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what words are there in thai that mean orgasm.

none of the dictionarys I have seen have it.

Is there different ones for male and female?

a friend of mine said it is nam tak whick apparently means literally

water explode .. but in testing this phrase most of the girls seem to find it embarrasing. can anybody expand my knowledge of this section of thai language, and maybe stop me from making a serious gaffe. :o

I asked my missus but she didn't even understand the concept let alone how to say it in Thai. :laugh:


That's cos you are a lousy shag Scouse   :o


Cheers, Phazey, I'll have that as my avatar. You know us Scousers, we're always nicking things.

That's cos you are a lousy shag

Begs, is that why she's always saying that the ceiling needs redecorating? :cool:


Cheers, Phazey, I'll have that as my avatar. You know us Scousers, we're always nicking things.

You're welcome my northern friend.

good job i did'nt post a shell suit, eh  :o



My thai is quite good in this area, hehe

Orgasm---->jut sut yawt

Orgy---->sake muu (as in ruler)

"jut" is a predicate, and usually means to start, light, or set on fire...sounds famaliar, no? couldnt have said it better myself.


Nam Taak is seen as impolite/a slang.  It's literally describing male ejaculation in Thai.  It is a crude expression that does not apply to female orgasm.

Tung Jud Sud Yord - literally means 'reached the climax' is usually what is used.  Tung jud or Tung is usually the shorther version of it.

I don't know why some people put everything in Thai culture down to 'face'.  Sex is a taboo in Thai culture and freely mentioning of sexual activities is just not as widely practiced as some other countries (although this is changing).  Just because it is a taboo in this society doesn't mean people don't talk about it just to save 'face'.  It wasn't really that different in the West 60-70 years ago but nobody said that was about saving face?!?  

Sorry to divert from the issue - I do try to understand that many things in Thai culture based around face concept.  But it does annoy me that it seems most foreigners put almost everything they find different or they don't understand  in Thai society down to the need to save face & how it is uniqely Thai/Asian.  

I have looked at Thai culture from the insider and the outsider's point of view and really, the face issue isn't attached to half the things people clim that it is.  Perhaps the concept of face as I understand it while growing up in Thailand is just totally different to the concept of face people around here has been talking about.


This may sound like total rubbish but I assure you it's 100% true. Many many many many many moons ago when I first came to the LOS for a holiday I met in a bar in Cowboy a girl whose name I no longer care to remember. I spent about a month with her, gave her 14,000 baht, told her I loved her at the airport and almost started crying when it was time to go. It bothers me not to admit this, because I'm sure most of you at one time or another have probably done the same.

Anyway, my story. At a fine hotel in Hua Hin she performed on me an action which is known locally as "flying the kite" and out of the blue had an amazingly intense orgasm. I remember trying to rationalise this the following day and eventually concluded that it stemmed from "the enormous physical attraction she felt for me". Pitiful, I now know, but I bet I'm not alone.

Incidentally, all my other stupid postings (Python, Comrade, Professor, Baron etc) are most definitely NOT intended to be taken seriously. I do it because I'm bored and to try to spice things up a little. In particular, the replies from Dr Pat Pong show wit, style and charm. They are a pleasure to read.


This may sound like total rubbish...    ...Many many many many many moons ago when I first came to the LOS

It's not all your other postings that stir the pot - it's only a few of them that insult our intelligence.  Keep to those that inspire a bit of intelligent banter and we'll all be friends.

And sorry Python - How many many many many many many many many many moons ago was it?


  • 5 years later...
<font color='#000000'>"Set" or finished usually does the trick.</font>

i agree.

'tung jut soot yut'... she always gets embarassed whenever i say this

'set' it is.


Old thread... but I think I'll move it out of the pub and into the Thai Language forum to get some expert replies...


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


สำเร็จความใคร่ (Samred kwam krai) is the formal word.

And สำเร็จความใคร่ด้วยตนเอง (.....by himself) is masterbation.


For people interested in ways to say that category of things, I would recommend

Speak Like A Thai Vol. 2 Thai Slang and Idioms (Benjawan Becker)

There is a section of "Bonus Words" in the back and by coincidence the first four

entries are Thai words for orgasm plus many more explicit wordings.

I am in a hurry to finish the audio section of this Vol. 2 so I can throw the book away.

I was unaware of these Bonus words being in the book until after I bought it.

If my wife ever thumbs through this book and sees the Bonus words, I'm as good as dead.


Obviously this topic invites all the jokers out of the woodwork, but it's a fair question. To summarize, with idiomatic English equivalents:

เสร็จ - "to finish"

ถึง - "to come"

ถึงจุดสุดยอด - "to climax", "to orgasm" (this one's more clinical, just like its English equivalent)

หลั่ง - "to ejaculate" (this is the neutral polite, non-medical way of saying it -- Google it and you'll see articles about premature ejaculation, for example). The more formal, medical way of saying it is to specify -- หลั่งน้ำอสุจิ.

Anything involving the word อสุจิ "sperm" or น้ำอสุจิ "semen" is usually clinical/formal.

Also, to offer a correction to samsara (post #10), จุด in จุดสุดยอด is a noun, not a verb. ถึง ("to arrive at") is the verb that goes with it. จุด means "point", as in "the point of climax". There is a homonym จุด meaning to ignite, as you say, but that's not the meaning here.

And to oldsparrow (post #18), การสำเร็จความใคร่ by itself means masturbation, so ด้วยตนเอง is only included for clarity (i.e. someone else isn't doing it for you). It doesn't mean "orgasm" per se, especially not if achieved through sex, at least as far as I know. See, for example, the Thai Wikipedia page for masturbation, การสำเร็จความใคร่.

And now back to your regularly scheduled fish-in-a-barrel humor contest. Have at, gents.

  • Like 1
thanks for the info folks..I thought it was just..."quickly teerak...quickly...Oy.. Oy...."

Much better post cognos!! :D

Thanks for the laugh. :)


most bargirls seem to understand but some times i have to say qantro and baileys mix in 1 glass :)

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