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Why Is The Farang Expat Community So Politically Correct?

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Many farang like to point out that they dislike the so-called political correctness in their own country, but try expressing a opinion contrary to their own about Thailand or about farang in Thailand and see what happens. In every online community about Thailand and farang, there is a status quo about what you are not allowed to say, ideas that cannot be expressed, and obvious truths that must be ignored, manipulated and postulated to fit the very sensitive self esteems of the farang community.

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I think you will find that people in person are very different than when they are behind a keyboard. I agree there are a few PC Police on the online forums, but out and about when you meet ex-pats, from my experience they have been pretty normal people.

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What I mean is that, the same people who tell you how they are not allowed to do so and so anymore back home because someone will be offended, will in another topic, be whining about how farang is a derogatory word or how you are an ageist because of something you said.

People use arguments to set their own agendas. The old PC chesnut has been used many a time.

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What I mean is that, the same people who tell you how they are not allowed to do so and so anymore back home because someone will be offended, will in another topic, be whining about how farang is a derogatory word or how you are an ageist because of something you said.

Because aging farang with obnoxious attitudes who no one likes back at home come to Thailand to massage their superiority complex and use double standards when it comes to race, politics, etc.. In otherwords it's ok to insult others based on race or religion but there's plenty of butt hurt tears and ass chafing when they themselves get insulted.

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I feel there are many posters who do not take the time to truly evaluate the content , and, the possible lines of response when posting. Self attributed assumptions and generalisations regarding the content can be prevalent, thus antagonising the PC brigade. The fact that people can not be bothered to check the spelling/grammar lends weight to the thinking that the content is not to be taken too seriously...

I think criticism, ideas, etc can be voiced, and most will absorb, it is the ill informed/under researched/derogatory comments that often seem to be attached to the observations that draw the caustic responses......in my humble opinion.... :)

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I'm inclined to agree with the OP - Political Correctness seems to be unacceptable when it impinges on one's 'right' to abuse others but is applied under another name when oneself becomes the victim of the abuse normally reserved for others.

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Yes it is odd, seems many here miss the thought police back home, even though early on some worthy things were done under the aegis of PC, for the most part it is a Big Brother Sister muting free speech and enforcing their fascist views on others. Some incapable of free thought seem to love this bureaucracy controlling every aspect of their lives, I do not miss it at all.

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'473geo' date='2009-12-12 17:40:19' post='3198376']

I feel there are many posters who do not take the time to truly evaluate the content , and, the possible lines of response when posting. Self attributed assumptions and generalisations regarding the content can be prevalent, thus antagonising the PC brigade. The fact that people can not be bothered to check the spelling/grammar lends weight to the thinking that the content is not to be taken too seriously...

I think criticism, ideas, etc can be voiced, and most will absorb, it is the ill informed/under researched/derogatory comments that often seem to be attached to the observations that draw the caustic responses......in my humble opinion.... :)

I feel this is correct to a certain point , the first consideration is that many do not even take the trouble to 'Read' the content for what it is , a quick scan and the fingers go flying over the key board . Should one not understand what is meant by a post , surely to pose a question would be more pertinant than a misaligned response which sets the ball rolling for caustic comments .

However , I do not feel I should spend considerable time researching some ones post to see what is meant , when the poster should have been sure of the facts before posting , if and when it is a responders personal thoughts/feelings on any given subject matter , then it is up to the respondent to that post to evaluate it for what it is , i.e. a persons 'Personal' view of the topic in question , as and how it affects him personaly . Few posters I feel , are meaning to be discriminatory against other members , but often they are jumped upon when it can easily come across that way to some-one who is truly an imbeded Thaiwise for what ever reasons he may personaly have for being that way i.e. has no other choice due to his own making of HIS circumctances .

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One thing to point out is that you are making an assumption that the online communities here are a fair representation of the expat community as a whole - a large number of expats I know could hardly be called pc and equally would not be found here on TV or many of the other forums.

Also there are a number of very non pc forums here in thailand that i assume you haven't come across yet and I would hesitate to name them here - strangely enough they tend to centre around Pattaya!

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Also there are a number of very non pc forums here in thailand that i assume you haven't come across yet and I would hesitate to name them here - strangely enough they tend to centre around Pattaya!

Yet unstrangely enough you know them. :)

Believe or not we are all non PC, we are human beings with all our faults and frailties and predujice, like it or not - deny it or not, is one of them.

I associate with the people I like, I assume we all do as well, therefore I am predujiced against those people I don't like. The only thing the PC brigade can force me to do is be even handed in my dealings with others, they cannot force me to like them.

Nulli illigitimi carborundum as the spoof latin phrase goes. :D

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Also there are a number of very non pc forums here in thailand that i assume you haven't come across yet and I would hesitate to name them here - strangely enough they tend to centre around Pattaya!

Yet unstrangely enough you know them. :)

Believe or not we are all non PC, we are human beings with all our faults and frailties and predujice, like it or not - deny it or not, is one of them.

I associate with the people I like, I assume we all do as well, therefore I am predujiced against those people I don't like. The only thing the PC brigade can force me to do is be even handed in my dealings with others, they cannot force me to like them.

Nulli illigitimi carborundum as the spoof latin phrase goes. :D

I must admit to being a member of several of the 'non pc' forums and do find them quite refreshing at times! I was just trying to point out to the OP that if he wants to find more 'non pc' forums in Thailand he doesn't need to do much more than type 'forum' and 'pattaya' into a search engine. Clearly they might not be to everyones tastes but there again, that is entirely up to the individual.

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I don't get this post at all.. Surely the expat community in Thailand must be among the most politically INcorrect you could ever hope to find anywhere?

Or is this post taking issue with efforts to sanitize a commercial forum? That's just common business sense and has little to do with political correctness.

And, in case you hadn't noticed, there are some restrictions on free speech in Thailand, but not sure if that was what you were hinting at either.

So in short, is there anyone who can make some sense out of this topic?

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Yeah I agree with Kwai for a change. A very PinC crowd. Look at the poll on global warming. Most here think its a lie. The fools.

Its called "Climate Change" if you want the PC term as "Global Warming" was fixed not longer after the hole in the "Ozone Layer" filled itself in.

Both terms are used. Last decade, the WARMEST in recorded history.


BTW, NOT fixed.

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Maybe its the Aussies and Canadians on here theyve always been the most PC people ive come across in life, how about banning them see if it makes a difference. :)

Agree. And now I have to live among Canucks. Funny thing, they are vicious when not on display.

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Maybe its the Aussies and Canadians on here theyve always been the most PC people ive come across in life, how about banning them see if it makes a difference. :)

Agree. And now I have to live among Canucks. Funny thing, they are vicious when not on display.

I was once told i was racist by a Canadian for not knowing Eskimos are no longer Eskimos any longer, but are now Inuits, i'm still sure theyre still Eskimos.

Just heard a cracking bit of PC on CNBC by some posh idiot EnglishPERSON. On a piece about Icelands economic crash he said that now you will have to become FisherPeople, took me a few seconds to figure out what he was going on about it would seem FisherMEN are now extinct, next year the fool will be back to report on how wonderful it is that there are now FisherWomen in Iceland.

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I feel there are many posters who do not take the time to truly evaluate the content , and, the possible lines of response when posting. Self attributed assumptions and generalisations regarding the content can be prevalent, thus antagonising the PC brigade. The fact that people can not be bothered to check the spelling/grammar lends weight to the thinking that the content is not to be taken too seriously...

I think criticism, ideas, etc can be voiced, and most will absorb, it is the ill informed/under researched/derogatory comments that often seem to be attached to the observations that draw the caustic responses......in my humble opinion.... :)

Well said. The anonymity factor makes it very attractive to shoot from the hip.

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Believe or not we are all non PC, we are human beings with all our faults and frailties and predujice, like it or not - deny it or not, is one of them.

I associate with the people I like, I assume we all do as well, therefore I am predujiced against those people I don't like. The only thing the PC brigade can force me to do is be even handed in my dealings with others, they cannot force me to like them.

Good post, Phil.

I would describe myself as being moderately PC, but I remember a time when someone at my workplace told me I should be more tolerant. It was really more of a specific issue of disagreement, rather than me being intolerant. In preparing a response, I found a definition of tolerant which I found quite interesting -- "to accept with disdain".

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