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Marmite - Where Can I Buy It It Pattaya?


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Bovril is a victim of the BSE problems and no longer manufactured as it is made from actual meat extract.

You've just ruined my day - do you mean that I cannot find it ANYWHERE?

What's the point in going on - I'll tie my hands behind my back. tape a plastic bag over my head and jump off my first floor balcony.

Only a cup of hot Bovril will revive me sufficiently to face the rest of the day.

(Or a couple of large draft Chang)

(But I'm in Saudi at the moment - another five weeks before I get home - so watch out all you lazy TCNs - I'm not happy!!!!!)

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Bovril is a victim of the BSE problems and no longer manufactured as it is made from actual meat extract.

You've just ruined my day - do you mean that I cannot find it ANYWHERE?

What's the point in going on - I'll tie my hands behind my back. tape a plastic bag over my head and jump off my first floor balcony.

Only a cup of hot Bovril will revive me sufficiently to face the rest of the day.

(Or a couple of large draft Chang)

(But I'm in Saudi at the moment - another five weeks before I get home - so watch out all you lazy TCNs - I'm not happy!!!!!)

Don't take it so hard Humphrey Bear and please don't do anything silly like standing naked on your balcony throwing bottles of Vegamite at passing Ozzies

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Friendship have Marmite in stock 183 baht a small jar and 200 and odd for a big one.

Marmite trivia..........

Taking Marmite on toast a couple of weeks before travelling to tropical countries prevents mosquitos biting you.

If you put a dollop of marmite on a plate and hit it with a spoon it will turn a paler colour.

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Don't take it so hard Humphrey Bear and please don't do anything silly like standing naked on your balcony throwing bottles of Vegamite at passing Ozzies

I live in a dead end (is that why it appealed to me)

The only person living further down the dead end is DT from Blues Factory.

I chuck house bricks at him, Vegemite's too valuable to waste.

(Also that was pAssing Ozzies, wasn't it? I thought first it was pI.....

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Taking Marmite on toast a couple of weeks before travelling to tropical countries prevents mosquitos biting you.

Even mosquitos have better taste than that! :o

I don't know. Some of the stuff the Thai's eat doesn't appeal too much. eg Insects.

Give me Marmite anyday.

BTW, has anyone laid eyes on Promite?

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Bovril is a victim of the BSE problems and no longer manufactured as it is made from actual meat extract.

You've just ruined my day - do you mean that I cannot find it ANYWHERE?

What's the point in going on - I'll tie my hands behind my back. tape a plastic bag over my head and jump off my first floor balcony.

Only a cup of hot Bovril will revive me sufficiently to face the rest of the day.

(Or a couple of large draft Chang)

(But I'm in Saudi at the moment - another five weeks before I get home - so watch out all you lazy TCNs - I'm not happy!!!!!)

Fear not dear sir!

Have done some time in the UK recently and Bovril is still there. I brought a large pot back with me. Very nice on a slice of hot toast.

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That's it! I'm off to Tesco as I have to have some Marmite!!

I'm still in the UK as we are moving to Thailand in August, my son put the empty jar back in the cupboard and I have just found it....empty!

I totally sympathise with all of you though and hope you find some soon.

I'll make sure I pack loads when I leave and should make friends easily!


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That's it! I'm off to Tesco as I have to have some Marmite!!

I'm still in the UK as we are moving to Thailand in August, my son put the empty jar back in the cupboard and I have just found it....empty!

I totally sympathise with all of you though and hope you find some soon.

I'll make sure I pack loads when I leave and should make friends easily!


Marmite has never been a problem to buy in Thailand.

But Bovril, black pudding, white pudding, Dorset Cereals, lamb, blackberries, loganberries, raspberries and so on - Blackcurrants and red currants - miss 'em all.

And a good loaf of bread - buying my own breadmaker and show the wife and maid how to use it. But that's only a bog-standard tray loaf. Not a decent cottage loaf, or chollah on Friday, or soda bread, or ........

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Taking Marmite on toast a couple of weeks before travelling to tropical countries prevents mosquitos biting you.

Even mosquitos have better taste than that! :o

I don't know. Some of the stuff the Thai's eat doesn't appeal too much. eg Insects.

Give me Marmite anyday.

BTW, has anyone laid eyes on Promite?

If you miss Promite it is in fact simply Vegemite with a dash of sugar added....read the label

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To be inedible Marmite would have to be a few centuries old!

I thought that applies to any kind of marmite... :o

No - that was only the development stage.

Marmite has quite a history. If you go back to the 1920's, Harold Carter discovered King Tutenkhamun's tomb in Egypt, in the Valley of the Kings. Among all the artefacts still buried with the king were several amphorae of wine (not drinkable) some more of beer (also not drinkable). However in one corner of the outer chamber of the tomb was a bench where these drinking bottles had been filled and sealed.

Discarded under the bench were a couple of uncapped vessels that had obviously had some spoilt beverage inside. Howard Carter put them to one side to examine later, then went back to his tent for a couple of hours kip. When he woke up, feeling peckish, he called for his manservant and asked for a sandwich. The servant told him that the smoked salmon was finished, there were no fresh vegetables, all that was left was a heel of mature cheddar. HC accepted this with a muttered curse, but asked that the servant put some Packenham's gentlemen's Relish on it to help the taste. Then toast it.

The servant went out, returned after a minute, saying he couldn't see the relish. HC remembered having some for breakfast and told the servant that it was in the pot by the bench. The servant got muddled as far as benches went (kitchen bench, work bench, bench in tomb - all benches) and went off to the anteroom to the tomb, scraped some of the gunk in the bottom of the opened amphora onto the cheese sarnie, put it under the grill and served it to HC.

Thus was born Marmite.

Note to readers: Howard Carter died of unknown causes shortly thereafter, thus starting the 'Curse of the Pharoahs' myth.

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Marmite is available at the supermarket on the corner of Theppraya and Thepprasit road (foodmart!? something like that), bought some about two days ago, they also sell walkers crisps including the marmite flavoured ones.

got a 500g jar of marmite bought out to me in Jan that I am working my way through, good to know I can get some more when it runs out... Its great for keeping the mossies away :o But I am gonna have to check out the marmite crisps! ok so they taste the same as the beef ones, but they are still good :D

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