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Why Are Some People So Desperate So Stay Here ?

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Why are so many farangs so desperate to stay and live in Thailand ? I see so many western people willing to do anthing to stay here, but why do they want to stay so much. Thailand is no where near good as it once was . Yes beaches are nice but go about 1 min walking inland from the beach and most of the raods are very messy with quite alot of rubbish all over the place! Ok the Local thai people can be friendly for tourists... but live here and you soon find out that farangs are treated as second class people by Thais. ( anyone one who says other wise even hasnt lived here along time or is just kidding themselfs) Alot of Thai people are racist some more than others, and many Thai people just dont like farangs full stop. So why do some people want to stay so bad ? I only stay here becuase,

for 1 - I make quite good money from being based here throw I dont work in Thailand and wouldn't like to. But for - 2 and most important i have a child here.

Apart from the second point i would not be here. Can anyone tell me really why so many farangs are so desperate to stay here ? I am thinking most of them are becuase of they have a thai lady. I dont understand about that so much to... i have had before hence i have a child. But i cpuld never get my head around the money situation about supporting her family and giving money. Thats why i ended that. We are still good friend, but i only support my child and no one else. So if anyone can tell me also about why i see so many farang guys supporting a thai wife ( her mum and dad ) her children ( from her ex thai husbend ) Are these guys for real or do they really work a charity i dont no about ! ?

Anyway send some message and lets find out about these things


Your point has been dealt with in a hundred different ways on other threads. Not that I am diagreeing with you, because I understand your point and agree with. I think many of us have reached the stage where we don't care about the motives of others. If someone is finally happy in life, then who am I to question that?

In response to your query Can anyone tell me really why so many farangs are so desperate to stay here ? I'd list my top 5

1. Finally happy. Either by getting that dream job, meeting the right lady and having wonderful kids (yes, it happens :D )

BTW, ever notice that the happy farangs are the ones with the stable relationships? :)

2. Can't go back. The burnt bridges syndrome, (See the many threads)

3. Too lazy/overhwhelmed/unmotivated (See threads on the cheap charlies)

4. The ability to hire the locals to iron one's boxers and do as commanded, including peeling of one's grapes whilst sitting comfortably in front of the pool that one of the local slaves aka domestic servants, has kept clean. (This one is my personal favourites. A few euro, quid, dollars can go a long way at hiring people to make you feel important and loved.. However, as I am a tightwad, I settle for a lick from Ms. Halitosis to make me feel special - works best after she's just gotten into the garbage :D )

5. The grim reaper is close by and sent a message that you should go and wait for him in Rawai or Pattaya. :D


The answer is ignorance; stupidity; sex; a tendency to criminality; and an ability to be blind to the polluted environment in which they live.

Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks.

Yes, Thais in general do not like farangs. In fact educated Thais have told me that all Thais who have daily contact with farangs hate them.


Rico3000, what can I say to your educated post, errrmmmmmm lets think about it........

Absolute bullsh*t and complete bollicks, I'd love you to provide links to your findings, or is it just an opinion...Sorry all, I should know better, but I just fed a troll. Doh

The answer is ignorance; stupidity; sex; a tendency to criminality; and an ability to be blind to the polluted environment in which they live.

Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks.

Yes, Thais in general do not like farangs. In fact educated Thais have told me that all Thais who have daily contact with farangs hate them.

Oh? How very superior of you, If the educated Thais that told you that see you regularly, I guess they secretly hate you too? My experience is that most Thais are similar to people all over the planet, (except for their cultural idiosyncracies) and that is that they make up their own minds about the people they like or don't like, on the basis of what sort of person they are, rather than what race they are.

From some of the posts I see on Thai Visa, I would think that there are some intelligent Farangs living in Thailand. As for your other reasons, I think you may be guilty of thinking with your dick when you made your post!

The answer is ignorance; stupidity; sex; a tendency to criminality; and an ability to be blind to the polluted environment in which they live.

Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks.

Yes, Thais in general do not like farangs. In fact educated Thais have told me that all Thais who have daily contact with farangs hate them.

It's quite late, and I've just returned from having a really good meal with friends, so, on that basis, perhaps I'm just about to be a little less diplomatic than I would rather be.

Who on earth is this guy, to disperse opinions on the majority of people whom he's never met? If you're basing your opinions on farangs as:

"Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks."

I think that's this more an indictment of the company that you personally keep, rather than the average resident expat here in Phuket. Phuket is no different than many other multi-cultural centres in the world, and will always attract elements who don't particularly want to be a permanent fixture. But, there are so many honest, good, sociable people here, both farang and Thai, I for one am very happy. Perfect, no. But, there are not many places on this earth that has the combination of simplicity (if you look for it), sophistication (again, if you look for it), and all round pleasantness that Phuket has. Been said so many times before, but rarely have I felt it so apt to comment 'get a life'.


Hi Kev or should we call kuvvvin what a load, sounds like you had a rough passage to reality. how can you say such things moderator step in please. where did you learn spelling?


What people never seem to understand is, just because your life is crap and you are miserable doesn't mean that everybody else is. You shouldn't judge others by your own poor standards. Just like in your other thread saying, Thai/Farang relationships never work, when what you actually mean is that you couldn't make your relationship work. Lots of us don't have your problems, and when you say all Thai people hate Farangs, what you are actually saying is Thai people don't seem to like you very much, again, most of us don't have your problems. It seems that when some people are unhappy, they try to make themselves feel better, by being negative and trying to drag others down with them, and the fact that you're doing it with strangers in a public forum is a bit sad. Why don't you give your mum a ring or something, tell her you need some attention. Perhaps you and Rico3000 could hook up and cheer each other up, two negatives do make a positive after all, or is that just math. People troll for many reasons but most of the time it's unhappy people, frustrated with their lives, trying to make themselves feel better. Very sad.

The answer is ignorance; stupidity; sex; a tendency to criminality; and an ability to be blind to the polluted environment in which they live.

Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks.

Yes, Thais in general do not like farangs. In fact educated Thais have told me that all Thais who have daily contact with farangs hate them.

It's quite late, and I've just returned from having a really good meal with friends, so, on that basis, perhaps I'm just about to be a little less diplomatic than I would rather be.

Who on earth is this guy, to disperse opinions on the majority of people whom he's never met? If you're basing your opinions on farangs as:

"Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks."

I think that's this more an indictment of the company that you personally keep, rather than the average resident expat here in Phuket. Phuket is no different than many other multi-cultural centres in the world, and will always attract elements who don't particularly want to be a permanent fixture. But, there are so many honest, good, sociable people here, both farang and Thai, I for one am very happy. Perfect, no. But, there are not many places on this earth that has the combination of simplicity (if you look for it), sophistication (again, if you look for it), and all round pleasantness that Phuket has. Been said so many times before, but rarely have I felt it so apt to comment 'get a life'.

Let's be a little less liberal and stick with some facts. Aside of Bill Heineke (Thailands 16th richest man) has any other expat ever made a dent into Thai society?

How many expats are here working at a Masters Degree Level or Phd Level job that is not teaching? What percent would you guess?

What percent of expats here are retired?

What percent of expats in reality fit the bill that the original poster is referring to? Here working for 30,000 to 40,000 baht per month and more infatuated with sex and beer?

What percent of expats here are family men, married over 5 years with children?

What percent of expats here own a business that makes at least 200,000 thb profit per month that they can show they are paying tax on?

Anyone can throw out opinions and the rest of the world can argue every single one of them. Does not mean a person is right or wrong or needs to be belittled. He is calling his experience here as he sees it. The experience in Thailand is different depending on which group of expats you fit into. expats, apples=apples and orange=oranges. Apples do not equal oranges.

So one expat here teaching for 30,000 a month will have a completely different view than say a retired expat with a nice retirement package or a business owner making over 200,000 a month.

My opinion is that I always thought I would die in Thailand. After many years, it was only until this last year I have been going over deciding to move back to the USA or not. Here are some things influencing me personally:

1. Exhorbant price of International School with second rate teachers and 25+ students to a classroom. I am talking ISB, RIS, and the big international schools with a supposed solid reputation. Tuition for elementary grades is between US $12,000 to $15,000 per child. I just feel my son is not getting the education he needs because to much of the classroom time is spent with students who cannot understand English.

2. Political situation could explode at any moment. The problem with the govt is their actions influence investment and monetary rates in Thailand. There is more effort from the govt fighting infighting than solving economic problems and stabilizing the economy and investment.

3. Lack of quality expat jobs. Years and Years ago they were everywhere to be found, now almost extinct.

4. Corruption in Business at all levels and its getting worse each year.

5. VISA process is essentially the same whether you are a drunk tourist here for 90 days, a bonafide business owner paying tax or a married man with a family. But lets be clear? This process effects white caucasion westerners only. If you are Korean, Chinese or Japanese and want to move to Thailand, the red carpet is put down and you can buy any dam_n thing you want in this country.

6. Driving with the worlds worst drivers and being stopped almost daily around the city at the different "Police Donation Checkpoints". Speaking of which, a country where laws and the courts can be bought and sold at will is a dangerous place to live for any foreigner. Justice will not be served in most cases.

There are still many things I like, the weather for the most part, the food, ability to have cheap medical and dental, travel in country quite easy and affordable. But after years of seeing and doing it all, not much left to see or do. For me the decision is what would be best for the family?


tragically the can of worms can't be closed, though I find temporary relief to my boredom to follow this and other forums it's a bit depressing.......... on a funnier note this dog is about to bite off more than he can chew....... rotflmao


Anyone can throw out opinions and the rest of the world can argue every single one of them. Does not mean a person is right or wrong or needs to be belittled. He is calling his experience here as he sees it.

The OP was trolling, nothing more, nothing less. People who enjoy and feel the need to spread there negitivity to everyone who will listen, aren't trying to have a two sided conversation, but are simply trying to be noticed, in a desperate need for attention. Unfortunately, everybody (me included) gives them exactly what they want, and need by answering their posts. As for the rest of your post, I enjoyed reading it, but not sure exactly what you were getting at.

Let's be a little less liberal and stick with some facts. Aside of Bill Heineke (Thailands 16th richest man) has any other expat ever made a dent into Thai society?

How many expats are here working at a Masters Degree Level or Phd Level job that is not teaching? What percent would you guess?

What percent of expats here are retired?

What percent of expats in reality fit the bill that the original poster is referring to? Here working for 30,000 to 40,000 baht per month and more infatuated with sex and beer?

What percent of expats here are family men, married over 5 years with children?

What percent of expats here own a business that makes at least 200,000 thb profit per month that they can show they are paying tax on?

Anyone can throw out opinions and the rest of the world can argue every single one of them. Does not mean a person is right or wrong or needs to be belittled. He is calling his experience here as he sees it. The experience in Thailand is different depending on which group of expats you fit into. expats, apples=apples and orange=oranges. Apples do not equal oranges.

So one expat here teaching for 30,000 a month will have a completely different view than say a retired expat with a nice retirement package or a business owner making over 200,000 a month.

My opinion is that I always thought I would die in Thailand. After many years, it was only until this last year I have been going over deciding to move back to the USA or not. Here are some things influencing me personally:

1. Exhorbant price of International School with second rate teachers and 25+ students to a classroom. I am talking ISB, RIS, and the big international schools with a supposed solid reputation. Tuition for elementary grades is between US $12,000 to $15,000 per child. I just feel my son is not getting the education he needs because to much of the classroom time is spent with students who cannot understand English.

2. Political situation could explode at any moment. The problem with the govt is their actions influence investment and monetary rates in Thailand. There is more effort from the govt fighting infighting than solving economic problems and stabilizing the economy and investment.

3. Lack of quality expat jobs. Years and Years ago they were everywhere to be found, now almost extinct.

4. Corruption in Business at all levels and its getting worse each year.

5. VISA process is essentially the same whether you are a drunk tourist here for 90 days, a bonafide business owner paying tax or a married man with a family. But lets be clear? This process effects white caucasion westerners only. If you are Korean, Chinese or Japanese and want to move to Thailand, the red carpet is put down and you can buy any dam_n thing you want in this country.

6. Driving with the worlds worst drivers and being stopped almost daily around the city at the different "Police Donation Checkpoints". Speaking of which, a country where laws and the courts can be bought and sold at will is a dangerous place to live for any foreigner. Justice will not be served in most cases.

There are still many things I like, the weather for the most part, the food, ability to have cheap medical and dental, travel in country quite easy and affordable. But after years of seeing and doing it all, not much left to see or do. For me the decision is what would be best for the family?

Yet another personal situation.

Your problems are not my problems.

I'll die here.




i personally felt so very sad for both of you and for the bad experiences you encountered in thailand so far....

no one should really encounter so many negatives in thailand, be it in phuket, krabi, samui, trang, cm or other tourist centers....

if you are still in such a depressed emotional conditions TWO WEEKS from today .... pm me

and i'll provide you both with a free room with a/c, hot/cold shower, refrig etc.,

and renown original thai food restaurant grade.... for two days and two nights....

in exchange for your sweat and labor, only two hours each day--helping me tending my garden....

and if you like and it is entirely up to you, you could also meet other farangs in the area during dinners....

just so you'll have some good memory of thailand, thai people and farangs in thailand and

see and learn what many farangs would do to help other farangs in time of emotional difficulties,

perhaps, subsequently, you too would feel more enlightened and would do better in your own life.... wherever you return to....


Let's be a little less liberal and stick with some facts. Aside of Bill Heineke (Thailands 16th richest man) has any other expat ever made a dent into Thai society?

How many expats are here working at a Masters Degree Level or Phd Level job that is not teaching? What percent would you guess?

What percent of expats here are retired?

What percent of expats in reality fit the bill that the original poster is referring to? Here working for 30,000 to 40,000 baht per month and more infatuated with sex and beer?

What percent of expats here are family men, married over 5 years with children?

What percent of expats here own a business that makes at least 200,000 thb profit per month that they can show they are paying tax on?

Anyone can throw out opinions and the rest of the world can argue every single one of them. Does not mean a person is right or wrong or needs to be belittled. He is calling his experience here as he sees it. The experience in Thailand is different depending on which group of expats you fit into. expats, apples=apples and orange=oranges. Apples do not equal oranges.

So one expat here teaching for 30,000 a month will have a completely different view than say a retired expat with a nice retirement package or a business owner making over 200,000 a month.

My opinion is that I always thought I would die in Thailand. After many years, it was only until this last year I have been going over deciding to move back to the USA or not. Here are some things influencing me personally:

1. Exhorbant price of International School with second rate teachers and 25+ students to a classroom. I am talking ISB, RIS, and the big international schools with a supposed solid reputation. Tuition for elementary grades is between US $12,000 to $15,000 per child. I just feel my son is not getting the education he needs because to much of the classroom time is spent with students who cannot understand English.

2. Political situation could explode at any moment. The problem with the govt is their actions influence investment and monetary rates in Thailand. There is more effort from the govt fighting infighting than solving economic problems and stabilizing the economy and investment.

3. Lack of quality expat jobs. Years and Years ago they were everywhere to be found, now almost extinct.

4. Corruption in Business at all levels and its getting worse each year.

5. VISA process is essentially the same whether you are a drunk tourist here for 90 days, a bonafide business owner paying tax or a married man with a family. But lets be clear? This process effects white caucasion westerners only. If you are Korean, Chinese or Japanese and want to move to Thailand, the red carpet is put down and you can buy any dam_n thing you want in this country.

6. Driving with the worlds worst drivers and being stopped almost daily around the city at the different "Police Donation Checkpoints". Speaking of which, a country where laws and the courts can be bought and sold at will is a dangerous place to live for any foreigner. Justice will not be served in most cases.

There are still many things I like, the weather for the most part, the food, ability to have cheap medical and dental, travel in country quite easy and affordable. But after years of seeing and doing it all, not much left to see or do. For me the decision is what would be best for the family?

Yes, all of your comments are true, and whether you chose to stay or go, obviously your decision. However, to generalise about the 'average' expat, who doesn't expect to make a fortune here, has a reasonable level of income, a good relationship and lifestyle, I would submit are far more prevalent than the stereotypes in the original post.

In reality, not a great deal different than moving location anywhere else in the world, easier than some places, harder than others. Family is obviously important, and you make your life decisions around their needs. There are so many countries that the same ambiguity exists in treatment of foreigners, some a lot closer 'to home' than you would think. However, the attraction of Thailand, with it's diversity of culture and geography will always continue to attract. So many cliches I can think of, but no point regurgitating them all!

The answer is ignorance; stupidity; sex; a tendency to criminality; and an ability to be blind to the polluted environment in which they live.

Many of the farangs who live here are not very intelligent.

Many have little education.

Many take pride in being able to function in a corrupt environment and boast about knowing the precise bribe to be paid in a particular situation.

Many think with their dicks.

Yes, Thais in general do not like farangs. In fact educated Thais have told me that all Thais who have daily contact with farangs hate them.

I agree with you 100 %. Many Thais hate farangs. But why do so many Farangs try to make out this is not ture ( even when they know themselfs it is ) ? I cant name any of the farang people i know who live here in thailand who have 1 real thai friend. All the ' thai ' friends they have are known from there wifes/gfs .. When will us farangs stop pretenting and admit we are not really welcome here as people..... just are money is welcome here.

Maybe to make things simple they should put i sign up at bangkok airport ' message to all Farangs... Please spend your money and piss off ' Khob khun khap : )

At least then it would stop all these farangs living here pretending.


Why are so many people trying to do everything they can to stay in the USA.. or Europe etc.

It's the same, we all make choices and decide we want to live in a place because of one reason or another. Why did you stay in Thailand for so long? You said it's not for work... you are asking a questions to a broad audience and each have their own reason.

As for Rico, I guess you need to meet with a different group of people, get out of the go-go bars.

I myself lived in Thailand for 9yrs, started coming to Thailand in the early 90's for work and then moved in 2000. Traveled all over Asia, found Thailand being the best. However I have now moved back to the USA, not because of problems in Thailand but for family issues, I still have my company in Thailand and will spend 2-3 months in Thailand.

I do agree on several comments you made, the political situation is not stable and who knows if or when it will get better. For school, yes the cost for what you get is not worth it, but I don't think public school in the USA is any better, so you will still need to pay a good amount for a private school in the US.

I LOVE THE USA, but Thailand still is a great place to be. I cant exactly say that there is one thing about Thailand that makes me want to stay, but several things, the culture is so different from growing up in the USA and is exciting to always be learning something new, the temples and history is very interesting, the people you are correct there are some Thai's that are racist, but you find that everywhere. Even in the beloved USA. (if not more)

I believe everyone that works for me is happy and don't have any problems, they get paid better and treated better than working for a thai. My wife and her family is great and I don't support her family. She works, earns her own money and takes care of them, same as I take care of my mom.

Everyone complains about supporting the extended family. So, I guess you would not take care of your family if you could? My brother lives in the USA and his wife's family (she is Caucasian) is always calling her and asking if my brother can loan money or invest in this or that, which of course loans are never paid back. Reason is, he makes very good money has a $1 million home and so they see him as being rich and are always asking for help. Here in Thailand a Caucasian is seen the same way, even if they aren't, therefore same thing happens. It's your choice on how to handle it. At fist my brother helped his wife's family, then at one point he said enough is enough, I believe allot of guys do the same here.

Things can be the same no matter where you live, we choose to live where we are happy for whatever reason. People that complain are always going to complain no matter where they are. I'm sure they complained while back home and thought moving to Thailand would be different, maybe it worked for them maybe it didn't...live and let live..

What people never seem to understand is, just because your life is crap and you are miserable doesn't mean that everybody else is. You shouldn't judge others by your own poor standards. Just like in your other thread saying, Thai/Farang relationships never work, when what you actually mean is that you couldn't make your relationship work. Lots of us don't have your problems, and when you say all Thai people hate Farangs, what you are actually saying is Thai people don't seem to like you very much, again, most of us don't have your problems. It seems that when some people are unhappy, they try to make themselves feel better, by being negative and trying to drag others down with them, and the fact that you're doing it with strangers in a public forum is a bit sad. Why don't you give your mum a ring or something, tell her you need some attention. Perhaps you and Rico3000 could hook up and cheer each other up, two negatives do make a positive after all, or is that just math. People troll for many reasons but most of the time it's unhappy people, frustrated with their lives, trying to make themselves feel better. Very sad.

WooHoo... good point about me not making my thai/farang relationship work...But there is one problem with your point it didn't work becuase are cultures are so different and i was simply not prepared to be spending so much money and helping support my wife's family. In my mind its simple if i have a wife and children i support my wife and children. I don't financial support my parents or my sister or my sisters children so why should i be financial supporting my wifes family it is not fair. Maybe your thai / farang relationship works with your thai gf / wife becuase you are paying money for it to work eg . helping half or your girlfriends village to have a party everynight or just paying her mum and dad so much money each month ! I am a strong minded guy and i will not pay money to keep people happy if i dont want to. I support my child very well and always will do. But i am not running my own charity group for other people. I now have a very nice gf from Singapore and we are in a normal understanding relationship. She has a good job and so do I, she does not start asking me for money becuase her dad took a loan of some guy or for any other reason ! Anyway me and my Thai wife broke up and we where both to blame as much as eachother it simply did not work. We are both still very good friends.

Maybe take a look at your own relationship, when is the last time you and your thai partner sent money to your family ?? i think never ! and when did you last send it to her family.. or does it get taken every month by direct debit ?

I know not all thai / farang relationships are like this. There are many very good and very fair relationships i rescect that. But i am just saying this about this guy becuase of him assueming about why my relationship ended with my wife.

What do other people think about farang husbending supporting there wifes family with money ? It would be good to hear from people who know about it.


As this thread is mostly inflammatory remarks and ignorance, it can be put to rest. To clean it up would mean removing most of it.

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