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Police Records Check For A Retirement Visa

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This is only needed for the O-A "retirement visa" obtained in your home country. It is not needed for annual extensions based on retirement obtained in Thailand, so many people retired here have never needed to bother with this. If you are going for the O-A, the requirements may vary country to country. The obvious thing to do is to directly ask the Thai embassy you are applying at what will be accepted, for example a report obtained at your local police station or a more comprehensive national type report. The other way would be to contact your local police and ask if you can provide such a report and if yes, ask the embassy if that kind of report will do.

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Agreed, but if actually applying for an O-A in the home country, it shouldn't be a big problem to get a police report. Of course, a more interesting question is if minor crimes on the report would be excused, such as marijuana possession or urinating in public. I have an old friend who was actually sent to jail for the latter in the US!

Edited by Jingthing
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This is only needed for the O-A "retirement visa" obtained in your home country. It is not needed for annual extensions based on retirement obtained in Thailand, so many people retired here have never needed to bother with this. If you are going for the O-A, the requirements may vary country to country. The obvious thing to do is to directly ask the Thai embassy you are applying at what will be accepted, for example a report obtained at your local police station or a more comprehensive national type report. The other way would be to contact your local police and ask if you can provide such a report and if yes, ask the embassy if that kind of report will do.

Jingthing is right on target. When I thought I needed one while still in the States, I was told to simply go to my country police department for a very basic report. I worked with one of the officers, so he directed me to the correct procedures, but it was a cinch...assuming you're clean, of course. As it turned out, I did the whole retirement visa here in Thailand, so it was not needed.

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If you are in the USA,

Walk into the lobby of the Police Department in which juristiction you live.

Go to the Records counter. Be polite. Inform them that you need a records check,( wants/warrants, criminal history) they should have the forms right there, fill it out, takes about 5 minutes ( SSN, address, DOB, etc...)

Hand it back to the counter person with the correct amount of cash ( usually around 5 bucks a form and that's for the notary )

Have a seat.

5-10 minutes later, you will be handed back your notarized forms. ( unless you have a scan that reads like a novel, but then you wouldn't be applying for a visa...)

Walk out the front door.

Get into your mode of transportation and go home.

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My understanding is that you don't need that anymore, it was dropped from the requirements a couple of years ago.

You need a police report if applying for Non O-A visa (at embassy/consulate in own country)

You do not need a police report if applying for extension of stay (at Thai immigration)

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My understanding is that you don't need that anymore, it was dropped from the requirements a couple of years ago.

You need a police report if applying for Non O-A visa (at embassy/consulate in own country)

You do not need a police report if applying for extension of stay (at Thai immigration)


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Sometimes good to check around different police departments, too.

I went to my city police department and they charge $30 (I think I remember that correctly) and take up to three weeks to produce it.

Stop in at the local RCMP office, and they guide you through the form, take about ten minutes, and it's free!

From now on, it's simply extensions of stay done at the local immo office here.

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I must be missing something here.

a) If I decide to extend my (90-day) stay in Thailand with 'retirement status' because I am over 50, I don't need a police check; but

:D If I go home to apply for a retirement Visa I do need a police check?


Correct. If you are applying for a Non Imm O-A Visa in your home country.

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So to transmute a 90-day tourist visa to a retirement visa, all I need is some cash in a Thai bank?

You need 800,000 Baht in a Thai bank 60 days before you apply.


65,000 Baht monthly income.


A combination of the two.

And it is not a 90 day Tourist Visa. You may be able to apply or you may have to leave and come back with a Non Imm O Visa.

What do you have now?

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Sorry for my mistake.

My question was this: if I am in Thailand on a tourist visa, or ED visa, say, and I have 800K deposited in a Thai bank for the appropriate period of time, can I apply to change this into a Retirement visa without the need to supply a police record from my home country?

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Sorry for my mistake.

My question was this: if I am in Thailand on a tourist visa, or ED visa, say, and I have 800K deposited in a Thai bank for the appropriate period of time, can I apply to change this into a Retirement visa without the need to supply a police record from my home country?

Yes if you have at least 21 days left on your current stay.

Even if you have to get a Non Imm O Visa in Aisia and then apply you would not need a police clearance.

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Sorry for my mistake.

My question was this: if I am in Thailand on a tourist visa, or ED visa, say, and I have 800K deposited in a Thai bank for the appropriate period of time, can I apply to change this into a Retirement visa without the need to supply a police record from my home country?

You do not need a police report if applying for 12 month extension of stay based on retirement (it is not a visa). As long as you have at least 21 days remaining on your current permission to stay you can go through conversion process from your current visa to extension of stay. If you have less than 21 days, you will need to obtain single entry Non-O visa from embassy/consulate abroad and then apply for extension of stay during last 30 days of that permission to stay. You will need a letter from bank confirming the account balance and copies of bank book.

Edited by thaiphoon
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Maybe we are talking at cross purposes.

I am currently in Thailand, have the requisite money in a Thai bank account, have more than 21 days remaining on my current stay, and am asking:

Can I go to the Immigration Department here in Bangkok and apply for a Non-Imm O-A on those qualifications alone?

Because this page suggestsw police clearance and health clearance are required for any application for this kind of visa.

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Maybe we are talking at cross purposes.

I am currently in Thailand, have the requisite money in a Thai bank account, have more than 21 days remaining on my current stay, and am asking:

Can I go to the Immigration Department here in Bangkok and apply for a Non-Imm O-A on those qualifications alone?

You are very confused.

A Non Imm O-A Visa can only be applied for in your own country. Not in Thailand.

In Thailand you apply for a 12 month extension of stay based on retirement,

Police check not needed.

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Maybe we are talking at cross purposes.

I am currently in Thailand, have the requisite money in a Thai bank account, have more than 21 days remaining on my current stay, and am asking:

Can I go to the Immigration Department here in Bangkok and apply for a Non-Imm O-A on those qualifications alone?

Because this page suggestsw police clearance and health clearance are required for any application for this kind of visa.

What is your current stay based on: O visa, TR, or 30 day stamp?

If it is not an O, you FIRST need to do a change of visa status (which can be done in Thailand) to an O and then apply for the extension based on retirement. With this process, you will NEVER have an O-A visa, and you never need one. The O-A is only obtained from your home country. It is one way of starting, but NOT required. If doing this in Thailand, no you will not need a police clearance or health form. You DO need some kind of O to start to apply for the extension based on retirement, but it does not need to be an O-A.

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Thanks for the clarification.

I currently have a TR visa, but from previous times I have a bank account here, and have just turned 50.

Is anything apart from the cash amount required (plus the usual forms) to apply for an O visa?

EDIT: Slowly beginning to understand ... must be the Alzheimer's kicking in ... being over 50 now ... if I can demonstrate 800k sitting n a Thai bank for the correct amount of time, I can extend whatever visa I now have for a year? Can I repeat that process?

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Thanks for the clarification.

I currently have a TR visa, but from previous times I have a bank account here, and have just turned 50.

Is anything apart from the cash amount required (plus the usual forms) to apply for an O visa?

You do need at least 21 days left on your TR to do the change of visa status to an O in Thailand. Not ALL Thai immigration offices will do this change of status; generally the large ones will. If your office won't do a change of status, just go to Penang or Vientienne and you can easily get a single entry O visa just on the basis of being age 50.

You need a bank letter obtained just before you go to immigration (verifying your balance). You need a copy of your bank book. Copy of your passport and all relevant pages including landing card. Some passport style photos. Filled out applications for both the change of status and extension. Some offices may require proof of your current address. The money must not go below 800K for two months before application date.

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and when completed if you plan to travel you should obtain a re-entry permit from immigration as soon as extension made to keep your permission to stay alive. Fee 1000 baht single entry; 3800 baht multi entry.

That is optional and only needed if you plan to travel outside Thailand during the upcoming year. Many of us don't travel outside Thailand very often so we don't need any such permits. When I am planning to travel I just go in and buy a single reentry permit.

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