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Idiots Living Oposite Me


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Happy it seems to have turned out well for you so far. Obviously, they will try something else or at least bad mouth you even more. But if they are disliked by all and sundry as you indicated then it is no big deal as they won't be believed any way.

Unfortunately, I think most people here, me included, wanted to hear what happened after you finally cracked and crapped in the flower pot. :)

Edited by GarryP
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Glad it got sorted onnut. Jeez, reading through some of the replies here, there are some idiots on this board never mind those living opposite you!

When you are done with your high horse, can I take it out for trot?

Aren't you 5 foot nothing James? How do you plan mounting the beast? Shetland pony, maybe... :)

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Glad it got sorted onnut. Jeez, reading through some of the replies here, there are some idiots on this board never mind those living opposite you!

When you are done with your high horse, can I take it out for trot?

Aren't you 5 foot nothing James? How do you plan mounting the beast? Shetland pony, maybe... :)

I may not be tall but I am wide. Gonna mount her side saddle.

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One old lady started shouting and saying that I am a falang and have no say in where she puts the pot and it is there on purpose to make it hard for me to park my car

Shocking when you hear I straight up. I once approached a neighbor about his incessantly barking dogs and he spoke English all right -- to tell me "<deleted> you, this is not your country, you can say nothing." He was borderline violent that I would dare to even bring it up.

You can bet the ladies are stewing and will try to cook something else up. All land of smiles, eh?

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Dah Farang. Your neigbours Sound really bad, worse than mine. The poo yai guy has not taken the phone all day but we will try again tomorrow.

Yeah. The funniest part of it all is the female/mother is my wifes niece!

And I gave free private tuition in English fro 3 years to their University attending daughter.

And before we moved hee, they got countless goodies brought from England on each of our trips.

They are typically Thai in as much as they liked us as long as they thought they could get something out of us. As the well dried up, then they moved into hyper-hate mode. During their name calling campaign, my wife was called "stuck-up", and my nickname alternated between "the big lizard" and "female genitalia face".

All quiet now. I believe because of my firm 'give as you ge't actions, and the intelligent and very public response of the poo yai baan, the rest of the village has more or less cut them off. Their behaviour is VERY modified. They NEVER for one minute thought the fahrang would stand up to their antics, let alone get the result.

Good luck with your campaign, Onnut. Make it as public as possible. The more face you and your wife gain from this, the more the idiots will lose.

They will continue to hate you, but will leave you alone after that, for sure.

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Dah Fahrang, unbelievable, they are family and still did that. Unreal how people are sometimes. I have a nice decent whisky for the poo yai which I reckon my wife will give him tonight for his trouble today.

The plant pot is still there but I am sure it will be gone tomorrow.

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Wait until they are out then go bolt it to the floor across the middle of their drive or alternatively remove all the soil fill it full of concrete then put back 1 inch of soil and leave it in the middle of their drive, then take a short holiday hahaha

Edited by yabaaaa
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The plant pot is still there ...

:) Here I am getting mad again at those old B!tches. The poo yai guy said move it but they are taking their sweet arse time. I hope when he comes back he makes a huge public scene as he and you move it on the spot! Dah fahrang is right. You have more patience than I do. I would have bazooka'd the freaking pot by now.

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This is a village as in out in the country? Poo yai as in owner of the neighborhood or a literal country style poo yai baan? The whole poo yai thing doesn't work as well if the gals in question are (or at least believe themselves to be) yai-"er." It also doesn't work if the poo yai isn't really impartial.


Edited by Heng
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I think almost anything you do in revenge will just cause you more issue down the line - many Thais will take their side simply because they are Thai and you are not. You have made a good move calling the Moo Bahn Poo Yai, it shows you will stand up for yourself. Letting it slide is not really an option for us, as it is with Thais. Incidently my Mrs would have been over their with threats and connections would have seen them 'change their minds', but that's not open to all.

I think the best way is as someone said and use the superstition. Get you wife or better mother-in-law if she's around (as they seem to know how to get everything in my experience!) to find an suitable hermit looking old man (with a few hundred baht) to burn some rice, salt and chilli outside thier driveway and say a lot of gibbershish at their door and pour the ashes across their driveway entrance and in the flower pot. See how fast they come over to find out what's happening - get your wife to tell them they have been cursed and for every bad thing they say or do against your or your family will be returned to them ten fold.

...sit back and wait for the monks to turn up!

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Just like a lot of 'recommendations' here, there have been very few that account for what happens the next day, the day after that, a year down the road...

Unless you are an actual wizard with supernatural powers, I don't think they are just going to suddenly back off.


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Just like a lot of 'recommendations' here, there have been very few that account for what happens the next day, the day after that, a year down the road...

Unless you are an actual wizard with supernatural powers, I don't think they are just going to suddenly back off.


Erm, that's why I suggested getting an old man to pretend to be one - superstition is rife as you know. Any phyisical attack or minor revenge will have repercussions as both I and you say, so the alternatives are: do sod all, move, or do something else that may make them believe anything they do will have repercussions on them - and as they truley believe that as farangs we have no rights and the law would protect only them whatever they do (rightly or wrongly), the best way seem to me is through their superstition. He doesn't have to be a wizard (in their eyes or anything else) just has to make them thing he has the money, balls, ability and intent to find and use one. Better than violence, malicious damage or having to be shat on continually IMO.

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I think everything will be ok if the poo yai guy insists the old bags comply, which he probably will. Then the OP can just ignore them from here on out. But if some kind of problems remain I guess trying the superstition thing would be worth trying. Can't hurt and who knows maybe it would finally kill this dog.

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The obvious solution is to get out of your car and move the plant when you come home until they get bored of moving it back.

But its clear that the OP and everyone else in this thread is more interested in the soap opera aspect of the conflict. Why else would he have called the poo yai in order to get a ruling and prove to the neighbors that he wins and they lose? I am sure OP can't wait to get home every night so he can find out what they screamed about him today or what his wife yelled at them or what new secret his wife learned today while gossiping with the neighbors. If OP came home and the plant was gone, his day would be ruined.

And can you guys please get off the superstition nonsense? You are going to dress like a ghost and scare them into moving the plant? This is real life not an episode of a terrible Nickelodeon tv show.

Edited by DocStrangelove
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Just like a lot of 'recommendations' here, there have been very few that account for what happens the next day, the day after that, a year down the road...

Unless you are an actual wizard with supernatural powers, I don't think they are just going to suddenly back off.


Erm, that's why I suggested getting an old man to pretend to be one - superstition is rife as you know. Any phyisical attack or minor revenge will have repercussions as both I and you say, so the alternatives are: do sod all, move, or do something else that may make them believe anything they do will have repercussions on them - and as they truley believe that as farangs we have no rights and the law would protect only them whatever they do (rightly or wrongly), the best way seem to me is through their superstition. He doesn't have to be a wizard (in their eyes or anything else) just has to make them thing he has the money, balls, ability and intent to find and use one. Better than violence, malicious damage or having to be shat on continually IMO.

No doubt there are superstitious locals, but I don't think a farang trying to hire a Khmer witch doctor (nevermind the logistics of actually getting one) is going to get much mileage. It's about on par as the logic of 'you know white folks are afraid of black folks right? ...Well just hire a family of black folks to pretend like they are living in your house and your white neighbors will surely move away shortly.'

Works for a sitcom script (as Doc mentioned) but not real life.

In reality, if they did happen to believe it, there is an endless well of other locals who are willing to take advantage of superstitious folks to cast 'counter spells' and what not. More likely though they would simply have a good laugh about it.


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Just like a lot of 'recommendations' here, there have been very few that account for what happens the next day, the day after that, a year down the road...

Unless you are an actual wizard with supernatural powers, I don't think they are just going to suddenly back off.


Erm, that's why I suggested getting an old man to pretend to be one - superstition is rife as you know. Any phyisical attack or minor revenge will have repercussions as both I and you say, so the alternatives are: do sod all, move, or do something else that may make them believe anything they do will have repercussions on them - and as they truley believe that as farangs we have no rights and the law would protect only them whatever they do (rightly or wrongly), the best way seem to me is through their superstition. He doesn't have to be a wizard (in their eyes or anything else) just has to make them thing he has the money, balls, ability and intent to find and use one. Better than violence, malicious damage or having to be shat on continually IMO.

No doubt there are superstitious locals, but I don't think a farang trying to hire a Khmer witch doctor (nevermind the logistics of actually getting one) is going to get much mileage. It's about on par as the logic of 'you know white folks are afraid of black folks right? ...Well just hire a family of black folks to pretend like they are living in your house and your white neighbors will surely move away shortly.'

Works for a sitcom script (as Doc mentioned) but not real life.

In reality, if they did happen to believe it, there is an endless well of other locals who are willing to take advantage of superstitious folks to cast 'counter spells' and what not. More likely though they would simply have a good laugh about it.


Ok I give up - comments based on missreading (intentionally or just inability I'm not sure which) - I never said hiring a real witch doctor (or logistics thereof) or dressing like a ghost (where did that come from?). I said get the wife/MIL to hire an old man to pretend to be one. The BS about black people and white people is not only completely irrelevent its also rubbish - I wouldn't care if a black family moved in next door, why would I be scared? because I'm white? Weired.

Most Thais are supperstitious - its a fact - just look at how many spirit houses there are. It doesn't matter if they hire someone for 'counter spells' etc because as Farangs we (usually) know its all rubbish - chances are they will be frightened enough to back off - its not illegal nor violent. Its better than doing nothing. If you have a better solution than try putting it forward rather than just making up rubbish to try and dis everyone elses. Sheesh!

Edited by wolf5370
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Ok I give up - comments based on missreading (intentionally or just inability I'm not sure which) - I never said hiring a real witch doctor (or logistics thereof) or dressing like a ghost (where did that come from?). I said get the wife/MIL to hire an old man to pretend to be one. The BS about black people and white people is not only completely irrelevent its also rubbish - I wouldn't care if a black family moved in next door, why would I be scared? because I'm white? Weired.

Most Thais are supperstitious - its a fact - just look at how many spirit houses there are. It doesn't matter if they hire someone for 'counter spells' etc because as Farangs we (usually) know its all rubbish - chances are they will be frightened enough to back off - its not illegal nor violent. Its better than doing nothing. If you have a better solution than try putting it forward rather than just making up rubbish to try and dis everyone elses. Sheesh!

Superstitious doesn't mean frightened of any old guy mumbling something. Hence the parallel to another equally silly and made up situation. To actually put a fear into them as far as local superstition goes, the OP would probably have to go a lot further than hiring an old guy to dance around and/or chant (what curiously would you have him chant?) for a bit.

I do believe my solution is indeed better, and I have already put it forward.


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Move the pot into your property and when they complain apologize for mistakenly thinking they had discarded it since it was in the street. Then ask them where they would like it to be so that no further misunderstandings will arise. Then put it there. If it appears in the street again repeat just as politely. They will soon tire of the game. And believe me it is a game they are playing and they are winning by upsetting you.

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Just like a lot of 'recommendations' here, there have been very few that account for what happens the next day, the day after that, a year down the road...

Unless you are an actual wizard with supernatural powers, I don't think they are just going to suddenly back off.


Erm, that's why I suggested getting an old man to pretend to be one - superstition is rife as you know. Any phyisical attack or minor revenge will have repercussions as both I and you say, so the alternatives are: do sod all, move, or do something else that may make them believe anything they do will have repercussions on them - and as they truley believe that as farangs we have no rights and the law would protect only them whatever they do (rightly or wrongly), the best way seem to me is through their superstition. He doesn't have to be a wizard (in their eyes or anything else) just has to make them thing he has the money, balls, ability and intent to find and use one. Better than violence, malicious damage or having to be shat on continually IMO.

No doubt there are superstitious locals, but I don't think a farang trying to hire a Khmer witch doctor (nevermind the logistics of actually getting one) is going to get much mileage. It's about on par as the logic of 'you know white folks are afraid of black folks right? ...Well just hire a family of black folks to pretend like they are living in your house and your white neighbors will surely move away shortly.'

Works for a sitcom script (as Doc mentioned) but not real life.

In reality, if they did happen to believe it, there is an endless well of other locals who are willing to take advantage of superstitious folks to cast 'counter spells' and what not. More likely though they would simply have a good laugh about it.


Ok I give up - comments based on missreading (intentionally or just inability I'm not sure which) - I never said hiring a real witch doctor (or logistics thereof) or dressing like a ghost (where did that come from?). I said get the wife/MIL to hire an old man to pretend to be one. The BS about black people and white people is not only completely irrelevent its also rubbish - I wouldn't care if a black family moved in next door, why would I be scared? because I'm white? Weired.

Most Thais are supperstitious - its a fact - just look at how many spirit houses there are. It doesn't matter if they hire someone for 'counter spells' etc because as Farangs we (usually) know its all rubbish - chances are they will be frightened enough to back off - its not illegal nor violent. Its better than doing nothing. If you have a better solution than try putting it forward rather than just making up rubbish to try and dis everyone elses. Sheesh!

The point of the counter spell is that it will empower the women to continue doing what they doing as they would have blocked the spell you paid the homeless man to put on them. Its a real shame that nobody ever suggested hiring a homeless man to burn rice and chant stuff in all those "A Thai women stole my child/sin sot/land/house/credit card" threads. Think of all the pain that could have been avoided.

Anyways, better hurry up with the chanting tonight. When the trick or treaters show up tomorrow night they will really be convinced that they opened some kind of portal to hel_l.

Edited by DocStrangelove
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The point of the counter spell is that it will empower the women to continue doing what they doing as they would have blocked the spell you paid the homeless man to put on them. Its a real shame that nobody ever suggested hiring a homeless man to burn rice and chant stuff in all those "A Thai women stole my child/sin sot/land/house/credit card" threads. Think of all the pain that could have been avoided.

Anyways, better hurry up with the chanting tonight. When the trick or treaters show up tomorrow night they will really be convinced that they opened some kind of portal to hel_l.

New character, but same humor.


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I don't understand what a poo yai is. The Community President? Does he collect monthly fees? If you are not living in a gated community with its own slogan and security guard, what is the point? Is he self appointed or voted into the position? What authority does he have to levy penalties against those in violation of his on the spot rulings?

Edited by DocStrangelove
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