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Buying Pregnenolone


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HCG not legal for sale without prescription.

And also not same as Pregnanolol. The latter is a hormone precursor which converts to DHEA (which in turn converts to estrogen, tetsosterone and other hsteroid hosrmones) and to progesterone.

DHEA might be avaialbale at GNC, not sure.

Progesterone is available in micronized oral form under brand name Utrogestan.

In addition to serving as a precursor to these substances, pregnenolone is a "neurosteroid" and has some direct effects on the brain, if this is what it is being sought for then neither DHEA nor progesterone would substitute.

Should add that to date research on its effectiveness in enhancing memory has been limited to work on rodents (whom it did seem to help) and it has not yet been established to be effective in humans, altho research is ongoing. Also some promising research on its use in some mental illnesses but again, early stages.

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confirm i am looking for pregnenolone

my blood tests show depleted adrenals and very low pregnenolone levels

doctor prescribed 10 mg a day which i got in the usa

hoping to find some here

big hospital pharmacies might have it or else you could get it prescribed(as u seem to already have had and have the script) and import it from oversea pharmacy.

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Yes, sometimes the large hospitals have drugs that are not approved for general import into Thailand.

I think your best bet is to see an endocrinologist. Try this doctor at BNH:


Specialty : Endocrinology

Language : English,Thai,Chineses,

Education Medical school :

MD - Ramathibodi Hospital,Mahidol University

Certification :

Diplomate Thai Board of Endocrinology & Metabolism

Certificate in Endocrinology Eastern Virginia Medical School,Norflok VA. USA

Certificate in Endocrinology University of Massachusetts Mesical Center,MA.USA

Master Degree in Clinical Epidemiology, Chulalongkorn University

Academic title : Assoviate Professor : Chief of Endocrine unit Chulalongkorn Hospital

Tuesday 16:30 - 19:00

Sunday 08:00 - 12:00

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thanks for the dr. suggestion

do you know any GOOD doctors in/near pattaya?

BTW looks to me like pregnenolone is available over the counter in many countries including the usa

inexpensive too

as for the quality i can not attest

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thanks for the dr. suggestion

do you know any GOOD doctors in/near pattaya?

For non-specialized medical care -- or very common specialties -- Samitivej and Phyathai in Sri Racha but you are unlikely to find anyone conversant with adrenal problems at either.

The Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital in Sattahip offers solid good care, possible they would have an endocrinologist but it is a govt hosp with long waits, little English speaking, lots of red tape and by the time you would either actually see an endocrinologist or determine there isn't one you could have been to Bangkok and back. However do keep this place in mind as where to go in an emergency. Especially if uninsured as substantially less expensive than Samitivej or Phyathai.

I think the US OTC sales of pregnenolone would be similiar to the OTC sales of natural progesterone, with which I am very familiar. It is hiot or miss and many of the products do not actually contain what is claimed. For example much of what is sold as "natuiral progesterone" is actually wild yam which while it has some progesterone-like effects is not the same thing. I had need of natural progesterone fopr many years, tried numerous online purchases and never did find one that was any good. Which is not to say there are none, but I have me doubts and I think the pregnenolone woulf be same story.

Other issue, and it's a biggie in your case, is that these things are sold under the category off "nutriotional supplement" in the US which allows their wide availability but also exempts them from the quality controls applicable to pharmaceuticals, so that even if they contain the stated active ingrediant, the dosage is often not at all as listed and may also vary from tablet to tablet or bottle to bottle. For people with no real health problem, just using these products as part of a fad, this may not matter much, but if you really have some degree of adrenal insufficiency you need a reliabel preparation.

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wow Sheryl

once again you really did a great job

thanks so much for the heads up about hospitals

this information may really come in handy some day should an emergency arise

the doctor in the usa who prescribed pregneolone seems to know a lot about testing and diagnosing

she directed me to the women's international compounding pharmacy where i have purchased the pregneolone

not nearly as cheap as what i have seen online but apparently good and trustworthy quality

check them out if you are in need

the really odd thing is that i was directed to take it in the morning but it actually makes me sleepy so i take it before bed

the other really odd thing is that people say it can give them heart flutters but i only get that when i stop taking it

so it seems to affect me opposite than other folks in at least 2 ways

it is very difficult to come off of the stuff, when i try to cut back i feel absolutely awful

i am on 10 mg and the dr said its ok to up to 20 a day

that's why i am looking for more here

i cant help but wonder what you might think of my blood test results

shows hypo-thyroid (or something like that) and some other irregularities but the very low pregnenlone blood levels beg for treatment

I am still on the search for a GOOD compassionate knowledgeable experienced patient and caring doctor (GP) in pattaya

thanks again

your input is invaluable

please excuse the formatting

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Can't comment on your lab results. You didn't actually provide them and in any case, adrenal issues are well out of my league, you really need to see an endocrinologist.

I've been on thsi forum for some years now and heard/read lots from folks in Pattaya. From all that I hear you are very, very unlikely to find what you seek there. For that matter really good GPs aren't that easy to come by in Bkk, ironicall one can mor easily get top specialty care.

And any GP you find is very unlikely to be able to avdviose you on the pregnenolone amd underlying condition for which it wa sprescribed.

really advise you tio see an endocrinologist, If you do not have it, would be worth getting your history from your doctor back home along with prior lab test results to show him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i had extensive blood work done in the usa last year

usually there is a sheet of 100 or more tests the doctor checks off which tests to run

(you take the sheet to a lab and they take your blood and send it out with the blood for results)

one of the many i ran was for pregnenolone levels

we also checked thyroid, testotorone, and many other things

some came back abnormal

pregnenolone was very very low

she said my adrenal glands are highly worn or depleted which makes complete sense with how i was feeling

now i am also taking maca

interesting stuff

not sure if available in thailand

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I purchased PREDNISILONE in Bangkok at the pharmacy next to BULLY's PUB on Sukhumvit between soi 4 and soi 2. Less than B100 for ten tablets.

Prednisolone and pregnenolone are completely different!!!

Prednisolone is a corticosteroid (a type of cortisone) and should not be taken exceopt under medical supervision.

The OP is taklking about something altogether different, hormone which is a precursor to progesterone and other hormones.

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  • 3 months later...

thought i would get a check up with olivier

he can not run tests on pregnenolone blood levels

he steered me to bkk pat hospital but when i asked him for a name or referral he drew a blank

i heard too many hit and miss stories about pattaya hospitals


here goes another try:

any decent/good endocrinologists in the pattaya area???

i know

not likely

just concerned about my adrenals and thyroids

and dont want to go to bangkok


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