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Advice for black dudes

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Yo brothers, how's ya all doin'?

Is it just me or r any of u finding it kinda hard to find the sweet stuff here in LOS.

Seems to me bros that these local chicks ain't into anything bigger than what all these local white boys got. Back home man girls go crazy for a nice piece of Texas balck snake - here the girls just go running away screaming and saying shit like they can't handle it.

What's your experience dudes - I just ain't into this kinda negative reaction

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Hey, what's with this troll shit. Maybe you good dudes just ain't bros.

Let me share with you fine people just why I's feelin' down. I finds this bar right in this Nana Plaza place. Everythings cool, I mean like really happening. Then I gets to meet this really fine chick. I takes care of her real good - all evening man, I treats her like a real lady. But you know what, when I'm back in the hotel man she kinda looks at me real strange and says: "how come you black dudes pack so much, how comes you got what them white boys don't have". Seriously bros, I trys explaining things but this chick ain't havin' none of it. She just goes packing her stuff and runs off into the night.

Ain't none of you other bros out there had the same kinda shit?

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Hey Black dude there is ony one problem with your story

Thai girls will automatically go for a private shower, put on a towel turn down the lights, jump into bed.

Now my logic tells me how did she see this bigsnake in the first place, what you do hit her in the face with it, oh of coarse you treated her like a lady

A lady in the bronx

Okay solution buy a good tube of lubricant

meet me for a beer

and have your money ready cause bro. there are a million thai girls out there more interested in baht than the size of your dick

Try going to the Thermae Coffee House there are girls there who will swollow you whole

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and have your money ready cause bro. there are a million thai girls out there more interested in baht than the size of your dick

^ A good reminder for just about everyone.    

The troll post is no different from what a lot of white boys post either.  


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I don't even suspect that the Big Trouser Python himself even knows whether he's black.  He can't even SPELL 'balck'...

I cringe that I'm even posting in this thread again - obvious troll and yet we unwashed masses flock to post.  Everyone should have posted me more book suggestions to keep me occupied - I might bump it.

Shame on us.... ???

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Yo bros, how's ya all doin'. O'l Python's back on online again. Dig them cool replies man, but as yet I ain't seen no reply to help me out of my problem.

Not that I don't keeps trying' bros, coz I do. Let me share with you good people out there another problem I ran into just a few days ago.

There's me, Ol' Python, struttin' his funky stuff round that mighty fine Nana Plaza place when all of a sudden some sweet chick pulls me into this bar over there in the corner. Now let me tell you, them chicks in that bar was damm fine chicks. Real respectable ladies like. And they took care of me real good.

But hey, you bros knows what it's like. Once in a while every dudes gotta visit the john. So there I goes dudes, into the gents, ready to pull out my piece and take care of nature. But you know what, suddenly I sees this chick standin' next next to me in the john and she's sholding a piece of meat nearly as big as Ol' Python's.

Sheeeeet man. I ain't never seen nothin' like that in my whole life. I says to her: "pardon me ma'am, but I'm here to give pork and I sure as #### ain't gonna do no receivin'". After that I paid my bill an' I ain't never been back to that place since.

I ain't kiddin' dudes, but even if I was the hungriest bro in the whole of Texas I ain't never gonna chew on no piece of meat like that!

Ain't none of you bros out there ever experienced the same kind of thing?

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listen,acorn man

you texas guys are just puny freaks,without a magnifying glass

you couldn't even find it.

i'm from yorkshire,the home of the whopper.

mine is so big,there is still snow on it in the summertime

its so big,it wont even return george dubyas phone calls

it even gets better credit than i do

its so long i'm already banging a girl tomorrow

its so enormous it has to live next door

in fact its so big it even has its own dick,and my dicks dick is bigger than yours.

texas!!!!!!!  where's that?

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Hey Tax you funky dude, maybe there's hope for you white boys yet.

But you gets me wrong man. I ain't coming on to this site to talk just about my piece of Texas black snake. I's coming here to discuss the problems us bros face here in this fine city of Bangkok.

Now let me tell you about what happened to Ol' Python one day last week in that happenin' little street up the road from Nana Plaza called Soi Cowboy. Maybe you's heard of this place already, maybe not. Anyway, there's me, Ol' Python, doin' his rounds and checking out the sweet stuff when out of the blue comes this big fat mama dragging me right into this might fine little bar.  

Seems to me at first like me and this mama really gots things goin'. We ends up sitting at the end of the bar together and sharin' stories and stuff when all of a sudden her hands go a strayin' and starts looking for something a little more adventurous. Now my real mama always told me to be a good boy and a modest one at that, but on this occasion I'm thinkin' that seein' as my mama's still back home in Texas, maybe I'll just let myself go a little and see what kinda tricks this Thai mama can pull.

By hey, I forgots to tell ya. While all this is goin' on there's another three of fours cute little chicks dancin' around on the stage. An' you know what, just as soon as this big mama I'm with with starts properly takin' care of Ol' Python, all of them girls on the stage starts screaming about there bein' some snake on the loose right underneath the bar. An' next thing I know everyone's a runnin' right out of that bar leaving Ol' Python all by himself without no one to finish off what that big mama started.  

Sheeeet. I ain't never been back to that bar since. So whatta ya think bros? Ain't none of you black boys experienced the same kinda shit?

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Enter the Master...

you texas guys are just puny freaks,without a magnifying glass

you couldn't even find it.

i'm from yorkshire,the home of the whopper.

mine is so big,there is still snow on it in the summertime

its so big,it wont even return george dubyas phone calls

it even gets better credit than i do

its so long i'm already banging a girl tomorrow

its so enormous it has to live next door

in fact its so big it even has its own dick,and my dicks dick is bigger than yours.

texas!!!!!!!  where's that?

The Force is Strong in this one, this Taxexile.

Python "Wee Johnson", go home.


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