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Ok, agree with many of the topics that get closed, but there was one on Patpong customer service that was closed and we was asked to continue our discussion in the barladies forum.

I don't understand that at all as no mention of bargirls in the thread, the words bargirls and barladies not even used in this thread at all, and there is certainly more in the visa forum 'refused thread' yet that has not been closed.

Isn't this a little over the top? Perhaps a wrong decision was made there?

I noted two posts in partciular were singled out to be the reason the thread closed, wouldn't a gentle note to not straying into a bargirl discussion be in hand if admin considered it to be going the wrong way?

Will all topics on customer service in red light districts go that way?

I understand full blown bargirl topics are now allowed here and fair enough if that's how you want the site, but this was not one of them.

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Also it's funny how Paedophile topics continue with all the advice on how not to get caught kiddy-fiddling. But when a thread is started complaining about it, it gets closed with a 'we're keeping our eyes on the Peado treads'.

I too was surprised about the customer service thread closing. Why not just delete any offending posts?

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It does seem a bit crazy to close the whole thread and then send your website traffic to another forum to post. I thought the idea was to keep traffic at the site once you had it?

I understand if it was a bargirl topic, but a customer service topic? :o:D

Should this complaint have been directed to a mod or admin, as I notice no response here from either group?

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It seems strange nobody has managed to answer this quickly?

Surely must be a standard moderation rule that allowed this to get closed so every moderator should know the answer?

Only asking why a non bargirl thread was closed and the posters told to discuss the bargirl thread on a bargirl forum. :o

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Well just to shut a few of you up already :o

I dont know what happened, i certainly wasnt involved (hence my lack of a reply) If someone wants PM me a link then i would be happy to look into the matter for you.

From just reading whats been said here already it would seem that the person in question felt the thread was degerating into a BG discussion, hence they closed the topic and suggested the converstion carried on in a different forum, but as im not familiar with the thread in question i can only guess.

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there you go Wolfie, thx for replying here, appreicated. :o

The reason we was told to discuss it at barladies.com was it was about patpongs barscene, even thoiugh not about bargirls. Which is strange because there is also a section in thaivisa for discussing pubs and entertainment.

I know patpong is a red light district but so are areas like nana to asoke really, it kind of cuts discussions down to all Thai areas if you dont want to have topics about areas where there are bargirls present.

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I dont think my thread was going to be closed due to the fact it was heading towards a BG thread, i just thought it was because maybe the mods were thinking i had had enough about what was being said being as i was going through a bad time. But the option was given to me if i wanted it closed. I declined the offer as many people said, "it was my decision, what to do next".

I did not have to listen to the so called "advice".

It was good however to be given the option.

I do think that the mods can be a be quick to close a thread when BAR GIRLS are mentioned.

Thailand is known for its beautiful girls and it so happens that a lot of the girls work in the bars. So is it wrong to close a thread when talking about these girls. It is not always bad stuff that is written. I understand that there is a forum just for these threads, ie barladies. However i have visited this site and i dont think it is for everyone. I have nothing against bargirls and have a lot of friends that are. But i think that the named forum is a bit seedy (just my opinion) and is not very bargirl friendly. So because i refuse to post in the barladies forum am i unable to post about bargirls or mention them in this forum? I think it is over reacting and threads should only be closed on the thai visa forum when the posts starting heading towards the standards found on the barladies forum.

Just my 2 bahts worth

Edited by BIG SPUDS
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Looking at the thread, i can see arguments for both sides.

The reason we close down BG related threads is because we want to keep TV clean and respectable, we want this forum to be a informative place where people can come for advice on visas, work permits etc. Obviously there are more relaxed areas where people can "Chew the fat" as it were. We do draw the line on BG related stuff, a while back when the decision was made to disallow that kind of content i personally had to close down over 20 active threads (and recieved a lot of flak because of it). So now we are kinda hardline on that content.

On the thread in question i can understand the moderators actions as the thread was begining to head down that path... it hadnt degenerated into a BG thread but the conversation was begining to turn in that direction. Maybe it could have been left open until it got there, but as they say "Prevention is better than cure"

Anyways, i hope my comments have helped a little, and i'm going to close this topic as i dont see that its going to go anywhere useful. Feel free to PM me (or another mod/admin) if you disagree with this decision.

Thanks All.

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