draw out some details. It is something I work with in the past so curious about the topic.

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How do you go about finding a consultant for Macintosh & Internet in Thailand?

I'm tired of beating my head against the wall about using my Mac on the Internet here. :)

So I'll pay someone to beat his head against the wall, for a change.

I have a MacBook.

Want to set up OpenVPN, maybe PPTP, and, also PGP, but I don't know how.

How to find someone already familiar with those?

Not someone who will learn at my expense, but someone who already knows what to do.

Please don't bother suggesting computer stores.

They're are fine for refilling ink cartridges, but this requires a higher level of expertise.

Expertise which I don't have either.

Here's the key: he wouldn't have to be where I am. (I live in Chiangmai.)

With the Internet, a consultant could be in California, or maybe in India -- doesn't matter to me.

But how do you go about finding someone who has the expertise?

I'm at a loss.

Thank you for any suggestions.

-- Oneman



Send me your email address to <snip> and I will put you in touch with a Apple mac IT engineer

//edit note: I suggest you send PM to member //WF

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I hope it doesn't look like I am so ignorant as to need advice to use Google, or Craig's List, or other search engines.

It does.

Want to set up OpenVPN, maybe PPTP, and, also PGP, but I don't know how.

How to find someone already familiar with those?

Here's the key: he wouldn't have to be where I am. (I live in Chiangmai.)

With the Internet, a consultant could be in California, or maybe in India -- doesn't matter to me.

While I am always grateful for suggestions, maybe my original post wasn't clear enough.

That "Elance" site is clearly aimed at big companies, doing big projects, with big software.

The results in the google query I sent you contain everything you asked for and need. Feel free to reply with more snide remarks if you think that will somehow help you to resolve your issue.

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Send me your email address to <snip> and I will put you in touch with a Apple mac IT engineer

//edit note: I suggest you send PM to member //WF

While I appreciate all efforts, I do evaluate each response on it's quality.

My purpose is to strongly focus on the discussion topic, not just have a free-for-all.

This one:

1. Quoted a full post -- totally unnecessary.

2. Put in his email address -- against forum policy.

3. Could have simply used a private message -- as he, himself, suggested.

4. Offered one Apple staff, when I specifically asked for a METHOD of finding consultants.

So, I'm still looking for productive solutions.

Not just for myself, but for hundreds or even thousands of computer users here on Thai Visa, who need to find computer help for various problems, at various times.

-- Oneman


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Well, you can also try getafreelancer.com .

Thank you very much, "Smint".

That is the first post on this thread to show some promise.

I had a look at http://www.getafreelancer.com:

The site is world-wide.

It focuses on modest-size projects, rather than huge developments.

From a quick look, almost any skill that individual computer users here (Thailand) would need, could be found there.

I'm going to investigate more.

Thanks again, "Smint".

(And please let me know when you next get to Chiangmai: It will be my pleasure to "shout" your beer.)

What about other ways to find consultants, suitable for computer users in Thailand?

Especially for problems that are a little out of the ordinary, such as Macintosh and Internet security.

-- Oneman


PS --

Received some private comment about the examples in my opening post.

Both have to do with security -- correct -- so some wondering if I am from some spy agency.

If I was, would I post about it here?

VPN is the best way to protect yourself against WiFi "sniffing".

Everyone using WiFi in a coffee shop, hotel, condo, or even at home, is vulnerable.

PGP digitally signs your emails.

Like a registered letter in the post -- security for both sender and receiver of the message.

Here in Thailand, every Internet user is vulnerable in those two areas.

So I thought topics of Internet security would be of great interest on an Internet forum like Thai Visa.

I am surprised at so little interest, and at even less useful information about these vital topics.

It's important to me, that's why I'm seeking expert assistance.

However, the topic here is

I hope this thread will not get off-topic in that direction.

VPNs and PGP could be helpful for all users of Thai Visa, and would be worth threads of their own.

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... change the job description ... from "consultant" to "computer guy". That's saved me a bundle so far.

Nowhere in the opening post do you see any request to "save a bundle".

The question on this thread how to find experts who can solve problems.

-- Oneman


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Did you find anyone yet? I maybe would be able to help if it was a PC problem. I would like to be an IT consultant in Thailand. Ian

Thanks, Ian, for your offer.

This thread is not asking for one consultant, but for a method of finding consultants when you need them.

So far, there is no reliable method for connecting consultants and potential clients in Thailand.

Maybe setting up something would make a good project for you.

In the past, I've found consultants who post ads in expat newsletters or on such web sites as CraigsList.

I've also advertised, asking for a consultant for a specific situation.

But that's all been very hit-or-miss.

So far, no mention here of any reliable method of finding computer help, when you need it.

The few suggestions above -- like Google and other search engines -- are wide of the mark.

There may be an opportunity here, because Internet access is number three -- right behind air and water -- among the essential elements for expat life in Thailand.

In the past, the two best consultants I've found here have come from asking around.

Each charged 500 baht per hour.

In their specialties, they were quite good, but both have moved on, or else I wouldn't be here looking for a method of finding others.

On the other hand, the worst consultant was one very angry man who had ads up several places, but obviously couldn't do the work.

Yet he demanded to be paid any way; 1,000 for an hour of poking at my computer.

His manner indicated that if 1,000 baht was not forthcoming, there would be serious trouble.

I thought his was a rather clever scam.

So now you can see why I'm looking for a method of finding consultants when needed; something more effective than just posting on ThaiVisa for one response at a time.

-- Oneman



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Thank you for your kind words, I hope I helped... Perhaps just need to be careful about they payment procedures and whether they do the work. But I believe it's by PayPal and no threatening of "1000 baht or you're in trouble", so maybe it might be good. Seems like there are many professionals from India freelancing there.. :)

Good luck for your mac!

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