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Important Update On Yesterdays Request For O+ Blood Donors


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Hi all, firstly on behalf of myself and Jasmine's parents I would like to send my sincere thanks to all the members that rallied to the call and either went to the hospital today to donate blood or contacted me via pm/phone/email about doing so at a later date or in another area. The response from TV members in such a short timeframe was magnificent, thank you all.

Secondly thank you also to George who edited my post and made sure that the urgent request went out to as many TV members as possible, your efforts are greatly appreciated, you did it so quickly and Jasmine's parents and myself are very grateful for what you did, thank you George.

Sadly to say though I have some bad news, in the early hours of this morning (apologies for the delay in posting but I received this news late this morning and have only just returned home to post) Jasmine suffered a kind of stroke, this has resulted in irreparable brain damage and she is now in a coma. Subsequently the hospital have stopped any further transfusions and the parents are now waiting for Jasmine to pass away naturally. So apologies to those who turned up at the hospital to specifically give blood for Jasmine and were then told it was not needed, as I said I got the news late as my friends were too distraught to update me on the latest events.

My friend was very grateful for the efforts of the TV members and I'm sure at some future stage will read the posts.

The hospital said that any future donations of blood, irrespective of blood grouping would be gratefully received.

Once again thank you all for your support and kind messages, and especially to George who really got things moving.

Kind regards


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Such devasting news.

I just vistited Jasmine last Sunday, prior to my return to Norway.

Things were slowly going along in such a positive way.

Mike, if you're in touch with Nick and Duen please pass on my sincere condolences.

The last thing they will want just now is a load of phone calls.

Words seem so inadequate, I feel so empty.


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Unfortunately Jasmine passed away a little while ago, rest in peace little one.

Nick and Duen, her parents asked me again to say thank you for all the kind messages and support from the members of Thai Visa.

And they especially wanted to thank all the people who turned up at the hospital to give blood and around the time she passed on there were some other people wishing to give their best regards in person and this was not possible and they wanted to apologise for not having been able to see these people.

I'm sure Nick will post on TV when things have settled down a bit.

On a personal note, again, thank you from me for all the great support you gave, it was a magnificent effort from donors, well wishers and especially admin (George)



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My condolences to the family, and kudos to mike1963 for his efforts on behalf of the hospitalised girl. It is people like Mike and people who eagerly respond to calls for help in an emergency that make our world a nice place in which to live.



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A very sad outcome to all the positive energy that went into the call to help Jasmine.

My wife and myself wish Nick and Duen and all those close to Jasmine great strength to get through this difficult time. We also echo the thanks to mike1963 for his timely updates and original call to assist the family.

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I was up there at the hospital giving blood from about 3:45 pm and after. I heard she passed away some time in the 4 o'clock timeframe as I swung by the Pediatrics department. I hung around to possibly say a nice word but the family as mentioned seemed withdrawn, I couldn't imagine as I've never had a child. Would like to ask that some time please put up a picture, at least we can put a face to the person that many of us made an effort for. When I was at the blood bank, there were 4 other foreigners giving simultaneously not to mention 4 or 5 more coming in or going out. Someone said people had been coming in all day. A picture would really serve well. Thank you.

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I am so sad to hear of Jasmine's passing. I was at the hospital yesterday morning giving blood and only learned of her passing a while ago.

Thank you Mike for keeping us all posted. My heartfelt condolences to the rest of the family....Rest in Peace little one.

Chris and Natasha

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I just found out by PM that the patient was a very small child, I had thought she was 12 yrs old (perhaps a comment someone made?) and thus with a developed face and personality thought that a photo would be a nice memorium. However now realizing she was so young and little (under a year) I think it's not so difficult to use our imagination and not necessarily a photo, as surely the family is trying to make amends. Still a sad loss, indeed.

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Hi everyone,

I have just joined the forum to say a heartfelt thank you to all those who donated blood for our daughter Jasmine at the Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok. A very good friend of mine made the appeal through this forum and the response was absolutely fantastic. I was told that more than 50 people had donated blood by last Sunday, and that more were still making inquiries. Tragically our daughter Jasmine was unable to benefit from this blood, but it is a comforting thought that maybe she indirectly helped to save other lives through the donated blood.

I have seen on another thread some confusion about the blood type needed. Jasmine was O+, and so that is what I requested through my friend, a member of this forum. I then had no knowledge about O- blood being universally donatable. I did know that O+ is a very common blood type, but regardless, the hospital was running low on O+ and they said that I needed to find some fast. Incidentally, during my daughter's short stay at this hospital a 3 month baby died due to the lack of available O- blood. I mentioned this to my friend and I think maybe that is where some confusion arose regarding the blood type my daughter needed. After my experience I would urge anyone to regularly donate blood in Thailand, it seems there are a lot of uneccessary deaths out there due to a shortage.

I think some background is in order as an explanation to all those who made so much effort for our little daughter...

Jasmine was born at the Bangkok Hospital, Korat on 21st April 2009 and tragically passed away at the Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok on 15th November 2009 aged 6 months 3 weeks. Our little girl didn't get much luck during her short life but she battled hard against all the odds and touched a lot of hearts with her valiant struggle. One doctor said after Jasmine's passing, that she was so strong and battled so hard, that now my wife and I must also be strong so as not to let her down. We are absolutely devastated, but now try to be strong for our little girl.

Jasmine's underlying problem was liver failure, diagnosed as acquired neonatal hepatitis. This is thought to have originated from bacterial blood infections she had at a few weeks old. After a healthy few months she was again hit by a bacterial blood infection which caused a very rapid and aggressive liver disease. It soon became apparent that the liver had become sclerotic and her only chance was a liver transplant. Towards the end she spent 45 days in intensive care in the Sukhumvit Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok while we were trying to get her strong enough for an air-ambulance flight to the UK for the transplant (she was well insured). Her poor liver function prevented sufficient recovery for transport to the UK, so she was finally transferred to the Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok for liver transplantation, with my wife to act as live donor.

Tragically Jasmine was hit by one infection too many and passed away a couple of days before the transplantation was due to take place. Throughout her battle in intensive care she desperately needed a run of good days to improve her strength and turn the corner, but she just never got them. Late on Saturday night a set-back meant that no transplant would take place. Rapid deterioration of her liver function made it necessary to start blood transfusions to lower her ammonia and bilirubin levels and to increase her blood coagulant factor (a major function of the liver is to produce these coagulant factors, without which spontaneous bleeding is a huge problem). She was undergoing a transfusion when she suffered a kind of stroke leading to irreparable brain damage. My wife and I stayed with our daughter to the end, and she passed away at 4:04pm on Sunday. It was a peaceful end, her little heart just stopped beating.

(incidentally, a very big thank you to the person who had donated blood around this time and tried to make contact with us - a nurse came into the ICU room with a telephone but we were unable to speak at this really was during our daughter's final few moments)

Jasmine's long battle in intensive care totalled 53 days in 3 hospitals. Needless to say my wife and I are absolutely devastated and completely drained. Jasmine's funeral was yesterday in Korat and now we are taking some time out to take stock and hopefully pick up the pieces. Again, a huge thank you to everyone who donated blood, sent good wishes or helped in any other way. Like I said, my hope is that the blood donated for Jasmine may be used to save other lives, and then Jasmine's battle won't have been in vain. Please continue to donate blood in Thailand, it would make a wonderful legacy for our little daughter.


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That's good of you to tell the story, and no doubt not an easy task in such a relatively short period of time (less than a week). Plenty of people were following the story, without a doubt not a person in existence wouldn't appreciate the difficulties. Such a shame she didn't get a few more easier days to recouperate.

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