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Rock Music Disappearing From Go-gos; “but I Like I


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[the title of this post got truncated; should be "Rock Music Disappearing from Go-gos; "But I Like It . . . ."]

Most punters don’t even hear the so-called music in the go-gos. (If you’re one of these, then this ain’t your discussion thread; find another one rather than just flame and troll here.) One might wonder whether the dancers do either. As it happens, however, a few of us punters do hear it. Maybe it’s because we’ve been to so many go-gos over the years that we’re able to appreciate the finer aspects of the venue. Or maybe it’s because we were once musicians or DJs ourselves. Whatever.

Of those of us who can hear the music in the go-gos, some actually like the hip-hop, rap, trance, techno, dance and other forms of lobotomized noise usually played in them at ear-splitting volumes.

But one of the great things about Pattaya has been that it has always offered something for everyone. For those of us who like some sort of discernible melody and a bit of substance in our music, for whom rap etc. gives headaches, there’s always been a sufficient number of go-gos playing rock, blues, and traditional soul.

Now, however, it seems that the number is shrinking.

The leader and granddaddy of the rock go-gos has been Tahitian Queen I on Beach Road near Soi 13. Not only has the music been the very best, but the sound system (JBL speakers) and volume as well.

But now TQ1 has evidently gotten in some new younger DJs and is starting play a lot of grunge, punk, heavy metal, and, paradoxically, pseudo-rock pablum such as by Robbie Williams. Unfortunately not enough patrons have complained, not being able to hear the music anyway, so that now rock lovers should probably drink and ogle elsewhere.

The next best bet would have been Champion on Walking Street although the playlist has been limited and for some perverse reason they stopped playing rock before 9 PM. Now, however, Champion plays a lot of German grunge and heavy metal, which basically consist of short monotonous guttural chants recorded inside of a dungeon. Even most Germans probably don’t like it. Add to this that the volume tends to be too high (large speakers only at the rear) and you have to scratch Champion off the list as well.

What’s left? Nevada and Far East Rock on Soi Post Office, for two. It seems that Nevada is now the best in Pattaya, musically speaking. Great playlists with surprising variety. Although the volume used to be too high (fat Thai manager kept turning it up), now it is just about right. Unfortunately the sound system is rather poor because the speaker cabinets boom—probably locally made. Far East Rock has a better sound system and has only recently, to my knowledge, actually started playing rock. However, the scenery in Nevada and FER leaves something to be desired.

And then there’s Dollhouse (on Walking Street) and Tim on 2nd Road. Dollhouse is not bad if a bit plastic. The music selection is very standard. I’m not sure if rock is played all the time, or just for a set or two. However, the scenery is the best of all the go-gos mentioned here.

Tim is centered on rock videos and unfortunately the same videos are played almost every night. Although I can always watch Roy Orbison yet another time, even more unfortunately the DJ seems hung up on his Meatloaf video, so you’ll finish at least one beer before you can stop listening to Meatloaf. Also obligatory is Me 'n' My Monkey Robbie Williams. On the positive side, the volume has finally, after many years, come down to a level where earplugs are no longer required.

As for TQ2, the few times I’ve stopped in I just didn’t like much of anything about it. Maybe some fans could speak up; I haven’t been there in ages, but I think I'll try it again in desperation.

Any other go-gos for us rock fans?

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This has been a gripe of mine for years in Pattaya,I find the go-gos in Bangkok far more varied in their music,take Moonshine Joint on soi Cowoy,fantastic selection of video music controlled by the customers choice,pick your own from the PC screen.Tilac/Tonys/Midnight to name more good music bars in Cowboy.

But down here the choice is terrible,have you ever been in Heavens Above?don't bother if you don't like crap music played on even crappier speakers.

I always wonder why a DJ play techno/rap or other crap when hes got a bar full of 35+ guys.The comment you here so many times is yes the girls are nice in here but the musics terrilbe.

Wise up bar owners.Take a walk round the bangkok secne.

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[the title of this post got truncated; should be "Rock Music Disappearing from Go-gos; "But I Like It . . . ."]

Most punters don’t even hear the so-called music in the go-gos. (If you’re one of these, then this ain’t your discussion thread; find another one rather than just flame and troll here.) One might wonder whether the dancers do either. As it happens, however, a few of us punters do hear it. Maybe it’s because we’ve been to so many go-gos over the years that we’re able to appreciate the finer aspects of the venue. Or maybe it’s because we were once musicians or DJs ourselves. Whatever.

Of those of us who can hear the music in the go-gos, some actually like the hip-hop, rap, trance, techno, dance and other forms of lobotomized noise usually played in them at ear-splitting volumes.

But one of the great things about Pattaya has been that it has always offered something for everyone. For those of us who like some sort of discernible melody and a bit of substance in our music, for whom rap etc. gives headaches, there’s always been a sufficient number of go-gos playing rock, blues, and traditional soul.

Now, however, it seems that the number is shrinking.

The leader and granddaddy of the rock go-gos has been Tahitian Queen I on Beach Road near Soi 13. Not only has the music been the very best, but the sound system (JBL speakers) and volume as well.

But now TQ1 has evidently gotten in some new younger DJs and is starting play a lot of grunge, punk, heavy metal, and, paradoxically, pseudo-rock pablum such as by Robbie Williams. Unfortunately not enough patrons have complained, not being able to hear the music anyway, so that now rock lovers should probably drink and ogle elsewhere.

The next best bet would have been Champion on Walking Street although the playlist has been limited and for some perverse reason they stopped playing rock before 9 PM. Now, however, Champion plays a lot of German grunge and heavy metal, which basically consist of short monotonous guttural chants recorded inside of a dungeon. Even most Germans probably don’t like it. Add to this that the volume tends to be too high (large speakers only at the rear) and you have to scratch Champion off the list as well.

What’s left? Nevada and Far East Rock on Soi Post Office, for two. It seems that Nevada is now the best in Pattaya, musically speaking. Great playlists with surprising variety.  Although the volume used to be too high (fat Thai manager kept turning it up), now it is just about right. Unfortunately the sound system is rather poor because the speaker cabinets boom—probably locally made. Far East Rock has a better sound system and has only recently, to my knowledge, actually started playing rock. However, the scenery in Nevada and FER leaves something to be desired.

And then there’s Dollhouse (on Walking Street) and Tim on 2nd Road. Dollhouse is not bad if a bit plastic. The music selection is very standard. I’m not sure if rock is played all the time, or just for a set or two. However, the scenery is the best of all the go-gos mentioned here.

Tim is centered on rock videos and unfortunately the same videos are played almost every night. Although I can always watch Roy Orbison yet another time, even more unfortunately the DJ seems hung up on his Meatloaf video, so you’ll finish at least one beer before you can stop listening to Meatloaf. Also obligatory is Me 'n' My Monkey Robbie Williams. On the positive side, the volume has finally, after many years, come down to a level where earplugs are no longer required.

As for TQ2, the few times I’ve stopped in I just didn’t like much of anything about it. Maybe some fans could speak up; I haven’t been there in ages, but I think I'll try it again in desperation.

Any other go-gos for us rock fans?

Great post by the Dollhouse crew . Good way to promote yourself !!! :o

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Great post by the Dollhouse crew . Good way to promote yourself !!!  :o

Huh? No way. No, I hadn't been in Dollhouse in maybe a year cause last time I went it was in a downhill phase. Now things seem to be looking up. It was just a random chance I stopped in there the other night after I gave up on Champion. It was really OK though except for the slick touristy feel. Next time I'm on Walking Street I'll drop in again. I'm gonna give TQ2 another chance too.

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Try Number 1 A Go-Go (formerly known as Champion) in Jomtien, coming from Pattaya it's on the left, half way between the arch and KFC. No Techno stuff here, the sign inside reads We Love Rock and Roll. And they do. They play mainly Rock, some from CD's or the MP3 player, others from DVD'S on one of the 2 big screens. Most of the DVD's are concert versions and some tracks are a bit on the long winded side. But there's plenty of Queen, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Eagles etc as well as classic country and music that comes under the category of country rock. The DJ speaks English, requests are most welcome, and you can browse through the selection of DVD's and CD's. The beer is very reasonable, draught is B55 at all times.

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Try Number 1 A Go-Go (formerly known as Champion) in Jomtien, coming from Pattaya it's on the left, half way between the arch and KFC. No Techno stuff here, the sign inside reads We Love Rock and Roll. And they do. They play mainly Rock, some from CD's or the MP3 player, others from DVD'S on one of the 2 big screens. Most of the DVD's are concert versions and some tracks are a bit on the long winded side. But there's plenty of Queen, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Eagles etc as well as classic country and music that comes under the category of country rock. The DJ speaks English, requests are most welcome, and you can browse through the selection of DVD's and CD's. The beer is very reasonable, draught is B55 at all times.

I'd concur with this post... Number 1 A Go-Go (formerly Champion 3) plays good rock music... same DJ for the past 3-4 years.

He remembers me every time I walk in and plays Enter Sandman by Metallica for me by way of a greeting... I have tried to persuade him not to, but now I've given up and just smile and nod my "appreciation". :o

All requests are welcomed and he usually has it in his collection. If he hasn't got it, and you're a reasonably regular customer, he has been known to get it for you and play it on your next visit. :D

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Of course you could return to the roots - Tahitian Queen - first and foremost

As I noted above, "Now TQ1 has evidently gotten in some new younger DJs and is starting play a lot of grunge, punk, heavy metal, and, paradoxically, pseudo-rock pablum such as by Robbie Williams. Unfortunately not enough patrons have complained, not being able to hear the music anyway, so that now rock lovers should probably drink and ogle elsewhere."

It ain't what it was. Why they'd wanna mess around with a formula that's served so well for over 20 years, I dunno. But the last few times I went in there, I regretted doing so, musically speaking. Maybe they should post "Rock Hours" in addition to Happy Hours. The old DJ is excellent.

It seems that somehow the Thai DJs get the bar owners, who should know better, by the balls. One example is the case of Blues Factory, where during the band's breaks the (former, I understand) Thai DJ would play loboto-muzak like you'd hear in Happy Go-Go, at ear-splitting volume. Insane, in a bar supposedly catering to blues, rock, and soul lovers. Towards the end of his long tenure he did graduate to pop like "Country Roads"; no doubt he must have played "Hotel California" numerous times as well. Why this went on for such a long time, I just can't imagine. He drove me outta there on several occasions.

Another example is Kittens Go-Go on Naklua Rd. Great location w/ no competition since Lovely closed and, early on at least, a stable of good-lookers. But the music was so awful (probably the worst of any go-go in Pattaya) and so incredibly loud that nobody could stand it. Only sometimes when the farang owner was around did suddenly the mix change to rock and the volume go down to a reasonable level. I doubt he even knew why he seldom had much business, but I'm convinced that that androgynous DJ cost him a fortune. I hear things have recently improved but haven't had a chance to check it out.

I had success once with the Duilio of (former) Duilio's Pizza near Foodland when I emailed him that his staff was playing loud pop music at the restaurant for their own edification. He thanked me and the music was thereafter changed and turned down to a level appropriate for an upscale restaurant rather than a disco.

Good suggestions in this thread so far, by the way. I'm gonna try them all.

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Of course you could return to the roots - Tahitian Queen - first and foremost

As I noted above, "Now TQ1 has evidently gotten in some new younger DJs and is starting play a lot of grunge, punk, heavy metal, and, paradoxically, pseudo-rock pablum such as by Robbie Williams. Unfortunately not enough patrons have complained, not being able to hear the music anyway, so that now rock lovers should probably drink and ogle elsewhere."

It ain't what it was. Why they'd wanna mess around with a formula that's served so well for over 20 years, I dunno. But the last few times I went in there, I regretted doing so, musically speaking. Maybe they should post "Rock Hours" in addition to Happy Hours. The old DJ is excellent.

It seems that somehow the Thai DJs get the bar owners, who should know better, by the balls. One example is the case of Blues Factory, where during the band's breaks the (former, I understand) Thai DJ would play loboto-muzak like you'd hear in Happy Go-Go, at ear-splitting volume. Insane, in a bar supposedly catering to blues, rock, and soul lovers. Towards the end of his long tenure he did graduate to pop like "Country Roads"; no doubt he must have played "Hotel California" numerous times as well. Why this went on for such a long time, I just can't imagine. He drove me outta there on several occasions.

Another example is Kittens Go-Go on Naklua Rd. Great location w/ no competition since Lovely closed and, early on at least, a stable of good-lookers. But the music was so awful (probably the worst of any go-go in Pattaya) and so incredibly loud that nobody could stand it. Only sometimes when the farang owner was around did suddenly the mix change to rock and the volume go down to a reasonable level. I doubt he even knew why he seldom had much business, but I'm convinced that that androgynous DJ cost him a fortune. I hear things have recently improved but haven't had a chance to check it out.

I had success once with the Duilio of (former) Duilio's Pizza near Foodland when I emailed him that his staff was playing loud pop music at the restaurant for their own edification. He thanked me and the music was thereafter changed and turned down to a level appropriate for an upscale restaurant rather than a disco.

Good suggestions in this thread so far, by the way. I'm gonna try them all.

That must of been a long time ago! That DJ eventually left (before i fired him) as I purposely used to have a go at him everytime he played a song that did'nt fit the style.

I guarantee that you won't hear that crap anymore, Exceptions are on Ladies night where I encourage him to play more stuff that the girls like and after the bands are finished then he can play what he wants.

Happy a gogo music is'nt included in the can play list. :o

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Try Wild West Girls--Pattayland Soi 2---mostly rock and yo can request most any tracks you want---also Crystal and Mistys

Good excuse for a bar crawl :o .

OK, last night I tried Wild West Girls, Misty’s, and Crystal. At the time I went (around 8:30) neither Wild West nor Misty’s played any rock. What they played was . . . well, I guess you’d call it international dance. Whatever category “Cheeky Girls” fits in, that was mainly it. While the music at Misty's was, shall we say, uninspired—they even played one of the obligatory annoying Pattaya lesbian show tunes (something about tanks & bombs, stop it, stop it) minus any lesbian show--Misty’s did have some good scenery at least, whereas Wild West was below average in that category. It’s too bad these Soi Pattayaland bars can’t show as they did back in the old days.

Perhaps one can request tunes, but I suppose you'd really have to present a list for an entire set of rock.

Crystal did play rock music, if a bit too loud and shrill, until I ordered my 2nd beer (planning to stay awhile) then they promptly switched to the same kind of stuff as in WW and Misty’s. Average scenery, but that's OK while the music is good.

I forgot about that Spicy Girls on Pattayaland 1. Will give that a try soon.

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That must of been a long time ago! That DJ eventually left (before i fired him) as I purposely used to have a go at him everytime he played a song that did'nt fit the style.

I guarantee that you won't hear that crap anymore, Exceptions are on Ladies night where I encourage him to play more stuff that the girls like and after the bands are finished then he can play what he wants.

Happy a gogo music is'nt included in the can play list. :o

Glad to hear it. I'm gonna drop by soon and check out the latest there and at TQ2.

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The girls seem to like the techno/disco stuff a lot more than AC/DC. It is all about the girls and how they move to the music they like. Whatever gets there groove on is OK with me.

No, it's not about the girls.

It's about the paying customers and giving them what they want, which may encourage them to return, bringing friends. It's a long time since I was doing the rounds of the clubs, but I would always call in at TQ for a beer or two, just to listen to the music and chat with one or two of the regulars. Didn't fancy the girls there. Now you tell me that the music has gone down the pan - so I won't bother.

But I will tell the owner.

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Hi there,

i am fairly new to the forum,i am 100% behind you on the ROCK MUSIC subject in Bars,as well as BLUES and SOUL,as a guitarist/musician of Rock/Blues it is music to my ears to hear this music wherever i go in the world!.

I went to KOH SAMUI THAILAND 2 years ago and went into CHEWANG the main town area-and saw a flashing sign "THE JIMI HENDRIX BAR" halfway down a street full of bars,so i went to investigate.

Whilst walking down this darkened street full with girls outside trying to pull me in quite furiously and energetically(i was tempted!) i managed to keep focused and made it to the most amazing Jimi Hendrix Tribute Bar i have ever seen!,HENDRIX Music playing away loudly,VIDEO footage playing,memorabila and photos everywhere,a fender stratocaster guitar on the wall and a full marshall 100w stack and 2, 4*12 cabinets,it was a shine to hendrix.

The Thai guy had a frizz style hairstyle,probably a wig not sure?,he was so nice and friendly spoke good english and was owner of the bar, i spent all night in here in heaven,a fewmore people came in later on,not a girl was in the place!,probably the only bar in Koh Samui that did not have a girl in it! :o

I am interested in the post you made as i am intending to come to Pataya soon for both a holiday and to see about living permantly/semi-permantely,i am only a young 49 but retired for now and single,and want to have some fun and sun and change lifestyle,so what advice can you give about living in pataya,where to live,buy or rent,and can you get a a long term visa or a permanent visa to live in thailand,and is it possible to buy property easily or is there still obstacles with thai law,like you cannot buy land,or you need to set up a business ect ect,and basically how long have you lived in thailand?, and how do you find living in Pataya. :D


Love You Long Time

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Anyone tried the "We are Nr1 A-go go" in Jomtien?

50 meter before Dong Tan police station, girls are not the major atraction, but great music, everithing are live concerts projected on a big screen!

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This is OT to the thread, but I'll bite.

The girls seem to like the techno/disco stuff a lot more than AC/DC.

Are you sure?

It is all about the girls and how they move to the music they like.

Not really. If so then the music would be Thai and Isaan mainly. Foreign music is a recognition of who is paying for all the drinks and barfines. Of foreign music a case could be made I think that the girls like Latin-inspired music best. Put on some Ricky Martin and watch the increased enthusiasm. :o

Having said that, I’ll concede that rock is no longer in the popular mainstream. As Jack Black says in that fun movie School of Rock, rock ‘n’ roll was killed off by MTV. It will never be played again in most go-gos. It requires a rarely knowledgeable DJ and a music collection that’s becoming harder to assemble. I’ll even grant you that maybe some rock is less accessible to most of the go-go dancers than techno/disco, esp. for newer dancers.

But I can’t agree that the girls necessarily dance better to techno/disco than to rock.

Techno/disco is so monotonous that it in turn encourages monotonous dancing, or what passes for dancing. The dancing to rock tends to be sexier and more interesting. For example in the techno/disco emporiums such as Happy or Baby you’ll never see any ladies wiggling and thrusting down to the floor and up again or hunching a pole as you will in the rock ‘n’ roll bars. Try this: have a beer in Peppermint and then go have a beer right downstairs in Dollhouse. Don’t the girls in Dollhouse dance at least as well or even better than those in Peppermint?

Notice how the girls play around with each other more in the rock bars, too; that’s kind of fun. Get a group of experienced rock dancers, who’ve learned to understand and like the music, and sometimes you get some really fine visual moments, such as a group all going down to the floor as the main riff starts in “H e l l’s Bells.” Finally, rock offers opportunity for some great individual expression that techno/disco just doesn’t. Occasionally some talented hottie will absolutely blister the stage and make all the farang watching fall on their knees as she descends from the stage.

Now, most go-go dancing is in itself nothing to get really excited about. It’s not called the “Pattaya Two-Step” for nothing. These farm girls didn’t come to work in a go-go to study and improve their dancing skills; they don’t think of dancing as their projected career path; and it’s a rare girl indeed who’ll tell you that she actually likes to dance up there. At least in the techno/disco bars there’s a chance of catching a ping-pong ball, though.

I would argue that the quality of the dancing is actually determined not by the music but by the same thing that determines the quality of everything else in a go-go: the management. If the girls are directed (even, such as at show bars, choreographed) to dance well, then they will. It is, after all, a paid performance for an audience and it is a marketing job. With no direction whatsoever they may not dance at all--no matter what music is playing--but rather just stand up there and talk among themselves and to their friends still sitting, or just hassle the farangs who are watching. Oh yes!

For an example of the difference management can make, Peppermint will do nicely. It’s hard to believe nowadays, but at one time nobody ever bothered to go to Peppermint. I mean, it was like a tomb in there, not even worth going up the escalator for. That was about the most dramatic turnaround in a go-go ever made!

Whatever gets there groove on is OK with me.

Right, as I said in my OP, I understand that most punters don't listen or care much about the music, and if so, then this ain't your discussion thread. This is just for the few of us who happen to like rock music and the humble purpose is merely to find out and list what go-gos are playing it, so that at least we know where it is. It doesn't mean of course that we can't enjoy certain aspects of other go-gos whatever the music. I would just encourage us rock lovers to talk up and give patronage to the rock bars so that they won't disappear entirely. Also we should jawbone the management when the playlist starts to get corrupted. Fortunately at least some bars still seem to be doing OK. Nevada has even dramatically improved since it was Las Vegas.

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the only bar in Koh Samui that did not have a girl in it! :o

I am interested in the post you made as i am intending to come to Pataya soon for both a holiday and to see about living permantly/semi-permantely,i am only a young 49 but retired for now and single,and want to have some fun and sun and change lifestyle,so what advice can you give about living in pataya,where to live,buy or rent,and can you get a a long term visa or a permanent visa to live in thailand,and is it possible to buy  property easily or is there still obstacles with thai law,like you cannot buy land,or you need to set up a business ect ect,and basically how long have you lived in thailand?, and how do you find living in Pataya. 

Pattaya will certainly offer you some fun and sun and good music and more besides--not all of which is necessarily desirable BTW. Your questions are OT here but if you look through other threads and other forums here at thaivisa.com, you'll find some good answers. If you don't find what you need, just start some new threads.

Later on I'll summarize the list of rock go-gos we've come up with. See you there after you arrive!

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Try Number 1 A Go-Go (formerly known as Champion) in Jomtien, coming from Pattaya it's on the left, half way between the arch and KFC. No Techno stuff here, the sign inside reads We Love Rock and Roll. And they do. They play mainly Rock, some from CD's or the MP3 player, others from DVD'S on one of the 2 big screens. Most of the DVD's are concert versions and some tracks are a bit on the long winded side. But there's plenty of Queen, Elvis, Roy Orbison, Rolling Stones, Bee Gees, Eagles etc as well as classic country and music that comes under the category of country rock. The DJ speaks English, requests are most welcome, and you can browse through the selection of DVD's and CD's. The beer is very reasonable, draught is B55 at all times.

We have a WINNER! You're exactly right. I went there last night and it was damned good. What a change since it was Champion III. (Remember Champion II on Soi Diamond by chance?) They played the new Doors and it convinced me to buy that DVD, I was pleasantly surprised. (Robbie Krieger's really got some miles on him now, eh?) There were a few stumbles like Me 'n' My Monkey Robbie Williams (I'm afraid it's going to become the new Hotel California of videos in Thailand), Hotel California, and Sex Bomb, but otherwise just fantastic. Girls were OK and the dancing was above average: in fact, some of those ladies really worked out in the way you'll only see in a rock bar. The bar's layout is interesting (have a couch area too) and they've got the motorcycle theme even w/ a bike (or model thereof) in the bar. Love it. I'll be going back soon. I just hope they don't play the same videos every night like Tim seems to do.

Thanks for pointing out this fine rock go-go. It's a bit out of the way if you're coming from Pattaya, but you can stop by the new Mike's Mexican on the way, and all rock lovers enjoy eating Mexican. Hope it's successful and sticks around.

[note that bartender100, monty, and Jai Dee also put in good words for Number 1]

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Don't let it turn into This go-go is better then that one or it's moved over to

Barladies.com , Ladies  :D

Has nothing to do with what go-go is better. Mentioning features of a go-go doesn't make it better, which is subjective. One feature might not be so appealing, but another feature might, depending how the individual feels about it. I might even think that one go-go is better in most senses, but still I prefer going to another one most of the time for some particular reason, like the music. :o

Basically we're just making a listing of go-gos in PTY playing rock music and the focus really is on music. What rock music is and is not is fairly well known, though there are some grey areas. We've gotten a little OT, it's true, but I think this is winding up soon, and it's been worthwhile for me at least.

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The girls seem to like the techno/disco stuff a lot more than AC/DC. It is all about the girls and how they move to the music they like. Whatever gets there groove on is OK with me.

No, it's not about the girls.

It's about the paying customers and giving them what they want, which may encourage them to return, bringing friends. It's a long time since I was doing the rounds of the clubs, but I would always call in at TQ for a beer or two, just to listen to the music and chat with one or two of the regulars. Didn't fancy the girls there. Now you tell me that the music has gone down the pan - so I won't bother.

But I will tell the owner.

You are in Pattaya and it is not about the girls? It is about you? Oh, OK. I imagine you are a lot of fun for the girls to be around. "It's all about me, I'm the paying customer". LOL

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You are in Pattaya and it is not about the girls? It is about you? Oh, OK. I imagine you are a lot of fun for the girls to be around. "It's all about me, I'm the paying customer". LOL

Bloody right, mate.

If it wasn't for the paying customers, there wouldn't be any bars.

If it wasn't for the paying tourists, there may not be a Pattaya as we know it.

Thailand has three sources of foreign income - export of manufactured products (where they compete with China at the lower end of the market) - tourism (where they have little in the way of beaches, antiquities, facilities and are a long journey from the wealthier countries) - remittances from workers abroad and from obsessed farang lovers (and Taksin wants to reduce the export of labour)

So the Thai people are dependent on the Pattaya income for a percentage of the income of the country.

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