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British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife’s & Children?

I have been following the UK news over the last few weeks regarding the fascist British National Party (BNP).

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

I, having a Thai wife and child find this prospect very alarming.

1. If the BNP did come to power and expelled all Thais from the United Kingdom, would the Thai government conduct a tit for tat policy and do the same with Brits living in Thailand?

2. Would this mean that UK citizens living in Britain and having a Thai family, would have to leave Britain or otherwise be faced with the prospect of being separated from they’re family’s?

3. What about the Brits with Thai families living Thailand, how would this affect them?

All rather scary and hope this scenario never happens.

What do you think?

Hope I haven’t opened a can of worms here. Have created this thread for the reasons that the title explains.

This is not a platform for the discussion of British politics or who is to or is not to blame.

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK that would affect all British ex-pats with Thai families and should be mentioned.

I hope that if any idiots post on here material that contravenes ThaiVisa rules, racist comments, of is abusive to others, that the Mods will close this thread and ban the offending posters.


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Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

Nothing to worry about, the BNP will never get elected IMO, they have about as much chance as the Monster Raving Loony Party, by the way if you open a thread about the BNP then expect sparks to fly, they do on every other forum I have debated on when discussing the BNP, I'd really like it if they didnt fly but they will IMO because you really have opened a can of worms, which is a reason why some websites forbid discussion of the BNP and threads are NUKED on sight, debating with FACISTS is a very difficult thing to do.

British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife’s & Children?

I have been following the UK news over the last few weeks regarding the fascist British National Party (BNP).

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

They have 2 MEPs and a few councillors. Their 'leader' appeared on Question Time on Thursday and made a complete arse of himself. They will never form a government in the UK. The British people have too much sense for that.


Following the Nick Griffin humiliating appearance on Question Time I doubt we will hear much more about them for a while.

Still a better bet than Brown to win the next election. :)

Thais with marketable skills will be more than welcome in the UK whoever wins the next election.


Don't worry too much. I suppose the media attention does look a little worrying viewed from abroad but in the (very very few) places they've managed to get a couple of council seats they've been shown up due to lack of policies/ability on anything other than what they're famous for...hating everyone.

There is absolutely NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of these idiots ever forming anything that remotely resembles a government. If they do stand for parliament the will lose their deposits.

They're riding on the wave of discontent due to the economic circumstances and the feeling amongst working people that they no longer have a political voice (new labour=new tories) The ride will be brief.


The BNP are only were they are today because the SOME of the people of britain have put them there through the protest vote,simple.

The bnp party have more chance of fitting an elephant up there arse,than winning the next general election so no worries there.


If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

The flip side of this is you have no responsibilities here...other than those you choose of course.

Sorry love your government are kicking me out.... :)

Living six months in each country I have trouble working out which is crazier....


This was all just a smoke screen to divert attention away from the real issues concerning parliament. Namely "expenses" and how members of parliament have been stealing from the public through acts of fraud. These members should be investigated and charged in the same way they would have a so called benefits cheat. How we (the public) are bombarded with messages through the media (funded and backed by the government obviously) about the costs of cheating the system and warned about the consequences of doing so, only to have these £100,000 a year rats milking the same system. Furthermore, these fraudsters slip away with the same alarming excuse "it was a mistake"!!

Don't worry, the BNP will not get elected. Not in the near future anyway. They were just timely presented on Question Time for other reasons. Let’s hope next week the debate is about the real issues concerning the country!!

If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

The flip side of this is you have no responsibilities here...other than those you choose of course.

Sorry love your government are kicking me out.... :)

Living six months in each country I have trouble working out which is crazier....

wouldnt agree with you 100% on that. i do have responsibilities here. A wife, a job and a baby. do agree that the uk has turned 'upside down' in regard to its own citizens

wouldnt agree with you 100% on that. i do have responsibilities here. A wife, a job and a baby. do agree that the uk has turned 'upside down' in regard to its own citizens

I heard one of Nick Griffin's constituents complaining that the government had done nothing for him or his community. Well this is the sort of thing I was hearing 20 years ago.

I come from a 4 generation of fishermen in Scotland. When the industry fell apart we moved on to other things.

Norman Tebbit had it right and its why people who work hard and are prepared to go an extra mile will succeed.

As you have whistleblower. Good luck. :)

wouldnt agree with you 100% on that. i do have responsibilities here. A wife, a job and a baby. do agree that the uk has turned 'upside down' in regard to its own citizens

I heard one of Nick Griffin's constituents complaining that the government had done nothing for him or his community. Well this is the sort of thing I was hearing 20 years ago.

I come from a 4 generation of fishermen in Scotland. When the industry fell apart we moved on to other things.

Norman Tebbit had it right and its why people who work hard and are prepared to go an extra mile will succeed.

As you have whistleblower. Good luck. :)

Brilliant post.

No one hands you anything on a silver plate.

I believe that if one keeps their head down, works hard for themselves and families, can adapt if need be, respects others as they wish to be respected, they will always succeed. Nothing is impossible, if it`s done right.

they have about as much chance as the Monster Raving Loony Party,

Somebody's been watching blackadder. :)

The BNP have never done anything of significance, asides from pissing people off. Besides the racist bigot's in the UK, they never win votes on the strength on their own policies. Rather they prey on the weakness of the opposition and look to exploit gaps and whip up a sense of nationalism by claiming that they will make Britain better blah blah blah. Well the opposition has managed to properly bugger it all up this time leaving the door wide open, yet the BNP still hold only a fraction of the vote.

Not worth another thought really, it just ain't going to happen.

I feel now that there is a strong possibility of a fascist leadership in the UK

I am not entirely sure you can call them Fascist, the term represents the ideologies of a short term in history of the 20thC, despite the claims and counter claims to the contrary, it is difficult to pinpoint the actual definition of Fascism in present day politics.

However, there is little, to no hope of the BNP getting any type of success in the UK in the near future, despite the present parties doing their best to self destruct, they gained approx 6% in the last Euro elections and the latest fiasco on ScrewsNight has done them few favours for the next general election in the next six months.

So for any future retaliatory counter strike by the Thai Authorities is unlikely, if the BNP were to gain an unlikely election victory, can you imagine the uproar amongst its own citizens when they started wide scale deportation and create a self defeating prophesy.

If you live in thailand with a thai wife and baby (as i do) then you should already be familiar with the BNP policies.

Have to prove you have an average 6 x salary as a thai guy, will never get citizenship no matter what your contribution to the country. always be an outsider, depending on the govt of the day, may have to leave thailand without your family, as a foreigner you are always wrong.

dont worry about it, being here you are in training to be a bnp member!!!

It's possible to become a citizen. People on this forum have done it and made posts outlining the experience.


the pic in the ops post says it all, young inbred uneducated small mill town rats support the BNP, maybe one day this lad will be PM :)


British National Party (UK)

If elected how would this affect British Thailand Ex-pats who have Thai Wife's & Children?

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

This thread = MASSIVE FAIL.

You really don't anything about politics and the electoral process, do you?

As much chance of being elected as I have of spending an evening in the company of Anjelina Jolie.

In fact, why am I even replying to this....

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.


The Conservatives have got a better chance of getting elected than the BNP.

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

As much chance of being elected as I have of spending an evening in the company of Anjelina Jolie.

Sassienie is obviously a Bob Marley fan. Likes to stir it up. That can be the only purpose of this silly thread.

Anyone who saw Question Time will know how ridiculous it is to state this group of idiots is anywhere close to being in a position to form a government. Get real.

Now it appears that it is very possible that this party could be elected and become Government in the UK.

As much chance of being elected as I have of spending an evening in the company of Anjelina Jolie.

Sassienie is obviously a Bob Marley fan. Likes to stir it up. That can be the only purpose of this silly thread.

Anyone who saw Question Time will know how ridiculous it is to state this group of idiots is anywhere close to being in a position to form a government. Get real.

Mr Buckethead from the Isle Of Wight has a better chance of being elected to run the country than the BNP.

Griffin and his mates are just going to be there making lots of noise to subtantiate their huge salaries and give a tiny minority of nutcases a few hours of glory in areas where they have managed to brainwash the simple minded.


Before i comment i want to make it clear that i in no way support the BNP in any shape or form.

But i fear that it is possible that they may gain a few more seats and MP's

I have seen over the last few years racism on the increase from the teenage element of the uk.

Some it seems cannot diffirentiate between countries of origin, My wife was intimidated outside a shop and called paki scumbag by some louts. (she is thai)

It seems that if you are dark skinned in the uk you could be in a no win situation. (in some areas)

This was northeast uk.

Before i comment i want to make it clear that i in no way support the BNP in any shape or form.

But i fear that it is possible that they may gain a few more seats and MP's

I have seen over the last few years racism on the increase from the teenage element of the uk.

Some it seems cannot diffirentiate between countries of origin, My wife was intimidated outside a shop and called paki scumbag by some louts. (she is thai)

It seems that if you are dark skinned in the uk you could be in a no win situation. (in some areas)

This was northeast uk.

Northeast Eh! The Geordies hate anyone who comes from anywhere outside the Northeast because they don't normally support Newcastle United or drink Newcastle Brown. It has nothing to do with the colour of your wifes skin! :)


on the surface the topic and the question asked would appear to be a non starter.BUT.......................

Our history books tell us what happened in germany in the 1930's also to a smaller degree in england too(moseley's black shirts)and many english people including our royalty sypathised with the nazi's.So nothing is impossible in the future too.

The price of peace is eternal vigilence against these type of people IMHO.

I believe multiculturalism in this world is a no boner,unfortunately.people are scared of differences,of skin colour,religion,etc,anything that stands out as being different,sad really,as that what can make life interesting,accepting the differences.

But i fear that it is possible that they may gain a few more seats and MP's

I sadly agree. But there's a world of difference between gaining a few more seats and winning a general election.

Some perspective people please.


Ive a mixed race kid in the UK and a Thai partner, yet i 100% back the BNP on closing the doors to immigration and reversing the majority of economic migrants who have come to England in the last 12 years.

England is the 3rd most populated country in the world, with the South East of England becoming the second most populated in the next 20 years when according to govt research the population will rise by 10 million in the UK, 7 million of these will be immigrants, they are not wanted or needed here.

I have been racially abused in a violently threatening way whilst doing nothing but walking down the street by Pakistani muslims in a Northern town TWICE recently, many areas of England are no go areas for white skinned indigenous folk due to people of African/ Pakistani/ Caribbean descent, this along with 7/7 attacks shows that Enoch Powell was a visionary and 100% correct with his "rivers of blood speech".

My child will be moving to Thailand shortly to be raised in a conservative society where people support themselves by whatever means and dont rely on a govt.

Unfortunately the indigenous English will become a minority in its own country in the next 40 years, no matter what you liberals may say to counter my statement the English are on the whole are honest, hard working, inventive with an enormous sense of fair play and decency, mass uncontrolled immigration is in the process of destroying this.

PS i believe any UK national should have the right to bring in a spouse from whatever racial background they maybe from.



It is ignorance such as yours that allow people such as Griffin to gain a foothold and your support of Enoch Powell is despicable.

Just another narrow minded fool that Griffin has managed to dupe.


So, Whichschool, you believe that your wife has a right to migrate to the UK, but nobody else does?

Most migrants to the UK are not only legitimate, they are essential! The indigenous UK population is declining, and without immigration it would not be long before there were not enough people to fill the essential jobs, not enough people working and paying taxes to fund the NHS, state pension etc.

As Moonrakers says, it is ignorance such as yours which plays right into the hands of the BNP; not that they would accept you as a member, or even allow you into one of their meetings, as you are tainted by marrying a non white and having a mixed race child.


It is ignorance such as yours that allow people such as Griffin to gain a foothold and your support of Enoch Powell is despicable.

Just another narrow minded fool that Griffin has managed to dupe.

i gotta say i thought whichschool's post was very reasonable,here's a guy "on the ground" so to speak with first hand experience,who are we to judge,living in thailand

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