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Two Residences

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I was wondering if those of us who have more than one residence in Thailand if we can chose which one to report as to where we live for visa and 90 day reports. Or would it be the one we reside in the day the 90 day report is due? Would this make problems?

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You have to report to the immigration office where you obtained your extension of stay. You could mail in your 90 day report (if immigration office accepts) from out of town by EMS and ensure enclosed stamped addressed envelope for return on "Receipt of Notification" slip is sent to your registered residence which you can collect later.

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Officially your landlord (or you, if you're the owner) need to report your new address within 24 hours of arrival. So every time you change to your other place, you need to re-do this.

I'd recommend reporting just one, at one office though :)

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You have to report to the immigration office where you obtained your extension of stay. You could mail in your 90 day report (if immigration office accepts) from out of town by EMS and ensure enclosed stamped addressed envelope for return on "Receipt of Notification" slip is sent to your registered residence which you can collect later.

Really, my extension of stay was given in BKK, i have no issues reporting in Jomtien.

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Officially your landlord (or you, if you're the owner) need to report your new address within 24 hours of arrival. So every time you change to your other place, you need to re-do this.

I'd recommend reporting just one, at one office though :)

Reporting your movements is not the same as 90 day reporting and requires different paperwork. But often local reporting is not done, even though it strictly should be under the law. The Op's immigration file is at Location 1, and that is where he should report, unless he wants to make a permanent move to Location 2 and notify immigration who will transfer the papers to the new immigration office.

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You have to report to the immigration office where you obtained your extension of stay. You could mail in your 90 day report (if immigration office accepts) from out of town by EMS and ensure enclosed stamped addressed envelope for return on "Receipt of Notification" slip is sent to your registered residence which you can collect later.

Really, my extension of stay was given in BKK, i have no issues reporting in Jomtien.

Believe you have misread my post or maybe I did not make myself clear. Yes you report to your local immigration office for 90 day reporting. In the OP's case he can't choose where he wants to report; it has to be the office where his records are and that will in his case be where he obtained his extension of stay.

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You have to report to the immigration office where you obtained your extension of stay. You could mail in your 90 day report (if immigration office accepts) from out of town by EMS and ensure enclosed stamped addressed envelope for return on "Receipt of Notification" slip is sent to your registered residence which you can collect later.

Really, my extension of stay was given in BKK, i have no issues reporting in Jomtien.

Believe you have misread my post or maybe I did not make myself clear. Yes you report to your local immigration office for 90 day reporting. In the OP's case he can't choose where he wants to report; it has to be the office where his records are and that will in his case be where he obtained his extension of stay.

Obviously i did misread your post, why can i report at an immigration office other than the one my extension was given at but the OP cant ??

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You have to report to the immigration office where you obtained your extension of stay. You could mail in your 90 day report (if immigration office accepts) from out of town by EMS and ensure enclosed stamped addressed envelope for return on "Receipt of Notification" slip is sent to your registered residence which you can collect later.

Really, my extension of stay was given in BKK, i have no issues reporting in Jomtien.

Believe you have misread my post or maybe I did not make myself clear. Yes you report to your local immigration office for 90 day reporting. In the OP's case he can't choose where he wants to report; it has to be the office where his records are and that will in his case be where he obtained his extension of stay.

Obviously i did misread your post, why can i report at an immigration office other than the one my extension was given at but the OP cant ??

The immigration rules changed earlier this year and now require you to report to the local immigration office in the area where you are permanently living. That is where your immigration file will now be located. In your case, if I read you correctly, that is Jomtien and that is where you will also renew your extension next time.

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The immigration rules changed earlier this year and now require you to report to the local immigration office in the area where you are permanently living. That is where your immigration file will now be located. In your case, if I read you correctly, that is Jomtien and that is where you will also renew your extension next time.

Depends on who does my reporting, sometimes I do it at Jomtien and some times HR does it at BKK.

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The immigration rules changed earlier this year and now require you to report to the local immigration office in the area where you are permanently living. That is where your immigration file will now be located. In your case, if I read you correctly, that is Jomtien and that is where you will also renew your extension next time.

Depends on who does my reporting, sometimes I do it at Jomtien and some times HR does it at BKK.

Normally it is the office of the ara of where you live. Maybe your employer qualifies to use the one stop service center and your HR department does the reporting there.

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"...report to the local immigration office in the area where you are permanently living."

I think the word permanently should be removed from the above quote. (I wouldn't call a rental permanent.)

"By definition, you can't have two (or more) residences. That is why the "90 Day Residence Reporting" exists. Immigration wants to know where they can find you if anything arises."

Did you really mean 'can't', or is that a typo and is supposed to be 'can'?

Left as is, it makes a case for not reporting. If you can only have one residence, and actually live there, imm knows where they can find you.

I think there are probably lots of folks who spend time in different parts of the country.

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I have two residences. The main one in BKK, the other one in Pattaya. I have obtained my retirement permit in BKK some 15 years ago. I do my 90-day reporting wherever I am at the time. Mostly Pattaya. Never had any problem. Considering how far Chaeng Wattana is from my BKK residence I'll try to do all my reporting in Jomtien from now on.

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The truth is it doesn't matter. You can report any address you like. Typically it is better to report the address that is listed on your work permit regardless of where you currently reside. And no matter what they say about where you report the truth is you can do your 90 day report at any immigration office anywhere in thailand. It does not have to be the one with your records. (That's why they have computers)

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The truth is it doesn't matter. You can report any address you like. Typically it is better to report the address that is listed on your work permit regardless of where you currently reside. And no matter what they say about where you report the truth is you can do your 90 day report at any immigration office anywhere in thailand. It does not have to be the one with your records. (That's why they have computers)

Actually, sometimes it matters! It didn't used to. Now it does. Or at least it did last year.

I live in Khon Kaen. Just recently, we got our own Imm. Office. Up until last month, we were under the jurisdiction of the Nong Khai Office. And because it is three hours from Khon Kaen, and for other reasons as well, for several years I got my retirement extensions in Bangkok or Korat, and did my 90 Day Reports (by mail) in Bangkok. About one year ago, I guess, I routinely mailed my 90 Day Report to Bangkok. I received the form back, unprocessed, with a note making it very clear I was to do my visa business in Nong Khai henceforth. Others have reported similar experiences.

Who knows what the deal is today, but don't assume that it is OK to use a different office than the one in the jurisdiction you live in, because it may not be.



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The truth is it doesn't matter. You can report any address you like. Typically it is better to report the address that is listed on your work permit regardless of where you currently reside. And no matter what they say about where you report the truth is you can do your 90 day report at any immigration office anywhere in thailand. It does not have to be the one with your records. (That's why they have computers)

The rules clearly state you have to use the immigration office of the region you are living and no other office. At other places your report can be denied.

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The truth is it doesn't matter. You can report any address you like. Typically it is better to report the address that is listed on your work permit regardless of where you currently reside. And no matter what they say about where you report the truth is you can do your 90 day report at any immigration office anywhere in thailand. It does not have to be the one with your records. (That's why they have computers)

The rules clearly state you have to use the immigration office of the region you are living and no other office. At other places your report can be denied.

You're absolutely right. You also have to have a paper with you, as proof of your address. E.g. an electric or water bill, with your name and address printed on it.

They started with this rules a couple of years ago. Before that you could report wherever you wanted.

Edited by bellste
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You're absolutely right. You also have to have a paper with you, as proof of your address. E.g. an electric or water bill, with your name and address printed on it.

That can't possibly be right. You can't get your name on an electric or water bill without a Tabian Baan, which anyone who is renting can't get AFAIK (unless you have PR, possibly).

Edited by AyG
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OK how about this. I use my "office" address for all issues, i.e. visa reporting etc. There is no record anywhere of my residence address. I have issues with a former Thai wife and I am sure she could easily bribe an immigration office worker to give her my address. I receive all mail both local and international at my office address except the electric bill which is not in my name.

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You can not work if here for retirement extension of stay. You need wife/children and home address/check for dependent extension of stay. So this is a work extension of stay? Not sure how close they check residence on that but by law you must be reported as staying in a residence by the owners so it may not fly.

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You can not work if here for retirement extension of stay. You need wife/children and home address/check for dependent extension of stay. So this is a work extension of stay? Not sure how close they check residence on that but by law you must be reported as staying in a residence by the owners so it may not fly.

Well it is not an office as such it is just a place where I get my mail, but I know all about that I have been on a retirement visa for 12 years. Last month is the first time I did the 90 day report. Was never told about it by any immigration office at any time just did it because of all the posts about it here.

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