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Temple noise  

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I know! I know! If I don't like it, maybe I should move or go back from where I come from! And what if I don't like things over there, then where?

And, this kind of response is very dysfunctional anyway! We all know that many of us do try to make Thailand (or our own country) better by initiating things or trying to improve things. If Thais are not going to do it, who should? Maybe they are!

Obviously, blaring noise at 6 a.m. is not being a good, kind citizen since it is illegal in most developed countries. It is also common sense! One should know that people like to sleep at this time, especially the 1st of Jan. It is not rocket scientist! I know it is a call for food, but are they that oblivious? Aren't they supposed to be self-aware, enlightened? Or is it that no one says boo because, well, one cannot because they might lose face? Mind you! With that noise, who could? Not everyone wants to sleep at 8 p.m., so that they can wake up at 6 a.m. I don't turn my stereo at 2 a.m. because I don't like to disturb my neighbour! It is common sense and a nice rules to follow.

After living in this country for many years now, I just don't get that part along with the part when you ask in many restaurants to not put ANY hot chillis two or three times and they still do! Are they deaf? OK! It does not happen everywhere and many Thais are very kind and respectful! But, I find that too many need to learn that they need to respect others first and then they will be able to respect themselves? Or is that most are just not clued in? Maybe it is the by-product of buddhism? Care to enlighten me?

I think I know the answers to most of these questions, but I would not want to be too direct in case some people might be ... annoyed!

Of course, noise at 6 a.m. on Jan. 1st does not annoy me! Of course! And, it does annoy anyone else either! And pigs do fly!


and many Thais are very kind and respectful!

Yes they are.

But only face to face/personal.

In regards to all other, the Thais are more or less the same as we are.

We might have sympathy, but really dont give a shit as long as it doesnt concern us directly/personally.

Or, one more way to use the famous Mai Pen Rai (shit happens).


Thanks fast sailor for your comment and for all of those who voted.

50% of you voted that we should move! Of course, you must be monks or Thai nationalists because no one wants to be awoken at that time on Jan. 1st. Anyway, the argument is baseless as explained earlier. No one, unless you are a monk, you usually wake up at this time, don't go to bed, or you must wake up ! Anyway, I hope you go to another country and have to put up with that kind of nonsense! Fortunately for you, most of the world has nuisance laws. Perhaps it is time for Thailand to ... wake up to this idea! :)


You came to that place and things are done there since always and nobody ever felt annoyed.

So, isn't it much more questionable, that there is someone complaining now?


Missed a category in the top 20 categories - "Doesn't bother me - can't hear it" and it's variants.

Me? I'm deaf and wouldn't hear WW3 if it started. I presume others can be dead to the world in the mornings after the previous night's bender.

Missed a category in the top 20 categories - "Doesn't bother me - can't hear it" and it's variants.

Me? I'm deaf and wouldn't hear WW3 if it started. I presume others can be dead to the world in the mornings after the previous night's bender.

But you would certainly see WW3 if it started!

Would you be okay if you were forced to sleep in a room from which you are constantly bombarded with a neon sign flashing? Yes! Of course, you could choose a different place. The problem in Thailand (and of course, there are other countries were this is an issue, but then they are laws that seem to curb noise since laws have been written and are enforced) is that noise seems ubiquitous. It is not just temples. It is dogs. There is this new construction site nearby and they seem to work 12 hours + Saturday and Sunday included. That would never be tolerated in the West. I know this developments and freedom take time and enlightement ... or awareness. This posting should help in that regard. The squeaky wheel gets the oil!

The point I am making is that noise is ubiquitous (as light is in the dark, unless of course you are blind). Since the majority of human beings are neither deaf or blind, it would be nice to think that other people who want to make noise would make that noise outside the hours when people usually sleep.

You came to that place and things are done there since always and nobody ever felt annoyed.

So, isn't it much more questionable, that there is someone complaining now?

Wrong! My GF who is Thai IS annoyed, but the stupid saving face (and retaliation that ensues if you make someone lose face*) prevents her --and others I am sure-- from complaining. If one is, I ask how many more are? In fact, if one uses the poll, there are 6 people who are bothered and 7 who do not seem to, although one of them might be waking up at these times, so now it is a 50-50 proposition.

So, there is one person complaining AND MANY others agreeing! If my math is good, that is not just not ONE person complaining! I rest my case!

But, more to the point, you enjoy being awaken when YOU sleep? You think that there should not be any nuisance laws? Anyone can do what they want? No one can disagree? No one can complain? Of course, if no one can complain (because it is questionable), there are no issues! Right? They vanish! Right? I disagree! MANY people disagree!

Of course, you might be able to block it off, because you are very special! Are you? Perhaps you have the ability (that others don't have) to? Is that so? Unfortunately for you, there is more than you who lives on this Earth. Be nice for the weak and the unable like us! What should we do, kill ourselves? There is nothing that you dislike? Oh! Wait! You don't like people who complain! It looks we have more in common than you think we have, if you get what I am stating, that is!

And, if one follows the same logic that people have to avoid the issue by either moving or blocking it off (in this case), then it seems that we should allow all dogs to defecate on roads and never clean them, not bother with putting nice flowers on streets, allow putrid dumps to be erected wherever,... Come on! Criticism can be healthy! It can make the world a better place for all to live! And, what about the people who cannot move? You know! The people who cannot sell their house because they do not have the means to? What about the people who have signed long-term leases? And, what if there are no other places where one can live decently, unless of course, one is wealthy and can afford to buy peace and quiet.

* Mature people can take criticism, albeit all the more if there are of the kind and sensitive type. Funny that many people in this country seem to not want confrontation, yet they don't see noise as being aggressive. I think they do, but they are fearful of the retaliation or the penalty that their religion (or the person in question) might inflict upon them. Laws are needed, if Thailand wants to keep its image of being the paradise that it claims it is. At this time, paradise is very far away!

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