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Thailand To Reduce Traffic Death Rate By Half


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A good place to start would be having police actually DOING their job , the problem there would be , that first they would need their job definition defined in no uncertain terms , any officer not at his job would be reprimanded and put doing a shit job for a while .

The first consideration would obviously be , that those in charge first learn what that classification is in real terms , like aprehend people instead of taking 'tea' money ? Seems to me that very few are interested in learning or doing anything constructive about road safety , who is going to enforce the rules ?

SPOT ON! Gosh it's not about the budget as much as police actually doing the job they are supposed to do effectively. They even are so stupid as to have regular times and regular places where they pull motorbikes over to collect "tea money" :D . The motorbikers who know they are going to get stung if they do the right thing or the wrong thing, just think that, well if I get done anyway, may as well drive anyway I like. Police would be best to enforce real safety rules not ridiculous nonsense about left hand lane laws or some other pathetic nonsense and do it at all times of the day or night.

But most important above all is the absolute need for improved driver education and a total change in road culture with the average person. Until a real improved action campaign through their local media occurs and much improved driving standards occurs at the motor registry nothing will change.

Even in the article, Khun Thanapong states “Perhaps, accidents are [more often] caused by risky roads or below-standard vehicles,..." Now he also asks for fatal accidents to be more thoroughly investigated and to report the REAL cause, but is interesting to note that he doesn’t emphasise a need for just plain better driving, suggesting that it is just risky roads or below standard vehicles! Is this just another typical case of the avoidance of confronting a real issue and blaming something non tangible like bad roads not accusing Thais of bad driving??? Or maybe he did say it but “The Nation” just reworded his statements so as not to offend anyone, hence losing face? Interesting culture? :)

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More windbaggerry from the "United Nations". It's a pity that they can't find something useful to do like stopping genocide and religiously based slaughter. Still I suppose it's easier to stop road accidents.

I couldn't agree more with you about the 'United Nations', what a load of useless pratts travelling around the world with their entourages staying in 5 star Hotels ( or better if available) doing sweet FA in the end apart from issuing volumes of verbal diarrhoa, and trying to work out 'Who's turn it is to be the head of this or that department next year' irrespective of ability or aptitude.

As for the lack of 'High Tech Equipment' to assist the police in traffic enforcement, do they mean giving them all eye test and issuing glasses, or maybe a mickey mouse watch that wakes them up every ten minutes. Come on, just stop 3/4 on a motorbike; people standing up on the back of pickups doing 60mph; driving into oncoming traffic; random checks to see if people have got driving licences; removal of cars and coaches/bus's that have 'bent chassis' etc. ALL too blxxdy obvious, but they don't give a sh!t. Dream on Ministers of Thailand and go back to sleep and dream up another load of BS for the next public domain publication.

Safe driving everybody; remember, its better late in this world than early in the next!.

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Oberkommando' date='2009-12-27 11:44:07' post='3227453']

Never happen.

You can't change Thai culture.

Wheresoever does driving fit into Thai culture , other than cows , buffalo and herding ducks ? Never once saw a moto chiseled in the wall of a temple , this constant excuse of 'Because of culture ' will need to be curbed before anything of structure occurs . Mind set is the problem , "Hello , any body in there ?" huh , lights on , nobodies home , there is always a problem when attempting to fashion a silk purse from a pigs ear .

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'Brewsta' date='2009-12-27 10:47:32' post='3227341']'bangkokrick' post='3227098' date='2009-12-27 09:00:19']The Songkran festival must account for a large percentage of the total figure. Maybe they could start there?

Cheers, Rick

Hmmm....... Suggestion: What about pedestrians only inside demarcated and policed Muang/Towm/City/Ville for the party/etc entertainment during the major Thai booze-ups e.g.Songkran, New Year ??

Generates lotsa (vehicle investment would be nice) Moola for the public transport services as cars and bikes have to be outside the Town/City 'exclusion zone' during the Festivities....

Less dead relatives, innocents and all............ Win/Win.

Nappy Yew Hear for new decade 2010,


That ruling has already been applied in Cambodia for a corresponding festival when millions come into the city for the festivities .

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Thaksin managed to reduce the deathtoll by several 1000, and you say he never did anything good, by simply reclassifying "road death." You were only a victim of a road death if you died on the road. The moment you were picked up by emergency workers or arrived in hospital you could not suffer a road death. KABAMM! Massive reduction.

I say this year only people killed while wearing a panda whislt driving suit can be listed as road death victim. So no more than 1734 by my calculations.

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IMAGINE, The LOS complete with BIG BLOCK CHEVY's, 5.0 Liter Mustangs, 1,200 Harley's, :)

Ever seen the movie " DEATH RACE " ?

Thankful to have 125 cc Scooters and 2.5 Liter Auto limits for most of the Common folk.

Analogy, 1 HEN , 500 ROOSTERS, who goes first ? :D


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1) Can those advocating no more than two on a motorcycle please explain how these families are going to get around -- they do not have the money for a car.

There is nothing inherently unsafe about three or even four on a motorcycle when the weight is not too high.

2) If I want to ride my motorcycle without a helmet then that is my business not yours. For those of you who object I suggest you return to your own fascist led country i.e. most of Europe and the USA. Yes it is more dangerous to be on a motorcycle and even more so without a helmet but I repeat, mind your own business. And to further distress some of you the same applies to me taking one or more of my daughters on the motorcycle; neither you nor 'society' own my daughters.

3) Alcohol: If you have only 1 or 2 units you are not more dangerous as has been proved in tests. In fact some nervous drivers drove better after 1 or 2 units. However because the results of these experiments were not what the agenda required they were buried. However, after 5 or 6 units you are more of a danger to others because your perception and reaction time are reduced, but not to that of your granny who is, of course, still driving at 75. Some (and I emphasise some) drunks will still be safer than many sober drivers who may be just plain useless at driving, lacking spatial awarenes, sleepy, stressed, distracted by children or any one of a number of other factors. Some may also reckognise their reduced awareness and drive more slowly and carefully, thus explaining how so many (99.9%+?) arrive home without incident.

The "we know what is best for you" western fascists now want a zero alcohol driving limit as "this will save lives." There is I admit a good argument that it is the 'safest option' but so would 'not driving at all' or 'not ever driving over 20mph' or 'staying permanently at home wrapped in cotton wool'. The correct option is that those who cause death or injury through reckless or drunken driving receive more than a slap on the wrist – maybe hard labour (for the rest of their life in the case of causing death) with the fruits of that labour paying first for their incarceration at subsistence level only, and the balance paid to the victims. The victims or dependents solely having the right to compassion, not some touchy-feely living in another world pinko softy.

What do we do in the west? We put them in a hotel (aka prison) and charge the victims a share of the cost. Then we employ at even more expense an army of parasites (i.e. psychologists, social workers and so-called academics conducting research) who are paid vastly more than those that pay for them, have pension schemes that could not possibly be funded in the private sector and the senior parasites then arrange conferences at five star hotels throughout the world and travel there in the front of the plane. These costs far exceed the costs of corruption here.

I love it here and I much prefer driving here. I try to mind my own business and suggest some of you should do the same or go home.

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And while your at it. Confiscate the SRT KTM train with the exhaust pipe stuck in the window.

And the postal stewards it creates.

This is the issue. This is the only issue. SMOG. Deisel engines, gas engines and the smoke spewing out of their tailpipes

all day long , every day 24/7

You can't even make it to the mall or the beach without having to take another shower before you get there.

People cutting their hands, fingers, arms , legs, noses off with drills, saws routers, transportational devices and

other dangerous power tools is not an issue.

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in Belgium they used to have posted deaths ( morts) and accidents( same same) every few kms..that turned a few heads, as did the giant Michelin Man, a lumpy frosty the snowman. I lived in Belguim 2 years as a kid, and saw way more accidents there than in LOS, no kidding

as akid of 3 years? look at the facts belguim is save the michelin man died 25 years ago!!!

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1) Can those advocating no more than two on a motorcycle please explain how these families are going to get around -- they do not have the money for a car.

There is nothing inherently unsafe about three or even four on a motorcycle when the weight is not too high.

2) If I want to ride my motorcycle without a helmet then that is my business not yours. For those of you who object I suggest you return to your own fascist led country i.e. most of Europe and the USA. Yes it is more dangerous to be on a motorcycle and even more so without a helmet but I repeat, mind your own business. And to further distress some of you the same applies to me taking one or more of my daughters on the motorcycle; neither you nor 'society' own my daughters.

3) Alcohol: If you have only 1 or 2 units you are not more dangerous as has been proved in tests. In fact some nervous drivers drove better after 1 or 2 units. However because the results of these experiments were not what the agenda required they were buried. However, after 5 or 6 units you are more of a danger to others because your perception and reaction time are reduced, but not to that of your granny who is, of course, still driving at 75. Some (and I emphasise some) drunks will still be safer than many sober drivers who may be just plain useless at driving, lacking spatial awarenes, sleepy, stressed, distracted by children or any one of a number of other factors. Some may also reckognise their reduced awareness and drive more slowly and carefully, thus explaining how so many (99.9%+?) arrive home without incident.

The "we know what is best for you" western fascists now want a zero alcohol driving limit as "this will save lives." There is I admit a good argument that it is the 'safest option' but so would 'not driving at all' or 'not ever driving over 20mph' or 'staying permanently at home wrapped in cotton wool'. The correct option is that those who cause death or injury through reckless or drunken driving receive more than a slap on the wrist – maybe hard labour (for the rest of their life in the case of causing death) with the fruits of that labour paying first for their incarceration at subsistence level only, and the balance paid to the victims. The victims or dependents solely having the right to compassion, not some touchy-feely living in another world pinko softy.

What do we do in the west? We put them in a hotel (aka prison) and charge the victims a share of the cost. Then we employ at even more expense an army of parasites (i.e. psychologists, social workers and so-called academics conducting research) who are paid vastly more than those that pay for them, have pension schemes that could not possibly be funded in the private sector and the senior parasites then arrange conferences at five star hotels throughout the world and travel there in the front of the plane. These costs far exceed the costs of corruption here.

I love it here and I much prefer driving here. I try to mind my own business and suggest some of you should do the same or go home.

I really don't care if you or anyone else rides a bike without a helmet, long as the only person you kill is yourself. What I do care about is the idiots here that pull out from behind a car into on cominig trafiic, realise they have nowhere to go and start flashing their lights at you to get out of their way even though they are on the wrong side of the road. These drivers cause the deaths of inocent people, again, if the only people they hurt or killed was themselves, I couldn't care less. I have lived in several countries and Thai drivers are the worst that I have personally encountered, they drive a car like a kamakazi pilot flies a plane.

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More windbaggerry from the "United Nations". It's a pity that they can't find something useful to do like stopping genociuude and religiously based slaughter. Still I suppose it's easier to stop road accidents.

Yep would have to agree, maybe if they got of their high horse & realise in what countries they are trying to achieve these things in EG: more like the nations with big banks / insurance companies & the buisiness men running them with their hidden interests behind them as well.

Because their not stoping the kids on motor bikes darting in front of yu & risking life & limb then turning around & blaming the foriegner! maybe thats why they might try :)

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Have to admit, with the lack of rules and regs here, that after 20 years in the country, have seen a few nasty prangs, but nothing in the amount one would expect.

Thai's aren't inherently bad drivers, they are extremely bad at following the rules of driving. Until someone enforces the rules as they are meant to be, these stats will never change.

However, has one ever considered that insuring the driver and their profile is the start of getting people to drive more sensibly? No license, no insurance. No history, higher premium. Bad record, higher premium. If the police aren't willing to do their jobs, at least if the insurance companies really insured the relative risks of the drivers, maybe people would drive a lot more sensibly because they would have a real incentive to do so.

Insuring the vehicle is not measuring the risk of the driver.

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There's a lot of room for improvement, but I don't think drivers license education should be a high priority as some here suggest. I've taken and passed the Thai drivers license test and watched the mandatory movie. The test is borderline ridiculous with too-tough questions and has scant little to do with safe driving. When I say 'too-tough' questions, I'm referring to multiple choice types with answers a,b,c,d, all being correct, yet the test taker is supposed to guess which answer is a tiny bit more correct than the other three. The movie they show is rather useless. In typical Thai style, everyone of the 120 or so in attendance (ages 17 to 25) stared dutifully at the screen, yet not one question or concern or qualification was raised afterward. The net affect of the film = absolutely nothing.

Perhaps authorities should deal with the endemic problem of awful / overly selfish Thai driving as they do with cigarette smoking: show the harmful effects - graphically, in posters, before movies, and on TV. Show the gore, and show the miserable relatives/friends of the people who just passed away. When dealing with people who think like children, it's probably best to address them accordingly.

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easy : get a cop in every car, just behind the driver.

I'm not sure it will increase safety in the first place, but at 200 baht per driver mistake, they will finally make a decent living. In the meantime, that's so many wages that won't have to be withdrawn from national budget, and that can be invested in the 'hi-tech' equipment they're craving for.

Or go in the deeper pockets . . . :D

A cop in every car to increase fines? Then you first need to teach the cops the regulations and make them follow them. :)

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Always a Good discussion , "Driving in Thailand"... :D

Seems that every time a group of Farang from countries that have strict Training, Testing, Licensing and Law Enforcement, the topic turns to driving here. :D

I like the view I heard at a gathering the other day , where a woman compared driving here to playing a Video Game, with all the obstacles , from people walking carelessly into the roads, to vehicles driving at Sonic Speeds.. AND NO TRAFFIC CONTROLS or LIMITS.. :D

I personally drove about 10 Kilometers yesterday , and was cut off at least 8 times.. Two of the incidents were life threatening..

When returning to my country of origin, I need to take extra caution to stop driving like I am back in the LOS, paying attention to speed Limits , Cross Walks, School Zones, and the list just goes on.

Personally, I would guess that 10% of the drivers here are just moving Hazards, add in the 3 Wheeled Restaurants in the Fast Lanes, and the Telephone Addicts , and I am IMPRESSED that the Accident Rate is so LOW.. :D

In 16 Years , I have NEVER seen a Vehicle pulled over for speeding, and only twice for Running a RED Light..

BE Aware, wear your Seat Belt or Helmet, and you satisfy all the rules that are going to be enforced on the roads here in Chiang Mai.

On PARKING.. Now that your Vehicle is at a DEAD STOP, and Clear of obstructing traffic or of creating any hazards, you WILL Receive a Parking Ticket. ?? :D When paying this Ticket, there are no means of contesting it. :)

Just my KARMA for those times I passed the Restaurant on the Left I guess..

DEFENSIVE Driving Techniques, awareness of the Unexpected, and Concentration will let you leave here alive , IF YOU CHOOSE TO DRIVE.. :cheesy:

By the way , my 18 Month old Vehicle has received 8 Dents, 7 while parked, 1 by what I assume was an intoxicated Motor Cycle Drive who Scurried off as quickly as possible.. :D

I ENJOY THE FREEDOM OF DRIVING IN THE LOS.. PUTTING the Beloved Police in Charge of Controlling Traffic may lead back to similar incidents that occurred when they ran "THE WAR ON DRUGS".. They actually give Guns to these Ibiots... BE CAREFUL IN THE NEW YEAR. :D

10% are moving hazards?? I would say 90%. And as for parking tickets that I have not seen in Thailand, how do they do that on vehicles without registration plates?

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Wheresoever does driving fit into Thai culture

You're asking the wrong question.

You should have asked, "how does their culture affect their driving, enforcing the law on the roads and taking responsibility for their actions when in control of a motor vehicle"?

It's not an excuse why things cannot change, but it is the underlying problem, not only on the roads, but in other areas of Thai society as well.

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Here's my suggestion. Put a public viewing gallery in every hospital casualty ward, right up close to the action. Make anyone found driving stupidly sit there for however long it takes watching the dead, the injured and their families going past every day until they get it.

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the notion that the un will aim to halve road deaths by 2020 is laughable. are they going to reduce population growth or reduce the increase in vehicles in developing or developed countries? no. the un cannot even set a realistic agenda for a meeting (copenhagen) that they had 12 years to prepare for. the un is a complete waste of time and money. if anyone can enlighten me and describe one thing the un has done which has benefited mankind, i will remove the word 'complete' from my previous sentence.

thailand will not seriously try to reduce road deaths until the bigger problems are solved, such as political instability, corruption, unrest in the south, social welfare, education, etc. so i guess that means a very long time.

in the mean time i will enjoy riding my bike (defensively) here without the over-regulated system in the west, and without the road rage in the west.

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Does not need hightech gear to see a motorbike has no light. It is about time they started fining people for that.

No lights, no mirrors, no helmets, only one or two people per bike, not a family of four, and wife holding 2 month old kid in her arms, not riding up opposite side of the road towards traffic, making sure everyone has a license to ride one, a real testing program, not 10-12 old kids riding, with no traffic sense, not using cell phones while riding, plus holding a umbrella at the same time, when out in the sun or rain, oh ya there is a lot of basic changes that can be made here, for sure, but life is very, very cheap here in Thailand.

But if the cops do all these same things, what prayer do we all have of any change, get real. :)

Edited by Stricken
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in the mean time i will enjoy riding my bike (defensively) here without the over-regulated system in the west, and without the road rage in the west.

Enjoy riding your bicycle, except for about 10 days per year when people are throwing buckets full of water at bicyclists and everyone else.

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1) Can those advocating no more than two on a motorcycle please explain how these families are going to get around -- they do not have the money for a car.

There is nothing inherently unsafe about three or even four on a motorcycle when the weight is not too high.

2) If I want to ride my motorcycle without a helmet then that is my business not yours. For those of you who object I suggest you return to your own fascist led country i.e. most of Europe and the USA. Yes it is more dangerous to be on a motorcycle and even more so without a helmet but I repeat, mind your own business. And to further distress some of you the same applies to me taking one or more of my daughters on the motorcycle; neither you nor 'society' own my daughters.

3) Alcohol: If you have only 1 or 2 units you are not more dangerous as has been proved in tests. In fact some nervous drivers drove better after 1 or 2 units. However because the results of these experiments were not what the agenda required they were buried. However, after 5 or 6 units you are more of a danger to others because your perception and reaction time are reduced, but not to that of your granny who is, of course, still driving at 75. Some (and I emphasise some) drunks will still be safer than many sober drivers who may be just plain useless at driving, lacking spatial awarenes, sleepy, stressed, distracted by children or any one of a number of other factors. Some may also reckognise their reduced awareness and drive more slowly and carefully, thus explaining how so many (99.9%+?) arrive home without incident.

The "we know what is best for you" western fascists now want a zero alcohol driving limit as "this will save lives." There is I admit a good argument that it is the 'safest option' but so would 'not driving at all' or 'not ever driving over 20mph' or 'staying permanently at home wrapped in cotton wool'. The correct option is that those who cause death or injury through reckless or drunken driving receive more than a slap on the wrist – maybe hard labour (for the rest of their life in the case of causing death) with the fruits of that labour paying first for their incarceration at subsistence level only, and the balance paid to the victims. The victims or dependents solely having the right to compassion, not some touchy-feely living in another world pinko softy.

What do we do in the west? We put them in a hotel (aka prison) and charge the victims a share of the cost. Then we employ at even more expense an army of parasites (i.e. psychologists, social workers and so-called academics conducting research) who are paid vastly more than those that pay for them, have pension schemes that could not possibly be funded in the private sector and the senior parasites then arrange conferences at five star hotels throughout the world and travel there in the front of the plane. These costs far exceed the costs of corruption here.

I love it here and I much prefer driving here. I try to mind my own business and suggest some of you should do the same or go home.

Nobody 'owns' your daughters, not even you.

You are supposed to be their guardian, somebody who responsibly cares for them because they are not yet old enough to fend for themselves.

If you think taking both of them on your motorcycle is safe more fool you.

Hope you don't wake up in a ditch one day with the bodies of your daughters nearby.

As for your tolerance of alcohol did you know that it is a major factor in over 30% of road deaths so unless more than 30% of drivers are driving drunk your tolerance is misplaced as it's a well established fact as much as 50% of Asians have a lower tolerance of alcohol in their systems.

I said in an earlier post that my Thai mother in laws son was killed by a drunk driver who bought his way out of trouble. Can you suggest how she minds her own business and what home she go back to because she certainly doesn't prefer the driving here.

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I think that we would have to educate the people first, then end corruption in the police. Then get the whole country to trust that the police is just doing their jobs (to protect and serve)...

Before that will happen...

Here is what would go down... (And it has in the past!!!)

The poilice is out fining everyone that breakes the rules/the law...

They piss off an influential man (make him lose face)...

He gathers a mob (easy to pay for a couple of hundred people if you are rich)...

They go and burn the police station down--- Why? the leader of the mob lost face and was going to punish the police... (yes it has happened)...

The public have to understand that the police is here to serve them, that the police is here to help them, we do not have a police force to scare and steal and cheat/sleep their way through life....

Before that, be careful when you are out driving during new years...

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1) Can those advocating no more than two on a motorcycle please explain how these families are going to get around -- they do not have the money for a car.

There is nothing inherently unsafe about three or even four on a motorcycle when the weight is not too high.

2) If I want to ride my motorcycle without a helmet then that is my business not yours. For those of you who object I suggest you return to your own fascist led country i.e. most of Europe and the USA. Yes it is more dangerous to be on a motorcycle and even more so without a helmet but I repeat, mind your own business. And to further distress some of you the same applies to me taking one or more of my daughters on the motorcycle; neither you nor 'society' own my daughters.

3) Alcohol: If you have only 1 or 2 units you are not more dangerous as has been proved in tests. In fact some nervous drivers drove better after 1 or 2 units. However because the results of these experiments were not what the agenda required they were buried. However, after 5 or 6 units you are more of a danger to others because your perception and reaction time are reduced, but not to that of your granny who is, of course, still driving at 75. Some (and I emphasise some) drunks will still be safer than many sober drivers who may be just plain useless at driving, lacking spatial awarenes, sleepy, stressed, distracted by children or any one of a number of other factors. Some may also reckognise their reduced awareness and drive more slowly and carefully, thus explaining how so many (99.9%+?) arrive home without incident.

The "we know what is best for you" western fascists now want a zero alcohol driving limit as "this will save lives." There is I admit a good argument that it is the 'safest option' but so would 'not driving at all' or 'not ever driving over 20mph' or 'staying permanently at home wrapped in cotton wool'. The correct option is that those who cause death or injury through reckless or drunken driving receive more than a slap on the wrist – maybe hard labour (for the rest of their life in the case of causing death) with the fruits of that labour paying first for their incarceration at subsistence level only, and the balance paid to the victims. The victims or dependents solely having the right to compassion, not some touchy-feely living in another world pinko softy.

What do we do in the west? We put them in a hotel (aka prison) and charge the victims a share of the cost. Then we employ at even more expense an army of parasites (i.e. psychologists, social workers and so-called academics conducting research) who are paid vastly more than those that pay for them, have pension schemes that could not possibly be funded in the private sector and the senior parasites then arrange conferences at five star hotels throughout the world and travel there in the front of the plane. These costs far exceed the costs of corruption here.

I love it here and I much prefer driving here. I try to mind my own business and suggest some of you should do the same or go home.

And the winner to the worst views and ideas of 2009 is...

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