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Thai Urban Legend Turns Out To Be Real.


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I remember about 4-5 years ago I heard from various people in my town that there was a crazy bike gang who rode around on hacking at random individuals with samurai swords. I never spoke to anyone directly involved, and given that these events apparently occurred in a sleepy little northern town, not central Bkk or Pattaya, I thought it was people either making things up or facts simply having gotten misconstrued and blown out of proportion - just how urban legends are born... I chalked it up as that and never had any reason to believe otherwise.

However, last week, a guy who I teach with was attacked in broad daylight by a guy wielding a sword! My friend escaped serious damage, with 3 stitches in his back. He told me there were 4 guys on one bike, and once he'd scarpered (he dropped his bike and legged it) the attacker returned to his bike and rode off (there were 4 of them on one bike. He described them as very dodgey looking with a lot of tattoos). He believes they weren't interested in robbing him as they could have ridden off on his bike that he left by the raodside... this happened at a busy intersection at 2.30pm on a weekday!

A police investigator told my pal that about 4-5 years ago there was a crazy gang of rascals who did indeed attack several people, and had killed some innocent bystanders, including a pregnant woman :D There was a concerted effort by the BiB to rid the town of these guys, which was successful. however, the old BiB boss has gone and it seems the 'samurai sword gang' are back. All I can say is "<deleted>???"

I thought it was just a load of cock 'n bull, but it turns out that this particular urban legend is real :)

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"crazy gang of rascals"..... :) ....Rascals....LOL.....f*kcing psychotic loonies if you ask me......driving around cutting people up with swords and they are rascals...

Ah, cummon now, Soutpeel, it's just a few "good ol boys" havin a good time. :D:D

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Instead of rehashing stories, raise your hand if you have actually witnessed these guys with your own eyes?

It is amazing out of the cumulative 1000+ years we have all lived in Thailand these mystery swordsmen have never been personally witnessed by anyone here on this forum.

The odds of worrying about this are about the same as the sky falling on you.

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Instead of rehashing stories, raise your hand if you have actually witnessed these guys with your own eyes?

It is amazing out of the cumulative 1000+ years we have all lived in Thailand these mystery swordsmen have never been personally witnessed by anyone here on this forum.

The odds of worrying about this are about the same as the sky falling on you.

Why not check out these factual links Nio?



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Those links do not give any weight to the OP...one is related to gang fighting with one sword and the other is about 2 or 3 crimes committed for money.

The OP said the victim was his friend (imaginary/bar stool chat!) and that they attacked him but did not rob him.....

Another jackonory :) ....next

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Those links do not give any weight to the OP...one is related to gang fighting with one sword and the other is about 2 or 3 crimes committed for money.

The OP said the victim was his friend (imaginary/bar stool chat!) and that they attacked him but did not rob him.....

They were not meant to give any weight to the OP, but in reply to Nio who seems to live in his own world. :)

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It's happened in other parts of the country before as well, maybe copycat after reports from Chiang Mai. A year or two ago, one of the late-evening current affairs shows did a feature on it (talked to victims, showed the scars etc for any unbelievers).

Seems to have been replaced by throwing rocks at passing traffic in many areas.

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"Yaba" (amphetamines) does this to people

Making excuses for their actions for them already ??....Sorry your worship, it wasnt me, it was the Yaba....this is one of the problems in the world today...No one will take responsibility for their actions and always trying to blame somebody or something else for their actions...

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"Yaba" (amphetamines) does this to people

Making excuses for their actions for them already ??....Sorry your worship, it wasnt me, it was the Yaba....this is one of the problems in the world today...No one will take responsibility for their actions and always trying to blame somebody or something else for their actions...

It isn't a defence in a Thai Court.

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"Yaba" (amphetamines) does this to people

Making excuses for their actions for them already ??....Sorry your worship, it wasnt me, it was the Yaba....this is one of the problems in the world today...No one will take responsibility for their actions and always trying to blame somebody or something else for their actions...

It isn't a defence in a Thai Court.

Good to know...pity the UK courts dont take this approach as well... :)

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"Yaba" (amphetamines) does this to people

Making excuses for their actions for them already ??....Sorry your worship, it wasnt me, it was the Yaba....this is one of the problems in the world today...No one will take responsibility for their actions and always trying to blame somebody or something else for their actions...

It isn't a defence in a Thai Court.

But "Do you know who my father is?" works very well.

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Those links do not give any weight to the OP...one is related to gang fighting with one sword and the other is about 2 or 3 crimes committed for money.

The OP said the victim was his friend (imaginary/bar stool chat!) and that they attacked him but did not rob him.....

They were not meant to give any weight to the OP, but in reply to Nio who seems to live in his own world. :)

Hey dipstick have you ever personally seen this? No? Case closed?

PS Watch out the sky doesn't fall on you.

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Hey dipstick have you ever personally seen this? No? Case closed?

PS Watch out the sky doesn't fall on you.

Well you would certainly know what a dipstick is. I seem to remember one of your posts where you said that well respected female poster was talking a load of <deleted>.

Apart from being an extremely rude little person, you were also in the wrong as it transpired. I believe she is still waiting on an apology

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I heard a story once about a country that put years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars into flying to the moon. Of course, I didn't witness it personally so it can't be true. case closed, they never went there, it's a myth unless i saw it myself.

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Motorcycle gangs exist all over Thailand in different forms. Most locals are fully aware of this but the stories usually get well exagerrated as they gop round the gossip chain.

I once enocuntered about 200 racing round by Khao Kiew and the racing seemed to consist of getting your head down and not lookign at anything in front. I didnt notice any swords or whatever but am sure if I had accidently suggested they go home or act responsibly or had the temerity to knock any of them over with my truck they would have probably been found to not be lacking in knives and shooters.

In a certain lower northern province a few years back there was also a gang terrorising places. I forget their names. They would attack other motorcyclists at night and even attacked markets and night events. Anyone in their way pretty much got beaten. I dont think much really got stolen either it was more about violence and intimidation. Afgter some religious festival got done one day things got so bad that the provincial governor actually told local people to shoot members on site if they encountered them. Probably not legal or anything but this happened. Shortly after and I cant remember under what circumstances the gang got rounded up. It was led by the son of a high ranking police officer and wasnt exaclty only filled with low lifes. I dont know what became of them after that.

Dunno if there any sword wielding gangs out there but motorcycle gangs are best avoided whatever.

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Sorry Nio,

I have seen the cut with he stitches and no reason to believe my fellow teacher was merely B*ll sh*tting for attention... after all, he went to the cops with the school's president who is the son of the town's mayor... and that is where the facts come from.

Just be wary of some urban legends - they might be total BS. As for the sky falling in? well, I've seen Chicken Little...

Sure enough, they weren't 'rascals' - just a bit anglo-morphising for the internaitonal readers. Evil buggers for sure.

be aware, be safe... but don't start being paranoid and demand the gov't intercede and take away your freedoms in order to make you safer ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Me to have heard a few urban legends..

Uneducated farmers daughter milks old educated farang :)

The amazing 28 baht yakult scam by the old bicycle riding hang it on your door pay me later lady :D

Went out shopping one day and woke up in a hotel next day naked and no money in wallet can remember bits of previous night must have been drugged..there were flashing lights, loud music, girls girls and more girls maybe a quick fondle with a katoey and some dark skinned beauty giving me a happy ending.. :D

nah <removed> that aint no urban myth it was my last weekend :D

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