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Egad! The Dark Side.

Still, if T_Dog, realthaideal, Priceless, and Winnie all suggest that we're on course to a normal year (with a wet Sept, to be sure and even a chance of getting less rain than last year) perhaps last year's concerns won't overwhelm momentary perceptions. I am encouraged for travel, farmers, and the environment. clap2.gif Mosquitoes, however, are another thing. bah.gif

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sad.png nvm..its gone again

It's moved over here, to Mae-Jo, a delightful sunny morning with fluffy white clouds, probably all my fault because I've got to jump on a plane this afternoon, at which point there will be tempests & tornadoes & earthquakes & apocalyptic downpours, ie. back to normal ! laugh.png

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Indeed, I motored on two wheels around the eastern parts of the moat, having come from just s. of Maejo. And I wondered at the thinking of those who lived among all those clouds, as I was sweltering in the sun, both here and there. Well, hot at least.

On the other hand, who arrived home soaked, because the downpour arrived without warning (not even windshield wipers waving from across the street)? And whose dog, all but a stoic, is hiding under my feet because of incredible blasts of noise? In short, it's September here - with a different one over there - right now. I'm lovin' it.

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Better to look here. http://www.tmd.go.th...hp?RegionID=1

( Worth keeping in mind what 'scattered thundershowers' actually means; It means the same as 'sunny spells with chance of a thundershower' )

Looks like it'll be pretty quiet rain-wise the coming days. (Also looking at the weather map)

Some sun, some rain, some in between, but not too much of anything.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Looks like it'll be pretty quiet rain-wise the coming days. (Also looking at the weather map)

Safe to wash the truck then? smile.png

Nothing worse than washing a black truck only to have it rain later that day biggrin.png

I thought the idea of having a vehicle is to get from A - B in all weathers?

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Looks like it'll be pretty quiet rain-wise the coming days. (Also looking at the weather map)

Safe to wash the truck then? smile.png

Nothing worse than washing a black truck only to have it rain later that day biggrin.png

I thought the idea of having a vehicle is to get from A - B in all weathers?

Agree 100% but...after bothering to wash it it is a big let down later that day for it

to look like crap having wasted the time & effort :)

But at the same time I like to care for my things.

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Yesterday, water level was 2.62m it takes 3.7 to flood. Another load like that and we are looking at another definite flood!

I just looked at the Thai Visa weather forcast for Chiangmai for today and the next three days. It tells me it should rain all day, yet blue skies and sun all day. Hummmm The rest of the week and weekend are forcast for heavy rain.

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Yesterday, water level was 2.62m it takes 3.7 to flood. Another load like that and we are looking at another definite flood!

I just looked at the Thai Visa weather forcast for Chiangmai for today and the next three days. It tells me it should rain all day, yet blue skies and sun all day. Hummmm The rest of the week and weekend are forcast for heavy rain.

one meter is a lot.

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Yesterday, water level was 2.62m it takes 3.7 to flood. Another load like that and we are looking at another definite flood!

I just looked at the Thai Visa weather forcast for Chiangmai for today and the next three days. It tells me it should rain all day, yet blue skies and sun all day. Hummmm The rest of the week and weekend are forcast for heavy rain.

one meter is a lot.

That is for sure. Up here in Mae Taeng in the upper reaches of the Ping and Mae Taeng rivers, farmers are saying it is quite a dry rainy season. I think it would take a major storm system to come through to cause any problems this year. Let's hope that doesn't happen, and so far nothing on the charts.

Edit: BTW, we have had three sunny days in a row just as Wunderground predicted. Did have an hour of light rain yesterday, but the sun kept shining the whole time.

Edited by T_Dog
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On the topic of when the seasons change, I always track the onset of the cool season not by rain but light. Seems every year I see a change in the light and decide the season has come, regardless of rain or temperature. Once the light changes, the rain will dry out and temperatures will drop within 2 weeks. Haven't seen it yet this year but it looks close. My prediction for Chiang Mai is dry and notably cooler by Oct 10. We'll see.

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"The Thai meteorological department announced that an active monsoon

trough will remain across the lower North, Central, East and lower

Northeast portions of Thailand, with heavy to very heavy rain from

September 14-18. Residents in these areas are advised to watch out for

flash floods and other dangerous conditions resulting from this weather


Chiang Mai Consulate wardens are requested to alert members residing in

their respective districts concerning this message."

You have been warned. And I imagine we're going to get warned about the possibility of just about everything for awhile...

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It's a Seattle morning up here in Mae Taeng. Low flat overcast, light drizzle and now a steady rain with the coolest morning temperature this season at 22 degrees C. Had to break out the chamois long sleeve shirt with the cold wind out of the North. No autosamal dominant compelling helioopthalmic outburst syndrome today! wink.png

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Sounded really nice, how's the water level over there.

It's a Seattle morning up here in Mae Taeng. Low flat overcast, light drizzle and now a steady rain with the coolest morning temperature this season at 22 degrees C. Had to break out the chamois long sleeve shirt with the cold wind out of the North. No autosamal dominant compelling helioopthalmic outburst syndrome today! wink.png

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Sounded really nice, how's the water level over there.

It's a Seattle morning up here in Mae Taeng. Low flat overcast, light drizzle and now a steady rain with the coolest morning temperature this season at 22 degrees C. Had to break out the chamois long sleeve shirt with the cold wind out of the North. No autosamal dominant compelling helioopthalmic outburst syndrome today! wink.png

Fairly normal yesterday, but haven't checked today. The rains have not been heavy and widespread like last year. I'll try to take a run to the river later on and let you know how it is looking.
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i,ve been back around a month .living up north near chaiprakan.It has rained almost every day

.Some heavy heavy rain lasting for 5-6 hours at a time with frightening electric and thunder storms.

Dont know if that part of the country is in some electric field ,but i,ve never experienced the intensity and frequency of the electric storms anywhere like it before

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Sounded really nice, how's the water level over there.

It's a Seattle morning up here in Mae Taeng. Low flat overcast, light drizzle and now a steady rain with the coolest morning temperature this season at 22 degrees C. Had to break out the chamois long sleeve shirt with the cold wind out of the North. No autosamal dominant compelling helioopthalmic outburst syndrome today! wink.png

The Mae Taeng RIver has come up surprisingly fast. Still no flooding and locals are not concerned, but this water is headed south. If I remember right, the crest took 36 hours from the Mae Taeman gaging station (up the Mae Taeng RIver at the elephant camps) to get to Narawat. I'll attach the gaging station photo from last year and this year, although the angle is not the same you can still see the difference.

The good news is that the river is more than a meter lower than it was during the crest last year. The shore areas are not inundated with water. I took a 60 km motorcycle ride up there and none of the small streams were raging like last year. No rain during the whole time I was up there either. No rafting last year due to the danger but this year it is business as usual.








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