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My First Metric Iron Butt In Thailand! 1120km In A Day (^_^)v


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Wow- what a ride!

1120km in a day on a Kawasaki Ninja 650R and Yamaha Fazer FZ6! icon_mrgreen.gif In some countries that doesn't sound like much- back in the US I've done 1000 miles in a day but it's all wide American highways without any of the obstacles we run across here in Thailand.

Our routes and distances differed slightly. From Nakhon Ratchasima Trent returned home on the highway (big mistake!) while I opted for the 304 through Wang Nam Kiao, Tap Lan National Park and Chacheongsao. My way was ~50km longer, but I made it home 30 minutes before Trent because I didn't have to battle the bumper to bumper Sunday evening traffic that Trent encountered.

Here's the way I went:




Great ride! Took quite a bit longer than expected because Trent got a flat tire and we had to figure out how to use the new Tire Plugger that Bard got for us.

The Tire Plugger worked like a charm once we stopped to read the instructions! Awesome product!

Then I got ahead of the group and just beat a thundercloud that dumped on them and led them to stop for a while. I took advantage of my big lead to do a warm up run on highway 12 up to Nam Nao National Park and back. What a stunning road! Always puts a big permagrin on my face :) (That extra lap is also why I racked up 1120 km instead of the 1089km shown on the map)

Took video too which I'll post up once edited.

Got back to the rendezvous point in Lom Sak just as the boys were finishing lunch and we headed out again. This time there was some rain that slowed us down a bit. I was feeling very lucky that I hit it earlier while it was still dry.

Once we reached Khon Kaen Trent and I headed on back to Bangkok on the highway 2 and the Sunday afternoon traffic was getting thick. Stopped shortly before Nakhon Ratchasima and I asked Trent which way he wanted to go back. I suggested the 304 which is a beautiful road over the mountains to Chachoengsao but Trent wanted to take the highway. I said cool, we can figure out which way is faster, and off we went.

Nakhon Ratchasima to Bangkok via the 304 is 308km:


Nakhon Ratchasima to Bangkok via Highway 2 is 259km:


Turns out my way, which is about 50km longer, was also quite a bit faster and infinitely more pleasant because I had hardly any traffic to deal with while Trent said that it was bumper to bumper all the way back to Bangkok on the highway. Yuck! icon_redface.gif

So- pretty happy to have done my first Metric Iron Butt here in Thailand. The Ninja 650R was quite comfortable. Only complaint was that I had a tank mounted camera that kept me from tucking in properly during the fast bits.

And it was a GREAT warm up for our ride to Malaysia for the MotoGP in less than 2 weeks! Can't wait! Perhaps I'll do an Imperial Iron Butt on the way back to Bangkok- 1000 miles or 1600km! Should be FUN!

Happy Trails!


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That's not a bad ride, how long did it take? I remember in CM years ago there was a guy with a Sing registered BMW who would ride from CM - Singapore - CM in 4 days.

Cheers Mixed,

Like I said, it took a bit longer than planned due to the flat tire and really heavy Sunday afternoon/evening traffic.

We left Bangkok at 0700 and I got home at about 2030! Felt great though and didn't get to bed until nearly midnight!

If we hadn't had the flat and the traffic I think we could have completed the ride in 12 hours or less.

Singapore to Bangkok in 4 days sounds very doable- it's 'only' about 1800km. I hear they're really strict on speeding in Malaysia though.

Wish I had just a little more time- I'd love to ride to Singapore after the MotoGP...

Happy Trails!


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In all honesty, i completed the ride in a safe and respectable manner. I felt i couldnt have been more safer than i was for such a long ride Or more prepared than i was. Im happy i finished and its a personal acheivement for sure. Next time i will do it a little differently, a little more knowledge will go a long way. All in all a serious tick ...done it! move on to bigger and better feats

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Wow. I was in a training class today talking about human factors affecting aviation safety. What was described sounds exactly like what's called Plan Continuation Error. PCE is a failure to modify or abort a mission due to our natural human compulsion to continue on towards the end of a mission, even though all information indicates that the correct/safe decision is to abort. Pilots are drilled to recognize and avoid PCE. Combine this with fatigue and a hostile operating conditions, and the probability of an accident is magnified 10x. Why risk it? Ride safe guys... :)

Edited by Ithailian
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Wow. I was in a training class today talking about human factors affecting aviation safety. What was described sounds exactly like what's called Plan Continuation Error. PCE is a failure to modify or abort a mission due to our natural human compulsion to continue on towards the end of a mission, even though all information indicates that the correct/safe decision is to abort. Pilots are drilled to recognize and avoid PCE. Combine this with fatigue and a hostile operating conditions, and the probability of an accident is magnified 10x. Why risk it? Ride safe guys... :)

Cheers Jim,

PCE- that's a very good concept- sounds like an expansion on the old "Error Chain" concept.

In all honesty I didn't feel unsafe at all on Sunday's ride. I started the day well rested and remained sharp the entire way. If I feel myself fading I always pull over but on this ride I was pretty wired the whole day. Seemed to have found the perfect combination of coffee, M-150 and electrolytes- mix those with awesome roads and a great new bike and I could have continued quite a bit further :D

KL-BKK is just short of 1600km... Tempting :D (Don't worry bro- I will NOT ditch you!) We pull over when you say it's time to pull over. No worries - safety first!

You gonna make it to the dinner tonight? Hope to see you there!


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I hear they're really strict on speeding in Malaysia though.

Nothing that small, quick and fast on the spot "fine" can't fix. So you feel home there for sure. And the roads are in good nick compared to Thailand !

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Singapore to Bangkok in 4 days sounds very doable- it's 'only' about 1800km. I hear they're really strict on speeding in Malaysia though.


Actually it was Chiang Mai to Singapore and return in 4 days. Chaing Mai to Har Yai, 1st day, then Had Yai to Sing 2nd day and then back.

Don't want to take anything away from you guys, just that I found it an impressive ride. Could be 5,000kms?

The most I ever did was from Chiang Kham to Chiang Mai, don't know the distance (we made a wrong turn), but it was less than 1,000kms. Took 10 hrs, I'd never do it again.

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Actually it was Chiang Mai to Singapore and return in 4 days. Chaing Mai to Har Yai, 1st day, then Had Yai to Sing 2nd day and then back.

Don't want to take anything away from you guys, just that I found it an impressive ride. Could be 5,000kms?

The most I ever did was from Chiang Kham to Chiang Mai, don't know the distance (we made a wrong turn), but it was less than 1,000kms. Took 10 hrs, I'd never do it again.

Ah- that IS an impressive ride! Golden Traingle rider "The Snail" who used to live in Chiang Mai was famous for doing the same ride many times- CM to Hat Yai on day one, and Hat Yai to Singapore on day two. Epic!

If I'm not too wasted from MotoGP I may try to do KL-BKK in one go. Just have to find a minor detour to get the total distance up to 1600km. Not sure my riding mates are up for it though... We'll see!

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If I'm not too wasted from MotoGP I may try to do KL-BKK in one go. Just have to find a minor detour to get the total distance up to 1600km. Not sure my riding mates are up for it though... We'll see!

NFW! I'm not a masochist ... I'm a hedonist.

LOL! I like the way you think! :) No worries bro- no doubt we'll be a bit worn out from the KL Bike Rally and MotoGP so we'll just take it easy on the ride home- stop whenever we get tired. Cool?

C'mon over this weekend so we can get your panniers installed. We can work in my air conditioned living room/work shop :D1013Ninja650R4.jpg

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Here's another vid of the same stretch of road (Highway 12 from Lomsak) before it rained. (I got there before the rest of the group and did a warm up lap while I waited for them to catch up) :D

Sweet! :)

PS- According to youtube- "This video is still being processed. Video quality may improve once processing is complete."

I'm still trying to figure out how to get the best video quality on youtube... Anyone have any pointers?

Edited by BigBikeBKK
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  • 1 month later...

I\m thinking to do this route on Monday but with an overnight stop at Khon Kaen. Is there some way I can download the route from google maps into my zumo, or do i have to manually enter each point to get the same route?


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