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How Many Farangs Do You Know,


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Not counting Thai Visa Forum, where many seem to be really bitter and twisted about the desicions they have made in their lives, how many normal Farangs do you know that are relatively happy ?

This site has so many threads that seem somewhat strange, there are too many posters here that are so angry, so pissed off, so bitter and twisted about seemingly all things Thai. I can only put this down to bravado and just winding people up on an anonymous internet forum.

Cos surely, if it was that bad, they wouldn't be here. So, I have to come to the conclusion that most of the constant whiners are trolls or idiots that stay in a place they dislike, then blame the place they choose to stay in.

Did they think everything would change overnight cos they decided to move here ?

I hear constantly the whinges of how Farangs cannot own land and house in Thailand, yet this has been the case for as long as I can remember, everyone knows it, yet still Farangs come here, buy land and build a house knowing full well they cannot own it, yet they still do it, then spend the rest of their lives <deleted>' moaning on internet forums about something they knew right from the start !!!!

OK, to the original question, I know quite a few that are happy, I would say that all seem to be financially secure and have choices.

I also know some who are very bitter, I would say the vast majority are struggling financially and should have planned their lives better, and basically, have very little choice.

They blame Thailand and Thai people for their own failings.

Nobody likes to admit to being a failure, and that comes across so well in Thailand where every Farang who fails seems to blame Thailand and Thai people.

It's never their own fault !!


There was a man driving on a country road he stopped to ask two old men who where leaning on a fence just outside a small village looking out over a field and talking. He asked them about the village, he asked them if the people there where friendly and happy, as the last place he lived was full of unfriendly and miserable people and not nice at all.

One of the men said well sir you will find the people here about also very unfriendly and not so nice, much like the last place you lived, best you go on a bit.

One thing I have found in my travels, that you get some people who are happy where ever they are, then there are some who want to just pick holes and compare this place with that, this way with another way. They just cant live happy and go with the flow, most of these people where not happy with the old country, but harp on and on about how good and civilised it was compared with etc etc.

But in answer to your question, I know one and he is happy.

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Believe it or not every farang i know and have chosen to keep as friends are happy...

The only unhappy/miserable/ripped off/go home/ stories I here about are on here...

But then my true farang friends are relatively normal..they enjoy women, beer and food in any order...

I have even had an happy farang women friend here too...and she enjoyed women, beer and food to...go figure!

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What a stupid question.

Sometimes I wonder if this board is a place to get the Guiness Book record of the biggest crap on the web.

To answer your question: most of the farangs I know living around my place are happy.

Some situations in this country though are way out of line, so people here express an opinion about that.

I like people who express an opinion, I hate people who jump on each and every thread and denigrate, bash, insult ad nauseum.

I mostly read the thread header, shake my head and go one with my life, sorry to have opened and and replied to an other idiotic topic/can of worms.

Have a nice life guys

Edited by tartempion
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What a stupid question....

...To answer your question: most of the farangs I know living around my place are happy.

Most of them are? There are some who are unhappy? Then maybe it's not such a stupid question after all.

I have little tolerance for whingers who constantly complain about the place they live. (By the way, this is not referring to the quoted post any more, but is a general point of view). If you're not happy somewhere, then why live there? Unless being unhappy makes you happy, in which case, what's the problem? I suspect most of the Thailand bashers who moan, bitch, whine and complain (which would make a good name for a law firm) about Thailand would still moan, bitch, whine and complain no matter where they lived. Even if their house was inbetween Madame Helga's school of oil massage for teenage girls and Joe's all you can eat and drink for a dollar beer and icecream emporium, they'd be complaining they couldn't get a beer with the massage, and, why oil, why not an icecream massage? - Alright, that's a whinge I may be guilty of too.

This intolerance means I have only a few true expat friends here. I'm not talking about drinking acquantances, or people I say hello to in the village, but real friends. All of us have been here close to, or over, two decades, all of us have long term marriages to Thais, all of us have built houses, knowing full well we can't own them, but not complaining about it, and all of us are as happy as a pig in another pig.

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What a stupid question.

To answer your question: most of the farangs I know living around my place are happy.

So, most of the Farangs you know are happy, meaning some are not happy too.

Now, that wasn't too difficult was it ? :)

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One of my farang tenants got in a domestic dispute with one of her live in boat/motorcycle guys, one of a growing number of female sexpats. Had to fly back home to get a busted silicone implant repaired. Now back to her schedule of changing guys every few weeks.

Happy? Tormented? Who knows. It'll vary all across the spectrum like everything else.


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Happiness is a mental state that we have to cultivate. If you go about your daily life in a positive frame of mind, I think you will tend to be happier. As a person who has lived with depression all my life, I consider myself to be happy most of the time. My ex-wife of 25 years, did not suffer with depression but was the most bitter and negative person I have ever known.

To some a glass is half full while others see a half empty one. I give credit to my parents, who tended to see a half full glass.

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What a stupid question.

To answer your question: most of the farangs I know living around my place are happy.

So, most of the Farangs you know are happy, meaning some are not happy too.

Now, that wasn't too difficult was it ? :)

Well, I gave a stupid answer to a stupid question, thus the score is 1-1 :D

But I will do my best to steer away from stupid topics, I promise :D

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What a stupid question.

To answer your question: most of the farangs I know living around my place are happy.

So, most of the Farangs you know are happy, meaning some are not happy too.

Now, that wasn't too difficult was it ? :)

Well, I gave a stupid answer to a stupid question, thus the score is 1-1 :D

But I will do my best to steer away from stupid topics, I promise :D

Oh my God.....I'm devastated.

I'm unsure if I can ever recover from this..............


Edited by Maigo6
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To some a glass is half full while others see a half empty one. I give credit to my parents, who tended to see a half full glass.

To an engineer a half empty or half full glass means that it is somebody elses turn to buy the drinks.

In Thailand, for me, Life's Good.

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hel_l I'll be 50 in a few years and aint got time to be wastin on all that unhappy moany stuff. Happily married, lovely daughter, great family. Dont let any little annoyances upset me. hel_l havent even got any money or possesssions apart from a shagged old pick up and that doesnt even bother me. Life is for living

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One thing that I notice a lot is the total lack of smiles on the faces of 'farang' in Thailand.

Perhaps I look like the village idiot because I try to smile all the time, regardless of how I may feel inside. But when I look around me I see nothing but glum faces.

Maybe these people are happy but they certainly don't look it!!

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life!

Some things in life are bad,

They can really make you mad,

Other things just make you swear and curse.

When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle.

And this'll help things turn out for the best.

And....Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)

Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)

If life seems jolly rotten,

There's something you've forgotten,

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps,

Don't be silly chumps.

Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing.

And...Always look on the bright side of life. (whistle)

Come on...Always look on the bright side of life...

For life is quite absurd,

And death's the final word,

You must always face the curtain with a bow.F

orget about your sin,

Give the audience a grin,

Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

So always look on the bright side of death,

Just before you draw your terminal breath,

Life's a piece of sh*t,

When you look at it,

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.

You'll see it's all a show,

Keep 'em laughing as you go.

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.

And always look on the bright side of life,

Always look on the right side of life,

Come on guys, cheer up.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Worse things happen at sea, you know.

Always look on the bright side of life.

I mean - what have you got to lose?

You know, you come from nothing,

you're going back to nothing.

What have you lost? Nothing! (fade...)



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Hehe..good one simon,I will whistle that tune all the while when en-route to OZ

Smiling regulary and acknowledging passers by with a nod and a smile is second nature to me here,but i feel the same in australia will (at best) be met with suspicion, and the question asked "what the !#$%^&* hel_l are you smiling about"

or the insinuation that you're gay and the offering of a punch in the head :)

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I only know three that are truly happy here in Thailand, Those 3 are from the same family, My brother from the Northwest, My Brother from the South and Me from Nakhon Sawan.

One brother had a bad introduction to Thailand, but I am glad to say that was 5 years ago , He since married and he moved to a rural village. I made the best decision of my life in moving to Thailand almost 9 years ago live in a rural village and couldn't be happier!

My Brother in the South passed away 2 years ago after living in Thailand 7 years and had a very good Thai wife!

I know we are/were happy with our lives here in the land of smiles.

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I don't know any because of my age(29). The young foreign guys/girls are busy smelling like crap and living on Khao San. The old ones are busy with hooker's and beer. Neither is my cup of tea. I don't drink or smoke so I don't meet many foreigners. The ones i do run into are old and bitter about EVERYTHING and the rest are just shifty and try to avoid all contact with other foreigners.

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This is a very good topic and i'm not suprised by the big response. I think the answer as is nearly always, "sixth of one and half a dozen of the other". Meaning alot of bitter and twisted "foreigners" and a country locked in xenophobia. I find that generally speaking foreigners that come here financially prepared are relatively happy (lets not go into the female pitfalls) but the ones that are somewhat stretched to the bone financially find it much easier to find fault. That said, there's a hel_l of alot more fault here than i ever imagined here when i arrived six years ago.

All said, after the toss of the coin, it is still my chosen home.....

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