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Looking For Other Professionals For Referrals

John K

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I am a Hypnotherapist with a new practice in Bangkok. I have moved my practice from The USA. I am looking to find other professionals in the area should any client referrals be needed. I started this thread a few days ago, but because I made the error of putting my website information I was hit with a spam warning and the thread was deleted. I had one reply before It was deleted. It was addressed to seeing help from a psychologist. I wanted to reply to that but I was suspended for 3 days. Below is the reply to that.

I love this debate but too often I must repeat myself. First many people think Hypnotherapy is the same as Psychology or what a psychiatrist does. That is only true for one small part of Hypnotherapy and that is you are dealing with mental health issues. But Hypnotherapy is so much more than just that one small area. For example there is no psychology used in the vast majority of Hypnotherapy. Plus Psychology deals with the conscious mind and not the subconscious. That is why going to a psychologist can take 4 or more time longer to get the same results. The reason for that the conscious mind is very structured and all possibilities must be addressed by the psychologist. That is why it takes so much longer. The subconscious is much simpler than that, it’s very impulsive and responds to concepts. Once the concept is accepted the conscious mind sets out to make it work. Yes I agree if a person wants to spend a whole lot longer in therapy they can go to a psychologist, or if they want to be medicated and live in their own new little world they can go to a psychiatrist. The choice is theirs to make. I can tell you that there no psychology used in smoking cessation, eating disorders, pain management, stress and anxiety management, sexual dysfunction including erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. For a woman arousal problems or painful sex. There is no psychology use with dealing with IBS (irritable bowel syndrom) or Fibromyalgia. There is no psychology used with dealing with fears or if you prefer the word phobia’s. The list goes on and on. You must think of Hypnotherapy as a long road that passes through many towns or states. Each town is a different application that can be used in another profession. 40% of the people who I saw in the USA were directly referred by there PCP, surgeon, specialist ,psychologist, psychiatrist, and even some substance abuse consolers. That is why I started this thread. From time to time they encounter people that need the extra effectiveness of Hypnotherapy to augment their therapy. Insurance companies are even starting to pay for Hypnotherapy because they see how effective it is. They are only looking at their bottom line, and Hypnotherapy has proven over and over to be very cost effective because the duration is so much shorter. Also know I have no problem turning people away who I am not qualified to work with. Some people do need to see a psychologist because of the complexity of their issues. Many times their psychologist will seek my help as well working as a team to help that person.

John Krukowski, C.H.

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