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This Will Be Not My Last Post On Thai Visa!

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I just thought I would let everyone know I will continue to post on Thai Visa. I enjoy myself immensely here and I couldnt ask for a better bunch of people on said forum!!!! :)

:D :D :D

I just thought I would let everyone know I will continue to post on Thai Visa. I enjoy myself immensely here and I couldnt ask for a better bunch of people on said forum!!!! :)



Based on your daily average of 9.06 post per day, you should his 20,000 post in approx 52 days. So at leaty stay around until then. Awesome effort.


Brit, you don't need to seek attention like all the other clowns. You always have my undivided attention...and, I might add, without any veiled threats of "goodbye all" etc.

I'm a bit sick of all the "this is my lasy post" mob.


Good job your going to continue posting or H. Miller will arrest you shouting....




For all of those who didn’t get it yet: the OP is trying to make a joke.

Since some TV members have (seriously) publicly resigned from the forum, this all has turned out to be a bit of a joke.

The reason why I have so few posts after over one year of membership is because I stick to a rule: If I have nothing to post, I don’t post! I should get a promotion for NOT posting so much rubbish… :)


dar_ned, I've hoped you joined todays "leaving you" group. :D

It's always the good guys who leave, and the ..... who stays to the bitter end. :D

Say "Hi" to your better half hm :):D

For all of those who didn’t get it yet: the OP is trying to make a joke."


And there was me thinking maveric was being serious, note to oneself, don't believe all you read in the papers or on Thai visa..lmao

I just thought I would let everyone know I will continue to post on Thai Visa. I enjoy myself immensely here and I couldnt ask for a better bunch of people on said forum!!!! :)


Glad to see some still have the bulldog spirit! :D

I just thought I would let everyone know I will continue to post on Thai Visa. I enjoy myself immensely here and I couldnt ask for a better bunch of people on said forum!!!! :)

:D :D :D

Don`t understand this thread.

You have decided to continue posting on ThaiVisa, so what?

And I wouldn’t say TV members are any nicer or nastier than members from other forums.

Although I also enjoy these forums, at the end of the day, these are only postings. Can equate this with receiving and sending an email except these are anonymous.

I enjoy this mostly because I don`t sleep very well during the late hours when I mostly go on here. And since the company, rent a young bit of hot totty to keep guys occupied at night increased they`re fees, using ThaiVisa gives me something to do and it`s free. Sad isn`t it.

For those who take this too seriously, get a life.

I enjoy this mostly because I don`t sleep very well during the late hours when I mostly go on here. And since the company, rent a young bit of hot totty to keep guys occupied at night increased they`re fees, using ThaiVisa gives me something to do and it`s free. Sad isn`t it.

For those who take this too seriously, get a life.

The reason I'm using Thai Visa is because I live alone in the UK but travel to Thailand 3 to 5 times a year and the forums keep me up to date with what's going on in Thailand, not much in the Sun or Daily Star to keep me informed and it's far better value on here, some of the threads amuse me highly which is why I joined as a member after reading the forums for quite a while, dipped my toe into the water and found it was okay and it sure passes time when nothing much to do, it's even better than watching crap TV.

Oh and the members don't seem such a bad bunch, pretty freindly forum actually compared to some.

Those who do take it too seriously need to step back and chill IMO, but hey each to their own.

Anyway have just finished ablutions and ironing I'm going out to taste the local brew and sample the local obese wenches with bags of ATTITUDE, so toodle pip all and have fun playing nicely.

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