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New British Boyfriend, Can Get Vv For Thai Gf

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Hi, I have met a very nice Thai girl, 35 - she has no proper job, only money I recently put in the bank for her and no land or babies but large family.

She has been to the UK three times before, each time the old boyfriend applied for 3 weeks for a single visit but she stayed for three months (2 months one visit, one month second) each time.

The last visa was more than two years ago, I have been told if you apply every year then they don't check things too much, they did this for three continuous years before so probably how they got away with it.

I stayed with her for three weeks six months ago and now have come back for another three weeks. I have sent her a little bit of money with receipts and have telephone receipts as well. I have a job and a house so no problem there. She never overstayed or caused any problems before, which is probably all she has going for her!

With a change of boyfriend will they look at things more closely and find out about the multiple deceptions re how long she stayed and if so will they stop her applying for a visa again?

I don't mind trying now and getting a negative based on her current conditions as it will prove we are in a relationship if we apply again later on but if it means they stop her applying again I would rather wait for later and get a fiancee visa where length of stay in the UK beforehand should not be of consequence.

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Visit visas are normally valid for 6 months and multi entry. That she stayed longer than originally stated in her applications or used the same visa to enter the UK a second time, or more, does not mean that she overstayed or committed fraud. Peoples plans do change.

I would mention what happened to the previous boyfriend in your sponsor's letter and also why she stayed longer than originally intended on her previous visits.

Only apply for a fiance visa if it is your intention to marry and live together in the UK. Previous immigration history is relevent in fiance, and other, settlement applications.

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I was in a similar position about two months ago and they took four weeks to decide and said that she had lied on previous applications about how long she wanted to stay and did not believe that she would not do it again. I did email to complain and was told that if they had caught it with the old boyfriend they would have rejected it as well. I then asked if I could apply again and did not get an email bacl

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# All Visa applications are Judged on the own merits, Or should be, You can apply for a visa as many times as you like if you get refused, and if you have the money, Put together a good Visa application and if it is refused, appeal With a Strong reason why your girlfriend will Adair to the Visa conditions.

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