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good lord people, this wasn't a cryptic message of suicide. he just said goodbye to us because he won't be coming back. and even if this was his cry for help, he needs to work on his grammar skills.

anyway, if it makes you feel anymore secure, he did post this awesome topic of happiness: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Kids-t302666.html

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good lord people, this wasn't a cryptic message of suicide. he just said goodbye to us because he won't be coming back. and even if this was his cry for help, he needs to work on his grammar skills.

anyway, if it makes you feel anymore secure, he did post this awesome topic of happiness: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Kids-t302666.html

I agree, the guy's got a sense of humor. Excellent post. Cheer up Fred, we all have our bad days, months, even years. Sh?t am havin a mother of a year. Theres an old African saying and it goes "calm seas don't make skillfull fishermen". Ride the waves my friend.

So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter. ~Gordon W. Allport

A man isn't poor if he can still laugh. ~Raymond Hitchcock

[/font] Edited by Steps
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Theres an old African saying and it goes "calm seas don't make skillfull fishermen". Ride the waves my friend.

So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter. ~Gordon W. Allport

A man isn't poor if he can still laugh. ~Raymond Hitchcock

As for your first adage, I have a similar one above my desk, ' Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm', with a picture of a trawler in extreme heavy seas.

For your second, I like that even better :)

As for Fred, he did seem to have a bit of a hard time of late and his statement, I suggest is regarding the Forum, not life in General and that is his choice.

I can't remember him being attacked, but if he was, then that is the norm for the smaller minded kindergarten kids on here, but to be honest, it is a largely anonymous forum ad you really need to keep it in perspective.

However, if he was reaching out and he was attacked, then these people should sod off, I suggest find another forum of like minded souls, but then you like to feed off other peoples misery for your own personal gratification, because you can't find anything in your own life to rejoice about.

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This thread reminds me of CandyJunkie on bodybuilding.com misc forum. He posted a link to say he was going to take an overdose and a link to his webcam that showed him taking the overdose and then after a while just lying down on his bed. The thread was full of typically distasteful (for that forum) comedy alongside a few genuinely concerned posts saying that somebody should call the police and tell them to check that he was ok. But nobody took responsibility, everybody hid behind the quite reasonable assumption that this was probably a trick. Around 10 hours later somebody bumped the thread and people clicked the link to his webcam where he remained lying still. At that point somebody did contact the police and a while later the webcam showed the police entering the room and then turning off the webcam. The kid was dead. It was all over the news.


Lesson of the story: Somebody should check on Fred and do it NOW.

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One thing I have learned from ThaiVisa is that there is always someone who knows more about a subject than I do.

Something else I have learned is that there are really, really a lot who know less.

Hope your OK Fred and take care.

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Do not reply to this message because I will disconnected to Thai Visa ( sorry to the mods) but i can't see being on here anymore. I wish you all the best.

fred, whoever you are, from the latin;

" sol invitus"

the sun will shine again for us my friend,

lets hold hands walk forwards and resolve never to let those blues defeat us

no matter how hard they try

just like that great song from butch cassidy and the sundance kids

please let us know you are well




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Well looks like Freds away eh?

If I send some silly post will you all ask questions about me too?

When I dont reply........pah , what planet are you all on?

maybe we're all on planet compassion

its not bad seeing things from here

what have we got to lose?

nothing, a brother is hurtin,lets do what we can

its what the world needs brother

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For gods sake.

This is an anonomous forum.

If a person cant handle what goes on here, he got some deep issues.

He shouldnt be here. God bless him but he needs an appt with Dr. Somchai before being allowed back.

I notice more than half the post are full of shit, for amusement only.

And if someone does stupid i dont see why we cant tell them they are stupid.

For example this stunt 007 just pulled off is stupid, plain and simple.

Edited by juliuserving
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This thread reminds me of CandyJunkie on bodybuilding.com misc forum. He posted a link to say he was going to take an overdose and a link to his webcam that showed him taking the overdose and then after a while just lying down on his bed. The thread was full of typically distasteful (for that forum) comedy alongside a few genuinely concerned posts saying that somebody should call the police and tell them to check that he was ok. But nobody took responsibility, everybody hid behind the quite reasonable assumption that this was probably a trick. Around 10 hours later somebody bumped the thread and people clicked the link to his webcam where he remained lying still. At that point somebody did contact the police and a while later the webcam showed the police entering the room and then turning off the webcam. The kid was dead. It was all over the news.

Lesson of the story: Somebody should check on Fred and do it NOW.

Why dont you do it then!

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A poster does NOT post personal details unless he has a thick skin and can accept criticism whether it be helpful or hateful.

The most destructive thing a person can do is to feel sorry for himself. Fred now has a case of poor me. Life goes on. There are many people who have it much worse than Fred.

There is only one person on earth who has the ability to make you sad or happy and that person is YOU.

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Take a holiday outside Thailand and things will get better Fred.

I had not left Thailand for 3 years until last month, made a world of difference getting back into a normal society for just 2 weeks.

Came back to Thailand refreshed and i actually missed the place.

Some people need a timeout from the madness that is Thailand.

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Well said SBK. Some take pleasure in kicking a guy when he's down.

I agree SBK

Unfortunately there are some sad posters, but they are in the minority and i know the mods do their best to keep them under control.

I have helped TV members here and they have helped me.

Hope Fred is ok. Pm me if you want to Fred

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Its not a matter of kicking people when they are down. Its kicking em when they are stupid. like this thread for example.

While we can sit here with the luxury of thinking it's a stupid thread and Fred should grow up - perhaps a little benefit of the doubt is in order until additional facts come to light?

Perhaps Fred is in pain and needed to vent. Strangely though, I looked at a few of his other posts in the minutes leading up to this thread and nothing there indicated to me that he was in dire straits.

Hope you are correct in your assumption that it is stupid rather than something more serious.

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For gods sake.

This is an anonomous forum.

If a person cant handle what goes on here, he got some deep issues.

He shouldnt be here. God bless him but he needs an appt with Dr. Somchai before being allowed back.

I notice more than half the post are full of shit, for amusement only.

And if someone does stupid i dont see why we cant tell them they are stupid.

For example this stunt 007 just pulled off is stupid, plain and simple.

catch yer next time Blizz

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I did some thing similar on another Thailand site , It was all all about abusing the Girls and then posting there pictures on line , It bother me So i just had my last say , it got all the usual replays from idiots and perverts, the best one was from the Moderator banning me , He knew i could not reply to him as he had blocked and banned me , He said i was an Embarrassment to England and i was raciest , I do not know how as i am married to a Thai lady , And I think i understand a little about Thai culture and care about people in general . OK I am dyslexic and it gets tiresome having to keep checking my spelling over and over again , but that will not stop me from having an opinion, . The point i am making about The poster saying goodbye maybe he is just tired of people giving stupid remarks (in his mind), i accept that i (He) will get some ragging and stick but that is good criticism. Hope he is OK but maybe he is just frustrated and has put it into asmall sentence and not topped himself , good luck to him and hope he surfices again on here,

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I really don't think it has anything to do with anything people have said (posted/replied). I read back through his posts and saw nothing out of the ordinary that would make him feel bad. I really believe that he thinks the world is against him, its all caving in, and the only thing he can do is suffer from the bad luck that has fallen on him. He is so down and out because of those break-ins and his apartment to boot that he is terrified. I cannot say that I would not feel the same as he does, because I'm not him and I'm not in his situation. I do, however, hope sincerely that he can pick his head up, go back to the drawing board, and start planning his comeback. One thing about Fred I have noticed is that he is very passive/timid/reluctant and he needs to speak in a louder voice. Fred if you read this, the next time you go to get supplies/materials, tell your wife that you will handle it. Get your goods and check out. When you are presented with a total cost, ask yourself if that is the same or just a little more than your wife usually pays. There is no need in crying over 200 baht. But if it is a considerable amount, you look that guy in the eyes and say "Listen here m/f, you had better give me a decent offer or I will take my business to Laos if I have to. I'll be dam_ned if I let you treat me like a 2nd class citizen." Thai people are just like Americans, Brits, Germans, etc. in that they want to make a sell. If you let him know that he ain't pullin' no wool over your eyes, he will come back to reality. Businessmen don't want to wait until tomorrow to "maybe" sell their product. If you have cash money, he is ready to make some money. What I'm trying to say to Fred is: Stop letting people take advantage of you. The ones responsible for your apartment-got the best of you. The ones who robbed you, twice-got the best of you, twice. Don't let them win. Get your head back in the game and think about what you might be able to do to increase your profit margin. You have to think about yourself and how you are going to take care of your wife. Get 'er done!

(sorry I rambled on so much, but I hope that this somehow reaches Fred and he is able to "wake up"

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I have only just been able to read all these posts, although another of Fred's friends made me aware this afternoon.

For those of you that genuinely care, his phone is unobtainable. I have just sent Fred an e-mail and if he doesn't answer I'll drive out to his house.

As for the unhelpful comments...........

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I have only just been able to read all these posts, although another of Fred's friends made me aware this afternoon.

For those of you that genuinely care, his phone is unobtainable. I have just sent Fred an e-mail and if he doesn't answer I'll drive out to his house.

As for the unhelpful comments...........

Nice one 'DEREK-C', :)

Please keep me posted via PM if you so wish or in the forum.

Yours as always

Win in Kan (next door to you) :D

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I don't put too much into threads like this. Cries for help etc. However, one thing I know is that everyone is unique and what for me seems juvenile is quite serious for another, so if you have a heart, let the compassion and understanding component take over. Who knows what hardship the guy has taken and whether we would hold up any better. In plain english: If you feel the need to kick the guy in the nads, go take a walk around the soi instead.

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thanks for doing that

one of the MODs has written Fred a message, but so far not heard anything back either.

it may or may not be anything, but I think we will all feel a lot better to know that hes ok.


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Fred, one of my wife's favorite sayings is "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem" . I hope you can overcome your temporary problem and forget about the permanent solution old son! They may be a cynical and vicious bunch on TV sometimes but at the end of the day TV is always good for a laugh and you can always block the users that piss you off.

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