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Irrigation System


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Hi All,

I have a wp-105q3 Mitsubishi pump with a 1000 liter tank. It pumps the water about 30 meter before it come out of the sprinkeler.

As I found out, the pressure is not enough to move those ticker sprinkelers ( the ones with a spring and a little weight in the back, standard Home pro stuff).

Now i replace the sprinkeler with a super simple "spread the water" ending but still the area it is reaching is lousy.

As I already have install this wp-105q3 Mitsubishi pump, I would like to know what's the best thing to do?

Replace the pump to a wp-205Q3?

Possibility to boost the existing pump?

The tubes are about 3 cm in diameter, could t be that the tube is conjested and how would i be able to clean it?

Please advice if there is something else I can do


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Hi RJ, other than buying new pump, you can try to reduce the size of the pipe that feeds your sprinkler, to create a little bit more presure. Also, you can raise your water tank to about the height of your roof on your house. Gravity will produce good water presure as is done here in New York City. You use your existing pump to fill the tank when the water gets down to a certain level. I do not know the cost of this work compared to the price of a new higher presure pump. You will have to do some home work and figure this out. I am interseted in this cost as I will be building a house in the Buriram area and I am considering a raised tank so as not to use the pump every time I turn on the water. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Your pipe/tube diameter is fine - no prob's there.

This pump you have .... that code/model number you provide - sounds like its one of these domestic type water supply pumps, the ones that look like a large upside down buck, with an accumulator volume to switch the pump on when a tap is turned on in the house - is this the type of pump it is??

If so, the first thing you will have to do is remove the accumulator section - complelty, but even then, my suspicion is it's not going to do the job for you - look at the amperage or wattage rating - my guess is it'll by around 1 1/2 Amps (at most), and/or around 250 - 300watts.

Never mind what it says about max pressure or volume - I have found the figures they give are always optimistic - they simply do not enough power to drive a sprinkler - change it for dedicated pump unit.

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First of all thanks a lot for your feedback (also the other post), and speedy responds.

I have uploaded a photo, so you can see the system. Please note that its actually a photo of my dog but both my pumps are in there. On the left you can see the house pump with is a 255 Hitachi. This one actually work pretty good with the sprinkelers when I connected it but it sucks the underground tank empty in less then an hours.

On the right you can see the metal tank above ground ( the pump is next to the tank behind the fence). This is a 1000 liter tank and has underground tubing of about 2 cm internal diameter (I had a second look) and is pressured by the wp-105q3.( Mitshubishi)

It seems the 105 stands for Watt.

My tubes are already underground and cannot replace them. I also don not want to raise the tank because it doesn't look too nice. The pumps cost between 100 usd and 150 usd.

I also attach a spec sheet of the pump series but its in Thai.

I want to make 100% sure that I get the correct pump this time.

What do you think, shall just use the 255 to make sure?

Thanks again,




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I suspect that your pump may not be up to the job.

Have a look here to see the pump we installed for our garden sprinklers, flows about 100 litres per minute.


First though, is there the possibility that your pump has sucked air if the tank has run low?

This can cause a pump to stop sucking water. Happened on ours and was simply fixed by bleeding out the air.

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We use a Mitsubishi 305 & it was to small. so I had to break up each run into half runs. The problem with the 105( and the 305) is the sprinkler heads (if you look at the liters per hour) is usually 500-800 Lph the 105 will barely run a 300-500 unless you put in many legs instead of long runs. We just did close to 3 Rai. I was smart & ran 2 lines in each location & was able to cut into the existing lines & run 2 halves instead of trying to water a larger mass. They make boosters- but the 105 is a little small. If your not running a huge 2 rai up (not really huge) setup I would go minimum of a 300-405 Mitsubishi. For a few dollars more you can get a Grundofos. The king of pumps. Good luck, this forum is really helpful & the people on it were a great help when I did mine. I do think you are beating a dead horse with that tiny of a pump & the cost of the pump being on all the time opposed to 10 minute legs is astronomical . Our watering bill is down 600% now. the other way is a drip line system- but not to affective for lawn & you will find you have to run a long time for each zone. And it will burn the pump out quicker. We just rebuilt the 305 & 205 after 1- 1 &1/2 years of running them all the time.

Good luck. I still think a higher output pump & low flow heads are the ticket. Look for the 300-500LPM heads the 800's & up your just pissing in the wind.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everybody,

Thank you for the support. With your assistance I decided to buy a new pump. Same type but instead of 105 watt, now 255 watt.

It worked! The 255 can carry water for about 40+ meter.

First I tried to increase the pressure of the 105 watt unit and that helped a bit. I did not know this untill a couple of workers can and install my Stiebel Eltron water heater (Small multi point unit at Home pro called BMT60 (I have to promote my company a little)). They opened the cap of the pump and also of the pressure valve and used a srew driver to increase the pressure by 2 more steps. Seems like everyhouse hold pump has this so in case you need a bit more pressure in the house you can also use this method.

Eventually the 105 was still not enough and I decided to buy the 255 watt for about 6.5k thb

So thanks again everybody for tips and advice.

Happy Sprinkeling in 2010!

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