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Incredible wind and downpour in Sansai/ Mae Jo area. It was the worst storm I have seen in the more than 5 years I've been here. Trees down all over. Power out for more than 2 hours. Perhaps as much as 10-15K THB damage out in the garden with destroyed plants and broken Chinese plant pots.sad.png

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It was a real gully washer around Loi Kroh road about 9:30 in the evening and it lasted a long time. I just parked my scooter and ducked into a nearby bar expecting to only stay half an hour. I was stuck there for several hours because I don't like riding in the rain and through flooded streets. The lights went out and the TV went off which peed off all the "footy" crowd who wanted to watch the rugby match between England and South Africa.

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Nong Hoi - Gymkhana Club - Railway Station area:

Wind quickly becoming higher, and higher, gusts beginning around 8:15PM or so, then, even higher winds, and extremely heavy rain.

Power went out around 9PM, Power back on around 4am this morning, then out again, then back on ten minutes later.

Most violent lightning storm I've ever been in the middle of, in many years here in Chiang Mai. The frequency of strikes which almost completely illuminated the night was incredible.

Unusually luminescent night-time sky, I assume because the 88% waxing gibbous moon was providing back-light.

Difficult to sleep without the sound of the fan on.

This is not the same "November" as the other ones I have experienced here more than twelve times !

Clearly the Nagas (Phayanaak) are expressing the rage of the Mother Goddess of the Rivers (Mae Nam) as a warning signal just before Her impending sacred, limnal, festival days.

yrs, ~o:37;

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Incredible wind and downpour in Sansai/ Mae Jo area. It was the worst storm I have seen in the more than 5 years I've been here. Trees down all over. Power out for more than 2 hours. Perhaps as much as 10-15K THB damage out in the garden with destroyed plants and broken Chinese plant pots.sad.png

We had a storm like that in San Kamphaeng a couple of weeks back. I hope they weren't Ming dynasty plant pots sad.png

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Incredible wind and downpour in Sansai/ Mae Jo area. It was the worst storm I have seen in the more than 5 years I've been here. Trees down all over. Power out for more than 2 hours. Perhaps as much as 10-15K THB damage out in the garden with destroyed plants and broken Chinese plant pots.sad.png

We had a storm like that in San Kamphaeng a couple of weeks back. I hope they weren't Ming dynasty plant pots sad.png

Plastic...printed Made in China on the bottom

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Incredible wind and downpour in Sansai/ Mae Jo area. It was the worst storm I have seen in the more than 5 years I've been here. Trees down all over. Power out for more than 2 hours. Perhaps as much as 10-15K THB damage out in the garden with destroyed plants and broken Chinese plant pots.sad.png

We had a storm like that in San Kamphaeng a couple of weeks back. I hope they weren't Ming dynasty plant pots sad.png

I've been out cleaning up and assessing the damage since 6:30. Just finished now. The force of the wind was unbelievable. Like a hurricane or something. We had one broken large window and numerous expensive plant pots smashed. Nothing from the Ming dynasty but some of those pots were dam_n expensive! So many plants in our garden snapped and broke like twigs. We were standing on the porch watching it happen and it happened so fast. We live in a remote corner of Sansai. Only a couple of other houses nearby and the wind came right at us full force. It was so fierce that it blew garden tools over the wall and down the soi! I tried to take a ride around the area on my bicycle but could not get far as there were downed trees everywhere.

Did anyone else have damage like this? Broken window, etc..

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The force of the wind was unbelievable. Like a hurricane or something.

Yes when the storm first started it was accompanied by a wind like I have not seen here before.

Only a few minutes of it but it was so strong it was making our closed sliding glass door onto the

deck whistle. At that moment when i tried to see if it was fully closed I could not slide it open.

So I knew there was a lot of force on it & left it be.

Just a few minutes but yes very strong force.

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It wasn't so tame in Night Safari! Our Jazz Fest was nearly annihilated!

Interesting; it was a pretty tame affair in Hang Dong, by comparison. I closed two windows on the Western side if the house for a couple minutes and that was it. Oh, also moved some chilli seedlings under cover. Appreciated the cool breeze.

Edited by ARISTIDE
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Yesterday was the only day this week that we did not have some rain. Today it has sprinkled on and off all day and right now there is a steady shower in progress. This might go into December at this rate.

Been getting scattered showers every afternoon and evening up here. Looks like the clouds extend over a very wide area and N nearly to the Chinese border. Not complaining - it's keeping everything looking lush and beautiful but choke mai dee for the rice harvest.

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Lanterns falling out of the sky right and left here on the west end.

Steady medium rain.

You could say that puts a "damper" on the festivities. It poured down rain this morning by the Tesco store at the south end of town. The sun sort of came out for a while in the afternoon.Thankfully, the rains held off yesterday evening around town for the main event.

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...again....it's coming down in Mae Rim now....

Could see that, as we drove out from town towards Mae-Jo late-afternoon, happily didn't actually get wet ourselves. smile.png

Apropos of nothing much, I've always believed that the Mae-Jo/Chiang-Mai/Hang-Dong side of the plain is wetter, than Mae-Jo/Doi-Saket/Sankamphaeng, would other local TV-members concur ?

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