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Girl With Tattoo


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The problem here lies within the idea that tattoo parlors are using unsterilized needles. I would think, that given the case in Colorado where a nurse infected people with hepatitis by injecting herself with their pain medication at the hospital would also be cause for concern. At least, when getting a tattoo you can make certain that the tattooist is clean and using sterile needles.


Parker, 26, admitted to police that she stole the medication from surgery rooms and injected herself with a syringe containing the drug. Prosecutors say Parker then filled the same syringe with saline and put it back on the surgical tray before a procedure.
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do you think everyone gets a tattoo for fashion purposes then?

I have seen tattoos done 20 years ago that look good today & are still attractive. I have also seen clothes from 20 years ago that would still be considered stylish today. Maybe it is a matter of style & personal taste what one wears or has tattooed on them? :)

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It is a hooker tattoo and will look great back in the rice paddies if she does not get selected for marriage.

Typical Thai, think only for now, too stupid to think of the future.

This is such an uplifting forum sometimes. Why the (*)$#*)#$ are you even in Thailand if you look down on the people so much?

well said that man skybluestu :)

I find that the clothes I wore 20 years ago are no longer fashionable. I would hate to think I had to have them lasered off.

Yantra tattoos have nothing to do with fashion. I think you have a different understanding from most Thais as to what tattoos are. (Not wrong, just different. But then don't go proclaiming to know what Thai people are about, say for example like Torrenova above, that'd just look silly.)

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There is going to be a lot of strange/ugly people around in 25/30 years time when all these 20 somethings that have covered themselves in tatoos reach their 50's

Women esecialy have trouble aging. It's going to be a lot worse with a large fading tatoo to deal with.

Edited by russianrobert
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do you think everyone gets a tattoo for fashion purposes then?

I have seen tattoos done 20 years ago that look good today & are still attractive. I have also seen clothes from 20 years ago that would still be considered stylish today. Maybe it is a matter of style & personal taste what one wears or has tattooed on them? :)

We are talking about Thai Women with tattoos.

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And while you can ask about the sterilization process and check for general "cleanliness", you can't see bacteria or viruses, and have to trust that these people are telling you the truth

Same with eating in a restaurant, traveling by airplane ect ect there are safety procedures in placed and offcourse if people dont follow this procedures even cycling is very dangerous.

We dont ask the pilot if they have enough fuel on board during a fleight from London to Bangkok, we presume that if traveling with a well known airline that they follow all this procedures.

If you do get a disease from a tattoo, good luck proving it in court. How can you prove you got it from the tattoo and not from some random sex partner, or whatever?

You can prove in about 80% off all cases where a disease is coming from, and that is the reason that Tattoo shop let a client sign a agreement:

A waiver or release is a contract that the client, or parent of the minor client, signs promising to release from liability (i.e., not to sue) the studio for harm that may arise from the tattoo or piercing.

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This study (admittedly contradicted by the CDC, but then, who do you trust more? The government or an independent research team? Probably whoever supports your position :) ) found that those who had a tattoo had an almost 7-fold higher risk of testing positive for hepatitis C (just one of many diseases which can be transmitted by tattoo needles):


OK, granted, anyone with a tattoo would want to believe that they were smart enough to find the "good" tattoo parlor, staffed by highly competent and professional people who diligently take all the state-of-the-art measures to prevent transmission of diseases. And chances are you're OK, and didn't get infected with anything. (I hope).

But it just seems to me that in general, tattoo parlors are not exactly the kind of places I would trust my health to. But that's just me. Sorry if I've caused offense with this unwelcome info - it wasn't my intention to cause offense. I was just expressing my opinion and some of the reasons for it. Peace.

Edited by dumbnewbie
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It is a hooker tattoo and will look great back in the rice paddies if she does not get selected for marriage.

Typical Thai, think only for now, too stupid to think of the future.

This is such an uplifting forum sometimes. Why the (*)$#*)#$ are you even in Thailand if you look down on the people so much?

well said that man skybluestu :)

I find that the clothes I wore 20 years ago are no longer fashionable. I would hate to think I had to have them lasered off.

Yantra tattoos have nothing to do with fashion. I think you have a different understanding from most Thais as to what tattoos are. (Not wrong, just different. But then don't go proclaiming to know what Thai people are about, say for example like Torrenova above, that'd just look silly.)

Indeed Winnie, and such all encompassing negative declarations are not only offensive and bigoted but against forum rules.

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This is such an uplifting forum sometimes. Why the (*)$#*)#$ are you even in Thailand if you look down on the people so much?

Go bury your head in the sand if you want, it won't change the way things are.

It is a fact that many hookers have tattoos. It is also a fact that girls egg each other on, even though they are told their customers do not always like them. They are often hideous, poor quality, badly placed and often just large and ugly. Just who wants a girl with a leg and back covered with a tattoo is beyond me, whilst I can see that an impish devil on a bottom or other normally hidden place could be of no issue.

As not all hookers are married and whisked off to foreign lands and as there are fewer jobs for ex hookers than there are unselected hookers, it follows that many will return to their villages and their hideous tattoos will forever mark them out as ex hookers who were not good enough to get a westerner to marry them. Faced with that tag, a not so stupid Thai woman would do well to consider refusing a tattoo when plying her trade.

It is a fact that one reason why you can "spot the hooker" around the pool at the Marriott is by their "hooker tattoos". Office workers may have tattoos but I'll bet on them being hookers.

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And while you can ask about the sterilization process and check for general "cleanliness", you can't see bacteria or viruses, and have to trust that these people are telling you the truth

Same with eating in a restaurant, traveling by airplane ect ect there are safety procedures in placed and offcourse if people dont follow this procedures even cycling is very dangerous.

We dont ask the pilot if they have enough fuel on board during a fleight from London to Bangkok, we presume that if traveling with a well known airline that they follow all this procedures.

True. Especially the analogy with restaurants - very good point. But somehow I trust the guys in the cockpit of an airline more than the guys in a tattoo parlor, and I also think they're much better regulated/supervised.

If you do get a disease from a tattoo, good luck proving it in court. How can you prove you got it from the tattoo and not from some random sex partner, or whatever?

You can prove in about 80% off all cases where a disease is coming from...

Really? This is news to me. How can you prove that you got HIV, Hep C, herpes, etc. from a tattoo parlor?

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I met a girl in Chiangmai who had a conch shell tattooed on her inner thigh. The colour was exquisitely realistic and it was just small enough that it could be discreetly hidden when wearing shorts.

It worked too! When you held your ear close to it, you could almost imagine you were smelling the ocean.

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I met a girl in Chiangmai who had a conch shell tattooed on her inner thigh. The colour was exquisitely realistic and it was just small enough that it could be discreetly hidden when wearing shorts.

It worked too! When you held your ear close to it, you could almost imagine you were smelling the ocean.

I bet that was fun! :)

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And while you can ask about the sterilization process and check for general "cleanliness", you can't see bacteria or viruses, and have to trust that these people are telling you the truth

Same with eating in a restaurant, traveling by airplane ect ect there are safety procedures in placed and offcourse if people dont follow this procedures even cycling is very dangerous.

We dont ask the pilot if they have enough fuel on board during a fleight from London to Bangkok, we presume that if traveling with a well known airline that they follow all this procedures.

True. Especially the analogy with restaurants - very good point. But somehow I trust the guys in the cockpit of an airline more than the guys in a tattoo parlor, and I also think they're much better regulated/supervised.

If you do get a disease from a tattoo, good luck proving it in court. How can you prove you got it from the tattoo and not from some random sex partner, or whatever?

You can prove in about 80% off all cases where a disease is coming from...

Really? This is news to me. How can you prove that you got HIV, Hep C, herpes, etc. from a tattoo parlor?

First off all this is not related to Thailand at this moment:

If the records off all documentation regarding safety procedures for each clients isn't in placed the majority of US courts

would validate a lawsuit for a needlestick if HIV was transmitted

or there is solid proof HIV was present and there was some actual possibility of

the HIV virus being transmitted to the injured party.

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As for tattoos being permanent..i guess people are backwards in technology as well as backwards in mindset...ipl laser anyone? (..and no, its not costly or damaging, or evasive etc etc etc to have tattoos lasered off, if one decides to do so later down the line).

... and then there are those who are simply oblivious. You've posted this potentially damaging misinformation before, eek, and to be honest it's probably best you keep it to yourself. There are inherent risks even with the latest technology, such as infection, scarring, and then the aesthetics of skin pigment change and that certain colours will be more stubborn to remove than others leaving a patchy appearance. Multiple sessions will probably also be needed and it is costly. If anything in this thread is narrow-minded, it would be the notion of having a tattoo that one day could be removed if they no longer like it.

I personally don't like them and especially on chics. In those that can be seen, it's all about decoration and the 'look at me' aspect.

Jakr, im going on information i believed to be correct, and the results from couple of friends (including one with darker skin which i know can be tricky when it comes to laser).IPL works slowly and gradually. Removing the tattoo over time. Risk of scaring is minimal (or so i believe!). There are also some creams that work over time (yes..creams..and to my knowledge, they do work..but not on everyone). If i have posted something you believe is potentially damaging, there is no need to be preacherly about it, just discuss it with me, inform me of what you believe is the correct information. Telling me to keep my opinion to myself is not helpful, because im sure others will have similar (possibly misinformed) thoughts on this as I. Also,you say i gave this "damaging" information before..well, i dont recal you trying to help me out before on this tbh....

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But it just seems to me that in general, tattoo parlors are not exactly the kind of places I would trust my health to. But that's just me. Sorry if I've caused offense with this unwelcome info - it wasn't my intention to cause offense. I was just expressing my opinion and some of the reasons for it. Peace.

TBH you sound like that guy in the movie "A good as it gets". Not how I chose to live my life but each to their own, just as making a choice to get a tattoo or not is :)

And fyi, you weren't "just expressing your opinion" you were making quite fanciful claims based on very little proof. That getting a tattoo "may" result in catching something doesn't equate to "many" people catching something through getting a tattoo :D

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Very unoriginal and boorish comments like 'tramp stamp' should perhaps be directed by the posters in person at the male population with 'love and hate' Tattoos on their knuckles......or the other muscle men who enjoy wearing Tattoos......then perhaps they may change their sad opinions.......and appreciate that for years both men and women...formerly mostly men.....have been sporting tattoos.

Wait - am I reading this right? The threat of being beat up by "muscle men" because I don't like tattoos is supposed to change my "sad" opinion? Wrong - that only reinforces my low opinion of tattoos and those who "sport" them. In fact, your post reinforces my opinion.

Sorry, tattoos are just ugly, on either sex, of whatever ethnicity. That's my opinion. Never mind that tattoo needles are infecting many people with HIV, Hepatitis, and god knows what other incurable diseases (both directly and indirectly, through their sex partners). Now that's sad.

Beat up??......who said anything about people having Tattoos being violent......you may if you bother to look around and associate with people with Tattoos, find they are friendly outgoing normal people........Preconceptions based on appearance.....oh dear ..reinforces my opinion of people who throw around disparaging labels without a thought..... :)

Edited by 473geo
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I met a girl in Chiangmai who had a conch shell tattooed on her inner thigh. The colour was exquisitely realistic and it was just small enough that it could be discreetly hidden when wearing shorts.

It worked too! When you held your ear close to it, you could almost imagine you were smelling the ocean.

LOL.. Thanks, reading a post like this makes it all worth it. :)

It is a fact that many hookers have tattoos. It is also a fact that girls egg each other on, even though they are told their customers do not always like them. They are often hideous, poor quality, badly placed and often just large and ugly. Just who wants a girl with a leg and back covered with a tattoo is beyond me, whilst I can see that an impish devil on a bottom or other normally hidden place could be of no issue.

Right.. I don't disagree with any of that, but I'm approaching it as I would art, or other cultural/spiritual/fashion expressions that may be fascinating an beautiful, or they may be hideous and in bad taste. Like with other art such as paintings, movies or music, you don't have to like each and every one of those expressions. In fact it is unlikely you like each and everyone, or even most ones.

But I think the world is a little less boring when people can and do make these statements. Would I marry such a girl: probably not but like you said yourself that would be related to a troubled background, not to the tattoo. In fact, finding a girl with a top level education AND some interesting tattoos is just about the most attractive thing imaginable. :D Middle class girls tend to be ueber boring and preoccupied with appearances 24/7. Finding one strong enough to say 'to HECK with what anyone might think' is highly attractive to me.

I think you (we) should not get caught up in stereotypes.. So what if xx% of all people with tattoos are lower class. I'm not deciding who I hang out with or who I marry based on a percentage. I marry a person, not a statistic.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I've never been to Pattaya (I prefer the real Thailand) but I'm guessing

Sorry but a statement like that pushes a particular button in me.. Don't worry, it's me. No matter what the statement, you can't claim not to have experience at something and then take a wild guess. "I've never flown an aeroplane, but I'm guessing ..." whatever is about to follow is not bound be something with a lot of authority.

And then, if you did bother to visit Pattaya one day, you may find that it's more real Thailand than you imagined. Or alternatively, that the real Thailand is more like Pattaya than you imagined. (Almost but not quite the same thing).

Sorry I pushed one of your buttons winniethekwai old bean, didn't mean to but it wasn't a wild guess it was an educated guess based on what I've heard about Pattaya from many many people who have been there and who currently live there and from what, IMO, the op seemed to be implying and I'd guess my guess was correct. The things I've heard from these people and seen myself on TV, newspaper/magazine articles, youtube etc etc about Pattaya makes me think it's probably very different to Nan, Tak, Chiang Rai, Sukhothai, Ayuthaya, Korat, Khon Kaen, Utaradit, Phitsanulok, Trang, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Lopburi which, amongst others, are places I was referring to as the real Thailand. You really think these places are similar to Pattaya? In what way? Perhaps one day I will visit Pattaya and it may be just like these places but I doubt it! Different strokes for different folks but it would be nice if people who live in, or regularly frequent, Pattaya didn't think that everywhere in Thailand is the same as Pattaya or that every Thai girl with a tattoo is a sex worker. Pattaya is a unique place and is very very different to the majority of Thailand apart from perhaps two or three other major tourist destinations, people shouldn't form opinions about Thailand or Thai women based only on their experiences in Pattaya.

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The things I've heard from these people and seen myself on TV, newspaper/magazine articles, youtube etc etc about Pattaya makes me think it's probably very different to Nan, Tak, Chiang Rai, Sukhothai, Ayuthaya, Korat, Khon Kaen, Utaradit, Phitsanulok, Trang, Hat Yai, Songkhla, Lopburi which, amongst others, are places I was referring to as the real Thailand. You really think these places are similar to Pattaya? In what way?

Ah.. Sorry, I mistakenly thought it was obvious, but in hindsight I do agree it isn't, especially if you're not immersed first-hand.

In what way: THE PEOPLE are the same. In Pattaya, almost everyone you meet comes from somewhere else. They are people from Nan, Tak, Chiang Rai, Sukhothai, Phitsanulok, Utaradit and just about every province in the North East. They are very real people, and value roughly the same things in life as people who work in other provinces. If you find a person there with her whole back covered in Yantra tattoos, and you'd ask her why or what it meant, then chances are you will have a very interesting conversation, and learn a few things about tattoos and about the person. I know I did.

Perhaps one day I will visit Pattaya and it may be just like these places but I doubt it!

The place is not the same I'll grant you that. And I was convinced I'd hate it before going there. I traveled to all regions in Thailand for about 4 years before finally checking out Pattaya. It's a pretty amazing place. I'm not going to rant about it in positive terms, but I will say it's as stone cold REAL as life in Thailand is ever going to get. I learned a lot about Thailand, and about myself.

people shouldn't form opinions about Thailand or Thai women based only on their experiences in Pattaya.

I think we agree there. Indeed nobody could form a balanced opinion based ONLY on their experiences in Pattaya, but the other side of that coin is that you're also not going to form a complete opinion on Thai people WITHOUT talking to some of the people who migrate to places like Pattaya. There's more Thai culture going on around Pattaya than you'd think looking at the neon and the international chains. It's right there in front of you most of the time, but it's not the stuff that a casual tourist would tell you about, or that you could see on a Youtube video.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I wanted to get one in a delicate place that said "If you are reading this then you've scored"

Problem was the tattoist said he wouldn't be any more room once he had tattoed the word "If" :D


That's the trouble with an inch and a thousand wrinkles.


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There are sex workers EVERYWHERE in Thailand, so what you are trying to say is incorrect and not "educated" at all. :)

This now reminds me of the Bill Murray movie 'Lost in Translation' although it seems everyone here has a good command of the English language so I'm not sure why there is so much confusion as to what I was trying to say! My original post was in reply to post 30 from gmac who said that a tattoo on a girl in Pattaya was a giveaway as to what they do for a living, I took an educated guess that he/she meant a girl in Pattaya with a tattoo is probably a sex worker and If you were to ask him/her he/she would probably tell you I was right. And that may be the case in Pattaya but what I was actually trying to say is that Pattaya is very very different to the majority of places in Thailand and that people shouldn't form opinions about Thailand or Thai women based on their experiences in Pattaya.

Like I said earlier, my wife has a tattoo and so do quite a few of her friends, some are at uni and some work but none of whom are sex workers and having a tattoo should not make people think that they are, but if they had a holiday in Pattaya it seems that many men would automatically think they are sex workers just because they have a tattoo which is ridiculous. I imagine that there are plenty of Thai women who work in Banks etc that have tattoos but you are more likely to see one on a BG wearing next to nothing than you are on a Bank employee wearing a uniform.

I'm well aware that there are sex workers everywhere in Thailand, just as there are in most countries in the world, isn't it often referred to as the oldest profession? I'm sure that the sex workers in Pattaya have travelled there from all over Thailand and that they are real people but to say Pattaya is the 'real' Thailand and the same as places like Sukhothai, Korat, Ayuthaya, Nan etc etc just because these places also have sex workers is just plain silly. Obviously if you did listen to the girls and understood their history and why they were there doing what they were doing then it would explain a lot about Thailand and definitely would be stone cold real but the reality is that most people don't.

What I was trying to say in my original post is actually quite simple, a Thai girl with a tattoo doesn't mean they are a BG and people should remember that when they travel outside of unique tourist destinations like Pattaya because not every girl in Thailand should be judged by what people see in Pattaya.

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but if they had a holiday in Pattaya it seems that many men would automatically think they are sex workers just because they have a tattoo which is ridiculous.

a Thai girl with a tattoo doesn't mean they are a BG and people should remember that when they travel outside of unique tourist destinations like Pattaya because not every girl in Thailand should be judged by what people see in Pattaya.

Confused for me , first you are telling us that many man think that all people in pataya with a Tattoo are SW and this is ridiculous(I agree it is)

Later in your story, people should be judged what they see in PATTAYA, so here you agree that ONLY in Pattaya all girls with a Tattoo are SW, dont understand your story.

I agree with you if you want to tell us that having a tattoo doesnt mean you are a SW, but seems that many man who are intresting to pay for there sexual needs prefer to have a (slutty looking) girl.

This "Pattaya story" and how the people (man in Pattaya) think about woman in general tells me enough off what kind off foreigners we have there.

unique tourist destinations like Pattaya unique in what, please explain??

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but if they had a holiday in Pattaya it seems that many men would automatically think they are sex workers just because they have a tattoo which is ridiculous.

a Thai girl with a tattoo doesn't mean they are a BG and people should remember that when they travel outside of unique tourist destinations like Pattaya because not every girl in Thailand should be judged by what people see in Pattaya.

Confused for me , first you are telling us that many man think that all people in pataya with a Tattoo are SW and this is ridiculous(I agree it is)

Later in your story, people should be judged what they see in PATTAYA, so here you agree that ONLY in Pattaya all girls with a Tattoo are SW, dont understand your story.

I agree with you if you want to tell us that having a tattoo doesnt mean you are a SW, but seems that many man who are intresting to pay for there sexual needs prefer to have a (slutty looking) girl.

This "Pattaya story" and how the people (man in Pattaya) think about woman in general tells me enough off what kind off foreigners we have there.

unique tourist destinations like Pattaya unique in what, please explain??

'Confused for me , first you are telling us that many man think that all people in pataya with a Tattoo are SW and this is ridiculous(I agree it is)'

Why confused? If men in Pattaya think the same as gmac in post 30 then a Thai female with a tattoo = BG. If all the BG's in Pattaya have tattoos then I can understand why he/she would think this but I was just pointing out that a tattooed Thai girl doesn't always = BG in the majority of the rest of the country.

'Later in your story, people should be judged what they see in PATTAYA, so here you agree that ONLY in Pattaya all girls with a Tattoo are SW, dont understand your story.'

I'm a tad confused myself here, I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I wrote this 'not every girl in Thailand should be judged by what people see in Pattaya' which is fairly easy to understand.

'I agree with you if you want to tell us that having a tattoo doesnt mean you are a SW, but seems that many man who are intresting to pay for there sexual needs prefer to have a (slutty looking) girl.'

The 1st part is what I was trying to emphasize, a Thai girl with a tattoo does not automatically mean she is a BG although, in 1-2 major tourist destinations, it is highly likely. But the 2nd point about 'slutty looking girl' is what I disagree with, why do you think a girl with a tattoo is more slutty than a girl without one?!

'This "Pattaya story" and how the people (man in Pattaya) think about woman in general tells me enough off what kind off foreigners we have there.'

unique tourist destinations like Pattaya unique in what, please explain??'

You actually answered your own question before you asked it. Pattaya is unique because it is world renowned and it is associated with the sex industry more than any other tourist destination, the first thing most people think about when Pattaya is mentioned is bars and bar girls and if you search for Pattaya on any search engine or youtube the results are always focused on bars and bar girls. It attracts thousands of sex tourists unlike any other tourist destination and it has thousands of sex workers to service those tourists which is why it's unique. I'm not judging any of this, I live and let live, and I'm sure I would have enjoyed a trip to Pattaya myself when I was single but what I do object to is people forming opinions on Thailand and Thai girls based purely on what they see and experience in Pattaya.

This was highlighted to me recently when a guy followed me and my wife around 7/11 and then cornered me and whispered 'Where are the bars that I can get a girl like you have, I can't find them'. On this occasion it had nothing to do with her tattoo as it wasn't visible, nor was it to do with the clothes she was wearing as she was in jeans and a polo shirt but it's an example of the views many foreign men have towards Thai women in general, much of which is probably based on a few days in somewhere like Pattaya.

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I don't mean "slutty " to insult any working woman in the entertainment branch, but demand create supply.

Why so many woman working in this branch cover themselfs with tattoos, the reason would likely be that there is a higher demand for woman having this tattoos then for the woman who don't.

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