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Thailand Is Not Cheap


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People usually see Thailand as a very cheap place, but actually it isnt.


Trollyey full of shopping (farang food)- Tesco Thailand 4,000 Baht. Coles Australia 4,000

Kilo Good (reasonable) Steak - 1000 Baht Thailand - $20 Australia 600 baht

Kilo Cheese Thailand - 700 Baht - Australia 800 Baht

Decent bread - Thailand 60 baht. Australia 80 baht

Beer in a foreign food type restaurant - 120 baht. Beer in a pub Australia 180 baht

Night is a cheap hotel in Bangkok - 1000 baht. Night in a cheap motel Sydney 1600 Baht

Female Entertainment Thailand for 2 hours 1000-2000 baht. Asiam Female entertainment for half an hour 3000 baht Australia

Rent condo in bangkok suburb 8000 baht a month. Rent condo in cheap sydney suburb 25,000 month (bit of a diffference here I admitn)

Car ownership in Australia - Much cheaper

Having a girlfriend in Australia - much cheaper (get a prenup!)

Cable TV - australia, cheaper than Thailand

Electricity cheaper in Australia

Fuel Cheaper in Australia

The only thing much cheaper in Thailand is if you live in the villiage, drink beer at the local Karaeoke, eat at Thai places or cook local (market) food at home. But then you run the risk of supporting a Thai family and have problems with all the people wanting to borrow money from you!

In Australia you can even find cheap places to stay near beautiful beaches (caravan parks, motels etc).

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I guess it is time for you to head back to Australia if you are not already there? Thailand is much cheaper to raise a family. You can get taken advantage of anywhere,not just Thailand. People that do get taken usually have poor judgment so they tend to screw themselves no matter where they live.

If you are buying mostly falang food then of course you are going to pay out the arse. I admit that to own a car is expensive here, but no more than my home country. At least I can tool around on a cheap motorbike to save putting gas into my car, and often times it is much more convenient.

Edited by mizzi39
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I guess it is time for you to head back to Australia if you are not already there? Thailand is much cheaper to raise a family. You can get taken advantage of anywhere,not just Thailand. People that do get taken usually have poor judgment so they tend to screw themselves no matter where they live.

If you are buying mostly falang food then of course you are going to pay out the arse. I admit that to own a car is expensive here, but no more than my home country. At least I can tool around on a cheap motorbike to save putting gas into my car, and often times it is much more convenient.

Im trying to compare Farang lifestyle in Thailand to farang lifestyle in farangland.

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I guess it is time for you to head back to Australia if you are not already there? Thailand is much cheaper to raise a family. You can get taken advantage of anywhere,not just Thailand. People that do get taken usually have poor judgment so they tend to screw themselves no matter where they live.

If you are buying mostly falang food then of course you are going to pay out the arse. I admit that to own a car is expensive here, but no more than my home country. At least I can tool around on a cheap motorbike to save putting gas into my car, and often times it is much more convenient.

Im trying to compare Farang lifestyle in Thailand to farang lifestyle in farangland.

What is a "decent Hotel"?

Bangkok if you know where to look gets a single traveler a clean quiet room right in Nana for 600Baht

Chiang Mai 300 baht.

Canada, for a single backpacker 1200 baht will get you a room in a fleabag dive

So, I'm calling BS on this.

For western food, well some things most of Asia just doesn't do well..cheese and steak come to mind so yes

imports will be expensive..

Edited by BugJackBaron
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You forgot Pizza, much cheaper in Australia.

Thailand is cheap if you want to live like a Thai, but if you want to live like an Aussie you have to pay the premium price.

I like Sang Som, somebody recently gave me a bottle of Bundy Rum from Oz had one drink and it's in the back of the cupboard till someone else wants it.

How many Aussie women will sign a prenup?

Electricity cheaper in Oz I don't think so, fuel is cheaper in Thailand also.

If your pissed of with Thailand go home for a while you might think differently when you get back there or maybe not.

Thailand is not for everyone.

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You forgot Pizza, much cheaper in Australia.

Thailand is cheap if you want to live like a Thai, but if you want to live like an Aussie you have to pay the premium price.

I like Sang Som, somebody recently gave me a bottle of Bundy Rum from Oz had one drink and it's in the back of the cupboard till someone else wants it.

How many Aussie women will sign a prenup?

Electricity cheaper in Oz I don't think so, fuel is cheaper in Thailand also.

If your pissed of with Thailand go home for a while you might think differently when you get back there or maybe not.

Thailand is not for everyone.

Sorry couldnt resist. Live like an Aussie? they sell shorts and flip flops here mate. :)

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Thailand is so cheap it's ridiculous, I couldn't spend even close to what I did back home even if I tried. And I have to laugh, if a girlfriend is expensive for someone here it's going to be far more expensive for a similar one at home, if even possible.

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Im trying to compare Farang lifestyle in Thailand to farang lifestyle in farangland.

Why would you do that, i take it you came to Thailand for a change.

I do eat farang food now and again but i accept its expensive because its imported. When i lived with my Thai wife in Holland thai food was outragous expensive because it had to be imported.

Here i live really cheap compared to Holland.

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You forgot Pizza, much cheaper in Australia.

Thailand is cheap if you want to live like a Thai, but if you want to live like an Aussie you have to pay the premium price.

I like Sang Som, somebody recently gave me a bottle of Bundy Rum from Oz had one drink and it's in the back of the cupboard till someone else wants it.

How many Aussie women will sign a prenup?

Electricity cheaper in Oz I don't think so, fuel is cheaper in Thailand also.

If your pissed of with Thailand go home for a while you might think differently when you get back there or maybe not.

Thailand is not for everyone.

Sorry couldnt resist. Live like an Aussie? they sell shorts and flip flops here mate. :)

No flip flops in Australia

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I find living in Thailand cheaper than the UK cos house rental is cheaper, no poll tax, no heating bill (and air-con just in the bedroom at night is cheaper), beer and spirits are cheaper and clothes are cheaper (but v difficult to find anything you would want to wear!).

These are the 'big' hits.

Food is no longer cheaper (generally) on Phuket, and often more expensive than the UK - unless you eat out, which is FAR cheaper. Obviously Western food is a ridiculous price. Its annoying 'cos lots of food (not to mention wine!) in the UK is imported, but a fraction of the price in Thailand!

I think the OP has a point.

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As a Canadian on the west coast, where I own my home and don't have to pay rent, it is cheaper for me to turn off the heat and and water, and stay in a hotel room in Chiang Mai then stay at home and pay for oil heating. I'm very careful with my budget and know exactly how much I spend each month. I am a good cook, and eat well. I buy my veggies, cheese and milk etc, but supply most of my own meat (venison and fish). I have compared budgets and it is almost the same to eat at home in Canada as it is to eat out at cafes in Thailand. As far as entertainment is concerned there is no comparison. There is NOTHING like Thailand's nightlife that is even remotely similar in Canada. Beer is a bit cheaper in Thailand and hard liquor is much cheaper if you don't drink the imported stuff. If I could somehow transport a Thai bar with all its lovely ladies to Canada I'd be a millionare in 6 months. Unfortunately, it wouldn't work. Either the authorities would shut me down in a week or all my ladies would run off and get married.

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Do not agree with you for most

Cheese & wine are heavy tax in Thailand !

For 150$ you do not get a lot in Coles, perhaps the Saturday when they sell the left over for half price.

Take away chicken in Australia 12 dollars / here 100 – 120 baht

Fish Thailand 120 baht to 230 baht a kilo

Ok, Decent bread - Thailand 60 baht. Australia 80 baht

Vet 1 appointment for a shoot 220 baht, will I presume be 50 dollar in Australia, dog shower 150 baht.

Kilo chicken at the market 75 baht / pork 80 baht

Night in hotel centre town Bangkok 1500 baht and it will be much better as a suburb cheap hotel in Sydney or Melbourne for the same price

Taxi price are 4 time higher in Australia / maid / dental / Land line rental cost / mobile phone & I am forgetting so many items / service

Car ownership for maintenance is cheaper here as well insurance / petrol, purchases more expensive, car park are 15 $ one hour in Melbourne, 30 baht here, traffic fine 150 baht compare to $ 150

Cable here 1800 baht, not sure in australia

Fuel cheaper here as I know

I am paying 60 baht for three month rubbish collection, can i ask you how much are the city rates in sydney ?

Sorry i come back with a edit, i forgot

internet i am paying 590 baht for a decent connection, ass much of download i want

Edited by simcity
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People usually see Thailand as a very cheap place, but actually it isnt.


Trollyey full of shopping (farang food)- Tesco Thailand 4,000 Baht. Coles Australia 4,000

Kilo Good (reasonable) Steak - 1000 Baht Thailand - $20 Australia 600 baht

Kilo Cheese Thailand - 700 Baht - Australia 800 Baht

Decent bread - Thailand 60 baht. Australia 80 baht

Beer in a foreign food type restaurant - 120 baht. Beer in a pub Australia 180 baht

Night is a cheap hotel in Bangkok - 1000 baht. Night in a cheap motel Sydney 1600 Baht

Female Entertainment Thailand for 2 hours 1000-2000 baht. Asiam Female entertainment for half an hour 3000 baht Australia

Rent condo in bangkok suburb 8000 baht a month. Rent condo in cheap sydney suburb 25,000 month (bit of a diffference here I admitn)

Car ownership in Australia - Much cheaper

Having a girlfriend in Australia - much cheaper (get a prenup!)

Cable TV - australia, cheaper than Thailand

Electricity cheaper in Australia

Fuel Cheaper in Australia

The only thing much cheaper in Thailand is if you live in the villiage, drink beer at the local Karaeoke, eat at Thai places or cook local (market) food at home. But then you run the risk of supporting a Thai family and have problems with all the people wanting to borrow money from you!

In Australia you can even find cheap places to stay near beautiful beaches (caravan parks, motels etc).

So why don't you go back to Australia?

Personally i don't know Australia but i know Europe and USA and there is NO WAY for a 70 year old man to have a 20 year young Girlfriend. BTW, what is a Prenup?

Cars in Europe are cheaper you are right, but the insurance and tax and maintnance (labour and parts) on a car will bankrupt you. Food? In USA cheaper, but most of European Countries much more expensive.

Fuel in Europa at least twice the price as in LOS

Electricity at least twice the price as in LOS.

Where in Europe or US can you rent a condo for 5'000 Baht?

I rent here a nice single house (not a dam muban house) for only 10'000 Baht per month. In Hawaii i payd for a similar House 1'900 USD per month

So i recomment you travel around a little bit, go to Switzerland, South France, Hawaii, US, espsially NY and LA.

Edited by stingray
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thailand has a greater proportion of western whingers than any other country i know that's for sure :)

Whos whinging? Im just making a comparison. You must be a pommie!

Im not complaining, just saying that people see Thailand as cheap place. But I am saying its not that cheap for things that we spend money on every day. I accept luxury items may be better value in Thailand (such as holidays and 5 star hotels), but for those who stay in Thailand for the reason of being that cheap.. well it isnt.

If you want to drink samsung with the locals, you can compare that to drinking rum in the park with the locals in Australia. Im not a drinker anyway!

Personally i splash out and live well in Thailand since the more expensive things offer better value (nice hotels, nice house, nice restaurants etc etc.... forget about the nice car though ill drive a second hand honda).

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People usually see Thailand as a very cheap place, but actually it isnt.


Trollyey full of shopping (farang food)- Tesco Thailand 4,000 Baht. Coles Australia 4,000

Kilo Good (reasonable) Steak - 1000 Baht Thailand - $20 Australia 600 baht

Kilo Cheese Thailand - 700 Baht - Australia 800 Baht

Decent bread - Thailand 60 baht. Australia 80 baht

Beer in a foreign food type restaurant - 120 baht. Beer in a pub Australia 180 baht

Night is a cheap hotel in Bangkok - 1000 baht. Night in a cheap motel Sydney 1600 Baht

Female Entertainment Thailand for 2 hours 1000-2000 baht. Asiam Female entertainment for half an hour 3000 baht Australia

Rent condo in bangkok suburb 8000 baht a month. Rent condo in cheap sydney suburb 25,000 month (bit of a diffference here I admitn)

Car ownership in Australia - Much cheaper

Having a girlfriend in Australia - much cheaper (get a prenup!)

Cable TV - australia, cheaper than Thailand

Electricity cheaper in Australia

Fuel Cheaper in Australia

The only thing much cheaper in Thailand is if you live in the villiage, drink beer at the local Karaeoke, eat at Thai places or cook local (market) food at home. But then you run the risk of supporting a Thai family and have problems with all the people wanting to borrow money from you!

In Australia you can even find cheap places to stay near beautiful beaches (caravan parks, motels etc).

So why don't you go back to Australia?

Personally i don't know Australia but i know Europe and USA and there is NO WAY for a 70 year old man to have a 20 year young Girlfriend. BTW, what is a Prenup?

Cars in Europe are cheaper you are right, but the insurance and tax and maintnance (labour and parts) on a car will bankrupt you. Food? In USA cheaper, but most of European Countries much more expensive.

Fuel in Europa at least twice the price as in LOS

Electricity at least twice the price as in LOS.

Where in Europe or US can you rent a condo for 5'000 Baht?

I rent here a nice single house (not a dam muban house) for only 10'000 Baht per month. In Hawaii i payd for a similar House 1'900 USD per month

So i recomment you travel around a little bit, go to Switzerland, South France, Hawaii, US, espsially NY and LA.

Food in the UK is generally cheaper than it is here (except for eating out). Three years ago I used to spend about 110 a week on groceries (for 2), now I spend more. Its not just Western food, many other things are the same price or more expensive here.

Petrol/gas is cheaper here, and fortunately, we need to spend less on heating bills (air-con is not used as extensively as it is too expensive for us folk who are not mega-wealthy). Electricity is probably about the same price in the UK (I've lost track), its certainly not "twice the price".

Vet bills are a LOT cheaper!

Agree that rent is cheaper and there is no way a 70 year old man will find even a 40 year old woman in Europe! :)

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I often have friends from back home ask me "it's cheap out there isn't it??" and my answer to them is always that living in Thailand is as cheap or expensive as what you, as an indivivdual, want it to be. Basically, the essentials (rent, transport, food, electric) are much cheaper than back in Farangland. But of course it depends on the type of lifestyle you choose to live.

Edited by thecatman
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People usually see Thailand as a very cheap place, but actually it isnt.


Trollyey full of shopping (farang food)- Tesco Thailand 4,000 Baht. Coles Australia 4,000

Kilo Good (reasonable) Steak - 1000 Baht Thailand - $20 Australia 600 baht

Kilo Cheese Thailand - 700 Baht - Australia 800 Baht

Decent bread - Thailand 60 baht. Australia 80 baht

Beer in a foreign food type restaurant - 120 baht. Beer in a pub Australia 180 baht

Night is a cheap hotel in Bangkok - 1000 baht. Night in a cheap motel Sydney 1600 Baht

Female Entertainment Thailand for 2 hours 1000-2000 baht. Asiam Female entertainment for half an hour 3000 baht Australia

Rent condo in bangkok suburb 8000 baht a month. Rent condo in cheap sydney suburb 25,000 month (bit of a diffference here I admitn)

Car ownership in Australia - Much cheaper

Having a girlfriend in Australia - much cheaper (get a prenup!)

Cable TV - australia, cheaper than Thailand

Electricity cheaper in Australia

Fuel Cheaper in Australia

The only thing much cheaper in Thailand is if you live in the villiage, drink beer at the local Karaeoke, eat at Thai places or cook local (market) food at home. But then you run the risk of supporting a Thai family and have problems with all the people wanting to borrow money from you!

In Australia you can even find cheap places to stay near beautiful beaches (caravan parks, motels etc).

yeap is not chip for farang to live here or that matter anywhere like farang. But using local stuff and living somewhat like a Thai i pretty reasonable. Just remember import goods are taxed 200% over here

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thailand has a greater proportion of western whingers than any other country i know that's for sure :)

Whos whinging? Im just making a comparison. You must be a pommie!

Im not complaining, just saying that people see Thailand as cheap place. But I am saying its not that cheap for things that we spend money on every day. I accept luxury items may be better value in Thailand (such as holidays and 5 star hotels), but for those who stay in Thailand for the reason of being that cheap.. well it isnt.

If you want to drink samsung with the locals, you can compare that to drinking rum in the park with the locals in Australia. Im not a drinker anyway!

Personally i splash out and live well in Thailand since the more expensive things offer better value (nice hotels, nice house, nice restaurants etc etc.... forget about the nice car though ill drive a second hand honda).

"Personally i splash out and live well in Thailand"

No wonder it is not cheap for you, do the same in Australia and you won't get much bang for your buck, probably quite a few less bangs.

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thailand has a greater proportion of western whingers than any other country i know that's for sure :)

The dude is just making comparisons. I don't see it as whinging.

I used to make long lists like that, including things that can't be found in Thailand, such as travel trailers, etc.

As for cheap/expensive, it's a mixed bag. I'm somewhat of a cheapskate, so during the course of my 11 years residing here, I've found ways to make ends meet.

Hard to get away from vehicle costs being twice what they are in the States, though.

other more expensive things, in Thailand, than farangland:

>>> anything related to computers, and electronics, including monthly service costs for internet/phone.

Doesn't apply to pirated software, which is unethical to buy (and yes, I sometimes do it).

>>> most clothes, when one takes in to account thrift stores, where I can buy a large suitcase packed full of fine quality 2nd hand clothes for a pittance. No way in Thailand, as clothes are available as new/retail, with few exceptions, like roadside stalls with discarded Chinese stuff.

>>> pet dogs, or any type of pets. In the States there are scores of people in just one small town who would be glad to give a pet away for free.

>>> furniture and building supplies. Again, this applies to 2nd hand places which are everywhere in the States, and often the quality is like-new.

>>> ID card for hill triber wanting to get a drivers license or such. Going rate is about 250,000 baht. The closest comparison would be a US Green card for foreigner who wants to gain citizenship, which (unless I'm mistaken) is essentially free.

On the other side of the coin, Thailand is dirt cheap when it comes to repairing things.

I just had 6 small repairs to my old pu truck that would have cost about $850 in the States. Here, my local guy charged me just $60.

....and many other things in Thailand are cheaper, some of which have been mentioned herein. Oh and medical costs - geezo, didn't anyone mention that yet?! All told, I'm doing things in Thailand, like developing a park in a rural setting, which I'd have to be a multi-millionaire in the States to even consider doing. Construction isn't a whole lot cheaper here in Thailand, but the peripheral costs building dept. Planning dept, school mitigation fees, etc. make building in the States prohibitive. I was a licensed California buildling contractor, so I know about high standards, yet here, on my non-titled properties, I'm able to let my creative juices flow, and it's a gas. It's not a lot different than the rush I got when 5 years old building sand castles at the beach. BTW, I just found out that Russia's Catherine the Great was a building nut also - always building new creations. ok, off track again, sorry.

Edited by brahmburgers
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I think you can drive yourself crazy unless you look at the overall picture. Yes, beef (for example) is really expensive. On the other hand, spices are remarkably cheap. Taxi fares, subway fares are half what I'm used to...perhaps even less. After 6 months I am spending less per month than I almost ever did at home, yet I am living comfortably. Next month I will buy a car. Oh, oh!

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It can be remarkably cheap (although I'd rather say cost effective) if you delegate as many menial tasks/routines/responsibilities to employees at 200-500 Baht per day that aren't either enjoyable or profitable, and focus on maximizing the latter two. Certainly beats worrying about the price of beef, Fritos, or whatever.


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