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Married With Children...


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10,000 to nana girls son and 40,000 to girl @ 33.5 baht to dollar is almost $1,500 a month. the son makes more than the avg. thai laborer!

its no wonder the girl doesnt ask for an "unreasonable dime".

im just amazed how these girls fool these guys, i know many in same situation, amusing but sad.

Yes, no wonder with guys like the OP, apparently a dime a dozen, that ladies sneer at me when I balk at them asking 15,000 per mo.

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If i was paying a bar girl in excess of 50k a month, i wouldnt be posting at 1 am, i would be getting my moneys worth and riding her into the ground right now.

Question 1 how old is her son????

Question 2 are those big boobs real???

:):D Post of the month

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a dowry for a girl that as already been married would be in the region of 30.000bt tops,and 3 baht of gold,thats if she or the family were lucky,

put your man foot down quick,to keep the peace offer the family this amount,as a one of and final hand out,

not easy when there is a child to think of,

I thought dowry (sin sod) for one who has been married before should be ZERO.

Yup, my g/f sin sod was 30,000bt and if she gets married again there won't be one. When we talked about her previous marriage and sin sod she was quite matter of fact about it, (less so about the wan*ker who paid it!) it gets paid ONCE!

If the OP is feeling generous, and if the post is to be believed then he is. The money you're paying her now should be plenty and the girl and the rest of her family should be happy with that. She's conned you into getting her pregnant to try and get a big score, don't blame her really for trying it on given that you're already shelling out more than 5 times what most ordinary working people earn every month!

I agree that calling her bluff by saying you'll take the baby yourself could well end up backfiring on you big time.

If it's all true and you do like this girl and you want to keep the baby and her then I reckon you should just tell her that you haven't got it and if you did have it you wouldn't give it to her family because you'll both need it to take care of the new family which is you and her and the baby, so she has a choice; she stays with you and carries on getting 50k/month ( i would even cut that down, now we have to save money for the baby's future, 10K of your money's going into a savings account) plus you supporting the new baby or you split up with her and you'll give her 10k a month for the baby, which is still a hel_l of a lot more than many women get.

Plus she'll need to repair what trust used to be there because by asking for a million baht you now think of her very differently.

if you do have a million and you do give it up then, what's the phrase I'm looking for?....... som nam na

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Yup, my g/f sin sod was 30,000bt and if she gets married again there won't be one. When we talked about her previous marriage and sin sod she was quite matter of fact about it, (less so about the wan*ker who paid it!) it gets paid ONCE!

If the OP is feeling generous, and if the post is to be believed then he is. The money you're paying her now should be plenty and the girl and the rest of her family should be happy with that. She's conned you into getting her pregnant to try and get a big score, don't blame her really for trying it on given that you're already shelling out more than 5 times what most ordinary working people earn every month!

I agree that calling her bluff by saying you'll take the baby yourself could well end up backfiring on you big time.

How? Single dad issue?

If it's all true and you do like this girl and you want to keep the baby and her then I reckon you should just tell her that you haven't got it and if you did have it you wouldn't give it to her family because you'll both need it to take care of the new family which is you and her and the baby, so she has a choice; she stays with you and carries on getting 50k/month ( i would even cut that down, now we have to save money for the baby's future, 10K of your money's going into a savings account) plus you supporting the new baby or you split up with her and you'll give her 10k a month for the baby, which is still a hel_l of a lot more than many women get.

Great advice. Best so far. Thanks.

Plus she'll need to repair what trust used to be there because by asking for a million baht you now think of her very differently.

Call me a romantic, but this is probably what bothers me most.

if you do have a million and you do give it up then, what's the phrase I'm looking for?....... som nam na

Yeah. While she is like...what's the phrase I'm looking for?........gin nim nim.

It will never happen though, trust me. I'll look after the kid, but there is no way I'm giving her family that kind of money.

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If i was paying a bar girl in excess of 50k a month, i wouldnt be posting at 1 am, i would be getting my moneys worth and riding her into the ground right now.

Question 1 how old is her son????

Question 2 are those big boobs real???

1. He's 7

2. Nope.

So, in summary,

1. She's been previously married

2. Has a 7 year old kid

3. Has presumably been hooking for the last 7 years

4. You're not even sure the baby is yours.

5. Her boobs are not even real.

6. She now wants a stackload of money from you for marriage even though you've been more than adaquately financially supporting her for the last 18 months.

All of this and you're asking what to do??

You're out of your mind. You have a responsibility if the baby turns out to be yours but there is no fairytale ending for you and this girl. Bail out now while you still can, with any luck the baby is another sucker's and you can get on with your life.

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...WHAT THE HE** SHOULD I DO!??!?!? She's pregnant and she just gave me the ultimate proof that she's a scammer!


I am going to be a bit of a contrarian here & suggest that you pay the sinsod, in fact why not add an extra 500,000B to really show your love & appreciation. I don't think that you can allow this rare catch to slip through your fingers. This little Isaan beauty is a 'one in a million' material, 'diamond in the rough', you my friend are a very lucky man.

Don't listen to the naysayers, they are consumed by jealousy & spite.

By god, I envy you man.

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...WHAT THE HE** SHOULD I DO!??!?!? She's pregnant and she just gave me the ultimate proof that she's a scammer!


I am going to be a bit of a contrarian here & suggest that you pay the sinsod, in fact why not add an extra 500,000B to really show your love & appreciation. I don't think that you can allow this rare catch to slip through your fingers. This little Isaan beauty is a 'one in a million' material, 'diamond in the rough', you my friend are a very lucky man.

Don't listen to the naysayers, they are consumed by jealousy & spite.

By god, I envy you man.

I concur. Girls like this are almost impossible to find in Nana Plaza. Seize the opportunity and snap her up before some other lucky punter does, absolutely no wrong can come from this.

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Funny that not too many have accused you of trolling yet despite you writing their summarized life in Thailand story for them (which means 90% of TV'ers have yet to log in today).


Edited by Heng
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So, in summary,

1. She's been previously married

2. Has a 7 year old kid

3. Has presumably been hooking for the last 7 years

4. You're not even sure the baby is yours.

5. Her boobs are not even real.

6. She now wants a stackload of money from you for marriage even though you've been more than adaquately financially supporting her for the last 18 months.

All of this and you're asking what to do??

You're out of your mind. You have a responsibility if the baby turns out to be yours but there is no fairytale ending for you and this girl. Bail out now while you still can, with any luck the baby is another sucker's and you can get on with your life.

Any idea as to HOW I can bail out...?

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Any idea as to HOW I can bail out...?

Man up. Kick her to the curb while you still can. If the kid is yours then you have an obligation to it but not to her yet.

I never understand why guys are so prone to want to look after girls here, especially bad girl. If this was back home I'm sure you would act completely differently, so just get a bt of perspective. Would you be so willing to marry a stripping hooker in your home country?? So why are guys so eager to be a knight in shining armour here?!

She's already shown you that she intends to take advantage of your generous nature, so do you think she will get better once you are stupid enough to marry her? This is how how good men get ruined in Thailand, you must be smart enough to see that before it happens, no??!

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a dowry for a girl that as already been married would be in the region of 30.000bt tops,and 3 baht of gold,thats if she or the family were lucky,

put your man foot down quick,to keep the peace offer the family this amount,as a one of and final hand out,

not easy when there is a child to think of,

Agreed for the dowry of a lady already married. My wifes family told me that I didn't even had to pay a Sin Sod as she was already married before... I just gave 40,000 for the wedding party in the south...

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Well, excuses for being such a schmuck, but I am in serious trouble. It all started 18 months ago when I bar fined a big breasted beauty at Nana. Kind of got fond of her and kept her around for a month when I realised I actually liked her.

So to make a long story short, a year later she cancels her miniature-no-hot-water-or-ac-with-a-mattress-on-the-floor shit hong tenancy agreement and moves in with me in my brand new condo. Two months later, she's pregnant. Up until now, she's never asked for one unreasonable dime, or at least nothing but the usual hair due and shoe treat money + 300 Baht dress at Platinum. Every month I give her the 10.000 she sends for her son back in Isaan plus another 40.000 Baht in spending money. Don't get me wrong now, I'm not an idiot to give away my life savings; I have a great job in BKK and a salary to come with it.

Two weeks ago we went to see her family back in Isaan and after that all hells broke lose. To put it frank, I'm not to sure I've made the right decision. If it wasn't for the fact that she was pregnant I would have kicked her out, but how the <deleted>** do I react to the reality that she has now asked me to pay a ONE MILLION BAHT dowry?? And if that wasn't enough, she wants me to buy her 10 baht of gold.

Quite frankly, considering her previous profession and the fact that she's been married before, in combination with her background and family's status as rice farmers back in Isaan, I'm thinking more in terms of THEY paying me...no, seriously, she's a lovely girl, but dishing out a million baht in this situation would be the ultimate proof of myself being a Darwinian exception - and a SERIOUS one!

Seriously, I've got to be the biggest dumschmuck that has ever posted on this forum, but I'm in serious trouble here...WHAT THE HE** SHOULD I DO!??!?!? She's pregnant and she just gave me the ultimate proof that she's a scammer!


Look on the bright sides - you say she has large breasts ! well that must be worth something :) and a million is hardly a lot of money for rarities such as that !

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If i was paying a bar girl in excess of 50k a month, i wouldnt be posting at 1 am, i would be getting my moneys worth and riding her into the ground right now.

Question 1 how old is her son????

Question 2 are those big boobs real???

1. He's 7

2. Nope.

7 year old son. Big false t*ts. Nana bint . . .

. . bet most guys on here have done her.

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If i was paying a bar girl in excess of 50k a month, i wouldnt be posting at 1 am, i would be getting my moneys worth and riding her into the ground right now.

Question 1 how old is her son????

Question 2 are those big boobs real???

1. He's 7

2. Nope.

7 year old son. Big false t*ts. Nana bint . . .

. . bet most guys on here have done her.

I didn't I turned her down. She was a nice girl and all, I just wasn't interested. No offense intended.

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Can I have her number, I need a smart Issan girl to fill the role of superintendent on my production floor! With the luggage she's carrying she go to be smarter than you........ figure we solve to problems, you get to dump her sorry ass, I get a smart ass worker, and gov pays for maternity leave!

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As they say 'God gives men 2 brains, unfortunately, only enough blood to operate one at a time!!'

always gets me how 'well educated, well paid guys' who probably thought a hooker is what ugly guys and desperado's pay for in their native land, think that they can 'turn' a former hooker who has probably sucked more c*ck than a 6 month old baby has breasts into a respectable, well mannered,decent member of human society. I say marry her, but before you do, take her to that well paid jobs christmas party and see how your fellow workers react to her. That should give you the answer your looking for!!!

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Any idea as to HOW I can bail out...?

Man up. Kick her to the curb while you still can. If the kid is yours then you have an obligation to it but not to her yet.

I never understand why guys are so prone to want to look after girls here, especially bad girl. If this was back home I'm sure you would act completely differently, so just get a bt of perspective. Would you be so willing to marry a stripping hooker in your home country?? So why are guys so eager to be a knight in shining armour here?!

She's already shown you that she intends to take advantage of your generous nature, so do you think she will get better once you are stupid enough to marry her? This is how how good men get ruined in Thailand, you must be smart enough to see that before it happens, no??!

a bit of disagreement here :) . good men dont look for wives in nana! and dont point out the girl has large boobs to boot!

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Well, excuses for being such a schmuck, but I am in serious trouble. It all started 18 months ago when I bar fined a big breasted beauty at Nana. Kind of got fond of her and kept her around for a month when I realised I actually liked her.

Seriously, I've got to be the biggest dumschmuck that has ever posted on this forum, but I'm in serious trouble here...WHAT THE HE** SHOULD I DO!??!?!? She's pregnant and she just gave me the ultimate proof that she's a scammer!

Well, you got the second paragraph right.

How is possible you now join the previous 582.364 farangs who fell in love with a BG passed her virgin days with child, husband and greedy father mother, all blinded by love and no brains. :D

I feel no sympathy for your problems.

Please repeat after me: Mea culpa, mea culpa :)

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I don't know if you are joking (which would be awesome) but here is what you do.

#1. Have your family member come to Bangkok and transfer the Condo into their name.

#2. Tell her that she will get everything that she wants once the baby is born.

#3. Once the baby is born, have your mother/relative come to Thailand. Tell her to start making plans for the wedding. Play it as though everything is going down as planned and that she is getting what she wants and your mother is watching the child for the day.

#4. Change the locks on the door of the apartment. Inform the management that she is no longer allowed into the building and that your contract is up on the condominium and that your relative is now the owner. Go to a real estate agent and put the condo up for sale.

#5. Leave the country with the child.

#6. Finalize the sale of the condominium. Never return to Thailand again.

This child is better off without this woman or family in their life. Its pathetic that some of you are suggesting to just kick her out. Maybe its just my Sicilian background, but if it was me in this situation, I think she would know enough about me to know that I would use all of my power and do everything I could to make sure she would never be able to take my child from me.

Edited by TheGoodDoctor
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a bit of disagreement here :) . good men dont look for wives in nana! and dont point out the girl has large boobs to boot!

Disagree all you like, that doesn't mean you're not wrong! :D

This is exactly what happens to men. Just like the hundreds before him, the OP just went out for a bit of fun one night but now he's looking at a life sentance of being married with a kid to a gold digging hooker (with fake tits to boot!). I'm sure that nobody has ever thought that they would go looking for a wife in a GoGo bar, but look at how many have been sucked in.

From my viewpoint it is very easy what this guy has to do because I have no emotional or guilt driven responsibility to this girl. However I will hazard a bet that contrary to the advice here he still marries this girl thinking he had to do right by her and within a year is taken to the cleaners and posting here for help again.

Good luck OP. It sucks to be you!!

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I think UKMatt has the right idea. You guys need to realize that you are old and these girls are interested solely in your money. You are not handsome, funny, intelligent, nor do you have any redeeming qualities whatsoever besides your bank account balance. Its harsh but just imagine if OP realized this all before, he would not be in this terrible situation.

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I think UKMatt has the right idea. You guys need to realize that you are old and these girls are interested solely in your money. You are not handsome, funny, intelligent, nor do you have any redeeming qualities whatsoever besides your bank account balance. Its harsh but just imagine if OP realized this all before, he would not be in this terrible situation.
Or he might be completely wrong. I could be equipped with all of the above. I guess the biggest difference between myself and a majority of farangs in this country is that contrary to them I didn't come here because of the cheap sex available to anyone despite being fat and ugly as long as there is willingness to spend some money, but because of my intellectual abilities.

And, if there's ANYONE in here who believes the plan was to get a Nana girl pregnant and then get married; please identify yourself (I say that with a couple of recent comments regarding intelligence in mind).

Like most of you have been able to fathom; neither did I choose to be in the situation I am now, nor did I end up there by being reckless. Sometimes life's got shitty things in store for you, and this time my number came up.

Initially, I was prepared to accept this accidental pregnancy. You see; I have a moral issue with being irresponsible. But that all changed when she popped the million baht question.

Right now, I'm thinking more in terms of:

What does the average Thai think about abortion?

What is the legal responsibility towards a BG in case of an UNWANTED pregnancy?

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I think UKMatt has the right idea. You guys need to realize that you are old and these girls are interested solely in your money. You are not handsome, funny, intelligent, nor do you have any redeeming qualities whatsoever besides your bank account balance. Its harsh but just imagine if OP realized this all before, he would not be in this terrible situation.

PACK SQUIRE. You may well be moving out of ThaiVisa.

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So, in summary,

1. She's been previously married

2. Has a 7 year old kid

3. Has presumably been hooking for the last 7 years

4. You're not even sure the baby is yours.

5. Her boobs are not even real.

6. She now wants a stackload of money from you for marriage even though you've been more than adaquately financially supporting her for the last 18 months.

All of this and you're asking what to do??

You're out of your mind. You have a responsibility if the baby turns out to be yours but there is no fairytale ending for you and this girl. Bail out now while you still can, with any luck the baby is another sucker's and you can get on with your life.

Any idea as to HOW I can bail out...?

Not if as you say earlier - "You see; I have a moral issue with being irresponsible". - (???)

Abortion? - illegal, unless there is medical evidence to support intervention and termination - but thats not to say it cant be done - there are countries in South East Asia that allow it on request, so hurry up and get that passport for her - and a visa for Singapore or Vietnam - see pic below for SEA abortion policies on a national basis


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