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Is It Possiply To Get A Falang Expeled Out Of Thailand.


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My wife for 10 years is a very friendly and easy going woman who has worked with tourist in guest houses, massages shops and as cook on my boat in the last 20 years, was attacked 2 weeks ago in her massage shop on Phiphi Island by a drunken Britt who refused to leave her premises.

She knew him from before, because he earlier rented one of our bungalows a year ago. Everyday he pass her massage shop, ( he works as an dive instructor on Phiphi in a well know dive operation there. ) My wife has always been friendly with him even it was always very hard to get him to pay the rent in time when he lived in our apartments and always very late.

Two weeks ago this guy entered her shop, friendly in the beginning but more drunk than usual, my wife talked a little with him but in the end he got aggressive

( He wanted her to say if she disliked his new girlfriend, she was fired 6 months ago by her manager because she did not like to take a massage learning course and was lacy to.) My wife said that it did not matter if she like or disliked her but only matters if R. loved her.

R. got more aggressive and yelled and used the worst language a cockney can do.

My wife hate the F word and asked him to leave, when he did not react she took him by the arm to help him out, before her customers left the shop.

R. took my wife by the neck (she is 53 years old and 42 kg ) and through her to the ground, hitting first a steel pipe and next the cement stairs on the corner.

She now has not been able to work in 2 weeks, have a hospital, medicine and transport bill, her hand is hurt, and her backside is black black in a big aria and her tailbone broken. She went to the police with her hospital report and 2 witnesses and made a police report.

The police are holding the Britt passport at the moment, but so fare nothing has been done,

The police have tried to get the Britt to pay her 5000 B, which my wife has refused, she wants him to leave Thailand and pay her a lot more.

Now he are threatening; her when he pass her shop and say that he want to find her in Phuket, burn our car and our house, spit in the shop door and call her the worst when she try to take care her shop.

Is it possibly to get him out of Thailand & Phuket Krabi or do we have to go to a layer, make it to the court or will the police in the end do their job ?

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Your wife is Thai.. She doesnt have anyone to solve this problem ??

Theres a very obvious way aggressive loud farangs are dealt with by Thais, usually nice and cheaply..

The police may even lean onto it if she has a contact.. But personally I think 'lawyers' and court cases will do nothing except cost money.

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Your wife is Thai.. She doesnt have anyone to solve this problem ??

Theres a very obvious way aggressive loud farangs are dealt with by Thais, usually nice and cheaply..

The police may even lean onto it if she has a contact.. But personally I think 'lawyers' and court cases will do nothing except cost money.

Totally agree with you. If your wife knows anyone at the local police it is fairly easy with a bit of "supporting" money to get him out of the way. Unless of course this guy has contacts,too.

I would not let my wife getting beaten up and scared by a drunk farang guy. If police is not doing anything, look for some friend or family member of your wife that knows somebody to solve this problem Thai Style.

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ask the police for help. And as you are so happy with the police, you invite them for a dinner, as you have so limited time you can't attend the dinner, so you just pay the invoice in advance which will be 10.000 Baht which you give to the policeman.

That is of course not corruption. How can be a dinner corruption.

I am sure the policeman will understand that the wife is afraid and either leave 1 man as security there or give the mobile number from someone who can come within minutes.

Or maybe they find a way to cancel his visa.

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Very sorry to hear about your wife , I hope she can recover quickly ,

Firstly , you cannot have someone expelled from thailand. The person has to commit a crime that warrants deportation, then subsequent refusal entry into thailand again.

The deportation of a criminal can only be enforced by the chief of police

Also, i would seriously not consider the other suggestions as this may only get you into a lot more trouble than you bargained for .... it's not worth jail or whatever

I would try to coax this guy into having a meeting with you and make sure you have a BIB present.

Then you need to go through each step point by point and find out why this guy is such an asshol_e to your wife... find out what his problem is... !!

If you have success to clear up why he's such a <deleted> , then I would request a fairly substancial compensation , and I would have the BIB put pressure on this guy so much so that he will comply in the end. If you need 2-3 meetings then so be it ... but I believe this is the route to go !!!

Then after the compensation is paid at the final meeting and the BIB has requested he not go anywhere near your wife or he will be arrested immediately .....

Then i would knock him arse over ....

Just my opinion !!! :)


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We know the Thai way and it can be done in Phiphi some gays like to make some extra, but better to follow the law first.

Follow the law first? No; expensive and not much fun. I think your idea of setting the gays on him is much better. Make his eyes water and teach him a lesson he will not forget. Indeed, it might prove to be a life-changing experience for him.

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Very sorry to hear about your wife , I hope she can recover quickly ,

Firstly , you cannot have someone expelled from thailand. The person has to commit a crime that warrants deportation, then subsequent refusal entry into thailand again.

The deportation of a criminal can only be enforced by the chief of police

Also, i would seriously not consider the other suggestions as this may only get you into a lot more trouble than you bargained for .... it's not worth jail or whatever

I would try to coax this guy into having a meeting with you and make sure you have a BIB present.

Then you need to go through each step point by point and find out why this guy is such an asshol_e to your wife... find out what his problem is... !!

If you have success to clear up why he's such a <deleted> , then I would request a fairly substancial compensation , and I would have the BIB put pressure on this guy so much so that he will comply in the end. If you need 2-3 meetings then so be it ... but I believe this is the route to go !!!

Then after the compensation is paid at the final meeting and the BIB has requested he not go anywhere near your wife or he will be arrested immediately .....

Then i would knock him arse over ....

Just my opinion !!! :)


Agree with S100, but don't forget to try to talk with his employer on the island, and explain that you want him leave the island.

Put some presure on employer if employer is not willing to listening start with some negative publicity with local news papers and offcourse internet.

All the best.

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Sorry this ended in a wrong tobic,

anyhow my Wife is Thai born in Bangkok,

We know the Thai way and it can be done in Phiphi some gays like to make some extra, but better to follow the law first.

Sounds like a not so veiled threat to get the guy done?

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I thought assault was a criminal offence in any country and as l understand it if a farang is nicked for a criminal offence in Thailand, loses his visa and is deported. Unless someone get's a pay off, of course..

incorrect, police try to settle a case between both parties if thsi is not possible it going to court cost him about (if his first case in Thailand) 2000 baht.

Nothing will be done with his Visa.

Another thing you need to find out if he has a work permit

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Larsbo - always 2 sides to every story - we've heard yours: but lets assume what you have said is indeed correct (and no reason to doubt it), assault is a criminal offence in Thailand, and the police must hurry up now and decide which way they wish to proceed. Assualts and fighting involving ex-pats is one of those crimes they like to sort out unofficialy if they can - the problem here of course is that from what you have said it doesn't look like R has much in the way of financial resource to pay recompense if he was ordered to. How long ago did this happen?

As others have said, it's good you have followd the rule book in how you have responded. I doubt I'd be so passive in dealing with anyone, let alone a grubby ex-pat dive instructor who behave like that towards a family member, but they'd be left under no illusion one way or the other that they had outstayed their welcome. Most dive instructors I know are a transient bunch - here today gone tomorow (well, around for a season or so but most move on after a year or 2), and most don't have work permitts - does R? If not a word in the ear of a local immigration official (along with the obligatory teamoney to encourage him to follow through) may help to speed up his departure, though I have to say in most cases after all the paperwork is done they just send the guys on a visa u-turn trip (down to KL or where-ever and they then come back on a new visa).

Nothing to stop you taking out a private prosecution - though the cost would be prohibatively high .........

Have you had a word with his dive shop employer - agressive drunks who hit women often "play up" in other areas of there life as well (?).

.......... I really don't know what you can do. It's an alleged criminal offence in the hands of the police and I think you need to get them to decide what they are going to do. Sometimes an official/registered letter from your lawyer to the regional head cop outlining what happened, recalling the evidence you guys have presented and the fact that the investigating officer saw fit to take the accused's passport, but has done nothing else, could move things on a bit(?). It makes it clear that you do not want the matter to collect dust on some bookshelf, and then quitely blow over in due course. And make it clear that your wife will be happy to give evidence in court - thats a big issue in assault cases involving ex-pats - the cop's don't like processing all the paper work only to find one or other of the parties has gone home by the time the matter comes up for a court hearing. So make it clear that you guys will back the cops up and follow through with the legal process.

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If your wife files a complaint and he is prosecuted and convicted, he will automatically be expelled from Thailand and possibly blacklisted.

so how do you explain a farang assaulted a friend of mine with a meat cleaver,36 stitches in his head.The attacker paid 200,000 baht and is still at his beer bar.My thoughts are if she wants compo then he will continue to live in Thailand.

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but better to follow the law first.

Is there a THai law???

There are quite a few. That is why it's best to get a soilicitor in a case like this. I would think that she has an excellent chance of getting substancial compensation if she takes the guy to court.

It's not always a good idea to let the police negotiate because there's always the chance the other guy has a lot of money to spend - 'nuff said.

It would be best therefore to get a solicitor - making sure you have something in writing to say what his fee will be - this will also pressure the police to bring charges against the guy.

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If your wife files a complaint and he is prosecuted and convicted, he will automatically be expelled from Thailand and possibly blacklisted.

so how do you explain a farang assaulted a friend of mine with a meat cleaver,36 stitches in his head.The attacker paid 200,000 baht and is still at his beer bar.My thoughts are if she wants compo then he will continue to live in Thailand.

Never went to court, the 200.000 is for that.

If gone to court he would have been convicted and deported.

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We know the Thai way and it can be done in Phiphi some gays like to make some extra, but better to follow the law first.

Follow the law first? No; expensive and not much fun. I think your idea of setting the gays on him is much better. Make his eyes water and teach him a lesson he will not forget. Indeed, it might prove to be a life-changing experience for him.

Just to be clear, was the OP actually talking about gays, or guys? If he is talking about gays, I love this idea.

It's t**ts like this that give foreigners in this country a bad name. The majority of us come over here, live by Thai rules, at least try to adjust to Thai culture and get on fine. There is nothing I'd like to see more than this woman beating scum getting his ringpiece loosened as punishment. Get them to take photos while they're at it, as ultimate humiliation.

Blame, who caused it and circumstances aside, there is no excuse for laying a finger on a 45kg, 53 year-old lady.

Hope all turns out well.

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Some drunk puts your wife in the hospital, spits at her each day, and yells foul language ? How about growing a pair and standing up for your wife like a man ? If you don't it will probably get worse.

I rather expect that behavior from a neanderthal, but not a man. A man has superior reasoning faculties and is a member of a group or society with clear rules. A neanderthal breaks out his club and acts on emotional impulses. Fair play to stand up for a loved one and prevent violence to them - when there is an immediate threat. That is called self-defense. Otherwise it is simple vengeance and rather cowardly IMO. Much more brave is to swallow the emotion and determine the appropriate course of action to ensure that justice is served through legal maneuverings - to act ethically and morally under difficult circumstances.

My suggestion is to play it smart. Encourage the police to handle the matter appropriately. Several suggestions have already been made for how to accomplish this. A word to immigration might be in order if you can determine that his business is illegal or that he is illegally working.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Just a reminder: Let's keep from suggesting things which are clearly illegal. The OP has a fairly significant problem, with threats made to his home and property. We don't know much about the alleged perpetrator, but he may have some nasty friends and it wouldn't be wise to have the situation escalate out of control and have people get seriously hurt.

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We know the Thai way and it can be done in Phiphi some gays like to make some extra, but better to follow the law first.

Follow the law first? No; expensive and not much fun. I think your idea of setting the gays on him is much better. Make his eyes water and teach him a lesson he will not forget. Indeed, it might prove to be a life-changing experience for him.


Yes, some of those katoeys look pretty fierce! :D

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