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Swastikas And Thai Ignorance


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Its just that the Hitlerian swastika logo is associated with a very horrible genocide which occurred in a supposedly civilized modern industrialized western country. Making it more shocking. The modern industrial methods they used for their mass murder were also ground breaking, in a bad way. If there was a globally recognized symbol associated with Pol Pot and school kids in Cleveland made a big parade featuring it under the direction of their stupid teachers, it would be equally worthy to educate them as well. I am sorry, the Thai teachers who authorized such a parade are IDIOTS.

They clearly do not have your hang ups about the swastika.......no surprise there.

Perhaps we need to educate more people to acknowledge the past but not project their anger into present day!!!

I sat in a Berlin bar a few years ago drinking with some young Germans....I had walked past a church on the way which bore bomb scars......it was sad sight......in conversation I mentioned this.......the Germans replied that yes it was sad but that was the past and as such no guilt was attached to the the present day.....They were right, neither they nor I could be held accountable.... .they had chosen to move on....and at that point so did I...and had a really pleasant evening.

Edited by 473geo
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Its just that the Hitlerian swastika logo is associated with a very horrible genocide which occurred in a supposedly civilized modern industrialized western country. Making it more shocking. The modern industrial methods they used for their mass murder were also ground breaking, in a bad way. If there was a globally recognized symbol associated with Pol Pot and school kids in Cleveland made a big parade featuring it under the direction of their stupid teachers, it would be equally worthy to educate them as well. I am sorry, the Thai teachers who authorized such a parade are IDIOTS.

They clearly do not have your hang ups about the swastika.......no surprise there.

Perhaps we need to educate more people to acknowledge the past but not project their anger into present day!!!

I sat in a Berlin bar a few years ago drinking with some young Germans....I had walked past a church on the way which bore bomb scars......it was sad sight......in conversation I mentioned this.......the Germans replied that yes it was sad but that was the past and as such no guilt was attached to the the present day.....They were right, neither they nor I could be held accountable.... .they had chosen to move on....and at that point so did I...and had a really pleasant evening.

An anti-intellectual argument if ever I heard one. Lets just forget about history. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Back to the teachers. No, they were objectively ignorant and have no business teaching children. Educators are supposed to be EDUCATED.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Crimes committed by the Nazis, and in particular the Holocaust, are recognized as Crimes Against Humanity .

Not crimes only against the specific victims and not crimes only against Europeans. The lesson the world learned from the Nazis is equally not one just for their victims or just for Europeans, it is a lesson for the whole of humanity.

That a school, and one that claims to be the one of Thailand's better schools, should allow it's pupils to dress up and parade in the symbols of the Nazis is indefensible ignorance.

Of course this was a Thai school and Thai pupils so we have the brain dead regulars trotting out their endless excuses for anything Thais do. Wikipedia provides these idiots with a reference to the Swastika being a symbol found in Buddhism, Hinduism and this then defense enough for the crass ignorance of a school, staff and pupils.

Well this Buddhist symbol was also the symbol chosen for people who Starved Children to death, not exactly in line with any Buddhist beliefs..... But hey, we have a Wikipedia reference to fall back on.

Let's defend the right of Thais to dress up in those fancy Nazi Uniforms

They are Thais, they can do no wrong, they have the right to ignorance and their are plenty of foreigners willing to deny History and the legacy of what the Nazis did.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Was the intention to offend?.........if not....... then I feel all your posturing headline grabing accusations are a little misplaced......

So without dragging up your emotive historical support......

Was the intention to offend?..............

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The swaztika sign has something to do with buddhism,or so i thought.If the sign is harmless in Thailand then tourists will have to accept that they do not mean any harm.

Are you actualy saying they are celebrating natizm,cannot believe for sure

Mate, the sooner the tourist hordes understand that the swastika was taken from the indian belief system (namely the wheel of buddha) as opposed to the other way around the better imo.

It's like they jump a hundred feet in the air at the bogey man that's not even there :)

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Was the intention to offend?.........if not....... then I feel all your posturing headline grabing accusations are a little misplaced......

So without dragging up your emotive historical support......

Was the intention to offend?..............

Firstly, I can think of several cases of where Foreigners have not intended to offend Thai sensibilities, but have nevertheless wound up in serious trouble for having done so.

Secondly, the issue is not about offense but about ignorance and, as pointed out above, the failure to educate.

But of course even parading in Nazi uniform is acceptable if a Thai happens to be doing it

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Was the intention to offend?.........if not....... then I feel all your posturing headline grabing accusations are a little misplaced......

So without dragging up your emotive historical support......

Was the intention to offend?..............

Firstly, I can think of several cases of where Foreigners have not intended to offend Thai sensibilities, but have nevertheless wound up in serious trouble for having done so.

Secondly, the issue is not about offense but about ignorance and, as pointed out above, the failure to educate.

But of course even parading in Nazi uniform is acceptable if a Thai happens to be doing it

I think if you removed the symbol.........and of course the NA and ZI at either side of the stage (in the photo)......that many posters appear to have missed.......then it would appear to be just another thai dance art form.....and certainly bears only passing resemblance to the stormtroopers.......you see, if it was meant to be a 'show' an art form not designed to cause offense......then it could be described as ill judged......but the emotive response and accusations are way over the top.......in my opinion...........now if the show was repeated the following year......you have my permission to berate the Thai organisers as much as you like.... :)

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Having school kids wear nazi arm bands at a sports day could only happen in a country where the level of education is as pathetic as it is in Thailand. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that is simply poor taste and offensive to a great many visitors to the country.

This speaks more about The Thai cultural fog than it does about Nazi's.

I agree.

Prince Harry was pretty well educated and he didn't see anything inappropriate about dressing up as a nazi until it caused a scandal.

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Having school kids wear nazi arm bands at a sports day could only happen in a country where the level of education is as pathetic as it is in Thailand. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that is simply poor taste and offensive to a great many visitors to the country.

This speaks more about The Thai cultural fog than it does about Nazi's.

I agree.

Prince Harry was pretty well educated and he didn't see anything inappropriate about dressing up as a nazi until it caused a scandal.

Good point - must have been his German ancestry coming through........oooops!!!........can I say that without offending millions??

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The Swastika has been used by many cultures thought out history, By Native Americans. By the Hindu Religion in the 5th Century BC, By the Buddhist religion, Was used on Chinese products to show they were in line with the diet of the Buddhist religion, Used by the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe, Was found among Viking artifact in Europe, Goggle (Swastika in Wikipedia)

Used by Buddhist and Hindu Religions in the 5th Century BC.


Native American Basket Ball team in 1909


Used as good luck charm by aviators.


There are many more examples of the long history of the Swastika, use thought out history in all parts of the world.

You should be more worried about the growing Nazi movement in America.post-91962-1262344928_thumb.jpg

Southern California

Nazi Movement in Omaha.


Nazi in Arizona: Notice Hitler Smiley face on Bullhorn!


You need to clean up your own yard before you attempt to pass value Judgments on the Thais!

It is best to keep you mouth closed and be thought a fool, Then to open it and remove all doubt!


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It is best to keep you mouth closed and be thought a fool, Then to open it and remove all doubt!

You said a mouthful there, amigo. post-37101-1262350500_thumb.jpg

A reminder, that famous Thai Nazi school parade involved specifically German Third Reich Nazi Hitler swastikas. There is a difference. They were not reclaiming the Buddhist swastika, the teachers there knew very well that these were German Nazi symbols. But they were too STUPID to realize how loaded those symbols were. They also didn't know their ignorant parade was going to bring embarrassment upon their country throughout the entire world.

You are not going to find one school in the west where the teachers will organize a Nazi fun day. Nor a Pol Pot fun day. (etc.)

Edited by Jingthing
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But they were too STUPID to realize how loaded those symbols were. They also didn't know their ignorant parade was going to bring embarrassment upon their country throughout the entire world

To be honest, nobody's noticing outside of a small group here.

Let's tone down the language a bit please, you've made your point.

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But they were too STUPID to realize how loaded those symbols were. They also didn't know their ignorant parade was going to bring embarrassment upon their country throughout the entire world

To be honest, nobody's noticing outside of a small group here.

Let's tone down the language a bit please, you've made your point.

That Thai school Nazi parade a while back was news all over the world. What impression of Thailand did those people get when they saw those ridiculous pictures? I don't believe they thought there was a Neo-Nazi movement growing here. There isn't. I think they thought, that is a country with a substandard educational system. In a globally competitive world, that's not the impression you want to give; of course its the truth. Edited by Jingthing
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But they were too STUPID to realize how loaded those symbols were. They also didn't know their ignorant parade was going to bring embarrassment upon their country throughout the entire world

To be honest, nobody's noticing outside of a small group here.

Let's tone down the language a bit please, you've made your point.

That Thai school Nazi parade a while back was news all over the world. To be perfectly honest.

Never saw it outside of here, but as I said, tone down a bit.

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The swaztika sign has something to do with buddhism,or so i thought.If the sign is harmless in Thailand then tourists will have to accept that they do not mean any harm.

Are you actualy saying they are celebrating natizm,cannot believe for sure

Indeed! The swastika is an ancient symbol for peace... but the reversed sign, in a white circle on a red background is unmistakable. And while they are not celebrating Nazism, its not an excuse for perpetuating a known evil.

well they did in world war 2 so why wouldnt they now???

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Having school kids wear nazi arm bands at a sports day could only happen in a country where the level of education is as pathetic as it is in Thailand. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that is simply poor taste and offensive to a great many visitors to the country.

This speaks more about The Thai cultural fog than it does about Nazi's.

I agree.

Prince Harry was pretty well educated and he didn't see anything inappropriate about dressing up as a nazi until it caused a scandal.

Good point - must have been his German ancestry coming through........oooops!!!........can I say that without offending millions??

to scott how comes the post re prince harry has not been deleted , do you think racism is better than smoking weed????

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