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Warning For Thai Women


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So why did you still not translate the  first few words?

ผู้สื่อข่าวรายงานเมื่อวันที่ 1 เม.ย. ว่า ...
"Journalist's report on 1st April"

Maybe someone has a sense of humour?

Sorrrryy.. :D Guilty as accused (not translating the whole sentence.. main concern was whether I would get sued for mentioning this guy's name :D )

But if you're thinking it's an April Fool's joke, well... 1) It's the biggest news on the front page 2) It's a day late 3) I don't think the majority of Thairath's target audience (ชาวบ้าน - regular Thai folks) would get the joke :o

Edited by RDN
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Odd topic.

From what I am lead to understand is that the Thai embassy in Stockholm has 22 people at present in a safe house as they have run away from thier husbands. What the newspaper is warning people about is using the internet agencies. People from Issan pay between 2-3500 Baht to get listed. What does not get disclosed is who the person is in reality. i.e The falang could be a perve and you would not know because nobody has checked him out. The other problem is brokers in Europe who appear to be trading in Thai women.

These stories are not new, they get rehashed all the time and the Thai newspapers do run them from time to time. There was also the story in last year where people had luring women over to Europe and they end up getting stuck in a brothel. :o

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slight correction, aqua - It actually said all 22 safe homes in Sweden had reported many cases like this, not 22 people.

The newspaper's warning is a very broad one, doesn't seem to specifically warn against using Internet agencies, but seems to address all Thai women considering marriage with foreign men and planning to go live abroad.

This kind of story is a familiar one though, surfaces every once in a while.

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...But if you're thinking it's an April Fool's joke, well... 1) It's the biggest news on the front page (heading in the big black box) 2) It's a day late 3) I don't think the majority of Thairath's target audience (ชาวบ้าน - regular Thai folks) would get the joke  :o

Well, I hope it's a joke - I showed the web site story to my g/f who immediately recognised it and said she meant to buy the paper to read the story (she'd heard about it on television) - but had forgotten. So she translated it for me. She said that one particular Swede had got several girls to go to Sweden and each one had run away because he had treated them so badly. :D

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My wife just read the article and said it was all true. I wanted to get more information from her but she said she did not have time as she needed to scrub the floor, walls & ceilings. She needed to get that finished before she went out to plough our field. She thinks she will be finished by midnight then she can do the washing. With these tasks finished she will have time to make breakfast.

I just wondering if I remembered to give her a job for the morning?

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I have a very nice lady friend in Bangkok. Her friend recently got away from an abusive husband. They were living in Norway and he abused her in many ways. (?) The snow was so deep that she couldn't go anywhere and she was miserable. The food was terrible too. Within a couple weeks in Bangkok I asked my friend where her abused girlfriend went. The answer? Back to her husband in Norway. "She miss him too mutt". I wouldn't believe too many of the abuse stories. LOL!

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generalisation, indeed. some journalists are soooo unprofessional they jump on any story to get paid. happens few years ago I went to Bangkok Post to have a look on **** who wrote article on "Russian KGB Mafia" in Pattaya. Couldn't even find ****hole!

Now, some **** wrote about sweden. tomorrow, someone else and so on.

the best thing is to ignore such crap, the right thing is to translate and post it to ministry of foreigh affairs of sweden, related ministry of tourism and major papers there. wait for reaction.

sometimes, such irresponsible posts can lead to very serious consiquences.

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It seems to me that the basic problem with this is with the use of words like "most". News of these abuses certainly should make the papers. They just need to qualify them as "some", "a few", or possibly "rare" although I don't know how rare these cases are.

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Thai rath. Very good and reliable newspaper which present the news daily with a half naked women on the front page.

BTW, Sweden have no people working for 150 Baht a day.

Thailand have a lot of Burmese working for less.

That`s slavery.

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