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Well Connected Farang


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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn’t want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn’t even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn’t involve him.

It’s the first time since I’ve been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I’ve never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn't want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn't even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn't involve him.

It's the first time since I've been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I've never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

"the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends"


hope your gf does not take your using your influence to mean that she can go on drinking and driving/riding. next time someone could be killed.

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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn't want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn't even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn't involve him.

It's the first time since I've been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I've never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

You are correct that some guys can get a little miffed at not being asked or allowed to help. Almost like they think we don't trust them enough to be in their debt. Still I was never able to ask. It just went against who I am. Maybe it is just me but don't know how proud I would be about getting a GF off a DUI. Then again she wouldn't be my girlfriend in the first place.

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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn't want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn't even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn't involve him.

It's the first time since I've been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I've never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

"the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends"


hope your gf does not take your using your influence to mean that she can go on drinking and driving/riding. next time someone could be killed.

Yes, genuine friends - By innocent groundwork I'm referring to the fact that when our friendships started my friends were freshly out of Uni and unemployed. I'm god father to a friends son (even though he's not Christian he likes the concept), he's visited my home in the UK at Christmas, we talk almost daily on the phone and drink / dine together at least once per week. I with my GF and him with is wife we vacation together yearly, we have also profited in business together. A friendship couldn't be more genuine.

DUI - Agreed and we've sorted that one out already, no more drinking while driving - It wasn't reckless alcohol consumption so I had no issue with it. But 2 Glasses of wine put her over the limit. It was a good lesson for her to learn which has also been passed on to her friends.

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I compare the OP with "rich farangs in Thailand saga". All those rich guys who are talking about how much money they have... I've met many "millionaires and billionaires".

They even couldn't afford to pay their restaurant bill. People with money will never talk about thei assest and people with real tough connections will never reveal it.

How many times did I hear "do ya know to whom I have connections?" Utter BS in most cases.

It`s not the well connected Farangs that concern me, in fact it`s the opposite.

The Farangs to avoid are those that are living in Thailand on a shoestring budget. As these can be found in any bar, teaching at schools and may even approach you in the street. The more affluent criminal types or those with so called high profile connections normally keep within they’re own clicks.

The desperate, these are visa runners who do not have the funds or incomes to meet the requirements of obtaining a 12 month visa here, or those who have a much younger high maintenance Thai girlfriend using most of their funds to support her, others that are scratching around for any kind of work, legal or illegal in order to support themselves and those living in Thailand with no visa at all.

Some take to pushing drugs, behind the scenes begging, working at low paid jobs without work permits or poncing off they’re mates.

These are the Farangs to avoid. Associating with these losers can cause one major problems.

Usual dross and sweeping generalisations of grouping certain people together. For some strange reason you always seem to associate everything to wealth and visas.

Whilst there are some valid points that you make, you somewhat lose it by venting your usual rhetoric.

I have been here for four years, and I have friend here that are retired, country directors, teachers and also a few visa runners - some wealthy and some living on a shoestring. I will say that I have not had any major problems with Farangs here, who I have met. In general they have been mostly been very normal and decent people. I'll make an exception to one person who I ended up bailing out on a large hospital bill, which has never been paid back - but that was the exception. Just cos someone is on a shoestring or a visa runner doesn't mean they are a bad person.

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The best way to make and keep influential friends is to never need them and never use them. You don't treat a friend like an asset or flaunt them. Sort out your own problems. Any guy who brags is just that, a bragger.

You say things well I like and appreciate your wisdom. You have a good understanding of human social interaction. To ask an influential person for help makes the person asking a liability and petential problem. I agree make your own bed ad sleep in it.

The other week I made a phone call and got my GF off a DUI charge. I chose this route rather than involving her father (who in his own right is relatively un-touchable) because I didn't want him to bother about this and I thought it might score me some points having my own connections. When he found out he didn't even blink an eyelid but was a little miffed that we didn't involve him.

It's the first time since I've been in Thailand that I have used my connections and I wanted to see if they would work as promised. They did, and very effectively, I was impressed and realised that the innocent groundwork over the last 12 years has brought me some genuine friends who are now in positions of strength (one of whom is one of my closest friends), who will assist me out of friendship, respect and nothing more than that.

With these connections comes a level of responsibility, I do not abuse it. My friends always joked with me that I've never needed their assistance. I always joked back that when the time comes it might be over an issue too large for them to help.

I have a very annoying neighbour – after venting off to my friend he offered to check his visa and work permit status etc. I was tempted but laughed that one off.

The impression I get is that genuine friends want to help and use their positions to assist. I however, much prefer not to be in a situation where this is necessary and behave accordingly.

Well done mate. Did you get the cop in trouble for citing the DUI?

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Im a well connected farang :D & you and a few others around here should really be careful when it comes to getting in my way, I can have you snuffed out faster than it takes my aunty to knock up a plate of som-tum. :D

What is it that you have been sniffing OP? Seriously? :)

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Im a well connected farang :D & you and a few others around here should really be careful when it comes to getting in my way, I can have you snuffed out faster than it takes my aunty to knock up a plate of som-tum. :D

What is it that you have been sniffing OP? Seriously? :)


Welcome back. :D

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For all tha guys and girls out there who are "connected" and can get things done and charges removed,try getting pinched with 30kg of

cocaine in the land of smiles ,then see if your contacts can pull you out of the smelly stuff,ummmm i wonder? :)

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Anybody who talks about all the connexions he has, has none. Why would influential people associate themselves with braggarts?

Lots of very well connected people like to boast about who and what they know and what they get up to in England in one way or another, its the same in "show face" Thailand.

Most villians like to talk, hence there are too many grasses about.

The only people not to annoy are the ones who'll stick a knife/bottle into your face all by themselves, if someones got to go and get their friends you've not too much to worry about IMHO.

Edited by whichschool
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Well done mate. Did you get the cop in trouble for citing the DUI?

They did their job well and professionally which I passed on to his superior.

She must be a real looker to get done for DUI :D

???? I don’t understand that comment.

For all tha guys and girls out there who are "connected" and can get things done and charges removed,try getting pinched with 30kg of

cocaine in the land of smiles ,then see if your contacts can pull you out of the smelly stuff,ummmm i wonder? :)

I can’t imagine anyone outside of Senior Military being connected well enough to get off a 30 kg charge.

The only people not to annoy are the ones who'll stick a knife/bottle into your face all by themselves, if someones got to go and get their friends you've not too much to worry about IMHO.

The worrying thing is that in Thailand, some of those who are likely to ‘stick a knife/bottle into your face all by themselves’ are the spoilt ones who are more likely to have connections.

Two Quick Examples:

➢ Pistol Whipping in Pattaya,

➢ The one where the guy plows into a bus load of people out of road rage.

I’m not saying that just because these guy’s had a Mercs that they had connections. But its more likely than someone less affluent and their affluence and possible family connections can get them off a charge hence their affinity to act irresponsibly

In my earlier post I commented that With these connections comes a level of responsibility I do not abuse. I admittedly utilized this connection once – I don’t think anyone having friends who can help in similar situation would not have asked for the assistance of friends. I do however much prefer not to be in a situation where assistance is necessary and behave accordingly as best I can.

Additionally, ‘Connected’ is probably the wrong words and gives off too many Mafioso connotations. Having friends and / or family who are in a position to help says it a little more cleanly IMO.

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Welcome back. :D

Thankyou, kind sir.

For all tha guys and girls out there who are "connected" and can get things done and charges removed,try getting pinched with 30kg of

cocaine in the land of smiles ,then see if your contacts can pull you out of the smelly stuff,ummmm i wonder? :D

Wow, that sounds like a great idea, I can see thai visa has been recruiting brain surgeons, again :)

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