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Thaksin: I Won’t Step Down From Politics


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PM: I won’t step down from politics

BANGKOK: -- He has presided over two landslide general election victories and built up his Thai Rak Thai Party from nothing to the strongest force in Thai politics, but today Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra declared himself determined to remain in politics until he perceived his party to be strong and secure.

But the prime minister, whose announcement follows a recent poll indicating that the public are sceptical of the ability of anyone else in the Thai Rak Thai party to take over the helm should he decide to step down, also indicated the need to pave the way for a successor, who he said had to be someone willing to make sacrifices for the nation.

Addressing the party faithful gathered for the TRT annual general meeting, the prime minister issued a plea to party members to ensure that the party’s huge success in two successive general elections was translated into continuing security.

What was important, he said, was not only to strengthen the party, but also to link this strength with strength in national administration. This involved an overhaul of the party structure and the generation of an organizational culture within the party conducive to cooperation and teamwork. It would also necessitate good administrative and management practices, good financial measures and good communication between the executives and party members.

But Mr. Thaksin also gave a nod to the recent poll when he said that it was important that the party did not rest on him alone, and that a successor needed to emerge from within the party ranks. The prime minister, who as a telecommunications magnate became one of the richest men in Thailand, stressed that it was not important for the party leader to have money, but that the successor had to be someone prepared to make sacrifices and whose commitment to politics was not caught up with personal interests.

“Ever since I did my doctoral degree, I dreamed of entering into the political field”, Mr. Thaksin said. “I wanted to create a new politics. I was to be the figure who changed politics from the old to the new, the bridge over which people were to cross. This is a heavy burden”.

“Today there have been significant changes in Thai politics…but the old school do not recognise these changes. They cannot see clearly, as the shadow of the old is still there. The new politics has come in more strongly and faster than they could have imagined”.

The prime minister, who vowed to remain in politics until his vision for a strong party was realised, said: “My 56 years give me enough time to transform the party into a political institution. I intend that over the next 3-4 years, I will do this”.

He also spoke of the need for a close relationship between party members and the public, and reiterated his commitment to introduce a US-style primary vote system to the next party leadership election.

At the same time, he noted that it was important that party expenses were kept to a level acceptable to society and parliament.

--TNA 2005-04-24

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He might not step down - But I can see that pedestal that he has elevated himself on being destroyed.

“Ever since I did my doctoral degree, I dreamed of entering into the political field”, Mr. Thaksin said. “I wanted to create a new politics. I was to be the figure who changed politics from the old to the new, the bridge over which people were to cross. This is a heavy burden”.

If the economy goes south - will he take any responsibilty for it?

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BANGKOK: -- He has presided over two landslide general election victories and built up his Thai Rak Thai Party from nothing to the strongest force in Thai politics, but today Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra declared himself determined to remain in politics until he perceived his party to be strong and secure.

Isn't this the same guy who has insisted on numerous occasions that he would step aside from politics after being Prime Minister for eight years? Isn't this the also same guy who insisted he would resign his position if he could not solve Bangkok's traffic problems in six months? 'Nuff said. :o

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No one is answering my ?s Does anything this guy does a good thing, even in the long run? There has got to be something he is doing to help move Thailand along. There is so many things they need to address he has just got to be doing something useful. Anybody know?

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