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Visa Staus At End Of Marriage?

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No one likes to consider but what happens if no longer married?

In event of death

Divorce or a seperation

Is it the same for men and women?

If I died in Europe would my Thai wife have to leave?

Is the visa valid until expires

Ive no plans to divorce but suddenly realised if anything happened how long can you stay

I know when working I stayed until visa expired and even re-entered but hardly 3 months to season a retirement application

There must be a ruling perhapsLopburi Jinghting or other experts can chip in?

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As regards your visa status in Thailand, I assume you are talking about a non-O visa for the purpose of visiting your wife, ie a visa you obtained from a Thai consulate and used to travel to Thailand.

If the visa was valid for one entry, it lost its validity when you entered Thailand. You are permitted to stay in Thailand until the end of your 90-day permission to stay.

If the visa is valid for multiple entries you can continue to use it for entries into Thailand until one day before the “must be utilized before” date stamped on the visa and on each entry you will receive permission to stay for 90 days.



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To add on Maestro's post, if you are here on an extension based on marriage (along with your income/funds in the bank), I doubt anyone would make a fuss out of the fact your wife has deceased. They most likely wouldn't know anyway.

You would obviously not be able to get another extension.

AFAIK, the only extension immediately canceled if your status changes is the extension based on employment. The reason would be that once your employment ends, your income ends so you would have no proven means of supporting yourself, the main qualifier in any 1 year extension.

With an extension based on marriage you already have proven your means of supporting yourself for the year.

The above is an assumption however, I am not up to date on the exact rules regarding this. They can hardly kick you out before your wife's funeral rites/cremation is over.

Then again you never know, making you leave before midnight on the day your job ends is not entirely friendly either.

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When you are on an extension of stay and the reason for the extension no longer exists, your permission to stay becomes invalid. That is also when the marriage end. In case of a divorce the extension ends. In case of the death of the Thai spouse the same applies but immigration seems to be lenient and doesn't expect you to leave the same day. The question is how much time you will be given.

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I used to use my marriage papers to obtain my 1 year multiply entry long after we divorced as she never went to the embassy with me.

If where u live requires her attendance to keep the extension ur screwed but if all they want to see is the marriage paper.....

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Thank you for that info.

I am 21 years older than my wife and we have a 5 year old son but there is always the outside chance that she could have an accident or something.

Dear God can you PLEASE get me a computer that can spell

Edited by billd766
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Wives are required to present in person for extension of marriage visas. So clearly no extension would be possible but no reason to leave before the visa expires in the event of divorce or deceased spouse.

no extension would be possible but no reason to leave before the visa expires in the event of divorce

Believe divorce of Thai spouse actually terminates permission to stay (if on extension of stay based on marriage), in exactly the same way as losing job terminates permission to stay (if on extension of stay based on employment). So it would be a trip abroad for a new visa or obtain 7 day extension from immigration (assuming new visa not already obtained). But agree with your comments in the event of deceased spouse.

Edited by thaiphoon
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