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Before I am berated by the PETA folks, hear me out:

This aggressive violent awful stray cat is terrorizing my cat. She is a small neutered house cat(my cat) who never strays more than a few metres from my home when she gets up the ambition to go outside at all. She is a very timid persian (someone said she is a siberian cat) type cat and this awful male alley cat is kicking her ass several times a day. And if it were just outside it would be one thing to just keep her indoors but this awful male cat gets into my house through any means it can with the sole purpose of attacking violently my cat. This cat is awful! He breaks in through a window and runs at her and starts tearing the crap out of her fully unprovoked! He does this daily now. It's not about food because he does not even look twice at her bowls he goes right at her and fur is flying and a full on assault goes down with me trying to use a broom to separate them and scoot this awful beast out of my home. My poor cat ends up literally crapping her pants with feces all over the floor along with the fur puffs in the air and blood on my cat. She is half his size and knows nothing about fighting ... she does not even seem to know how to defend herself. I can't take this anymore.

I have approached the cat outdoors and it is relatively friendly and I can pick it up to remove it from my porch but as soon as it sees my cat it goes on full attack mode.

So after seeing my cat bleeding from unprovoked assaults nearly daily I am feeling I am left with an unpleasant choice of letting this alley cat continue to injure my cat with torn forehead and bitten ears, or eliminate the evil bastard.

I love animals and cats so I am not a hater, but this beast is just a total prick and he has GOT to go. I have tried swatting him with a broom, throwing little rocks at him, even squirting him with water laced with chili peppers. It has no affect on his violent visits to get into my house and abuse my cat.

So I will pick him up and put him in a basket. Is there a place I can take him? A way to kill him in the most quick and humane way possible? Please if anyone has any suggestions.... I don't want to do something awful like put him in a basket and wait for him to eat poison laced food (can you buy "1080" wildlife poison in thailand? it is an extremely quick poison used for wildlife control but the carcass remains toxic and must be disposed up properly) but if thats what it is going to take and I have no alternative.... god I don't want to do that but I am hoping someone has a good solution for me to try. Cost does not matter, I will personally take his ass to another island if that's what it takes. But that is cruel too to just dump an animal in a strange place... I don't know what to do! Help!



This was told to me by the Queensland council in Mt. Isa

6-8 asprin and a bowl of milk, lock your cat up.

Problem solved.

Friend had a Tom come'n into his town and beating his cat up. We called to ask for a trap and got that asnwer.

People are most likey gonna type it up about killing an animal, and I'm so bad. But I don't care.

This is just one remeby to fix the problem painlessly.

This was told to me by the Queensland council in Mt. Isa

6-8 asprin and a bowl of milk, lock your cat up.

Problem solved.

Friend had a Tom come'n into his town and beating his cat up. We called to ask for a trap and got that asnwer.

People are most likey gonna type it up about killing an animal, and I'm so bad. But I don't care.

This is just one remeby to fix the problem painlessly.

Do you have any other information on this I can read up on? If I am going to do this horrible deed, I want to be sure it will be as quick as possible. If I were at home in Alaska I would have taken care of him with a .22 headshot. But I don't have the stomach for watching an animal thrash and suffer and linger in misery and I am not savoring the thought of having to speed along the process with a machete or large rock. Ugh, I am also worried about inadvertently poisoning the other cats around (which are no problem, they stay outdoors and never enter my house) That is why I was thinking of isolating this cat in a basket or something and giving him a dose then and there and I could dispose of his remains properly to avoid leaving a toxic carcass around that may effect other animals. Oh man, I hate even talking about this but lets hope that someone else has a non-lethal suggestion for this problem. Thank you for your input and I will try googling this aspirin method to see if it is a quick and relatively painless option.

So all of you experienced expats and animal lovers out there: I am hoping you can help me find a way of sorting this cat out without doing something ugly to him! I am giving this two more days to figure out. And by two more days I mean two more days of my cat being brutalized. If a suggestion keeps him at bay and reduces the attacks to once every couple or weeks or so, I won't kill him. But if this continues daily I have to do something. Keep the ideas coming! Thank you!

Why don't you entice the vicous Tom into a basket, close the basket and then take a boat to a neighbouring island with cat in basket and set it free. It's not like it will swim back.

I am considering that. But I am worried that if he is foisted on another village they might take him out in a worse way than I would. Or if the island has no village, he will just starve away a slow famine death. I don't know!

I thought of something else: If I take this guy in to get his nuts clipped, what is the likelyhood that he will stop being so violent? Any vets have input on whether getting this guy cut will take him down a few notches?


I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down.

If you are afraid of leaving him on another area of the island or on a different island, there must be some kind of cat rescue center on Phuket or the mainland. Could be worth googling.

With regards to the 6-8 Asprin method. I don't think that would be enough to kill the cat. And as you say the milk may de taken by another animal.

I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down.

If you are afraid of leaving him on another area of the island or on a different island, there must be some kind of cat rescue center on Phuket or the mainland. Could be worth googling.

With regards to the 6-8 Asprin method. I don't think that would be enough to kill the cat. And as you say the milk may de taken by another animal.

I agree, I think taking him to the vet to be euthanized is the kindest option available. I have heard already that it can be difficult to find a vet who will do this though in Thailand. Anyone know of a clinic that euthanizes nuisance animals in the Krabi/Trang area?

I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down.

I think the cat would suffer less psychological damage from having his nuts removed than being put down :)

Minke, i would get his nuts off and see if he settles down.

If he doesn't i'd take him for a long drive in the basket and release him somewhere else.

I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down.

I think the cat would suffer less psychological damage from having his nuts removed than being put down :)

Minke, i would get his nuts off and see if he settles down.

If he doesn't i'd take him for a long drive in the basket and release him somewhere else.

How would he suffer less psychological damage being dead? If he is dead he wouldn't suffer any psychological damage as he would be dead.

I still agree that you should take it as far away as possible in an area with human inhabitants and let him go free. He is obviously a danger to your cat. Do it tomorrow.


Take him somewhere else he will be fine. Cats fend for themselves very well. There is plenty of small prey around without people feeding him.

How would he suffer less psychological damage being dead? If he is dead he wouldn't suffer any psychological damage as he would be dead.

:) yeah let's euthanize all living things with psychological problems because when they're dead they won't suffer or feel anything :D

How would he suffer less psychological damage being dead? If he is dead he wouldn't suffer any psychological damage as he would be dead.

:) yeah let's euthanize all living things with psychological problems because when they're dead they won't suffer or feel anything :D

Or better still "Off with their nuts!"

Transit, try and read through the thread carefully, and note the comments and suggestions that I have made. Take a deep breath and see if it makes sense.


This can be a new mission for the Pattaya SWAT team :):D:D

...otherways why don't you try a different approach and start making it harder for any unwelcome guest to get inside of your property? good luck

How would he suffer less psychological damage being dead? If he is dead he wouldn't suffer any psychological damage as he would be dead.

rolleyes.gif yeah let's euthanize all living things with psychological problems because when they're dead they won't suffer or feel anything dry.gif

Or better still "Off with their nuts!"

Transit, try and read through the thread carefully, and note the comments and suggestions that I have made. Take a deep breath and see if it makes sense.

Geek, i have read your comments and think you should have stopped at the suggestion to take him by boat to a nearby island. I think that was a good suggestion but i didn't like your next reply which said:

"I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down."

Given the choice, i think this cat would rather have his nuts off rather than being dead forever.

I think the cost of being put down or getting his nuts removed would be pretty similar so maybe Minke should try the nuts off exercise first and if he is still attacking the other cat then he should be released somewhere else. Killing the cat seems a bit extreme without trying other methods first.

This was told to me by the Queensland council in Mt. Isa

6-8 asprin and a bowl of milk, lock your cat up.

Problem solved.

Friend had a Tom come'n into his town and beating his cat up. We called to ask for a trap and got that asnwer.

People are most likey gonna type it up about killing an animal, and I'm so bad. But I don't care.

This is just one remeby to fix the problem painlessly.

Do you have any other information on this I can read up on? If I am going to do this horrible deed, I want to be sure it will be as quick as possible. If I were at home in Alaska I would have taken care of him with a .22 headshot. But I don't have the stomach for watching an animal thrash and suffer and linger in misery and I am not savoring the thought of having to speed along the process with a machete or large rock. Ugh, I am also worried about inadvertently poisoning the other cats around (which are no problem, they stay outdoors and never enter my house) That is why I was thinking of isolating this cat in a basket or something and giving him a dose then and there and I could dispose of his remains properly to avoid leaving a toxic carcass around that may effect other animals. Oh man, I hate even talking about this but lets hope that someone else has a non-lethal suggestion for this problem. Thank you for your input and I will try googling this aspirin method to see if it is a quick and relatively painless option.

So all of you experienced expats and animal lovers out there: I am hoping you can help me find a way of sorting this cat out without doing something ugly to him! I am giving this two more days to figure out. And by two more days I mean two more days of my cat being brutalized. If a suggestion keeps him at bay and reduces the attacks to once every couple or weeks or so, I won't kill him. But if this continues daily I have to do something. Keep the ideas coming! Thank you!

Well we did as the local council said and the Tom came and drank the milk/aspirin slurry and we never seen him again.

This was a last resort. I don't know how fast it works, but it worked.

I believe it causes kidney/liver failure and or heart attack. Time till death unknown.

Please use as last option.


My Thai neighbours have the same problem with a cat that does the same thing, twice they have taken it several kms away, in a sack ... the first time it took two weeks for it to come back... the second time only a couple of days..... quite amazing really... a boat trip might be better.... although just passes on the problem... It's really is a tough one....

I really don't think neutering a cat is going to cause phsycological damage to the animal, my cat was done & is just fine... It's some thing that needs to be done more to both dogs & cats, so there are not so many suffering animals...roaming around..... It's fairly common practice in North America...

Here on Samui we have an Animal Rescue Centre, that does the neautering / Spading service for a "donation".... They also care for many abandoned cats & dogs... all up for adoption... All due to the kindness of someone who has donated property & and pays for a full time vet & helpers... Food too.... (Partly funded by donations from the public too).

Perhaps there is Rescue Centre in your area?.... Please don't bring it here, they are overwhelmed already!


Minke, just watch out that the vet you take it to to get it put down actually does it. My little dog was poisoned in my village. (Never been out of the yard) and was in great pain so I took it to a clinic where they told me it will eventually die in a couple days. I asked them to put him down and they told me they would. Next day I saw him on the streets of Chiang Mai lying near the moat just down from the clinic. They just let him out the back door after I had left I guess. Don't trust them and their stupid smiles. :)


I'm not sure if dogs behave the same as cats after castration.

We had our two male dogs deballed because they were always fighting!

After they recovered from the op, they were back fighting again more than ever!

I've heard of another method


Give him a sleeping tablet. (Administering it can be tricky though).

Once he's drifted off for a pleasant,, deep fatal sleep, you can take him to his grave. :D

On second thoughts you're too much of an animal lover to resort to cat murder.

I think cat napping and relocation sounds the least traumatic option! :)

I personally wouldn't resort to the contigency of having his nuts removed. It may make no difference to his behaviour and would be pretty expensive for yourself (not to mention the phsycological damage to the animal). You might aswell take him to the vets and pay to have him put down.

If you are afraid of leaving him on another area of the island or on a different island, there must be some kind of cat rescue center on Phuket or the mainland. Could be worth googling.

With regards to the 6-8 Asprin method. I don't think that would be enough to kill the cat. And as you say the milk may de taken by another animal.

Vets will not put any animal down in Thailand! its a Buddist thing..Crazy I know.Tried to have my poor cat put down very ill.Vets (2) refused saying they were Buddist.My Cat died a painful death.I said i was Cristian and we do not like to see animals suffer but they were worried that we=hen they died the vets that is they would come back as a lower animal or even a Mozzy! Kill the Cat your self. Do it quick.

This can be a new mission for the Pattaya SWAT team :):D:D

...otherways why don't you try a different approach and start making it harder for any unwelcome guest to get inside of your property? good luck

Simple in theory. I would have to spend my entire day (without aircon) with all doors and windows stoved up and clamped down to keep this crazy bugger out. I live in a classic thai teak house (circa 1920s) now and thank god it's not a boat. There are a multitude of places for a cat to slip in and out of. The house is about 2.5 metres up from the ground and he scales the support beams, and up through a bamboo-slat window into the house in broad daylight. I moved in about a month ago and it is possible that his previous owners were the previous tenants as none of my neighbors admit to owning this scabby-ass cat. Which is also a stab in the conscious as it's really not his fault he is a stray and not his fault he is a prick. He was probably abandoned here. Or perhaps always a stray. But the fact that he approaches me without fear and lets me pick him up by the armpits to toss him off the porch leads me to believe he is not 100% wild. Thats how I know I can pick him up and jam him into a basket for whatever unpleasant task I may be forced to perform to keep my cat out of the vets office and out of harms way.

I have spoken to the landowner tonight and he is loaning me a slingshot. Not nice but I am going to try it tonight and tomorrow. I already collected a plastic bucket filled with stones. Worth a shot (pun intended). scarily enough he offered me a handgun but i declined. Oh Thailand. How do I love thee?

I will update as this situation unfolds. Also encouraging non-lethal ideas!


Well, good luck.

Not sure about the sling-shot catapult idea. You will probably just end up pissing the cat off more. Felines can be persistent creatures. I still reckon you should take him on a long one way trip somewhere. Either that or a rice sack and a couple of bricks in the local klong...just kidding cat lovers...take the cat somewhere and just let him run free making sure he can't come back to terrorize you again... You ever see the movie Pet Semetry??




First I want to say, I am a cat lover and would never kill a cat.

In the best tradition of old Chicago, I would take the mean cat for a “ride” and leave him at a Wat far from your house. He will not be killed there and will have another chance to live.



first, do it yourself euthenasia has a tendency not to to work... meaning the cat will suffer but might not die;

castration might not, at this point , help in personality changes since most of the behavior is learned, but it will prevent more kittens from other female cats,

relocation is a problem for cats, from what i understand from our local kibbutz cat lady, cats often do not survive if moved to a new area, even if they are hunters (and most feral cats are not full time hunters but are scavengers), for a variety of reasons (although a lack of water, this being thailand, might not pose a problem that it does for cats in israel) including other cats' territories, unknown dangers, and whatever else is lurking around.

a cat rescue place, far far away might be able to help, if u do the neutering thing first; he might be able to to be relocated far away, but really far. we relocated several cats garbage cats) that were causing major problems , but they found their way back. second time round was the 'county pound' and probably a quick death.

euthenasia, even here where i live cannot be done on a street animal just because u want to get rid of it, most vets here will refuse (same reason as thai vets, its a religious thing)so probably not an option.

i dont know much abut cats but i remembered something once sheryl once wrote about her getting a new cat and her veteran cat's reactions: i think there is a territory problem here, and u may have to be the 'cat' in place of your cat... i suspect this tom thinks he owns the whole area, yard and house. u have to somehow convince him otherwise , in mean time what about: getting him neutered, feeding him in some area of your yard, using cat nip toys for him in the yard, and other herbs and physical blocks to prevent him from getting in ... try some cat sites on the web that might have some ideas for people that have more then one cat, because, essentially, what u have is more than one cat. u hae two. and since cats are not pack animals, and are also more 'primitive' (meaning their level of domestication is less than that of a dog), they choose territory over pack (humans) . your yard has been chosen by a very aggressive dominant male.

and to the rest of the posters: enough with the 'kill the cat', and DIY poison tips. this forum is not the place.

good luck



and to the rest of the posters: enough with the 'kill the cat', and DIY poison tips. this forum is not the place.

good luck



If this is not the appropriate forum for discussing the control of nuisance animals, please direct me to the alternative. We are dealing with a aggressive animal that is a menace and if fatal methods are the only solution in the end, sharing information about how to best go about this is not inappropriate in my opinion. And besides I have asked for information about fatal methods so please do not blame the members posting that are responding to my request.

I am gathering all and any information to decide on what the solution to this issue will be. I am trying non-fatal methods first but would prefer if others were honest about the most humane method of killing this animal if it comes to that.

That being said, I agree with your suspicion tht this animal is the king cat in the territory and wants my cat to get out. But unfortunately this isn't a world ruled by his demands and my cat stays and he cannot enter my home through windows, doors, or other gaps in the wood to cause a violent scene every day. If this were a matter of outdoors vs indoors, it would be easy to keep my cat indoors and avoid all this mess. But that would require living day and night with all doors and windows bolted shut like a fallout shelter. "Sorry kitty. I hope we can work this out some way but if not... i would prefer your end be swift and effective."


Minke I can understand that by now you are extremely pissed of with this stray cat and could strangle him right there and then.

From some books on cat behavior that I have I understand that solving the problem you describe it not easy at all and will take considerable time.

What you can do is try to get some help on one of the many cat forums that's out there before you go over to the last step, that is euthanizing the stray cat. I hope they can give you some expert advise.


Neutering male cats almost always makes them less aggressive. Definitely try this first.

Far from being unkind, it increases the cat's life expectancy and helps prevent birth of homeless kittens. Cats do just fine neutered, the idea that it is somehow a cruel thing is projection on the part of humans.

Please do get him neutered. If there is still a problem after that, take him somewhere far away. He will not necessarily cause a problem where he goes as it sounds like he has a specific issue with your cat. why, who knows, perhaps he is just determined to "own" you/your home and wants to eliminate the competetion. Or it may just be one of those inexplicable things between cats which do happen. Just like people, cats can develop strong likes and hatreds towards specific other cats, sometimes at first glasnce and for no obvious reason.

Minke, just watch out that the vet you take it to to get it put down actually does it. My little dog was poisoned in my village. (Never been out of the yard) and was in great pain so I took it to a clinic where they told me it will eventually die in a couple days. I asked them to put him down and they told me they would. Next day I saw him on the streets of Chiang Mai lying near the moat just down from the clinic. They just let him out the back door after I had left I guess. Don't trust them and their stupid smiles. :)

What a terrible story... heartbreaking. :D

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