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Where To Buy A Healthy Kitten?


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I understand Pet shops do not have much of a reputation here in Thailand. However, if anyone can recommend a trustworthy shop who sells healthy kittens, that would be very helpful!

I know ideally we should take on a stray cat, or an abandoned kitten for the animal welfare. Regretfully, we are getting another kitten for our own cat who is very adorable, good-tempered, but has been an indoor cat forever, and just won't stand a chance fighting with another cat. So, for her welfare, we would like to get a healthy kitten as her companion, hopefully a Persian. (I heard that they are likely to be the non-jealous type with good temperament)

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!!

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I have the friendliest cat you could ever imagine and he used to live on the streets but went through the SCAD Bangkok (www scad bangkok dot org) adopton programme. Most of the kittens are very healthy that have come from the streets - mainly as they have been rescused so young and have had the treatment (vaccinations, spaying etc) right from the start of their lives. Of course there are some more needy cases but I recommend you take a look at the kittens at SCAD or if you are outside Bangkok they can refer you to similar partnership organisations. Hope I can convince you to 'opt to adopt'. If you contact SCAD ask for Claire as she is the resident cat expert or Rebecca who is the adoptions manager. :-)

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I totally agree with adopting a cat from Care for Dogs, but make sure that you get a young kitten and there should be no problem with the older one or one of them being territorial. I think that cats of opposite sexes usually get along better, but ask the folks at Care for Dogs as they are real pros!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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