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How Do You Keep Your House Warm? Bathroom


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It can become cold in CM.

Will rent a house long term. May sound odd but can't stand cool bathrooms, want to stand on warm tiles.

Don;t like heater fans.

Any suggestion how to keep bedroom ,living room at a minimum temperature?

Did'nt see electric radiators ( oil inside gives very comfortable heat )

What do you do, if anything?

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I'm surprised you feel the cold in Thailand!

When I lived in the Czech Republic, the floor tiles in the bathrooms of my flat had a heater option. You could heat up the tiles say 30 minutes before you took your shower so they were nice and toasty when you got out. If I remember correctly, they also had a timer. In the middle of winter in Europe that was a nice amenity. I haven't seen them in Thailand, of course I have never looked for them.

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In town it doesn't get too cool to bother me, but I remember my old friend who lived a few miles out of town telling me that it was a few degrees cooler and since he and his Thai wife were over 60, they both felt the cold. He reckoned that his missus had more layers than an onion when she was in bed, due to all the extra clothes she put on . He enjoyed the challenge of peeling away all the layers, just to find his wife. :)

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I have the wife roll around on the floor to warm it up! Works great!


Just turn the shower on and spray the floor for a bit, or how about a pair of these?


Whatever you do, don't go bunging any sort of electric heater in there.

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I lived here my first year without hot water and water pressure and showered every morning and evening under a bucket of cold water...you pussy.

Only thing that comes to mind to avoid suffering from the cold in our traumatic 4 week permafrost season is to stay in Phuket where it is nice and warm.

Final note, asking for help on how to protect your delicate tootsies from cold bathroom tiles when you are going to rent? So you can"t modify anything anyway.

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I live between Chiang Mai and Doi Intanon and it gets freezing in my home.

I brought a couple of hot water bottles over from England. Cuddle up to them when I`m sitting at my computer.

Besides that there is no sure way of keeping warm.

Global House sell fan heaters and oil heated convector heaters.

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re .... Global House sell fan heaters

i dont know about global but i looked in home pro and the shop above tops in airport plaza last year coz i was going to see a friend up in the hills of chiang dao in december last year and i knew it was going to be cold up there, but they wanted about 7 thousand baht for a fan heater ( about 140 quid then ) .... uggghhh.... what ? .... nahhh ... cannot !

so i said no to the heater and bye bye to my little friend in chiang dao

this year i looked on the net in argos last month .... i found one i liked ... got my mate to buy it and post to thailand three weeks ago ( heater 20 quid ... post nearly 30 quid )

50 quid is good .... 140 quid for the same thing in thailand ... nahh .... not happening ..

it arrived in a week and weve been using it night and morning ever sinse !

heaven .... a warm room ...... and a warm bathroom while shes showering and im shaving : )


ps ... thaiphuket ... i know fan heaters arnt your choice but this one floats my boat and my tiles and visitors are warm : )

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re .... Global House sell fan heaters

i dont know about global but i looked in home pro and the shop above tops in airport plaza last year coz i was going to see a friend up in the hills of chiang dao in december last year and i knew it was going to be cold up there, but they wanted about 7 thousand baht for a fan heater ( about 140 quid then ) .... uggghhh.... what ? .... nahhh ... cannot !

so i said no to the heater and bye bye to my little friend in chiang dao

this year i looked on the net in argos last month .... i found one i liked ... got my mate to buy it and post to thailand three weeks ago ( heater 20 quid ... post nearly 30 quid )

50 quid is good .... 140 quid for the same thing in thailand ... nahh .... not happening ..

it arrived in a week and weve been using it night and morning ever sinse !

heaven .... a warm room ...... and a warm bathroom while shes showering and im shaving : )


ps ... thaiphuket ... i know fan heaters arnt your choice but this one floats my boat and my tiles and visitors are warm : )


Thanks for that info, I`ll check it out.

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I live between Chiang Mai and Doi Intanon and it gets freezing in my home.

I brought a couple of hot water bottles over from England. Cuddle up to them when I`m sitting at my computer.

Besides that there is no sure way of keeping warm.

Global House sell fan heaters and oil heated convector heaters.

Actually, hot water bottles (rubber bags really) really are practical. I have a couple in my truck camper when I travel in the late fall to areas where it's often well below freezing. I don't bother with the furnace in my camper. Having warm FEET is an imperitive if you want to stay warm in bed. I've got a little electric heating pad for my bed in the house. It only warms up a small area where I lay my torso when I get into bed naked... but it seems to do the job.

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I keep warm by not over compensating my surroundings both inside and outside my home which is the way I lived back in cold winter and hot summer NYC. In other words, I didn't overheat my home in winter and only used a fan in summer.

In colder temperatures, I allow my body (within reason) to adjust to the cooler temperatures. Back in NYC, I would commute by bicycle year round. Throughout the year and especially in winter, I would end my morning shower with (freezing) cold water for a minute just to prepare my body for my morning commute and the mid 20s (F) or higher temps. A cold shower wakes you up a lot more effectively than any concentrated caffeine morning fix and when I got out of the shower, the bathroom felt a lot warmer :). I continue to do this here in CM although the water isn't all that cold. When outside, I wear minimal clothing and don't bundle up.

I believe through out the year on the average, I am more comfortable than most people whether I am indoors or out.

Weather comfort (within reason) is a state of mind.

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Tks for all your info. I like being a PUSSY as long as I can happily purr along. I left Phuket, dont miss it a bit but it's hardto get used to cold room. The nights are too long.

Slight change of subject=

my house got a nice fire place. As I am not only a purring Pussy but also a lazy bum I am trying find a solution.

Would like to use gas. Something like this, but not behind glass http://www.regency-fire.com/Gas/Energy/

Have one built?

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I bought two of these about three years ago at Global House. Works nicely for me in the bedroom and my home office. Oil filled and about 1700.00 Baht each at the time. Haven't been to Global House since they rebuilt so don't know what they may have now.


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I keep warm by not over compensating my surroundings both inside and outside my home which is the way I lived back in cold winter and hot summer NYC. In other words, I didn't overheat my home in winter and only used a fan in summer.

In colder temperatures, I allow my body (within reason) to adjust to the cooler temperatures. Back in NYC, I would commute by bicycle year round. Throughout the year and especially in winter, I would end my morning shower with (freezing) cold water for a minute just to prepare my body for my morning commute and the mid 20s (F) or higher temps. A cold shower wakes you up a lot more effectively than any concentrated caffeine morning fix and when I got out of the shower, the bathroom felt a lot warmer :) . I continue to do this here in CM although the water isn't all that cold. When outside, I wear minimal clothing and don't bundle up.

I believe through out the year on the average, I am more comfortable than most people whether I am indoors or out.

Weather comfort (within reason) is a state of mind.

Perhaps you should consider having your meds adjusted.

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They were over 60 and he still enjoyed getting to his wife..! R.e.s.p.e.c.t.!!! :)

Must be newlyweds. I spent the first 10 years trying to get her clothes off and the next ten trying to get her to keep them on. :D

Ooh er! What a load of wrinklies you are. I'm 64 and happy to be inside her clothes every night if I get the chance. Where's your stamina?

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I keep warm by not over compensating my surroundings both inside and outside my home which is the way I lived back in cold winter and hot summer NYC. In other words, I didn't overheat my home in winter and only used a fan in summer.

In colder temperatures, I allow my body (within reason) to adjust to the cooler temperatures. Back in NYC, I would commute by bicycle year round. Throughout the year and especially in winter, I would end my morning shower with (freezing) cold water for a minute just to prepare my body for my morning commute and the mid 20s (F) or higher temps. A cold shower wakes you up a lot more effectively than any concentrated caffeine morning fix and when I got out of the shower, the bathroom felt a lot warmer :) . I continue to do this here in CM although the water isn't all that cold. When outside, I wear minimal clothing and don't bundle up.

I believe through out the year on the average, I am more comfortable than most people whether I am indoors or out.

Weather comfort (within reason) is a state of mind.

Perhaps you should consider having your meds adjusted.

... And turn up the aircon full blast! :D

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Perhaps you should consider having your meds adjusted.
Now now, play nice.

You can create artificial and unnatural comforts by over heating or over cooling your surroundings and then you can even complain about getting sick and wondering why you do.

Just for the record, I almost NEVER (99.999%) take any meds, I don't smoke, rarely drink and eat 95% organic veggies so my unusual habits :) probably come naturally.

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