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Friend Is Seriously Upset


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he and his mia farang had been getting on perfectly. she was a Chinese Thai. That was one of the biggest selling points for him. It turns out, now, a year later, her family is of Viet-Thai origin, and not even Chinese-Viet-Thai . This has more or less crushed my friend. I tried to console him by telling him that the Viet's are very good with animals and sometimes in business but he told me that the only thing the Viet-Thais have conquered is Pho and manual labor. Then he said some other insulting things that I will not repeat, essentially describing them as white-skinned Laos. He is set on a divorce but I am not sure if this is a legitimate reason to seek divorce in Thailand. He has several properties and the bulk of his life savings in her name.Will he get them back on account of her terrible lie/double life? The funny thing is, he used to really love Vietnamese food.

Edited by RogerSterling1
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