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Having A Sexy Thai Wife


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You wanna show all due respect when you approach MR SBK, hes a man mountain with muscles and fighting skills or the most highly trained killers in the world. He could kill you with a blank 'stare' and gargles razon blades for pleasure.

SBK married TheDon (master of the spin kick)?!!! :) Well I never!

christ i hope she doesnt read this......im already on her hit list :D

Her?! Hit on you?! LOL

Did TheDon spin-kick you to the head mate?

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Send the wife out shopping with 100 baht, if she comes back in a week with a new wardrobe, gold and a satisfied look, refuses to throw a leg up to your advances, start looking at your hole card. You might also ask if she is up to making you a loan of a few thousand baht, just to eliminate any doubts you may have.

You might also ask if she is up to making you a loan of a few thousand baht she probable answer this question in German Laguage

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Ive unfortunately known a few real weirdos in the past, one which caused me to be concerned about going out and lead to me moving to another place.

Neverdie, did you get bored with SBK? :D

rixalex, When i read eek's post I also thought she was referring to me. Other than that, how could anyone possibly get bored with SBK??

Ahhh neverdie has a long way to go to get to stalker status me thinks. Try having a stalker postman who keeps leaving chocolates and flowers and notes at your door and trying to get you up at stupid o'clock in the morning to "see if you are ok" and invite you out sometime..harmless i guess, but too strange. Didnt want to report him, so moved away. Then one guy who was a friend of my brothers in Argentina (so i figured was "safe")that i dated for a short time and drew a silly picture with a pen on his arm because he asked me to (was a picture of a cat on his forearm and my signature at the bottom). That he went and got tattooed!!! When i moved away he flooded my email box and he also knew i was an admin at a forum i used at that time, so started to post endless threads about my breaking his heart. (We only dated a couple of weeks! ..I never led him on thinking it would be more!). Thats just a couple of weirdos ive had encounters with. FOR the record though, Ive met FAR more lovely people than ones that freaked me out, thankfully. Im sure many women have had strange encounters in their lifetime. Id much rather have a few comments directed my way than people who go nuts on me. Anyway, Im in my 30's now, so hopefully those kinds of experiences will be behind me. :) Dont see what the fuss was ever about anyway, im no supermodel. Maybe i just attract weirdos! :D

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Maybe i just attract weirdos! :)

Well if you do, you've come to the right place dahlin'! :D

Ahh..but in Thailand the majority of the potential weirdos are more into Thai girls. Bad for them, but good for me. :D

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My wife gets her fair share of looks from guys.....the odd comment or two

She gets her fair share of bad looks from other women here.

We both get some strange looks from others when we are together. some sre total disdain....others almost admiring...some just curious.

She has been hit on a few times by farang guys here.

Guys here especially in the pubs will wait till I go to the toilet and then move in on her, usually backing off when I return. One time a guy got angry when he sat uninvited at our table and she wouldnt talk to him. A lot of the time it is guys who have been to Thailand and want to practice Thai lingo with her...sometimes it is guys who think that because she is Thai, she must be available irrespective of the fact she is married.

Point is............If I go around decking all these people I would probably be spending a lot of time in jail.....my wife usually deals with it well and occasionally I have to intervene, which I do with a mix of humour or sterness depending on the situation.

You are married to a Thai girl......get used to it....it is part of the package. :)

I take it as a compliment that other men think my wife is attractive enough to hit on.....means I am not the only who thinks she is sexy and attractive. :D

C'mon Graham - stop trying to debase the Aussie vernacular with use of a term like "hit on".

In future posts I look forward to familiar terms such as "crack on to", and the like :D

Sorry mate, playing to an international audience.....if I went into Oz speak they bloody wouldnt understand me :D

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We both get some strange looks from others when we are together. some are total disdain....others almost admiring...some just curious.

So she's 6 foot 11 and you're a midget? :)

You get strange looks because your probably 20-30 years older than her. the looks of disdain are from people who cant afford a flight ticket to thailand to get their own, the curious looks are from people of your own age who cant work out why you dont grow old gracefully and the admiring looks are from the younger horny teenagers who think you are a lucky bastard.

'Thailand the aging mans answer to plastic surgery!!!'

17 years difference in this case.......

I am 6' 11" and she is a midget.... :D

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Where's the bloke with "the well trained muscles" gone?

He was hilarious......

He's taken them out for a walk on the local park and is practicing the command "Stay........Stay.....Stay.....Come. Good boys!"

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We both get some strange looks from others when we are together. some are total disdain....others almost admiring...some just curious.

So she's 6 foot 11 and you're a midget? :D

You get strange looks because your probably 20-30 years older than her. the looks of disdain are from people who cant afford a flight ticket to thailand to get their own, the curious looks are from people of your own age who cant work out why you dont grow old gracefully and the admiring looks are from the younger horny teenagers who think you are a lucky bastard.

'Thailand the aging mans answer to plastic surgery!!!'

17 years difference in this case.......

I am 6' 11" and she is a midget.... :D

:) I like a man who can take a joke.

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"...I had these problems with my old farang wife,

many guys tried to hit on her, but she just

brushed it off, and would tell me that she

doesnt like someone because he tried to hit

on her and she doesnt want to be near him.

Now Im having the same problems with my

lovely young wife..."

Life's a b_tch sometimes, aint it?

Give us a break, you braggart.


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Maybe it is the way you handle it that makes them think they can get away with it.

My advice, and what almost all farang seem to do in this predicament is this. Keep giving her money. She'll eat lots of rice and som tam and get very fat very quickly.

Then she won't be sexy any more. Problem solved.

Or you could divorce her and get an ugly one. Then you'll be happier.

Any other questions?

Andrew Hicks

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I think there are some differing opinions on what is "hitting on."  The OP specifically mentioned that some men told his wife they think she is sexy in front of him.  Without having been there, I find it hard to fathom that they could have been hitting on her.  He was right there, and they knew it.  

When I go out, I have often complimented a friend's wife or girlfriend, but granted, it it usually to him in her hearing.  Or I will make some comment about how did two guys like us end up with two such lovely ladies on our arms.  And believe me, none of that is hitting on anyone.  So I really would not get too concerned with any compliments made while I am there.  

I was speaking with a happily married Western woman the other night, and she mentioned how she thought it was genetically programmed for women to appreciate positive affirmation (I opined that men appreciate the affirmation as well, but point taken.)  So let you wife enjoy a casual compliment.

However, if a guy goes behind my back and really tries to hit on my wife or g/f, not taking "no" for an answer, while I trust her to be able to handle it, I might take some sort of action myself.  Verbal action, most likely, just telling him to buzz off.

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Ive unfortunately known a few real weirdos in the past, one which caused me to be concerned about going out and lead to me moving to another place.

Neverdie, did you get bored with SBK? :D

rixalex, When i read eek's post I also thought she was referring to me. Other than that, how could anyone possibly get bored with SBK??

Ahhh neverdie has a long way to go to get to stalker status me thinks. Try having a stalker postman who keeps leaving chocolates and flowers and notes at your door and trying to get you up at stupid o'clock in the morning to "see if you are ok" and invite you out sometime..harmless i guess, but too strange. Didnt want to report him, so moved away. Then one guy who was a friend of my brothers in Argentina (so i figured was "safe")that i dated for a short time and drew a silly picture with a pen on his arm because he asked me to (was a picture of a cat on his forearm and my signature at the bottom). That he went and got tattooed!!! When i moved away he flooded my email box and he also knew i was an admin at a forum i used at that time, so started to post endless threads about my breaking his heart. (We only dated a couple of weeks! ..I never led him on thinking it would be more!). Thats just a couple of weirdos ive had encounters with. FOR the record though, Ive met FAR more lovely people than ones that freaked me out, thankfully. Im sure many women have had strange encounters in their lifetime. Id much rather have a few comments directed my way than people who go nuts on me. Anyway, Im in my 30's now, so hopefully those kinds of experiences will be behind me. :) Dont see what the fuss was ever about anyway, im no supermodel. Maybe i just attract weirdos! :D

What makes you think it all stops just because you reach the 30's EEK? Have you never been to an old people's home? Passion and lust will continue to afflict and reward your life for a good few decades yet :D

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Where's the bloke with "the well trained muscles" gone?

He was hilarious......

Perhaps he has gone over into Camboge to marvel at the ancient Khmer art. (I particularly like the many fine examples depicting the ancient art of kick-boxing, which incidentally pre-dates Siam by hundreds of years). Then again perhaps not.

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So how does this fit in with the fact that Thailand attempts to be a non-combative culture and that jai yen yen is a standard Thai way of dealing with aggression?

Thais usually learn well how to defend themselves if their live and integrity is threatened. They are ready to defend themselves and their country. Look at how important the martial arts culture is here; Muay Thai is the Thai national sport and it's roots are clearly combative and self defense. Don't mix up situations in which your life, your existence or your integrity are actually threatened with day to day confrontations.

My own mentality is typically Swiss. We are neutral but ready and well prepared to defend our neutrality and integrity if someone is violating it.

Very interesting...my brother in law is Swiss and had no idea you guys were so "tough" until I did some reading about the Swiss in WW2.

Goodonya mate , not sure I agree with you about the combative nature of the Thais though..rolled over to the Japs and declared war on the US in WW2???... ... most I have met seem to avoid confrontation..local cops here call me Rambo..quite a compliment to the original 90 pound wimp..

re this chap and his "sexy wife" ..all sounds a bit suss...? maybe give him kudos for his perceived trophy wife but suspect he wants his 15 minutes of fame..as we used to say in the sales business... great product but re the features....SWWC...so what and who cares ...

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I have been together with my wife for over a year now, and since we first started dating, many guys have tried to hit on her despite the fact that they know she is with me. She is not nor ever was a bar girl,

Second phrase says it all. Some of us Farang never learn. It doesnt matter she was a bar girl or has the intention to be one. Finally she met HER FARANG, thats all what counts for her and her family. There are not many Thailadys from so called good middle or upper class familys which are fraternising with a longnosed Farang. WHY SHOULD THEY ?? after they have a Farang everybody else will look as them as they are whores. So as long as your name is not Paradorn and you have the pockets full of money there is no upper or middle class lady for you.

There are a lot of good women in this country anyway but dont always feel guilty for an explanation like MY IS NOT A BAR/MASSAGE/OCEAN girl :)

Be happy she is sexy and good looking, it doesnt last forever LOL

just my 84897987 cents :D

writer lucky married since eight years to a non bar girl...but a cook....NO she is not fat :D

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I feel sorry for you "rideswings", but your problem also makes me chuckle a bit. Why? Well, because I know it so well and me and my wife are having great fun with it.

I'm happily together with my Thai wife since 12 years now - and she is still very sexy. She doesn't dress provocatively at all but rather elegantly with an excellent taste and sense for some more expensive fashion and jewelry. It still happens on a daily basis that some guys (Thai and Farang) try to chat her up. She is rather amused by the lame attempts of so many and we both have quite a lot of fun with it. When we are together I can see from the way some guys are looking at her what is going on and if I don't spot it, my wife discretely lets me know who is "watching". Since we are together no one ever dared to approach her indecently in front of me - there is a simple reason for that. These guys are all cowards and are not looking for trouble and my appearance makes them think twice. I happen to be 195cm, 110kg built with solid, well trained muscles. I have fun watching those guys checking out my wife and then looking at me and realising that they better don't try anything stupid; we both always have a really good laugh after such situations. I don't need to lose my temper because so far no one dared to go a step too far and crossed the line in front of me. However if someone would do as you describe then he would have definitely crossed the line and I would let him know very clearly that I don't appreciate his behavior. Just be firm and let those guys know where the limit is.

My wife even went a step further several times and let some of those guys have quite a shock. When she was approached too indecently and the guy was asking for her address she gave them the address and told them to show up in an hour or so knowing that I am at home. Our appartment is next door and connected to my office, so I am always around. If she doesn't come home in time to tell me what happened she calls me to be prepared. The view in the face of the guy standing at the door and expecting my wife but instead being received by me and asking him whether he wants something from my wife is just priceless. We played that game a couple of times and just had great fun. This works well because my wife and me trust each other 100%.


:) nice comedy :D

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Ive unfortunately known a few real weirdos in the past, one which caused me to be concerned about going out and lead to me moving to another place.

Neverdie, did you get bored with SBK? :)

rixalex, When i read eek's post I also thought she was referring to me. Other than that, how could anyone possibly get bored with SBK??

Cheers neverdie :D

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You wanna show all due respect when you approach MR SBK, hes a man mountain with muscles and fighting skills or the most highly trained killers in the world. He could kill you with a blank 'stare' and gargles razon blades for pleasure.

SBK married TheDon (master of the spin kick)?!!! :D Well I never!

christ i hope she doesnt read this......im already on her hit list :D

Her?! Hit on you?! LOL

Did TheDon spin-kick you to the head mate?


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To the OP:

When a guy says directly to your wife; she is sexy, what is her reaction?

I don't believe you are paranoid, but rather that you think maybe your wife enjoys the attention and could if you're not around be lead astray.

I would guess that somehow your wife is giving the impression that she could be up for it if caught in the right place at the right time, especially if you're not on the scene.

It is your wife who should be getting angry and telling these guys to be more respectful as she's married and not that type of girl.

If not, than you have a serious problem and completely justified with your concerns.

I certainly wouldn't go in for any children just yet or make any investments such as a new home until you are convinced of your wife`s loyality to you.

Bingo! Spot on.

SHE should be telling these guys simply "Sorry, but I'm married". If they continue, she should be firmer: "I already told you I'm married - now leave me alone". If they still continue, she should scream "I TOLD YOU I'M MARRIED! Leave me the fuc_k ALONE!"

Only then should you have to worry about getting involved, if the guy still continues. At that point, everyone around will understand the situation and support both of you.

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Maybe Im a bit paranoid and a bit jealous, but some guys are stupid and say what they want to whom they want, and others just dont take NO for an answer. The wife and I were looking at apartments a while back and one American guy who was very drunk boxed my wife into a corner

Your problem appears to be with Americans rather thath Thais?

Hey I take offense to that, not all Americans are like that. Pretty stupid to pick on us all for one drunken _sshole. :)

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My wife gets her fair share of looks from guys.....the odd comment or two

She gets her fair share of bad looks from other women here.

We both get some strange looks from others when we are together. some sre total disdain....others almost admiring...some just curious.

She has been hit on a few times by farang guys here.

Guys here especially in the pubs will wait till I go to the toilet and then move in on her, usually backing off when I return. One time a guy got angry when he sat uninvited at our table and she wouldnt talk to him. A lot of the time it is guys who have been to Thailand and want to practice Thai lingo with her...sometimes it is guys who think that because she is Thai, she must be available irrespective of the fact she is married.

Point is............If I go around decking all these people I would probably be spending a lot of time in jail.....my wife usually deals with it well and occasionally I have to intervene, which I do with a mix of humour or sterness depending on the situation.

You are married to a Thai girl......get used to it....it is part of the package. :)

I take it as a compliment that other men think my wife is attractive enough to hit on.....means I am not the only who thinks she is sexy and attractive. :D

C'mon Graham - stop trying to debase the Aussie vernacular with use of a term like "hit on".

In future posts I look forward to familiar terms such as "crack on to", and the like :D

Sorry mate, playing to an international audience.....if I went into Oz speak they bloody wouldnt understand me :D

Ya got that roight, mite!

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I've seen many a husband take the wife out then wander off go and chat to friends..........small wonder sometimes other people step in to try and make them feel part of the company......on occasion people try to make up for the negligent husbands inconsideration when they have a few drinks and wander off........often leaving the wife alone and uncomfortable........

Do you guys really expect a wife to stand in the corner with a drink and not communicate with others while you circulate?...... being responsible and attentive is a good start......take her with you to meet people......or at least be sure she is left the correct company.........

Prevention is better than cure.......... :)

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Thanks for all the great advice. My wifes reactions to the men who hit on her is discomfort, and she tells me she is uncomfortable when a man looks at her as if he wants to devour her. She is not a drama queen, maybe just a good girl who worries about guys that dont know her boundaries.

Neverdie... nice to hear from you... Im not sure that your have the right number for my wife. She has changed it to 191...

I still think we need a photo of your wife to verify your claim. I highly doubt she is 10% as good looking as you claim! Given that your shopping for a truck in another forum it is my guess your new on the scene here, and a highly jealous guy. What this country does not need is another abnormal farang bringing his western problems here. So cool off, enjoy your loving relationship, and don't be jealous. Be trustworthy and ensure your wife is not putting out the wrong signals. Chances are high this is a key issue you have to solve. But if you have 100% trust I hope your together until death-do-you-part.

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