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Fever In Chiang Mai


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For the last 2 days all I've done is sleep. I've been able to get up for about 2 hours and then I need to go back to bed and sleep a deep sleep. I've probably slept for 40 of the last 48 hours. I get a very high fever and I'm usually waking up with the pillows soaked . The fever eventually recedes after taking a couple of Paracetamol. I also have a slight dull headache and slight light-headedness. Other than that I'm fine!! My kids used to get vague fevers when they where kids but it's my first experience other than a dengue-like fever 3 or 4 years ago. I know it's not dengue because no aching bones, other than those caused by spending so much time in bed, and no rash. I'm assuming for the time being that I can just sweat it out, but if it doesn't improve tomorrow I will probably visit the doctor.

I was just wondering if anyone else has this or knows of it being around at the moment. I'm just sticking with the paras for now and the occcasional re-hydration salts, any other tips?

The last time I was sick , I couldn't keep anything down so I was recommended suppositories. They weren't very effective, and in fact for what use they were, I might just as well have stuck them up my arse!! (Blame the fever on that one!!). :)

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I got pretty ill last week and as long as I slept I felt almost perfect, but coughed a lot and was all stuffed up when I would venture out of the bedroom - no temperature that I noticed though.

Do you know that coconut water is really healthy with lots of minerals and natural electrolytes? Great when you are sick.

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Three weeks ago a had a fever, I could not stop shaking and went to bed to sleep for most of the day.

The Wife eventually took me to RAM1.

I was admitted with a temperauture of 39C, low oxygen in blood and dehydrated

and then I was checked for Dengue, swine fever, bacterial infection and lots else but all proved negative.

Gradually felt better after being on oxygen and IV

So who knows? .....

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Kevin,

Hope you will see a doctor asap. Forgive me for reminding you that there are four strains of Dengue, and that having one does not cross-immunize you from the other three, and that Dengue symptoms vary and do not necessarily involve the "break-bone" effect (we've had Dengue with no "break-bone" effect).

When my human had Dengue (several years ago) all he could get down was shakes made with yoghurt, banana, milk or soy milk : he'd put a half-teaspoon of salt in for electrolytes. Lost twenty pounds in ten days.

best, ~o:37;

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I had something incubating in me for the last 2+ weeks and was miserable. Weak for most of the day, painful sinuses, sneezing, but no temperature. Sometimes getting shakes or chills too. I could only venture out a few hrs ea day to work, then rt back home to rest, and my brain was useless (more than usual). Two other friends had something similar but followed by dry cough at the end of the run.

However, my energy just came back the day b4 yesterday and it's awesome. Still some sinus baggage but the body and brain are back online. It feels so frikking good to not have a headache anymore !

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Kevin,

Hope you will see a doctor asap. Forgive me for reminding you that there are four strains of Dengue, and that having one does not cross-immunize you from the other three, and that Dengue symptoms vary and do not necessarily involve the "break-bone" effect (we've had Dengue with no "break-bone" effect).

When my human had Dengue (several years ago) all he could get down was shakes made with yoghurt, banana, milk or soy milk : he'd put a half-teaspoon of salt in for electrolytes. Lost twenty pounds in ten days.

best, ~o:37;

I agree.

I had dengie fever that began with similar symtoms.

Get yourself down to the quacks and have this checked out.

Hope you get well soon and please keep us informed of your progress.

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Family Ricardo have all had coughs, sneezing & fevers, for the past week. Not sure if it's just a reaction to the seasonal coldness, or something else going round, by the way does anyone else find that taking Tiffy results in some fairly-technicolor dreams ? ! :)

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yep me too, sneezing evey 4 minutes, god that is really irritating, not just one sneeze but 4/5 in a row, its just hanging around now sinuses, getting a gob full of phlem, nice eh, so when we go back to uk on wed. next week, no doubt i'll get the real deal there.

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yep me too, sneezing evey 4 minutes, god that is really irritating, not just one sneeze but 4/5 in a row, its just hanging around now sinuses, getting a gob full of phlem, nice eh, so when we go back to uk on wed. next week, no doubt i'll get the real deal there.

The hay fever season is in full swing and for some reason this season we seem to be suffering more than other years.There is a lot of pollen swirling around and the chances of it being settled with a drop of rain are zero so hang in there. I don't take anti histamines but I am told there are new products on the market that dont leave you feeling like a zombie

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I agree.

I had dengie fever that began with similar symtoms.

Get yourself down to the quacks and have this checked out.

Hope you get well soon and please keep us informed of your progress.

I never made it to a doctor as I decided to stick with good old Paracetamol and sleep and sweat it out. I'm about 80% over it now, with sleep almost returning to normal and fever not as high. I'll probably take another day off and hope to be fighting fit tomorrow. I can't believe how much I've slept in the last few days but it seems to have been the best cure. Thanks for the concern and best wishes to fellow sufferers.

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