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Jehova Witnesses Going Round Kathu..


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These guys are getting on my nerves every other week they come round knocking on the doors or ringing bells. usually a german guy with a thai girl holding an umbrella over him to protect him from the sun, or theres a falang woman. Seems even by moving here yu cant escape them. :)

is it just kathu or other areas too?

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They have knocked on my door twice a year apart in Chalong. Older farang skinny guy sounded like he was from across the pond. They immediatly went on their way when I said not interested. Felt like giving him a lecture about being in Bhuddist country but couldn't be bothered. I wonder how much success they have.

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They have knocked on my door twice a year apart in Chalong. Older farang skinny guy sounded like he was from across the pond. They immediatly went on their way when I said not interested. Felt like giving him a lecture about being in Bhuddist country but couldn't be bothered. I wonder how much success they have.

They have come around my house two times as well, one time it was a couple of guys, the other time a few women. Both times said not interested but thanks. They both times said thanks and went on their way. They did not keep trying like they do in the US...

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give them a copy of the god delusion by richard dawkins and tell them to get educated

I'be be very careful about recommending a person who argues against "fundamentalist religion" by using "fundamentalist science"

I was once asked to read and give an opinion on this book. I threw it away after reading only 2 chapters as it was so full of flawed thinking. Fortunately, Dork-ins as I call him, belongs to an ever-shrinking group of "scientific thinkers" who cannot even see the limitation of logic, reason and the Newtonian paradigm of time and space.

I am no fan of secular religion myself, but Dawkins consistantly sticks to the very safe and obviously lucrative path of loudly appealing to peoples prejudices. His tedious clinging to a "Darwinist paradigm" combined with an ivory tower materialist/atheist mindset doesn't allow him to step outside of it to take an honest look at others points of view.

I would love to tell a private story about Carl Sagan who was a Pulitzer prize winner for his book titled "The Dragons of Eden". He also was the inspiration for the series "Cosmos" and the movie "Contact" which starred Jodie Foster as a astronomer who has a "spiritual experience" after a life devoted to science. It is very biographical and an interesting movie.

I know who he met, the person who opened him up a much broader perspective to contemplate. That movie was the result. Read Dawkins if you must, at least it will reveal what happens to people who hang around universities for way too long. :)

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give them a copy of the god delusion by richard dawkins and tell them to get educated

I would give them a copy of Private Dancer. :)

Yeah, send him down the "bermuda triangle" in Patong for a "massage." Those girls may just remove the bug from his arse. They may just turn him over to the dark side :D If you really want to reveal the darkness in a mans heart, take him to play golf for a while.

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give them a copy of the god delusion by richard dawkins and tell them to get educated

I'be be very careful about recommending a person who argues against "fundamentalist religion" by using "fundamentalist science"

I was once asked to read and give an opinion on this book. I threw it away after reading only 2 chapters as it was so full of flawed thinking. Fortunately, Dork-ins as I call him, belongs to an ever-shrinking group of "scientific thinkers" who cannot even see the limitation of logic, reason and the Newtonian paradigm of time and space.

I am no fan of secular religion myself, but Dawkins consistantly sticks to the very safe and obviously lucrative path of loudly appealing to peoples prejudices. His tedious clinging to a "Darwinist paradigm" combined with an ivory tower materialist/atheist mindset doesn't allow him to step outside of it to take an honest look at others points of view.

I would love to tell a private story about Carl Sagan who was a Pulitzer prize winner for his book titled "The Dragons of Eden". He also was the inspiration for the series "Cosmos" and the movie "Contact" which starred Jodie Foster as a astronomer who has a "spiritual experience" after a life devoted to science. It is very biographical and an interesting movie.

I know who he met, the person who opened him up a much broader perspective to contemplate. That movie was the result. Read Dawkins if you must, at least it will reveal what happens to people who hang around universities for way too long. :)

Perhaps you should have read the whole book before coming to your conclusion, I am now enjoying the next book The Greatest Show On Earth which you probabley will not bother with but I find most enlightening.

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