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I'm hopping mad


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I read a report on this site the beautiful young Thai ladies get info from immigration and meet guys at the airport.

Now why am I mad, because this has not happened to me on my last 3 flights. Its getting really expensive leaving and re-turning to meet these girls but very upsetting wen they do not turn up. I look around to the left to the right and under the railing and still i can not find them

Now i know I'm not bad looking and money is not a problem, so I now feel I'm going blind

I did not sleep well at all last night because of this problem, I mean people in Bangkok do not lie do they?

So please all you friendly farangs out there tell me of your experiences of being attacked at the airport by these thai beauties, go on rub it in, i have big shoulders.


Rejected Aussie

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Yes yes..It is very serious now.. These days they are not at the Airport due to APEC security reasons.

Actually not only trying to meet..They are seducing them by Magic Spells. They are uneducated and that is all they know.. :o

You are very lucky.. Careful, they still hop around various Bars in Thailand to catch and seduce innocent guys who come to see the “Unseen Thailand” and enjoy “Beer”.  All bar Girls are involved in this and they are now taking shifts in Cheating Foreigners. If get caught, all your LifeTime savings will get Vanish in seconds and many guys have ended up becoming beggars.

They are specially Targeting guys with Big Shoulders.  :D

They started this “Cheating Farang Program” by diving in to Two Groups.

Terminal 1 is for Virgin Bar Girls to catch the Virgin Farang Boys and Terminal 2 is for Second Hand one.

They are now making plans to expand the Terminal 1 to a well developed City of Lop Buri and then make a Sky Train for these Virgin Bar Girls and Virgin Farang Guys to quickly reach “Bang+kock”

They want to make an adventure tour program for travelling from AirPort to Bang+kock in the future. They will be able to see so many Lopburi Monkeys on the way and they think it will enhance the sexual stimulation of Farang and make it easy for those Bar Girls to cheat them. B)

You are spot on with one thing. “People in Bangkok never lye”. Never ever. Don’t even think about it. It is a criminal offence and they have “lye detectors” fitted in every Traffic Light in Bangkok. They think Traffic light’s are the best places to fix these “Lye detectors” coz almost every Bangkok citizen gets a chance to enjoy a casual chat for around 30 minutes each day facing a Traffic Light.  They love Traffic lights. B)

Much more to think now..You should not sleep tonight too.


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Can any tell me what our friend has been drinking,  Dr Pat and I will make a mint selling it at our new bar we are going to open.

I love the sky train bit though, really puts a new face to the idea of the 200 meter club, may a few of us are interested in putting in shares gee its gotta take off.

Can just see it now,

Get ripped off at Mo chit

while wife shops and you sit

you'll have a ball no s...t

And when she's gone you've lost a bit

And yes i can now agree bar girls cheat and rip you off.

Last night I bought two orange juices and she got more than me. this could be the start of a whole new topic

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Being part aussie have a thorough understanding (& appreciation) of our favourite past time  :o

Have heard the rumour of lolly water on a sunday arvo - however refuse to confirm this allegation & disgrace my fellow countrymen  :cool:

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Being part aussie have a thorough understanding....disgrace my fellow countrymen

Nat, therefore it stands to reason from your first statement (understanding fellow countrymen) that you know also your last statement (disgrace fellow countrymen) is impossible.

We are Aussies.

We are unable to be disgraced.....

....Especially when it comes to matters of booze.


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